• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 2,028 Views, 32 Comments

Dimensions of the Elder Gods - Balkanboy

The influence of the Elder Gods is not limited to this dimension...

  • ...

A Serious Sacrifice

Chapter 4: A Serious Sacrifice

‘Is that Ponyville there?’ Peter pointed.
‘Yeah, that’s Ponyville.’
‘Huh. Seems like a nice place.’
‘Oh it is, though for some reason many of the disturbances in the last few years seem to have been centered around this town.’
‘I thought you were in the cell for two and a half years?’ He shrugged.
‘Princess Luna was kind enough to tell me about it.’ They walked along the treeline, staying away from main roads. He noticed that it would be pretty hard to approach the town without being seen since it was built on grassy plains.

‘How are we going to get inside to see your friend? I suppose if we go at night I might not be spotted but still...’
‘We’re not going into town.’ Peter looked back at the ornately designed houses and country ponies.
‘We’re not?’
‘No, my friend lives outside Ponyville.’ That will be helpful, no visitors, no problems. They continued on round the (currently) quiet town towards the friend. As they went round he could see that there was a long line along the west side of Ponyville, and all the ponies seemed to be either sick or injured.

‘Did something happen here?’ Slate glanced right.
‘Oh no, they’re here for the treatment. There’s this organisation here that heals any ailment, from a cold to a missing limb.’

That sounds impressive. And dangerous. I agree.

The sun moved across the sky quite visibly and he started staring at it, though stopped when his eyes started burning. They moved very slowly, stopping whenever anypony looked their way, then resuming when they thought no-one was watching.

After some time, how long he wasn’t sure, though long enough for the sun to start setting, they reached a small path that led up to a cottage he could see on a hill. There was enough shrubbery to mask them well enough though the town could still be seen. It was serene, animals roaming freely all about unafraid of the two visitors despite his size. He heard soft singing from behind the cottage and he noticed a few of the animals eyes’ drooping. Slate stopped Peter.

‘Okay listen, she’s easily scared so I think you should hang back for a bit until I introduce her to you. Just no sudden movements, okay?’ He nodded and sat down on a rock looking around at the scenery. There was a stream next to him that a few of the animals drank from, and he remembered just how thirsty he was. Taking a scoop of water he poured it into his mouth and let out a deep, satisfied sigh. This place was very relaxing, in fact he could see himself living here had they all been humans.

That reminds me, I should probably move to Sweden. Sweden? Why Sweden? Because nothing bad ever happens there. I don’t remember the last time any swedes got involved in anything, not the antarctic expeditions, nor the cults, hell I’d go so far as to say it’s the safest country on earth. I see your point.

He could hear shouts of joy around the corner followed by what was probably hugging. Someone sounds happy. Slate came first.

‘Now there’s someone I’d like you to meet. He’s not exactly... your average animal, so promise you won’t scream.’
‘I promise,’ a soft feminine voice replied. He walked towards him, obstructing his view of the other pony. When he was close enough to Peter he stepped aside to allow them to see each other. The mare was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane hanging over her blue eyes and a mark on her flank of three butterfly’s. She stared wide eyed at him but, true to her word, did not scream. She did however let out a little ‘eep’.

‘Hi there.’ He nodded, thinking it best not to outstretch his hand. He was afraid she would run.
‘H-h-h-el...’ She trailed off and mumbled something he couldn’t quite understand.
‘It’s nice to meet you too miss...’
‘Her name is Fluttershy,’ intervened Slate when it looked like she wasn’t going to answer.
‘Fluttershy, that’s a nice name,’ he offered, unsure of whether that was how you were supposed to talk to a scared pony. ‘My name is Peter.’
‘It’s... nice to meet you Peter...’ She stared directly into his eyes which he found a little disconcerting.
‘Fluttershy, we need a place to stay, him and I.’
‘O-of course Uncle Slate, but where could... Peter sleep? I don’t have a bed big enough for him.’
‘That’s perfectly alright, I’m content as long as I’m indoors. The floor will do.’
‘Oh, okay, if you don’t mind...’ Peter smiled.
‘Well, that’s a load of my mind, eh Slate?’ Slate wasn’t paying attention, he was staring in the direction of the town. He took a look and saw the military column from earlier entering the town.
‘We need to get inside, now.’


Rainbow Dash stroked Tank's shell affectionately as she trotted to Fluttershy’s house. He was feeling a little sick and she didn’t know what was wrong. Fluttershy would definitely know what to do.

‘Don’t worry Tank, she’ll help you. You’ll be better in no time at all.’ As she got closer she could barely keep herself and dashed for the front door. As she was getting ready to knock she thought she heard speaking. It sounded like a male. She smiled coyly and peeked in through the glass. She noticed a grey stallion standing near her, and he didn’t seem to bad. He had a scar across his face, no doubt from some heroic deed, fighting monsters and the like. Oh Fluttershy you sly devil, you, not visiting town for days, now she could see why.

Then she saw Peter. His size in comparison to the rest of the them was huge and he looked just about ready to eat them all. Thinking back to Twilight’s words, she remembered her mentioning a monster travelling with an escaped convict and she realised what was going on. Fluttershy had obviously been held hostage here for the past few days by those criminals, but now that she had found out there was going to be hell to pay.
‘Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll get help,' She mumbled to herself as she flew back to town.


‘What was that?’ Peter perked his head up.
‘What was what?’ Asked Fluttershy who had warmed up to him. He looked like monster, but really he was nice on the inside.
‘I thought I heard a whooshing sound.’
‘Probably the wind,’ commented Slate who was chewing on a sandwich Fluttershy had given to him. He shrugged.
‘Yeah, you’re probably right.’


They were close, he could feel it in his horn. The only problem now was finding where they were hiding. Tyral barked orders to his lackeys and they followed them to the letter. He had trained them well, better than any other force in the land. The princess had seen fit to only grant him 70 soldiers, and at the time he had been very unhappy, though now he couldn’t ask for any better. Slowly he had weeded out all the weaklings until only the very strong were left; 20 individuals, a mixture of mares and stallions advanced through the town, their armour clinking with every step.

Ponies all over ran inside as soon as they saw them, though others simply stayed where they were. Looking up he saw a cyan pegasus fly overhead towards what seemed to be a tree not too far from him, and she looked like she was in an unsual hurry. The soldiers had seen it too and were heading straight for her destination. He smiled. That was why they were the best of the best.

Mildia led the way, her velvety-blue mane flowing out of her helmet. She had been one of the weak ones when she had come to him and he had snapped her just like everyone else, however instead of the nervous breakdown he had expected she became strong. Stronger than everyone else. She didn’t show her emotions at all and was completely heartless, making no distinction between foal and fully grown pony, and for that reason he had promoted her to lieutenant. Now she was his right hand mare, doing what ever he told her to, be it kill, steal, cheat or fraud.

They formed a circle round the tree that seemed to be a library and approached it stealthily. Bringing himself right up to the door, he listened.
‘...I’m telling you she’s being held hostage!’
‘Oh come on, you said you saw a stallion in her house, and I’ll admit that to be surprising, but so what?’
‘No not just a stallion, a monster! It was like a, uh... I don’t know what it was, but it was something big. Get the others, we have to help Fluttershy!’
‘I suppose there’s no harm in checking...’ That beast was with their friend, and they would lead him right to them. Signalling with his hoof, they all withdrew back into the town’s alleyways and side streets.


‘So where are you going to go from here?’ Asked Peter, sitting on the floor.
‘Probably to Stalliongrad, then from there I’ll try and get back to Coltorado. What about you?’
‘Me? I would like to get home as soon as possible. Are you sure your friend can help me?’ Fluttershy nodded very enthusiastically.
‘Oh yes, she’s very nice and understanding, there’s no way she would think you were a monster.’ Peter went back to rubbing his feet.

‘That walking did a number on me you know, can barely get up now.’ Slate chuckled.
‘Yeah me too.’
‘I could get you a few soothing lotions if you like, offered Fluttershy from near her cupboard.
‘You could? That would be great, thanks.’

Do you really think we’re going to be safe here? We should be going home soon, so yeah, we’ll be fine for now.


‘Could someone please remind me wah we’re here again?’ Applejack sauntered along the footpath, her four other friends with her.
‘I told you, there’s this stallion at her cottage!’ Rarity and Applejack blushed.
‘Now Rainbow Dash, I don’t think we should impede on her... personal life like this. When she’s ready she’ll introduce us to him.’ Rainbow Dash shook her head.

‘No, he’s a criminal, and he’s got a monster with him. They’re holding her hostage!’ Pinkie Pie popped out of a bush.
‘Monster!? Where? Ooh, my hooves are shaking, I think we’re being followed. They glanced round nervously. The plains were clear and there didn’t seem to be anything in sight.
‘Shoot, there’s nothin’ there.’
‘No I’m telling you, I can feel it in my hooves!’ They just shrugged and kept walking down the path towards Fluttershy’s cottage.
‘Whatever it is, we’ll soon find out,’ said Twilight, hoping that would be the end of it.


Fluttershy had given Peter a grass sandwich, and upon turning her head he had tossed the grass on Slate’s plate who shrugged and ate it. The bread was something, but he needed more, he needed meat. You do know that vegetables are a suitable substitute for- Do I care? Right, sorry. Hang on a minute is that *sniff meat I smell? He looked about the room and saw Fluttershy stacking a few cooked steaks on a table in the other room.

‘Hey Fluttershy?’
‘What are those steaks for?’
‘Oh, you must be horrified by these, don’t worry I don’t eat meat. They’re for the wolves that sometimes pass by here.’
‘I see.’ Slate looked between them.
‘Fluttershy, I think I heard a wolf outside, would you mind if Peter went outside to feed them?’
‘I didn’t hear any-’
‘I’’m pretty sure there was one.’ She picked one steak up with her mouth and dropped it in his eagerly waiting hands.
‘Just be careful they don’t bite you. I wouldn’t want to have you getting hurt.’
‘I think I’ll be fine.’

As he left through the front door he mouthed a thank you to Slate. Once outside he started ripping it to pieces and shovelling it down his mouth.

‘Damn that’s good!’ I would have preferred the venison, but this is fine.

Half way through his umpteenth bite he noticed that there were five ponies in front of him, tears forming on their cheeks.
‘Murderer!’ The blue one hurled herself at him sending them rolling into the stream. As he struggled to keep her from repeatedly bashing his face with her hooves, he noticed grey figures coming up the path. Armoured figures. Looking up to the cottage then back at the troops he stared into the pegasus’s eyes, causing her to hesitate for a second.
‘Sorry about this.’ He reared his head and brought it down on hers, knocking her off him. When she looked up he was gone, a hole in the brush where he had forced his way through.


‘I think I’ll go see if Peter’s alright.’ Fluttershy nodded and resumed feeding a few injured birds. Slate went to the door, and as he opened it two mares jumped on him, one of them growling.
‘Where’s Fluttershy!?’ Shouted the pink one. His expression was best described as ‘what the fuck is happening’. Fluttershy appeared, wondering what was happening.
‘What’s going on...’
‘Fluttershy, thank goodness yer alright, we thought they’d done somethin’ horrible to ya.’ Slate made a move to get up but Applejack hooved him in the shoulder. ‘Don’t move ya vermin.’

‘Um, Applejack I think there’s been a misunderstanding, you see he’s my uncle...’
‘What now?’
‘He’s my uncle...’ Applejack looked back at Slate and got off of him apologetically, brushing a bit of dust off him.
‘Sorry about that, heh, Rainbow Dash said there was an escaped convict in here.’
‘How did she know I’m an escaped convict?’ Applejack furrowed her eyebrows. So Fluttershy had a criminal as an uncle?
‘Fluttershy, darlin’, what is he doin’ here?’ He got up, holding his shoulder and went to sit down on a chair.
‘Oh well he’s here for help. He is after all being chased by-’ A large armoured stallion charged through the door, sending Applejack and Pinkie Pie sprawling. Slate jumped up and made a break for the back door, but he was cut off, another grey stallion appearing at the doorway. He turned left and through himself against the window falling out onto the grass and got back up running for the safety of the tree line. Just as he made it, a red glow appeared around him and he was levitated into the air.

‘Slate, it’s good to see you again.’ Slate sighed heavily.
‘The feeling isn’t mutual Tyral.’ He was turned towards the oncoming captain.
‘Now that isn’t a way to treat old friends is it?’
‘Friends? Is that what you call this? You’ve chased me all the way from-’ His mouth zipped shut.
‘Well of course we’re friends, why else would we be playing this game?’ Slate just glared at him. ‘What’s that? You don’t think this is a game? Of course it is, that’s all any of this is. The ponies play farmers, you play prisoner, I play soldiers and as for the princess, she has the most delusional role of all. She pretends to be in charge.’ He hovered the thief towards an open metal cage resting on a cart just outside the cottage. ‘Now I trust you’ll be good.’ He placed him inside and a waiting soldier shut it. He surveyed the trees. ‘Looks like there’s only one player left.’


Peter was still running, who knew how close behind they could be. Every time he stopped to rest he thought he could hear hoof beats behind him, though whenever he glanced backwards there was never anything there. Finally, after much debate with “I, myself and me” he stopped to breath for a bit. I think we’re clear. I think we were clear half an hour ago. He stopped to look about the forest and realised just how different it was to before. Instead of your average tree, these looked twisted and monstrous with vines wrapped around them. One of them had a face carved into it, and for a few seconds it looked like it was coming closer. He started walking, anxious to find somewhere covered to stay.

He could hear howling from behind him, and it sounded like it was coming closer, so he quickened his pace to a brisk walk. Soon a ruin came within his sights though the bridge to it had broken. He peered over the edge. That’s a pretty large drop. Goddamn, my feet hurt. Spurred on by the increasing intensity of the howls, he doubled his efforts to find a way across. Over there, a fallen log! He ran to it, his aching feet forgotten and clambered across all the while praying to anything that would accept them to let him live.

Once on the other side, a wolf lept out of the bushes and onto the trunk. What in Azathoth’s name is that? It was made of wood and had eyes that glowed green. Taking no time to sit and gaze he kicked the trunk repeatedly, the wolf trying to find a footing, until the tree tumbled over the side, root and all. The stick thing howled all the way until a splintering was heard from the bottom. Wiping his brow, he half limped towards the ruined structure.

Why are you going in there? It has a roof and it has walls. I see no other alternative. Fine, but be careful, I’m detecting a strong magical residue. You can do that? Of course I can’t, I was kidding. Just don’t get yourself killed is what I mean. Oh.

One of the two great doors was open, and he went inside. The hall was big, though not as big as the one he had been in back at Camelot or whatever it was called. The ceiling had caved in in some places though the overall structure was fine. There were six pedestals towards the back of the hall, and they looked like they had been recently touched. The decorations of ponies and so on he ignored, their faded pictures not catching his eye, instead it was lit torch that held his attention. It was in front of a fairly new wooden, red door, and it was being opened. He dived behind a pile of rubble, making himself as small as possible.

‘...otherwise I don’t think so Obed.’
‘Right. We’ll have to get some more. Take the worst injured ones and bring them here, they always like them best.’ He watched as two ponies, one black and one the exact same colour as Slate walked right past him towards the exit. The grey one wore brown robes, and as they left he pulled the hood over his head.

Time to do what I do best. Run and hide? Investigate. Because that always goes so well.

He got up, ignoring his statement and went through the door, closing it behind him. The walls were plastered and cracking, with dirty cobblestone underfoot. The torches were spread far enough so that there would be a small gap in the light, dark enough for something to hide in if seen from the wrong angle. As he kept going, he couldn’t help but feel as though he was being watched from all angles despite the apparent lack of inhabitants. The hallway went down into a room, possibly sub-terranean.

There wasn’t much in the way of furniture, and it wasn’t exactly a nice looking room, scratches and claw marks on the floor leading down another hallway to his right. To his left was a metal door with a grate to see through. It was pitch black in there, and he didn’t have his torch. Then he remembered the matches. Pulling them out, he realised they were wet from his escape from Canterlot and threw them to the floor. Then he picked it up and put it back in his pocket. Couldn’t leave any evidence of snooping.

He decided that going down the well lit place was probably a better way, so he went right, following the scratches. There were more twists and turns and he past a few cells and doors, though they were always locked. Had it not been for the lit torches, he would have assumed the place had been abandoned a long time ago. Eventually he reached a cross in the tunnels. He now had a choice to got left, right or carry on forward.

I say right, it’s better lit. Yeah, but there’s a trail of blood there. Well the left is pitch black, and straight ahead there’s a door. Unless you want to check if it isn’t locked, I say right.

He took the right and kept walking.

This way we’ll know where the exit is by following the lit paths. Oh I see, like Perseus did in the labyrinth. Perseus? Who’s that? Never mind.

The tunnel opened up into a cavern with an altar directly in the middle of the room. It was the only lit part, so he couldn’t see whether there was anything in there. He decided to wait and see what happened. Moving behind a stalagmite he watched with increasing boredom the void alter. Suddenly a pony in brown robes stepped forward into the light, giving him a jolt. Along with the pony there came two more dragging an old pony. He seemed to be unconscious as he wasn’t putting up any kind of resistance, verbal or otherwise.

They laid him on the altar and tied him down to it, in an eerily similar fashion to back in the factory. One of them stuck an object too small for him to see from the distance he was at under his nose and he awoke.

‘W... what’s going on...’ He said sleepily. ‘Where am I?’ The other pony stepped forward.
‘Mr. Shakes, do you remember what you had cured a few weeks ago?’ Her voice was sharp and to the point.
‘Yes, it was arthritis, but I don’t see what that has to do with-’
‘And you remember saying part of the spell do you not?’
‘Y-yes. I didn’t know what it meant, but they told me it was to ensure it worked. Why am I tied up? Please let me-’
‘Well it is time to pay the debt.’ He started tugging at the ropes but to no avail.
‘What debt? What do you mean?’
‘Come now, you remember saying the words, but somehow not the oath?’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

A knife glowing purple appeared out of the shadows and hovered behind her back.
‘No matter, whether you know or not doesn’t matter.’ It started rising above her and unseen ponies started to chant in the unspeakable tongue, the language of the gods. He could barely make it out though he did catch the chorus.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wagh’nagl fhtagn... Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

Oh... Shit.

The old pony was very scared, unsure of what was going on and tried breaking his bonds.

‘Please, don’t struggle. It’ll only make things messier.’ The knife lifted into the air above the pony and after a few more chants descended, piercing his chest, straight into his heart. He went limp, his death quite apparent.

It’s like my death all over again.

The chants increased in fervor and a white light appeared yet further into the cavern. A portal! Something started to emerge, a claw, no a hand. Along with it came an arm, then a leg, then finally the whole body. It was a man, a real life man in the flesh. That only meant one thing.

Whoa, slow down there. Do you see how many of them there are? I only count three. Exactly. You can’t see the rest. For all we know the cave’s full of ‘em. Do not go for that portal.

The man was wearing a trench coat and a hat similar to his. The priestess approached him and said something he couldn’t hear. The man nodded and said something back. As he was about to walk into the shadows, another hand appeared through the portal. At first it seemed quite normal, but from the wrist up it was oddly... grotesque.

The skin seemed paler than usual and its joints were all wrong. When its leg came through the portal it could be seen that it wasn’t wearing any clothes. He could also see that its leg was at an awkward angle and that its knee was facing right. With the last push, it came through, its horribly disfigured body silhouetted against the white portal.

What is that?

Franko didn’t answer, and for a second the entire cavern seemed deathly silent. Then from somewhere to his right...
‘Dimensional shambler!’

Peter, run. Don’t ask questions, just run!

The area was filled with sound of hooves thundering towards him, he didn’t have to be told twice. Turning, he broke into a desperate sprint. Try as he might, fully grown ponies are faster than humans, big or not, and he soon found them catching up with him.

They didn’t really care too much though, too afraid of the dimensional shambler coming there way. He heard a few gargling screams from behind and some sickening crunches followed. The ponies all turned in different directions taking turnings he had been to afraid to use and he was foolish enough to follow one of them. Pretty soon, he was alone and lost, a roar pulsing through the tunnels. He heard it answered by another.

Ah crap, there are two now.

He started walking slowly down the hall feeling quite giddy. There was a low moan from further down, so he took a left, hoping that it wouldn’t find him. Every door he tried was locked or blocked from the other side so he soon stopped checking. It was extremely dark, with a few scattered lights the only things keeping him from losing his sense of direction. He felt his way along the walls and came into another cavern with a visible doorway at the end. He walked through it, an increasing feeling apprehension running through him.

There were statues along the sides with burning embers at the bases of their feet. They seemed to be what he presumed were the ponies who used to inhabit the palace, and one of them looked suspiciously like Luna. He carried on doing his best to ignore what he thought were foot behind him. Once through the next doorway he found that it turned into a fairly well lit corridor with a few torches blown out. The whole place seemed to get more sinister by the second, and he started jogging as quietly as he could. There was the sound of hoof beats behind and another scream.

Oh god, I’m going to die here... No your not, just keep going. I can feel something ahead. Not a dimensional shambler is it? ...it might be.

After yet more twists and turns he found himself in a large prism shaped room. At the end of it was an open portal, and judging by the dust it looked like it hadn’t been disturbed in centuries. I’m not sure you should go in there. There was a low moan from behind him though when he turned round there was nothing there. His sanity wasn’t all that high, so he decided that the only chance he had would be to jump into the portal.

Why does it seem that whenever we encounter danger the only way out is to jump into a portal that gets us in yet more danger? I have no clue.

Another moan. The hallway was only as wide as two men so there wasn’t much to look at. Just as he was about to step inside there was an audible thud behind him followed by a quick succession of thuds coming closer. He jumped inside, turning as he did to see one of the shamblers charging at him.

(Wrote this one to the sound of Skyrim and Amnesia. D'ya think it worked? Also, many thanks to Pyros and Wildfire for proof reading the last few chapters and those to come.)