• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 2,702 Views, 87 Comments

Remembering the Fallen - vren55

The Mane 6 discover the remains of a long dead Royal Guard and learn the importance of remembrance

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One month later…

Twilight couldn’t stop trembling.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had announced the creation of a Memorial ceremony for the War of the Sun and Moon. Thousands of old textbooks and writings had been taken out. Old monuments depicting the war had been ordered to be restored.

It was at the largest of these old monuments, just outside of Canterlot, where everypony had gathered for a Ceremony of Remembrance. One of the many ceremonies that were being held around Equestria.

Twilight looked up into a sea of black and red. Everypony was were solemnly silent, waiting for the ceremony to begin, wearing a symbol of Rarity’s design. It consisted of a black sash around their necks, with a red poppy pinned to them. The black symbolized mourning, while the poppy, the blood spilt.

Turning to look behind, Twilight gazed at the monument. It was composed of an upraised square platform with a three faced obelisk. One face was adorned by two featureless unicorns, a male battle-mage rearing high and dressed in resplendent magic robes and a female healer, in a uniform that was the predecessor of the nurse’s uniform. The other face was adorned by two pegasi. A male lancer armed to the teeth and a female cuirassier, sabre in hoof. The final face was held by two heavily armed earth ponies with slightly different armour. The male wore the mail armour of an Equite and wielded a greatsword, the female wore the segmented plate of the Stalliongrad ponies and had two hoof swords. The four corners of the upraised platform were adorned with a buffalo, a mule, a zebra and a donkey.

Now, a crowd of ponies stood gathered around the monument, and the podium, that Applejack had erected, in front of it. Twilight gulped as the ceremony began. She and Shining Armour as well as the other bearers had spent a lot of time and effort planning the parade, the memorial and everything else along with it. It had to go just right!

The parade started off the ceremony. First in the order of precedence were the Royal Guard. Pegasi, unicorn and earth ponies marched around the restored memorial in disciplined line formation, their armour polished and glowed. Next were the Lunar Guard in their menacing armour. There had been some debate as whether to allow this regiment to attend the ceremonies, but Fluttershy had ended it saying that: “They were ponies too.” They were soon followed by other elite regiments that had survived the passing of time. The Bridleburg Lancers, The Stalliongrad Ponies, the Equestrian Lancers, all of them gathered together to celebrate their famous history and to remember their forbearers.

The parade ended with a final drum roll and salute by the trumpets and then Twilight took the podium. Hooves shaking, she introduced herself and without further ado, began to read the speech she had prepared, her voice quavering tremulously, but growing in strength.

“What is the importance of Remembrance one may ask. When something has happened so long ago, something so painful, something so shocking to memory and your sensibilities, why should one bother remembering it? Then let me ask another question. Are we living sentient beings? Obviously. Then the answer should be just as obvious. For these ponies and their allies, gave their short lives to protect all that we have here today. For their sacrifice, we remember what they have done.”

An overwhelming applause engulfed Twilight’s ears as she stepped back down. Her speech was followed by some others. Luna and Celestia even made one, but Twilight had heard them so many times (she had been the one editing them after all) that she tuned them out and sat in silent respect of the ponies who had given their lives for Equestria.

With the speeches done, Pinkie Pie jumped up to commence the singing portion of the ceremony. She was joined by Fluttershy directed the chorus of birds alongside the ponies of the Canterlot Orchestra and Choir, led by Octavia.

Here's forty gold bits on the drum
For those who'll volunteer to come
To 'list and fight the foe today.
Over the hills and far away.

O'er the hills and o'er the main.
Through Stalliongrad, Trottingham and Cloudsdale.
The Princess commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

When duty calls me I must go
To stand and face another foe.
But part of me will always stray
Over the hills and far away.

O'er the hills and o'er the main.
Through Stalliongrad, Trottingham and Cloudsdale.
The Princess commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

If I should fall to rise no more,
As many comrades did before,
Then ask the fifes and drums to play.
Over the hills and far away.

O'er the hills and o'er the main.
Through Stalliongrad, Trottingham and Cloudsdale.
The Princess commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

O'er the hills and o'er the main.
Through Stalliongrad, Trottingham and Cloudsdale.
The Princess commands and we obey.
Over the hills... and far away

Twilight’s eyes shot up to search for Rainbow Dash, who came right on time. With the Wonderbolts beside her, Dash soared through the air. Crackling through the air, the pegasus set off a Sonic Rainboom. For some reason, while the colours were brilliant as ever, the boom, had a very solemn tone. As the echoes of the boom faded, a minute of silence commenced. Some ponies turned their heads down, others closed their eyes.

Twilight let her eyes close and thanked the unknown pony for giving her a new perspective on her life and the importance of peace. It was a lesson, the young unicorn, later alicorn princess, would keep all her life, through all her trials and tribulations

The minute of silence abruptly ended as Pinkie Pie stood. Twilight’s eyes widened as she watched her unpredictable friend open her mouth and swing into song.

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag,
And Smile, Smile, Smile
While you’ve got Tartarus to warm your tail,
Smile ponies, that’s the style!
What’s the use of worrying?
It never was worthwhile, so!
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag,
And smile, smile, smile!

The old barrack room ditty caused the soldiers to laugh fondly as well as everypony else. It broke the solemn pall cast by the silence, even eliciting a chuckle from the princesses.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her friend’s antics. Why couldn’t Pinkie just remain silent! This was a solemn occasion! But as the unicorn glanced at the monument one last time, she frowned. The statues, suddenly didn’t seem so solemn, and were they smiling?

The unicorn shook her head and looked back out to the congregation. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad that Pinkie Pie had sung that song. After all, she didn’t think that the soldiers would want them to mope all the times. It was important to remember, but it was just as vital to not forget to live.

Author's Note:

The two songs are ponified versions of the songs:

Over the Hills and Far Away

Pack up all your troubles in your old kit bag