• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 673 Views, 8 Comments

The Place of Which We Never Speak - pinkamenapoison

That old saying, you always kill the one you love, well, it works both ways.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Twilight gets me a job at the castle, after that her horn is pressed to my skull and saying, "The first step to eternal life is you have to die." For a long time though, Twilight and I were best friends. Ponies are always asking, did I know about Twilight Sparkle?

The point of her horn pressed against my temple, Twilight says, "We really wont die." I swallow what little saliva I have in my mouth and think about the horn digging into my flesh. How quick and silently it could all be over. Most unicorns could only learn a few select spells to help them with their work and those that were a tad more gifted couldn't learn anything truly dangerous. Nothing violent or life threatening. This was a genetic safety for magic users, an evolutionary way to keep society moving smoothly. Twilight Sparkle lacked this safety. One severe emotional swing and she could blow off your hoof.

"This isn't really death," Twilight says, "We'll be legends. We'll never grow old." I shift slightly, redistributing my weight, and she digs her point deeper. I take a breath and whisper her name, hoping it might snap her out of this. It doesn’t. Soon, the building we're standing on won't be here. Soon all that will be left is a pile of burning debris. And all of this was her fault. Her fire water would bring us tumbling. I couldn’t remember exactly how she’d said she’d made it. You take a concentration of some chemical and mix it with 7 drops of…or maybe it was 4…Oh I couldn't remember what the recipe was the Twilight had rambled off. All I knew was that she had made some kind of potion that was quickly setting the building ablaze.

So Twilight and I are on top of one of the tallest buildings in Canterlot with her horn pressed to my head, and we hear glass breaking. The wind is blowing, sending chills through my body. Like I needed another reason to shake. I close my eyes. I should have seen this coming. We all do the jobs we are trained to do. Farming, cooking, sewing. Whatever your talent is, you do it begrudgingly and then you die, content with how your life played out. Twilight Sparkle would never be content. She was trained to crave things that she shouldn’t. I open my eyes and look down, locking eyes with a crowd of ponies looking up. The breaking glass is a window right below us. A window blows out the side of the building, then comes a steamer trunk big and grey like a boulder. It drops from the side of the building that had suddenly become a cliff face, and it drops slowly, getting smaller, and finally disappears into the hoards of gawkers. Sweat drips from my pores as I look at the clock tower. We're down to our last minutes.

Another window blows out of the building, and glass sprays out, sparkling like the dew covered wings of a pegasus in flight. Then a wooden desk starts creeping out of the hole in the wall, being propelled by another explosion that had went off somewhere close by. I watched it slide out of the crater in the wall, turning end over end, and plummet to the cobblestone paths below. Another quick glance to the clock and I'm sweating even more. Another minute had ticked by.

A few more moments and this beuilding would stand no more. Twilight told me once, while she was working on the formula for her fire water, that if you covered the base of a building with enough of it, it would topple. She said she'd be testing it soon. From what I could tell, the tests were successful. This building would go over, slow as a tree falling in the forrest. Timber. I remember her saying, "With this, you can topple anything," and I grimace. Soon this would all be smoke in the sky. The clock catches my eye again.

Thick clouds of black are now billowing out of the missing parts of the walls. Twilight had this whole scenario timed to the second. Only she knew exctly whe the building would go, when this whole thing would simply be an awful part of history. Twilight grins, and the explosions strt once more, this group louder than the last. I picture the building falling, the wood scorching and feeding the inferno, the crowds staring at the wreckage.

"This is our world now, our world," Twilight screams, "And everypony else is dead." If I had known how this would all turn out, I'd be more than happy to be dead right now. The clocks still ticking.

Up on top of this building with Twilight's horn to my brain. While desks and trunks and other such things meteor down on the onlookers around the building. While smoke funnels up from the broken windows and turns the sunny skies to night. She's counting down, her smile getting slightly bigger. I watch all of this and slowly realize what it's really about. I realize that it's all about Pinkie.

We had sort of this triangle thing going here. I wanted Twilight. Twilight wanted Pinkie. Pinkie wanted me. I didnt want Pinkie, and Twilight doesn't want me around, not anymore. This was never about love or caring or any of that bullshit. Love had nothing to do with this at all. This was all driven by another craving, like so many others, that Twilight could no longer control. Without Pinkie, Twilight would be nothing.

She was still counting and smiling and I I think maybe she's right. Maybe we will become a legend, but maybe not. Did it matter? I feel her put more pressure on my head, so much that she breaks the skin. I feel the blood drip down my face and I say, "You want to be a legend, Twilight, I'll make you a legend. I've been here from the beginning." I remember everything so vividly, watching it all play out once more in my thoughts. And then I start counting.