• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 1,537 Views, 19 Comments

What Could Be, Should Not Be. - Tangerine Blast

The main six go into another dimension. They have to blend in. But is that really the best idea?

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New Dimension

The feeling was so strange, Rarity felt like she was falling, but not. It sort of felt like the time that she had those wings and was coming in for a landing. The fall was gentle but very firm and when she landed it sent a jolt through her. Her first thought when she landed was, simply. Ow. Her second thought was, is everyone alright? Next thought, that was NOT funny. It was only a until these and many other thoughts went through her head before she started thinking things like Is my mane OK? but she chose that one to start saying. So she screeched frantically "Is my mane alright?"

This gave her a groan from somepony (Probably Rainbow Dash). But Rarity still couldn't see anything, her eye were wide open and yet they took nothing in. Wait! There was something. Rarity blinked a few times and her surroundings came into focus. She blinked again, she could see her friends, all strewn about on the floor. She could also see that none of them had moved, they were all still in the library, in the exact same places that they were before Twilight cast that spell. They were in the library, but it looked......different.

The books and shelves were still there, but they were all covered in dust and strung about everywhere. The lighting was also different, it had been dark before but know it was simply drafty. Rarity noticed more things, like how nothing seemed organized and everything looked abandoned. The white unicorn's eyes settled on the dust again, she looked at it a moment before jumping up and screaming "Dust, Dust everywhere! It's all over me!"

Rainbow groaned again and Applejack stood up to help the frantic unicorn dust herself of. Rarity let her help, muttering under her breath about filth and such. Pinkie Pie bounced up from the floor, complaining "That wasn't fun or funny, Twilight."

Twilight, in answer, grunted then sat up and shook her head saying, "It wasn't supposed to do that." she said frustrated. "We were supposed to just view a dimension, not....not....." She stuttered.

"Darling?" Rarity asked calmly, but with a slight quaver in her voice "What exactly did the spell do?"

Twilight looked around and sighed, "I think..." she gulped. "I think we went into another dimension." She looked around more, "but I don't think it's the same one that I saw before."

"Why....why does the library look so, scary?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"It looks deserted." Rainbow commented. "Like no one's been here for years."

"That would explain the 'For Sale' sign in the window." Pinkie said, standing next to the door.

"What?" Everyone said at once rushing over towards Pinkie. Sure enough there was a sign in the window that stated that the library was for sale.

Twilight took in a deep breath. "We should see what kind of universe we landed in." she muttered. "But we need to try to blend in with whatever we find out there." she slowly opened the doors and stepped out into the sunlight.


The world outside wasn't that strange really. It looked just like Ponyville, besides that the library looked worse on the outside, everything seemed normal. Nothing else was really neglected, everything looked in tip top shape. Rarity noticed some minor details amiss here and there, but that was to be expected wasn't it?

The ponies weren't very odd either, no one recognized any of the ponies that passed them by but they all seemed to just be going about there lives like normal ponies. Rarity noticed something amiss though. She doubted any of her friends noticed it, but she did. She noticed that while she saw many unicorns walking by themselves, she did not see a Pegasus or Earth Pony without the company of a Unicorn. She also saw with further inspection, that.....the.....Earth Ponies.....were......all wearing......collars? And leashes too for that matter, each leash was held by a unicorn, with magic or other means. Rarity's friends seemed oblivious to this fact.

The six newcomers exited the library and started walking around to take in there surroundings. They hadn't gone ten yards when a pure black unicorn colt with a grey mane stopped them and asked. "Did you just come out of the library?" He was looking at them confused. Right behind him was another colt, this one a Pegasus, he was deep red with a yellow mane.

"Um...." Twilight said "Yes." The colt still looked baffled so she continued. "We, um, bought it. We're new you see."

"Well, that place hasn't been used in so long I'm surprised someone's bought it." The Colt said.

"Well, Twilight is sort of an egghead." Rainbow added.

The unicorn looked at her in shock, like he was surprised she could speak. When no one else reacted, (except for his Pegasus friend who let out a gasp) the dark colt shrugged it off and polity said "My name is Galaxy and this is Candle Light," he gestured to the Pegasus who bowed his head and let out a soft hello. "And I welcome you to Ponyville."

Twilight began the introductions automatically, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and, Pinkie Pie."

The pink pony in question went strait up to Galaxy and started rambling. "Hi there, I'm so exited to meet you, I love meeting new ponies, and this town is just full of new ponies for me to meet. So I'm really exited." thankfully she stopped there.

Galaxy was looking shocked again and also a little bit disgusted. But a smile soon returned to his lips as he pushed Pinkie away with his magic saying to Twilight. "You need to train her I see, and all earth ponies must be on leashes when there out on the streets here."

Five ponies just stared at him. Rarity quickly took the lead. "Of course, but you see we lost our collars and leashes in the luggage and we need some new ones. Do you know where we could get some?" She explained, batting her eyes.

Galaxy nodded, "Of course, right this way." he lead them down the street to a shop, "Just tell Tinker that you need new ones, he'll get you some."

Rarity nodded and led her companions in. Before they entered Rainbow Dash hissed. "Leashes?"


The store was very nice, considering that it was lined with dog collars fit for ponies. There were also other things like hats and scarves. It was lit well and seemed pleasant. There was a yellow unicorn sitting behind a desk, he smiled as the six mares walked in. "Ah, do you need some accessories for your earth ponies?" he called. He blinked, "You're not from around here. Well, my name is Tinker and I make earth pony accessories. Welcome."

"We'll be with you in one moment." Twilight said, leading the others into a privite corner. "What's going on?" she whispered.

"How much do you know, Rarity?" Rainbow accused.

Rarity shrugged, "Not much, I just noticed that all the earth ponies had collars on, and you did say to blend in." she nodded towards Twilight.

Twilight nodded back looking a little confused.

"But other then that I don't know much."

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie squealed. "I know! I know! Pick me!"

"Pinkie?" Twilight said facing the bouncing pony.

"There's a pecking order here." Pinkie stated, when she got blank faces she explained, "The unicorns are in charge, they make the rules and stuff, the Pegasuses are next, they're like servants or helpers, and the earth ponies are last, there like slaves or animals or something."

"That makes sense." Applejack said after a moment of silence.

"Pinkie, how do you know all this?" Twilight demanded.

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Didn't you all see how Galaxy was looking at me? He was all like 'why on earth is she talking to me like this?' and when Rainbow said Twilight was an egghead he was all like 'aren't you going to punish her?' but Pegasus don't have to have leashes."


"Now we have to figure out who owns who." Pinkie said. More blank stares. Pinkie rolled her eyes again, "Twilight and Rarity have to 'own' us." she did the little air marks, "and it would make a lot of scenes if you each 'owned' one Pegasus and one Earth pony."

"Right," Twilight said, seeing the logic, "I guess I'll take you than, Pinkie."

"Okay dokay lokay."

"I....I would like to be with Rarity." Fluttershy said "If that's OK."

"Of course it is, darling" Rarity said. "You are one of my best friends after all."

"I still don't wanna wear a collar." Applejack grumbled.

"I know," Twilight said, "but we need to blend in or else ponies will start to get suspicious."

Applejack grumbled, but nodded. The six ponies then turned to face a smiling Tinker.