• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 1,536 Views, 19 Comments

What Could Be, Should Not Be. - Tangerine Blast

The main six go into another dimension. They have to blend in. But is that really the best idea?

  • ...

The Spell

Twilight Sparkle was in the basement of the library that she lived at, sorting out old books. So far she had two piles, books to keep and books that were too worn out to read. She didn't even know why there so many books down here, all books should have been upstairs for ponies to read or in the garbage. She shuddered at that thought, but she had to say, some books down here where so battered that she couldn't make out anything they said.

The purple unicorn sighed, some of these books might have been interesting to read, Oh well. She thought as she threw another book into the discard pile. "You doing OK Spike?" she asked a pile of books off to her left.

There was a muffled sound and then her baby dragon assistant popped his out of the mound. "Ya, Twilight I'm fine." suddenly his belly let out a grumble. Spike looked at it then sighed, "But I am really hungry."

Twilight let out a little giggle, they had been working at this for some time and Twilight could always count on the little dragon to know when it was time to eat. "OK, you go make some dinner, I'll keep working until it's ready."

Spike happily stepped out of the mound of books and hurried off to the kitchen. It was a good thing too, he felt a big sneeze coming and he didn't want to burn any books by accident.

Twilight sighed and went back to sorting books. She hadn't even sorted a dozen when one cover caught her eye. She picked up the book with her magic and read the title: "Dimension Viewing" she read out loud. The book looked delicate so she carefully opened it, the writing was smudged here and there but she could make out most of what the book said. It sounded very promising, it was about a spell were you could, well, view different dimensions without the ponies in the dimension noticing anything. The spell didn't look complicated and Twilight was enchanted, I could see what my life would be like if something different happened that completely changed it. the purple unicorn mused. She snapped the book shut and walked up the stairs out of the basement, she promised herself that she would finish cleaning it later.


"Twilight?" Spike asked, when he saw his caretaker. "What are you doing up here? Dinner isn't ready yet."

The librarian looked at him sheepishly, "Well, you see I found this book about this spell and....."

Spike held up a hand to stop her, "So you stopped what you where doing to learn it." he said bluntly.

Twilight nodded.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'll finish dinner." He was used to Twilight doing this, stopping everything for a spell or research.

The unicorn's eyes brightened, "Thanks Spike, this probably won't take that long." She then started heading up to her room, leaving her assistant to continue cooking. When she got there she opened the book back up and started examining how to work the spell. It really was simple, all she had to do was get into a dark area and chant the words while releasing her magic, there was something else after the instructions but she couldn't make it out.

Concluding it wasn't that important, she closed all the blinds in the room, it didn't have to be pitch black, just dark. The spell didn't take long. Twilight chanted the words a couple times and then she saw a small light, really she wouldn't have noticed it except that it was growing. The light got bigger and brighter every time Twilight chanted, until it was the size of the unicorn and almost blinding her. Then suddenly it dimmed and Twilight could clearly see something in it. Not clearly, the picture was fuzzy but it kept getting sharper.

After a few seconds, the picture got so clear that it felt like Twilight was looking out her window. She clearly saw Ponyville, it looked almost the same and the unicorn wondered if she had made a mistake, but then a pony stepped into view. The pony was Rainbow Dash, well almost. She certainly looked like the tom boy Pegasus, same light blue coat, rainbow mane, but....., but she also didn't look like the dare devil, her body was less fit, her wings at her side and not splayed out. Most of all though was the way this Pegasus was moving, instead of looking at the world with an essence of confidence, this Rainbow was slinking through town, not looking at anypony and looking like she just wanted to get home at fast as possible.

The sight of this shy Rainbow Dash took Twilight by surprise and for a moment she just stood there staring. But when the blue Pegasus whimpered when another pony started talking to her, Twilight just couldn't take it, she burst out into a fit of laughter and lost concentration on the spell, having the 'window' she was looking at vanish in a flash. When she had stopped laughing at the thought of a bashful Dash, Twilight realized that she felt sort of drained. The spell probably used up a lot of magic and now Twilight felt tired, not to mention she still hadn't eaten anything. She went back down stairs to see if Spike had finished cooking dinner.


Twilight was strolling through Ponyville the next day, heading off to Sugar Cube Corner. Yesterday she had told Spike about what she had seen, Spike had also thought it hysterical and had suggested that the rest of the gang come and see it too. Twilight had thought this was a wonderful idea and didn't know why she hadn't thought of it before.

The purple unicorn had decided to start with Pinkie Pie, after all the hyper, pink, earth pony always enjoyed a laugh and Twilight only hopped that she could pull her friend away from her job long enough to see the hysterical sights the spell provided. That is why Twilight now found herself walking towards the bakery that housed her party loving friend.

She walked through the doors and was greeted by the cheery voice of the very same pony she came to see. "Twilight!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Are you here to buy yummy treats? Cause ours are the best in Ponyville, but of course Sugar Cube Corner is the only bakery in Ponyville, so of course it would have the best goodies, but still! I mean there super duper yummy and they'er probably the best in all of Eqestria. " The earth pony giggled, "But why would you come to a bakery if you didn't want to buy anything, that would be silly, well you could just stand there and smell the treats but that would be dumb because you couldn't eat them and...."

"Hi, Pinkie Pie." Twilight interrupted her friend's rambling. "I'm not here to buy anything I'm here for you."

"Really?" Pinkie asked. "Why do you need me?"

"Because I have some thing really funny to show you and the rest of the gang, if you can make it."

"Of course I can make it!" Pinkie exclaimed, "I wouldn't miss anything that's super funny with my friends." Then she took in a deep breath and yelled. "MRS. CAKE! I'M GOING TO TWILIGHT'S I'LL BE BACK SOON!"

"Alright dear, just be back before your shift." A voice answered.

"Okay dokay lokay." Pinkie said bouncing out of the bakery.

Twilight just followed, a grin on her face.


Getting everyone else was easy, Rarity didn't have work, Applejack had finished all her chores, Fluttershy didn't have any animals to tend to at that moment, (Though they had to assure her that what they were doing was funny, not scary in any way) and Rainbow, like always, was just lounging around. (Twilight couldn't help but giggle when she say her.)

When they were all gathered at the library AJ asked "Alright, Twilight what is this funny thing ya' like ta show all us."

Twilight took out the book and showed it to her friends, "This is a dimension viewing spell." the unicorn explained, "It lets us see into other dimensions without upsetting them. And," She grinned at Rainbow who just looked at her, confused. "There's some pretty funny stuff in there."

Pinkie Pie was bouncing around "Wow, this is going to super ultra terrific!" She exclaimed.

Twilight smiled and closed all the blinds, Fluttershy yipped in fear. "It's OK, Fluttershy." Twilight soothed. "It will only be dark for a little bit."

"Does it have to be dark at all?" the timid Pegasus asked.

Twilight nodded, and then started the spell, chanting and letting her magic flow. The spell worked great at first, the light was there and then it got bigger and brighter like before, but then it wouldn't stop growing like it did the first time. Twilight could make out some shapes when it got to pony size, but they didn't clear up. They just got more blurred as the light kept growing and growing. Then like somepony opened a window on a stormy day, a great wind started to rise.

"Is t'is spos' 'ta happen?" the orange earth pony asked, clinging to her hat.

Twilight shook her head hard, she had stopped chanting a long time ago and was now trying to shut off the spell. No matter what she tried though, the light just got bigger and bigger until it engulfed the six ponies in its light. Then suddenly, blackness.

Authors note: This is the first chapter of many, it gets more exiting I assure you. So just bare with me. Please tell me how I can improve so I can make the next chapter better, thanks.