• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 758 Views, 4 Comments

The Unseen Front - Antisocial Ind.

We all know about the European and Pacific Theatres. But what about the Equestrian Theatre?

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Chapter 1

It was a sunny morning, somewhere in Germany. Though, no one who mattered at that particular moment was enjoying the sun. No, everyone worth their salt in this somewhere was very very busy, hard at work. The closest anyone got to natural light was about two feet, but they were separated from said light by a wall of solid lead, sandwiched between sheets of reinforced steel. The steel was not actually necessary for protection from outside assault, but rather for the health of the scientists and officers in the compound, protecting them from the lead. Johaan Deichtrin walked around his office, dragging a hand along said reinforced steel, marveling at how safe it was to be in that compound, and how close to death everyone was at the same time. On slip, one wayward spark, one misinterpreted command, and boom. All of them would die. Those who were close to the center would go first, being burned to death in the midst of an explosion, and the rest would either die from the immediate over-pressure, or suffer horrendous burns and radiation poisoning. The guards outside would probably survive, but they would die of hunger and thirst long before anyone would come to their aid, and if they tried to get help they'd be shot by the SS eventually.

Funny how that works, he thought. We put ourselves on the line and they work us to death, but should we fail they'd eradicate us to be able to deny the existence of Die Glocke. How.....curious. He walked out of his office, wanting to escape the austere gray and silence, and headed over to the lounge. It was the most comfortable place in the compound, and the scientists usually slept on the couches, preferring them to their own beds. Johaan sat down on a nice chair to think. He recalled the guards outside, walking around with MP40's, the machine gun nests everywhere, every soldier armed to the teeth with weapons and explosives. The average guard here carries, what, 4, 5 grenades? And then you also have the ammunition. He decided he'd take a rest, as he had been up all night reviewing paperwork and signing documents. He had just closed his eyes for but a moment when he heard one of the most glorious sounds of all.

"Sir, we've found something."

"Look, when is this gonna happen? They were supposed to be here half an hour ago, sir!" said Sgt. Timothy Fruit. "I mean, I'm willing to wait, but I just hate the idea of procrastinating when it comes to correcting the Wehrmacht's whole 'alive' issue," he said, grinning.

"Be patient, you'll get your chance to see some fireworks, Tim, I promise." Colonel Nickolas Jonesig had a full bird, a sharp eye, and a keen sense of combat. He had been in many battles, and fought the Germans in World War I. He was a young one then, only twenty, and he had given up on a lot of men in favor of keeping his own hands clean. This was not the case in the second World War. As a Veteran who had seen his men and younger sibling killed by the Germans, he had no more sympathy for them, or anyone who decided to take his men's lives. "The intel's solid, the German's are just late."

"If you say so, sir." Tim got up and excused himself to the head.

"Hurry up, you don't wanna be in the crapper when it happens!" Jonesig shouted to his second-in-command.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Col. Jonesig looked back out into the fields and rolling hills of Germany, waiting for his prey. They knew a German garrison would be coming their way to aid their front line brothers take a nearby airfield. In response, the US covertly added heavy machine guns, AA guns, and a full garrison of troops to the hillside to catch the 200 man supplement off guard. Their plan was to let the .50cal take the majority of them out after detonating explosives under their trucks. The remaining would be taken out by sniper fire and grenades. Any stragglers would either become POW's if they surrendered, or die fighting. It was a great plan, thought up by the Colonel himself. He got what he wanted, as he had a friend higher up. Normally, a Colonel wouldn't get this kind of operation to himself, but knowing people in the Chain of Command helps a lot when one is trying to get things done. Jonesig put down his binoculars, rubbing his eyes out. Tim was back.

"I am assuming from the lack of music that we haven't seen any Germans yet, have we?" His superior just shook his head. "Eh, bitter sweet. I want this crap to be over with already!" Tim was an impatient man to begin with, but the lure of battle was sometimes too much for the soldier. The Colonel resumed his lookout. There.

"I see 'em," he said, handing the binoculars to Tim. He grabbed the binoculars greedily.

"Yep, there they go." He gave the binoculars back to the Colonel and turned to his radio operator. "Smith, give the word."

"Yes, sir!" he said, grinning. He grabbed the radio and turned it on, tuning it to the frequency with which he would reach the 5 platoons stationed around the road that the trucks were now on. "Platoons Alpha, Charlie, and Echo, this is Base, do you copy?" Three "copy"'s came over the radio in perfect sequential order. "You are given permission to fire your charges at will." Another three "copy"'s. Private Smith got up from his seat and walked over to the wide window with his superiors to watch the fireworks. All at once three packs of three satchel charges - 90 lbs of TNT - erupted at once around and underneath most of the convoy. The survivors attempted to leave their now-burning vehicles, but were unable to escape the merciless combing of the .50 caliber machine gun fire now raining upon them. After peppering all of the vehicles, the machine gun stopped firing, signaling the strike teams to check for survivors. All five platoons emerged out of their cover and slowly approached the wreckage, ready to shoot any who were hostile. Well I'll be damned, thought Jonesig, Not a single one of'em lived! How about that.

"Holy SHIT! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Tim was beside himself with glee at the destruction. Jonesig couldn't help but chuckle, despite himself. He felt the same way as Tim, but his Military professionalism told him to keep it level-headed, mostly for the sake of his troops. Truth be told, they both had the same gun-lust and appreciation of explosives, the only difference was that Tim wasn't afraid to show it. "AW MAN THEY GOT IT GOOD!" There was cheering from whatever personnel were in the bunker with them; they could hear the shouts and laughter from the .50cal crew and others who had come to their respective windows and doors to watch the firefight. Although, really, there was no fighting per se. Midst all the cheering, the Colonel looked back out to the road and counted the destroyed vehicles. One, two, three, four, five. Wait, how could they fit two hundred men on five trucks? He pondered this, leading to him becoming silent, while everyone else was still talking and laughing. Because of this, he was able to pick up on something odd. It sounds like....buzzing. BUZZING!? He ran to the window, and eyed the skies intently. He turned, not wanting to risk anything.

"SMITH, GET ON THE RADIO AND ORDER THOSE MEN BACK HERE. EVERYONE TO YOUR WEAPONS, I WANT SOMEONE ON THE ANTI-AIR NOW!" They all scrambled around, trying to meet their superiors orders. Tim approached his commander with a confused look.

"What happened, what's the cause of all thi-" BOOM! The air exploded in a huge cloud of debris and smoke.

Pinkie Pie was sound asleep when it happened. She was dreaming of having a Gummy bear. That is to say, a gummy bear that was shaped like her pet alligator, Gummy, when she immediately started shaking, almost convulsing, so hard that she fell off of her bed and onto the floor. She landed with a gasp of air escaping her mouth. She stood up, shaking off the impact, and looked at her clock. It told her that she had to be up in five minutes. With that, she hopped back into bed, determined to eat her Gummy. She had just settled into her bed when her eyes shot open and she sat bolt upright.

"My Pinkie Sense!"


"Not now, Pinkie, I need to get this dress done before noon! Come back after then and we can talk." Pinkie's face fell and her hair deflated slightly as her friend blew her off.

"OK," she said, turning and walking out of the boutique. She thought for a moment, then immediately perked up. "TWILIGHT WILL LISTEN!" Using her Pinkie Physics, she levitated into the air and zipped over to the library. She arrived after a few seconds and began pounding on the door furiously. Spike answered it, and Pinkie promptly darted inside without being invited.
"TWILIGHT! I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING IMPORTANT!" Twilight looked up from her book, closing it and marking the page. She stood up, but not before being bombarded by Pinkie.

"Sure, what can I- AGH!" Pinkie was right in her face.

"OK, so I was just sleeping and I was dreaming about eating a gigantanormous Gummy bear, but it wasn't a gummy bear, it was a GUMMY bear, shaped like Gummy, my alligator, and he was red, cherry flavored, actually, it may have been strawberry, I didn't get a chance to taste it before my Pin-"

"Pinkie Pie STOP!" Pinkie got cut off mid-sentence. "Look, I appreciate that you like talking to me, but I'm busy right now. Go talk to Fluttershy, I think she's off today. But come back later when I'm not so busy, OK?" Pinkie was crestfallen, her hair now noticeably deflated.

"B-but, I-"

"No buts, I have work to do. Please show yourself out." Pinkie hung her head and showed herself out. Twilight shut the door behind her and she walked into Ponyville, head fallen, eyes full of worry. Why won't anypony LISTEN to me!? I have important news, something REALLY bad is going to happen, but nopony will listen! What do I do!? She then directed herself to Sugarcube Corner to drown her worry in cupcakes and sugar.


Hey guys I started this awhile back but it got deleted and now I finally got the balls to just start retyping the thousands of words I had typed previously, only this time it's slightly different. I realize that there's not a lot of pony yet, deal with it. That part is coming.