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Meeting a friend

Spike looks at me for a second before letting another laugh and then slamming his fist into the ground.

'CJ, you should probably should slow down there you are basically a husk with no power right now. You couldn’t even fight an ant in this state."

I look at Spike in confusion. " So then how I am suppose to be a starlord that protects the weak if can’t even fight?"

" CJ warriors are not born then are made and right now you are a newborn. It going to take a lot of work and patience to get you ready to be the ruler of heroes. For now, you must take your first steps. So for now you must first summon your monsters." I look at Spike with a questionable look on my face.

" Monsters, I thought I was the king of heroes why would I summon monsters instead of slaying them?"

Spike looks at me with dread all over as he smacks his forehead and signs. "By the stars how young and underdeveloped is your race? I got my work cut for me with this one." Spike pick me up with his hand as he stood up and brought me to his face. " Listen to me very carefully your monsters are your greatest weapons and something you must treasure above all else for they are your power. Then serve star lords since the beginning then well be the greatest friends you will ever have do you understand."

I felt a burn on my head as I felt the crown pulse on my head. I heard a voice in my head telling me to listen to Spike. " I understand so how does this work? Do I need to do a dance or a spell?" Spike shakes his head

" No to summon them you must think in your mind eyes what then look. Starlords choose their monsters, If your thoughts reach them then well come and serve."

" Okay, then that sounds easy enough." I sit down in meditating state as visualize what my monster looks like. I start to see an image forming as start focusing on that creature. As the image became clear a spell seal formed at spike feet, and an egg appear out of the seal. The egg starts to crack as claws came out, then the egg burst. The creatures appear 15 meters tall in size it was four-head hydras with wings attached to their back. Each of its heads with different and vibrant one head was made of water, another was made of rock with lava in its cracks, one was entirely made of bone with horns the last was made of wood with a green patch all over its neck. Its arms were blue-scaled with three claws blood red. It let a roar, and its four heads stared at me with hate.

" Interesting you summon him for your first. It will make a fine warrior once you get him under control."

" HUH what do you mean, that thing is a giant, I thought then would be my size I can't control that thing!"

" Oh, If you think that is big, in terms of the size that is a baby compared to the other."

" You can't be serious!"

" Deadly and now time to start go get him champ."

Spike then closes his fist and throws me at the hydra. I open my wings to stop my fall, I look up at the hydra it let a roar start blasting me with its water head. I roll out of the way as the water left a hole where I was. It then blasts me with its fire head as a twister made of lava shoots my way. I block with wings and feel the searing pain of the lava. Letting out a roar of angry the hydra then blast with two remaining heads. A twister of bones and leaves is shot at me as get pushed back until it finally gets through my wings and hits my chest. I am sent flying backward into the side of the mountain. I pick myself back up and start to think.

" Great each head has different elements to it and it looks like playing defense won’t work. From that attack, it seems this thing has an anger problem it must be a prideful beast. So it must see me as a weakling so it wants to kill me quickly. Maybe I can use that. I don't have much to fight with besides my fists and judging by how my body I can't another direct hit. So I will use what movies and grandpa taught me if your opponent is stronger make them fight themselves."

I unfold my wings as I charge toward the hydra. It shot at me with its four heads, I weave my way through the blasts and one graze me arm. I rear back my fist as I get ready to hit the wood head, as I hit the forehead a shockwave from my punch is sent through the head making it rattle.

The other three heads turn toward launching themselves at me with their mouths open ready to bite me. I dodge out of the way with a quick side step as the other head bites down on the wood head neck. Making them wood heads cry out in pain. Leading the other letting out a roar of pain as they let go of the neck.

" Hmm, it appears they share a nervous system, similar to melded twins. So then all feel the same amount of pain. Okay, then time to make them madder. Hey, you overgrown scale purse!" I shout at the creature, the hydra looks like a blood vein pop as it roars at me before bearing its claws and lunging at me. I sidestep out of the way, I began to rapidly punch the claws as time seem to slow down. After unleashing a rush of punches the hydra let a roar of pain as cracks appear all over its hand.

" I see it bigger and stronger, but it still can only take so much before it hides gives. Now that I know that it needs to go after the wound it did to itself. I take to the air as I fly toward the wood head, the other head begins unleashing a breath attack as fly around the blasts. I reach the wood head a visible wound leaking green blood around the base of the neck. I rocket toward the wound, but the hydra-heads do not allow me to get close. As the bonehead got in front as it smack me away with a head butt. I spin a bit before a regain my bearing, I straighten myself as I let a sign.

'' Guess it not going to be that easy, its instincts are sharp, guarding its weak spot." I grin with joyed.

"Now I what this guy on my team even more. Though it going to be hard getting past its blind spots when got eight eyes looking at me. Though if I learn anything from my time as a fighter if your opponents have muilpty sights, over-tax them."

I spread my wing as I starting flying in circle around the heads as then track me with there heads trying to bite me. I pick up speed making hard for them to follow. Eventually then get dizzy as pick more and more speed. Taking my chance I rocket toward there chest. Out of no where I feel the crown burning and I start hearing a voice.

" Use this power CJ McMahon," suddenly I feel a power in me as my fist is guide toward the hydra and an image of attack flash in my head.

"Take this dragon fist!" I Reels back my clenched fist back before hitting the hydra, smashing straight through it torso. As it makes contact, the energy of the attack is amplified, triggering an explosion, in the form of a golden, shining dragon. The resulting collision leave a gaping hole in their chest.

The hydra roar in pain as sparks of engery starting crackling around the wound. Cracks began forming all over the hydra body as it body turn to sand and fall into a pile. I let out a sign of relief before, I feel a shocking pain run throughout my body. My muscle stating twisting and veins popping all over my body as I fall to the ground. I roll on the ground as I groan in pain, I hear spike approaching I lift my head.

"Wow this really going to be a long run." Spike said has he let out sign as shake his head from side to side

" Hey I just a punch a hydra with a golden dragon, what more do you want." I said groan as try to stand but fail.

" You barely slow him down look he already reforming." Spike pointing to the sand pile.

To my amazement and terror, the sand particles starting moving. And slowly, then seem to be reform into a solid being. A pair of claws came out from the cluster and stretching out into arms. As then push against the ground four head came from the cluster and the rest of the body with them. The hydra open it eyes as it stared down at me before letting out a roar of angry. It bear it right claws as get ready to strike me. I try to move but my body was screaming at me and I fell back on the ground I close my eyes waiting for the strike but it never came.

" That enough Annuz, your form was broken." I look up to see Spike was holding the hydra claw a few away from my body. The hydra turn to face Spike with a look of pure hate

" Don't you dare stop me Spike, I refuse to accept this mortal as my master, It just insanity! " Said the now name Annuz as the heads talk together, then look back toward me with disgust.

" Look at this mortal, he barely moving after using a tiny fraction of the star power, this has to be a mistake. There no way the lord would choose this worm as the next star lord, it just wrong!" Said Annuz

" There is no mistake Annuz, so just drop, you know the rules." said Spike

Annuz turn to Spike with a look of surprise on their faces. Before retracting their claw away from me. "Fine you can live for now mortal." Said Annuz with a begrudge tone.

Spike walk toward me and pick me up in his claw and bring me to face. " Let get you fix up Cj, doing a star move when you are larve state was something I did not expect you to do." Said Spike as he brought one his claw finger and poke with my chest. It start to emit a blue light and feel the pain start to leave me.

"Star move what that?" I ask in puzzle tone. Spike look at me with grin.

" A star move it one reason why you are the king of hero. A star move think of as using a move from one of your followers. After all a king is nothing without his people."

" So that move I just use was someone else." I said, spike nod

" Yes, but many time more powerful. I have to say impress using a star move that strong but your lucky boy." said Spike

" Why?" I ask

" Because you use it in your in-training state. Your lucky body was able to handle all that power, if it did not you would died." Said spike in a dark tone.

I let a gasp as I look over myself and see crack forming all over my body. " Am I going to break in a million pieces" ,I said with fear in my voice.

" Don't worry I am stabilize your body, all you need to do is absorb the stars power to fully heal yourself" said Spike as he withdrew his claw as stand up in his hand.

" Ok so how do that?" I said

"You already are, think of as a healing factor, your body does it naturally." Said spike as I look over my body slowly healing it cracks.

"Now then you have complete, the first step now onto the next one" said spike as he spread wings and start to hover.
" Come on Annuz enough, you lost you know what that mean, it time he meet Twilight.

Annuz turn to Spike and begrudgingly spread his wing and flew toward us. " Sometime Spike I wish I could kill you", said Annuz as soar higher toward to one of the planet in the sky. Spike simply shock his head with a smile.

" That guy sometime he just too much", said Spike as flap wing as we soar to the violet planet as I hold on to one Spike.

" So Spike where are we going," I said

" We going to see the pervious starlord other monster or friend as he called us." said Spike as he pick up speed.

"Other you mean there are more," I said

" Yes there are but only me, Annuz and Twilight were summon by lord Citlalincue," said Spike. I look at Spike with suspicion look.

" If that true where are the other that were summon by other starlords" I said. Spike sign and shook his head

" Then are not here anymore, after their duties are done we all return to our home worlds. You see a monsters is tied to their starlord but once the torch is pass to the next one, we simply faded out of this reality back to our own" said Spike

" I see so what this Twilight person like, if don't you mind me asking." I said

" You well be surprise but, let just say she love making new friends."

I took a step back to process what he was saying