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The Egg

The hike back to the city from the mine was difficult, especially since the group was well and truly exhausted from their battle. As they walked, they saw the gates open and someone in a cloak riding out of the city on a horse followed by a few Riders, (Sunset Shimmer Perception roll 18) but Sunset could clearly see an amber-colored spiked devil-like tail snaking from their back. Almost immediately, the sight of it reminded her of Glasya… the memory of which suddenly made her back sting madly as if the archdevil was whipping her from Hell, doing her best to not double over from the pain.

Applejack noticed the pain clear in her eyes and appeared confused. “You okay there, sugarcube?” she asked. “Thought you were healed.”

“Y-Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Sunset said quickly; she knew her friends had had enough of her dealing with demon-like forces so she didn’t want them to know she’d apparently sold her soul to an archdevil, even if she herself didn’t remember it. (Sunset Shimmer Deception roll 17)

(Applejack Insight roll 18) Applejack wasn’t sure about this; she could tell Sunset was hiding something, and now was no different. But she figured it was something she and Sunset would rather address privately, so she let it be for now.

“What do you think that was about?” asked Rarity.

“Looked like a Tiefling,” Sunset noted, still a bit shaken as they walked.

“Probably just a thief or something. We’ll ask at the gate.” Rainbow shrugged as they reached the city gates, where they saw guards on watch ready for anything. “What was that all about?”

“One of the king’s servants discovered to be a spy from the Zestrelan Empire caught eavesdropping in the Ebony Hall. No friend to Achtia or any of her allies.” one guard answered.

“Well, that’s rather disconcerting.” Rarity remarked.

“Better make sure everything’s okay at the hall after we check in with Anjrey,” Rainbow suggested as the group moved up the hill to Anjrey’s shop.

The blacksmith appeared surprised to see them and smiled. “The oozes are dealt with?”

“As promised,” Twilight noted, though something nagged at her mind (Twilight Sparkle Nature roll 18). “But you might want to keep an eye on things, just to be safe.”

“Why’s that?” Anjrey asked as he handed Rarity a bag of gold (+250GP), the amount of which somewhat surprised her.

“Gelatinous cubes don’t just show up in mines for no reason,” Twilight noted. “Either you accidentally tapped an underground cave that let them in or someone put them there on purpose for some reason.”

“Right; I’ll keep watch.” Anjrey nodded. “Thanks again for the help.”

“Our pleasure.” Rarity nodded. “But… are you sure you can part with this much money? I mean…”

“Ah, I do plenty of work for the king and the Riders,” Anjrey assured. “I can definitely afford it.”

“If you’re certain.” Rarity shrugged as she pocketed the gold.

“Come on, let’s check in with the king,” Rainbow said swiftly, leading her friends back up the hill to the Ebony Hall.

(Twilight Sparkle Passive Perception 15) On the way up, very close to the Ebony Hall, Twilight saw something near some rocks on the slope that surprised her; it almost looked like a bright blue rain barrel under a tarp… but it seemed a bit too round. “What the…?”

When they reached the hall, they found the guards on high alert but they stood aside to allow the girls in to address the king. “We heard about the spy,” Rainbow reported. “Is everyone okay?”

“As well as can be expected,” Roland noted as he glanced to the side, drawing the girls’ attention to the look of betrayal on Freda’s face. “Suppose I should’ve done a better job of vetting her credentials before I gave her a position like my daughter’s attendant to make sure she wouldn’t betray us in such a manner.” Rainbow was immediately concerned and walked over to help comfort the princess.

“How much information does she have?” asked Sunset.

“Who knows? She was Freda’s servant for five months.” Donaghy remarked. “Could be she has nothing, could be she has enough to give the Zestrelan Empire confidence for a declaration of war. A war they might possibly win.”

“What’s the deal with the Zestrelan Empire anyway?” asked Pinkie. “Why didn’t King Evendur invite them to his party?”

“That’s because the empire of Zestrel is no friend of any of the good nations of Emacula. Not for many recent years, anyway,” Roland said firmly as he adjusted his royal robes. “They were once an honored superpower, creators of incredible weapons and fine art the likes of which the realm hasn’t seen in years. But then… five years ago when their new very young emperor took the throne, the empire began its fall. Recession, riots in the streets, outrageous crime rates, slavery, every manner of insidious thing that you can imagine can happen to a great land, it either already has happened, is currently happening, or is about to happen in Zestrel.”

“And as if that were not enough, reports from scouts and our own spies say that the Empire is amassing soldiers and war mages of all stripes as if they’re preparing to attack at any moment,” Donaghy added.

“Well, that’s discouraging.” Rarity remarked.

“That’s… an understatement.” Sunset agreed. “I don’t think we’re in any rush to go to Zestrel anytime soon.”

“I’m sure Evendur and our other allies will find that agreeable.” Roland smiled. “No one goes anywhere near the imperial capital unless they absolutely have to, especially not when flying the colors of our nations.”

Applejack suddenly had an idea as they spoke about this. “Long as we’re thinkin’ about the party, do y’all know anythin’ about those Shadowmend folks, Donaghy?” Rarity was surprised but eager to hear

“Shadowmend?” Donaghy asked.

“The pale couple at the banquet.” Rarity reminded.

“Oh yes, of course. I wondered what their name was.” Donaghy remarked before he thought. (Duke Donaghy History roll 10) “Hmm… I’m afraid I don’t know much. All I overheard at the banquet was that they were the rulers of a land to the north in the Salisdaire Mountains. But I know nothing of their domain itself, and I’m fairly certain they were only at the party of their own invitation.”

“Aw, party crashers?” Pinkie asked in annoyance, blowing a raspberry at it.

“Hmm. Well, that’s something to look into later, I guess.” Sunset shrugged.

“Indeed. In the meantime, I suppose Anjrey’s mine has been cleared?” asked Roland.

“For now. But I’d advise keeping an eye on the mine, just in case more show up.” Twilight recommended.

“Very well.” Roland nodded. “Until then, you may do as you will. As guests of the crown of Achtia.”

“Thanks, sire.” Rainbow smiled. “Don’t suppose you have any suggestions?”

“Actually, I was just about to take my company out to the Gilligorn Valley; check on the villages in the area.” Donaghy smiled. “I don’t suppose you’d care to join me and see the scene of your great victory, eh Rainbow?”

“That does sound like fun,” Rainbow smirked, her ego taking control a bit.

“Actually, there’s something else I want to check on before we go anywhere,” Twilight noted.

“Very well. Maybe next time.” Donaghy shrugged as he walked from the Ebony Hall, followed shortly by the girls as they hiked carefully down the slope.

“What is it you want to check, Twilight?” asked Rarity.

“It’s down here,” Twilight noted as she looked at the rocks and saw the tarp. “Ah, here it is.”

“What is that thing?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“I think I know,” Sunset remarked as she pulled the tarp and saw it wasn’t a rain barrel as Twilight had thought, but in fact, a large, round blue item with an almost scaly pattern. “I thought so. It’s a dragon egg.”

(Twilight Sparkle Nature roll 13) “A blue dragon egg? Oh, we’re toast.” Twilight remarked in concern.

“Why do ya say that?” asked Applejack.

“You remember what Sunset said to Rathkran at the party, right? Chromatic dragons are evil by nature.” Twilight pointed out. “And blue dragons especially are not to be messed with; their vanity won’t allow anyone to insult them.”

Applejack quickly understood. “And there’s no bigger insult to anyone than stealin’ their kin.”

“Which means a blue dragon might be here any second to burn down Elesmont?” Rainbow asked in concern.

“Maybe. We have to warn the king.” Sunset ordered swiftly, leading the girls back up the hill toward the Ebony Hall.

But Rarity was curious about something and examined the egg a bit closer. (Rarity Investigation roll 19) “Rarity, come on,” Rainbow called.

“I don’t believe this is a blue dragon’s egg,” she noted, earning confused looks from the girls.

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight.

“The color just seems a bit unnatural.” Rarity shrugged as she rubbed the shell of the egg with her hand. She felt a small electrical crackle almost like static electricity, but there was something else. “And the shell… it’s… smooth.”

That piqued Twilight’s interest as she walked over and touched the egg herself, feeling that it was indeed smooth to the touch. (Twilight Sparkle Nature roll 19) “This isn’t right. Dragon eggshells are supposed to feel like scaly stones. This feels more like…” She realized it immediately. “Paint.”

That certainly got the group’s attention. “Wait, so someone stole a dragon’s egg and painted it blue? Why?” asked Rainbow.

(Fluttershy Nature roll Dirty 20) “I don’t know. But it does make a certain sense.” Fluttershy remarked thoughtfully. “Blue dragons live in deserts, and the nearest desert is miles from here. There’s no way anyone could’ve carried this egg all the way from there without someone hearing about it.”

The others appeared surprised by hearing that from her. “How do you know that?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh. Um…” Fluttershy shrugged nervously. “I… did research before we started the game.”

“Well, it was good research because she’s right.” Twilight agreed. “And there’s only one other kind of dragon I can think of that would have electric eggs. Just to confirm it… Sunset, give me a knife.”

Sunset was confused but shrugged and handed Twilight one of her daggers, which the wizard scraped along the side of the egg, scratching off a little of the blue paint to reveal the egg’s true color: a dull metallic orange and green. “Yep, just as I suspected. This is a bronze dragon’s egg.” Quickly getting the picture, Sunset took her knife back and continued scraping away the blue paint, revealing more bronze scales.

“I suppose that makes things easier?” asked Rarity.

“Absolutely. Bronze dragons live in coastal caves.” Twilight remembered. “All we have to do is find an area like that known for thunderstorms in recent times, and we’ll find the dragon belongs to.”

“What if they think we stole it?” asked Rainbow.

“Hopefully it won’t come to that. Metallic dragons are much more understanding than chromatics.” Twilight assured.

“Either way, it looks as though we’ll need to find the dragon’s den.” Rarity pointed out. “And for that, we’ll need a map. And transport.”

“I’ll talk to Roland and see what I can arrange.” Rainbow offered.

“Alright, thanks Rainbow Dash.” Twilight nodded. “In the meantime, we need to figure out who stole a dragon egg just to leave it in the capital of Achtia.”

(Rarity Investigation roll 13) “I believe I can answer that.” Rarity noted as she picked up the tarp that had covered the egg… revealing a familiar symbol.

“The Dead Eyes…” Sunset said in surprise.

“Wow. First they enslave the women of a village, and now they’re trying to sic a dragon attack on Elesmont?” Rainbow said in surprised disgust. “They’re sick.”

“And we’re out of here,” Sunset said quickly as she walked back up toward the Ebony Hall, the girls quickly following her… (Applejack Strength roll 8) though Applejack did stay behind for a minute to try and pick up the egg, but it was too heavy for her at the moment so she followed her friends back to the hall… where they found Princess Freda outside.

“What’s up, Freda?” Rainbow asked in concern.

“Just… getting some air,” Freda said as she rubbed her eyes. “It’s still a bit hard to believe that Kasdeya would betray me like that.”

“I’m sure. You have our deepest sympathies for this betrayal, darling.” Rarity assured. Freda smiled as she held Rarity’s hand.

“Hate to cut this short, but we have to talk to the king about something real quick,” Rainbow said quickly as she walked toward the door… which opened right as the king walked out.

“Well, look no further,” he remarked. “How can I help you, old friend?”

“We need to know where we can find a coastal cave near here,” Twilight said simply.

“Oh? And why is that?” the king asked, intrigued.

“Just trying to find a place to do some more good deeds is all.” Rainbow smiled arrogantly. “After all, what kinda war hero would I be if I let people get trampled by a monster we could’ve trounced?”

Roland and Freda couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Still as arrogant as ever, I see.” the king remarked.

“Hasn’t gotten me killed yet.” Rainbow countered.

“True enough.” Roland nodded. “Well, the nearest coastal cave I can think of is the Leviathan’s Maw on the Shuddering Isles, off the coast of the town of Hartben to the east. But I’d tread lightly; the seas there are rife with storms these days, and more than a few ships have been lost.”

“I figured as much,” Twilight remarked, adjusting her glasses thoughtfully. “In that case, can we request some transportation there?”

“Of course. I’ll have Donaghy arrange a wagon.” Roland nodded.

“Thanks, Roland.” Rainbow smiled.

Soon enough, the group was indeed set up with a simple wagon – much the same as the one the girls drove from Impekka, but a good deal more distinguished as it bore the standard of Roland. (Applejack Strength roll 13) Applejack strained once again to lift the dragon egg and carefully set it in the wagon, hiding it under Fluttershy’s blanket just to make sure no one saw it. “All set.” she smiled as she climbed up and took the reins.

“Well, guess we’ll be off then.” Rainbow smiled at Roland, shaking his hand one last time before they left.

“Safe travels, old friend.” Donaghy cautioned. “I’ve heard tell of bandits along the road to Hartben. Best watch yourself.”

“Oh, I think we can handle ourselves,” Rainbow smirked as she mounted the riding horse Donaghy had supplied along with the wagon.

“I don’t doubt it; I’m just advising caution. Despite my better nature in knowing it’s a lost cause for you.” Donaghy remarked.

“That’s one of the first things ya learn when ya meet her.” Applejack nodded as she goaded the wagon horses onward. Rainbow just rolled her eyes and rode alongside the wagon as the royal family laughed.

It didn’t take them long to get on the eastern road to Hartben, and despite how calm it seemed, the girls were still on guard. Or at least, most of them were; Rarity was spending the ride sewing something from materials she’d picked up from the weaver’s guild in Bagnon. “What are you working on there, Rarity?” Sunset asked seriously.

“Oh, just something to help spice up our wardrobes a bit.” Rarity smiled as she kept stitching. (Rarity Dexterity roll 11 – Weaver’s DC 8). “And to help show our unity.”

“You’re making us matching outfits?” Rainbow asked through the small window slit in the covered wagon’s tarp.

“Something like that, Darling. Beyond that, I’m afraid it’s a surprise.” Rarity smiled as she kept sewing.

(Twilight Sparkle Intelligence roll Nat 1) “Well, either way, it looks like we’ve got a lot of ground to cover,” Twilight remarked as she looked at the map. “It looks like Hartben is weeks away at best.” (Spike Intelligence roll 13) When he heard that, Spike looked at the map from Twilight’s shoulder… and just rolled his eyes before he skittered down her arm and flipped it 180 degrees in her hands. Twilight blushed as she looked at the map now and looked around. “Uh… and when I say that… obviously I mean that if we keep this pace, we’ll be there at around noon tomorrow.”

(Rainbow Dash Insight roll 14) Rainbow smirked on her horse. “You were reading it upside down, weren’t you?” she asked.

“No!” Twilight objected in embarrassment.

“Yeah.” Spike nodded at the same time.

The whole group chuckled a bit at that as they kept riding through the plains, the sun setting in their path. “Looks like we’re gonna need to stop soon,” Applejack noted. “Ah don’t fancy ridin’ in the dark.”

“Agreed.” Rainbow nodded as she looked down the road. (Rainbow Dash Perception roll 11) In the evening light, she clearly saw a clear patch of ground under some trees a few yards ahead up ahead. “We can make camp up there.”

“Then we move at first light.” Sunset agreed. With that in mind, the group pulled off the road. Rainbow tied the horses to one of the trees as the others pitched camp.

(Applejack Nature Roll 13 and Strength Roll 12) Applejack found some branches on the trees that were dead, so she simply snapped them off with her hands and set up a simple campfire, (Sunset Shimmer uses Ignite ability) which Sunset lit with a touch of her hand. “Think we’ll have any trouble here?” Sunset asked.

“Nah, I didn’t see anything on the way here.” Applejack shrugged as she got started on cooking the group dinner with their rations.

“Perhaps not… but I am a bit nervous.” Rarity remarked as she looked around, clearly mirroring Fluttershy’s own nerves. “Uh, Rainbow Dash? Would you be a dear? Just make sure we’re not in any danger?”

“Eh, why not? I’ve been wanting to try this power out.” Rainbow shrugged as she stood up and focused, taking a deep breath as she grasped her holy amulet. (Rainbow Dash uses Divine Sense) For a moment as she focused, all seemed at peace within their area… but then, just on the edge of her senses, she smelled something rancid that drove her from her focus for a moment. “Bleh. Ugh.”

“What is it?” asked Sunset.

“Ugh, not sure. Smelled like some sort of undead down the road.” Rainbow pointed in the direction they were heading.

“Undead? Can ya tell what kind it is?” Applejack asked, clutching her hammer preemptively.

“Wish I could.” Rainbow shrugged. “Good news is it feels like they’re a good distance away. We shouldn’t have to worry about them.”

Twilight looked in the direction Rainbow pointed, more than thankful for her half-elven Darkvision as she peered through the evening darkness, her eyes locking onto what looked like a small lantern light approaching them. She could indeed see at least three people moving down the road under the lantern’s light. “Can you tell how many undead are out there?” she asked the paladin.

“Feels like just one,” Rainbow noted.

“There are two others with it then,” Twilight remarked.

“Hunters, perhaps?” Rarity suggested.

“Doubt it,” Sunset noted. “Dowse the fire, just to be safe.” Twilight quickly nodded and waved her staff over the fire (Twilight Sparkle casts Prestidigitation), instantly snuffing it as the group quickly hid. (Full party Stealth Roll – Sunset Shimmer 18, Twilight Sparkle 17, Spike 17, Applejack 15, Fluttershy 19, Rarity 22, Rainbow Dash [Dis. due to Chainmail] 21 or 16, Pinkie Pie 11). It was difficult to hide in what little underbrush there was, especially with how the brambles scraped against Rainbow’s armor.

Even so, with the fire out and hidden in the brush, the group clearly made out two knights in black and silver armor as they approached, the lantern hanging from the pike of one of the knights… but it was the third figure that alarmed the group; a pale man with receding brown hair and empty black eyes that seemed to glow in the dark in fairly regal traveling garb. “What have we here?” he asked coldly as he examined the wagon.

“Achtian. Royal, by the livery; a supply wagon of the Riders, no doubt.” one of the knights noted, almost sounding as if he didn’t care.

“Mm.” the pale man said almost distastefully as he looked around, sniffing as he looked. (??? Perception roll 9) The girls tensed quietly as they felt his eyes drift over them, though he didn’t seem to notice any of them as he looked. “Seems a bit odd for bandits to leave such a recognizable vehicle on the side of the road like this.”

“Must’ve stripped it and gone.” the other knight noted.

“Indeed.” The pale man didn’t seem convinced as he looked into the wagon, shaking his head at what he saw. “Well, there’s nothing here; just a few blankets.” Applejack was more than a bit relieved he hadn’t seen the dragon egg under the blanket in the wagon.

“In that case, sire, might I suggest we be on our way?” the first knight requested. “Lord Shadowmend will be expecting us to keep to his schedule.” That gave the girls cause to be quietly surprised.

“Indeed.” the pale man noted as he left the seemingly abandoned campsite, his knights following him. Spike carefully skittered up a tree to watch them leave (Spike Stealth roll 11), but his clambering snapped a small twig off a branch which drew the attention of one of the knights, making him freeze on the branch before the knight shook his head. “What is it?”

“Pseudodragon, sir. Nothing to worry about.” the knight assured as they kept walking.

Finally, after a few agonizing minutes as the three departed, Sunset lost sight of the light of their lantern over the horizon. “They’re gone,” she whispered to the others, all of whom relaxed and clambered out of the underbrush, brushing themselves clean.

“Shadowmend? Those vampires from the party?” Rainbow asked as she pulled bramble thorns from her chainmail. “I thought Donaghy said their place was miles to the north.”

“It is,” Twilight noted as she looked at the map, noting the distance between their location and the Salisdaire mountains. “Zestrel must not be the only nation with spies in Achtia.”

Vampire spies. Now that’s somethin’ Ah don’t wanna go up against.” Applejack noted.

“Me neither. Let’s just hope those guys don’t double back while we sleep.” Rainbow agreed.

“Speaking of…” Rarity noted as she unfurled her bedroll. “I suggest we at least attempt to get some rest before morning. Long ride ahead.”

“On that, we’re agreed.” Sunset nodded… though she was silently dreading going to bed on the off-chance Glasya was waiting for her in her dreams. Even so, she’d done enough late-night gaming streams to know what sleep deprivation can do to a person, so she decided to simply bite the bullet as she rolled out her own bedroll, along with the others before they all went to sleep, ready for the next day’s adventures. (Long Rest – All damages healed and spell slots and ability charges regained – Fluttershy chooses new Druid spells for the day)