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The Ghost of Christmas Past

It wasn’t long before Scrooge headed to bed to turn in for the night. As he made his way to the bed, he looked around cautiously for any signs of the spirits he was warned about.

“Spirits.” He mumbled as he crawled in bed and blew out the candle and closed the drapes. “Humbug.”


“C’mon.” Charles said as he, Karai, and Gamer climbed a tree. “This one is the closest to his bedroom.”

“Watching an old guy sleep. Not exactly the best evening activity.” Gamer griped.

“Haven’t you been paying attention?” Karai rolled her eyes. “Scrooge is gonna be visited by three ghosts.”

“The first ghost is to appear at one. It’ll be very soon.” Charles took out a pocket watch and checked it.

Scrooge slipped into the empty of a dreamless sleep.

In his bed, Scrooge was sound asleep. When his grandfather clock rang, he opened one eye and looked around before Charles shouted Marley’s words, startling Gamer.


As his words echoed, the trio looked around to see nothing happening. Charles checked his watch again. “Hmm. Must be off by a couple minutes. Or maybe she’s running late or something. Cuz there was supposed to be a-” Suddenly, a blinding bright light shone in Scrooge’s room, startling the three. “Oh. There we go.”

Scrooge was equally startled as he sat up. The light was shining through his drapes before he pulled them away, trying to see. When the light disappeared, there stood a young girl with red and yellow hair (Sunset Shimmer) wearing a white gown. She had light shining on her head and carried holly and a big extinguisher.

Scrooge breathed. “Are you the spirit who’s coming was foretold to me?”

“I am.” Nodded the girl.

“But… you’re just a child.” Scrooge blinked.

“I can remember for nearly nineteen hundred years. I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.”

“Long past?”

“Your past.”

“What business has brought you here?”

“Your welfare.”

Scrooge scoffed at the Spirit’s answer. “a night’s unbroken rest might be my welfare.”

“Your salvation then. Take heed. Come.” The spirit turned to the window that sprung open magically.

Scrooge grew nervous. “I beg you, Spirit. I’m mortal. I’ll fall.”

“A touch of my hand you shall fly.”

Scrooge reluctantly took the spirit’s hand and the two flew out the window. At that moment, Charles roped Scrooge’s leg with a grappling hook.

“Everyone ready?” he turned to Karai and Gamer who were holding on.

“Ready.” Karai grinned.

“Here we gooooo!” Gamer cried as they lifted up with them.

As they all floated over London, Gamer looked down to the city below. “Man. What a view!”

“Am I the only one amazed they could lift up all three of us?” Karai looked up at Scrooge and the spirit.

“I ain’t complaining.” Charles shrugged.

Scrooge was equally amazed as he looked at how high they were. The spirit saw that and grinned. “What’s wrong, Scrooge? Ha ha. I thought you enjoy looking down on the world.”

Scrooge noticed a light in the horizon. “Spirit, what is that light? It can’t be dawn.”

“It is the past.” The spirit answered as they headed towards it.

“Well, that looks inviting.” Gamer noticed the light.

“Hang on! Here’s where the ride gets bumpy.” Charles warned.

“Oh joy.” Karai mumbled as they flew into the blinding light.

When the light faded, Scrooge saw they were above a forest area as they descended.

“We’re going down.” Gamer noticed.

“We’ll follow them through the trees. Let’s go!” Charles ordered as the three jumped down and he retracted his line without Scrooge noticing. They jumped from the trees as they followed Scrooge and the spirit to a building.

And so, they arrived at Ebeneezer Scrooge’s childhood.

Charles then noticed they were one person short. “Where’s Gamer?”

“He was right behind me.” Karai was equally confused.

Then, Gamer jumped out, revealing he was being attacked by a stray cat.

“I’ll get him. You keep narrating.” Karai went to help him as Charles continued.

It was the afternoon of Christmas Eve. And Scrooge was conscious of a thousand odors. Each one was connected with a thousand thoughts and hopes and joys and cares. Long, long ago.

Scrooge looked around as he and the spirit landed near a familiar building. “That’s my old school. I was a boy here!” he then saw a couple familiar kids.

“Look! It’s Henry!” he pointed to a tall boy in green. “And Edward, my best friend!” he next pointed to a boy in blue. “Hello! Hello, boys!”

The boys didn’t respond as the spirit explained. “These are the shadows of the past, Ebeneezer. They can neither see nor hear you. Come. Let us go inside.”

Meanwhile, Karai was trying to yank the cat off Gamer. When the cat refused to budge, Karai shifted her face to serpent eyes and fangs and hissed at the cat, scaring it off as it scurried off. Gamer spat out some cat fur from his mouth.

“Thank you.” He thanked Karai, who smiled as her face shifted back.

“Come on. Mr. Dickens is waiting for us.” She lead him to Charles who held the door for them.

“This way.” He politely said as they entered the school.


And what a flood of memories came back to him as Scrooge beheld his old classroom.

The three watched from the corner as Scrooge looked around with the spirit not far behind him.

“I know it all so well, Spirit. The desk. The smell of the chalk. I chose my profession in this room.”

“And is he too familiar?” The spirit pointed to a desk.

Scrooge beheld a small boy. A boy he knew all very well indeed.

The boy was light purple skinned with black hair and wore glasses (Amethyst Majesty) and he was writing and working.

“Good heaven.” Scrooge wowed. “It’s me.”

Just then, a couple boys hurried past.

“C’mon, Scrooge! The last coach is leaving!” one boy said.

“Yeah! Everyone goes home for Christmas.” The other added as they left.

The past Scrooge sneered. “Who cares about stupid old Christmas?”

“I was often alone. More time for reading and studying. The Christmas season was a time to get work done. Time for…. Solitude.” Scrooge reminisced.

Karai spoke to Gamer and Charles. “Y’know, I can relate to Scrooge. Even under my so-called father’s rule, I felt alone a lot.”

Charles responded by patting her shoulder contently.

“Let us see another Christmas in this place.” The Spirit suggested.

“They were all the same. Nothing changed.”

“You’ve changed.” The spirit pointed out. “Besides, there was one Christmas that was different.”

In one of the years that flew by, Scrooge saw a figure he hadn’t seen in years. His now deceased sister, Fanny.


Past Scrooge looked to see a girl with warm pink puffy hair and in a pink dress (Pinkie Pie) burst through the door, which caused Gamer to jump in Karai’s arms. Karai just responded by dropping him on the floor.

“F-Fan!” Young Scrooge stuttered as his sister bounced toward him.

“Merry Christmas, big brother!”

“What’s so merry about it?” Young Scrooge rolled his eyes.

“Because, this year, you get to come home!” Fanny cheered.

Young Scrooge looked unconvinced. “I doubt father wants to see me.”

Fanny pouted. “But he said you could come home this time!”

“I… don’t know.”

Seeing her brother still unsure, Fanny began to sing.

When Fanny finished her song, Young Scrooge slowly smiled. “Well, in full honesty, I have missed you, Fan. Okay, I’ll come.”

“Yay! C’mon! the carriage is waiting.” Fanny pulled Young Scrooge to the door while Scrooge shed a tear.

The spirit noticed. “You loved your sister Fan dearly.”

Scrooge wiped away his tear. “I did. She was the only thing that brought joy to my clouded life. She died giving birth to Fred. I've hated him ever since!”

“And yet, despite that, Fred cares for you.”

Scrooge breathed heavily. “He takes after his mother. But all it does is remind me of her!”

The spirit put her hand on Scrooge’s shoulder. “Come. There is much to see.”

There was a blinding light as the spirit led Scrooge away from his old school.


A moment later, Scrooge found himself standing on a city street, looking at a building he had not seen in years.

Scrooge looked around as he perked up as the spirit spoke. “Tell me, Ebeneezer, do you know this place?”

“Know it? My first job was here! This was Fezziwig’s!”

Once again, it was Christmas eve. Night was falling and the lamplighters were plying their trade.

Charles and Karai looked up as Gamer lit a lamp only to get his sleeve on fire too.

“Oh Shhh!” he gasped. “Little help!”

“Oh geez. Uh….” Charles looked around franticly as Karai looked to see a bucket of water and kicked the ladder, causing Gamer to fall in the bucket.

Gamer poked his head out of the water, shivering. “T-Th-Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” Karai grinned before turning to Charles. “You might want to fish him.”

“Right.” Charles agreed as Gamer went back in the water.

Meanwhile, Scrooge saw a bird with a white wig (Pidgeon Pete) peeking out the door. “There he is! Old Fezziwig himself!”

Fezziwig smiled. “Look, lads! Dusk has fallen! The lamplighters are at work. It’s Christmas Eve for certain!”

Scrooge turned to the spirit. “What an employee he was. As hard and ruthless as a rose petal.”

“It’s time for the party to begin!” Fezziwig went back inside.

“It’s the Fezziwig annual Christmas party!”

As Scrooge and the spirit went inside, Charles put a stick in the water while Karai watched.

“Gamer come on!” he called.

“You okay?” Karai asked.


“Merry Christmas!”

Through out the place, everyone was in jolly spirits wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Scrooge looked around and saw many familiar faces, including a younger version of Jacob Marley.

Just then, Charles and Karai entered in secret as Charles was carrying a big white frozen Gamer. Just then, he saw a brown-haired girl in a blue dress and wore a pink scarf (Serenity) that caught his eye.

“Well. Hello.” He mumbled blushing. His trance was interrupted by a grunt. “Yeah, yeah I haven’t forgotten you.”

They walked up to a table where Charles smashed Gamer on, freeing him from his icy predicament.

As he shook himself loose, Gamer deadpanned at Charles. “I suppose I should be grateful.”

“You’re welcome.” Charles smiled.

“Excuse me?” They watched Fezziwig trying to get everyone’s attention, but nobody was paying attention. “Can I have your attention please?”

When everyone was still not listening, a tall alligator with a high silk hat and bow (Leatherhead), walked up before roaring, “QUIET!”

As the place grew silent, the gator walked away. “Thank you.”

Fezziwig cleared his throat. “Yes, that’s better. Welcome to the Fezziwig’s annual Christmas party. At this time of the proceedings, it is a tradition for me to make a little speech.”

“Isn’t it also a tradition for us to take a little nap?” The younger Jacob Marley chived as everyone laughed.

“Oh, everyone’s a critic!” Fezziwig pulled out a small piece of paper. “Here is my Christmas speech. Here we go. Ahem. Thank you all and merry Christmas!”

Everyone applauded while young Jacob just shrugged. “Probably the best speech I’ve heard.”

“Let’s party!” Fezziwig cheered as the musicians began to play and everyone danced. Fezziwig danced merrily with his wife (Derpy). Gamer sat by the punch bowl getting a drink as Charles got a plate of Hor derves that he shared with Karai.

Scrooge looked at Fezziwig having fun. “I couldn’t have worked for a kinder man. I always was concerned for the expenses, he kept telling me Christmas was a time for generosity and this was just small things.”

“A small matter,” said the spirit, “to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.”

The Spirit signed to him to listen to the crowd, who were pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig: and when he had done so, said,

“Why! Is it not? He has spent but a few pounds of your mortal money: three or four perhaps. Is that so much that he deserves this praise?”

“It isn’t that!” said Scrooge, heated by the remark, and speaking unconsciously like his former, not his latter, self. “It isn’t that, Spirit. He has the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lies in words and looks; in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count ’em up: what then? The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune.”

He felt the Spirit’s glance and stopped. He looked around and saw a familiar lad sitting at the corner. “That’s me. I was a bit shy in those days.”

“It was shortly after your sister died, giving birth to your nephew. It was fitting that you would be so antisocial.”

“Yeah. I had almost forgotten about after working for Fezziwig.” Scrooge mumbled before noticing a new familiar face. “There. Is lovely Isabelle.”

There standing there was a young girl with purple lavishing hair in a purple dress (Rarity). As she eyed Ebeneezer, she saw mistletoe above and smiled and went towards Young Scrooge.

“Ebeneezer? Ebeneezer?”

“Yes, Isabelle?” Young Scrooge asked as she pulled him under the mistletoe.

“My eyes are closed, my lips puckered, and I’m standing under the mistletoe.”

Before she could kiss, Ebeneezer noticed something. “You’re also standing on my foot.”

Despite that, Belle took Young Scrooge’s hand, and they shared a dance. After much merriment and fun, Belle leaned over and pecked Young Scrooge’s cheek.

Scrooge sighed. “I remember how much I fell in love her. I shouldn’t have remembered.”

The spirit spoke up. “There is another Christmas involving that young girl.”

Scrooge wide eyed at the spirit. “No. not that.”

He then saw himself at his counting house as the spirit explained. “You just started your counting business with Jacob Marley. Your way has been set. Recall how you drove love out of your heart and replaced with the worship of money.”

Scrooge watched through the window and saw his younger self with Belle. Only this time, Belle looked more upset at the younger Scrooge.

“Yes! Another idol has replaced me!” she whined.

Young Scrooge looked at her unamused. “Oh really? That’s going a little too far, Belle.” He went back to his counting book. “Hmm. Hawkins is three days late. Do you realize how much money I’m expected to lose?”

Belle closed his book. “Please, Ebeneezer. It is Christmas.”

Young Scrooge snapped. “Christmas? Bah! Christmas is a folly! A waste of time! It’s a…. a humbug! That’s right! Christmas is a humbug!”

Belle gasped and began to shed tears. “I-I wish to break our engagement, Ebeneezer.”

“Why?” Ebeneezer cried.

“Because you are becoming something I don’t know. Something I don’t want to know!”

“Belle, I’m doing this for you. I love you!” Young Scrooge pleaded.

“You did once!” Belle sobbed as she ran out the door.

As she ran crying, she sang a little song.

Meanwhile, Young Scrooge sang to himself as he showed before angrily going back to his counting book.

After the song finished, Scrooge began to tremble with regret as the spirit noticed. “Something on your mind, Mr. Scrooge?”

“Belle was my first real love...” Scrooge sadly said as he wiped away a tear.

“Yes, she was. But you loved your money more than that poor woman.”

Scrooge pleaded to the spirit. “Spirit, show me no more! I do not wish to bare these memories much longer!”

“These memories were made by you only, Scrooge. So do not blame me for the path that led to you becoming the miser you are today.” The spirit turned away.

“Take me home, Spirit.” Scrooge demanded. But instead, the Ghost turned to Scrooge as her face changed to Franny. Scrooge flinched at the sight. “Stop this!” The Ghost ignored him as her face shifted into Fezziwig. “Why do torture me with these visions?!”

The Ghost's face then turned into to Belle as she answered in her voice, "You torture yourself, Scrooge!"

Then the ghost let out a blinding light. Scrooge covered his eyes from the glare and when it dimmed down, Scrooge uncovered them and saw he was back in his bedroom.

Scrooge was left alone, exhausted in his bed chamber. And thus, he remained until the nearby clock began striking the hour.

Outside the window, Charles and Karai watched Scrooge going back to bed as the clock began to ding, waking Gamer up.

“What was that?” he yawned.

“Two o clock.” Charles told him.

“Kay. Wake me when the next ghost comes.” Gamer fell back asleep next to Karai who rubbed his head.

“Should we tell him it’ll be soon?” Karai asked Charles.

“Let him rest. It’ll be a little.” Charles looked back at Scrooge.

To be Continued

Author's Note:

Whew! This chapter took longer than expected. Probably the next two might be just as long. Thank you all for your patience.

Special thanks to Jebens1 for help with a bit of dialogue.

Henry and Edward are supposed to be the characters from Thomas & Friends if they were in Equestria Girls. (There's a fiction about that)