• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 185 Views, 2 Comments

The Scarlet Eventide - Burningbloom78

The Scarlet Eventide is about a young mare named Setiya persevering through a war that has caused her misfortune.

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A Mournful Gaze and an Oath

It was past the break of dawn, the sun shined through the window and graced Setiya's face. Setiya awakened from her bed in a lazy daze. She leaned forward silently and looked to her left and saw a stallion sitting next to her bed. He didn't utter a word... in fact, his body was blurry, shrouded in a white mist.

Setiya seemed to pay him no mind, shifting her legs and lightly set them on the chilly floor. She quietly eased herself off the bed and headed to another room through the stallion, making him dissipate into nothingness. Her head hung in a droopy state.

She arrived at the bathroom and saw the stallion eying her beside the shower. Setiya turned her glossy gaze in the mirror and saw her mane was a mess and that she had a few strands of hair missing. Emmerich came to mind and her body shuddered, quickly dismissing the idea, and trotted towards the shower in a groggy stride.

Setiya lazily turned the shower on and sat on the floor waiting for it to heat up. She wanted the steam to shroud the bathroom in a misty haze. She looked to her right and saw the stallion just sitting there. Despite the odd feeling that crept under her skin, she didn't mind the stallion's eerie, ghostly presence.

Another daze and thirty minutes flew by. Snapping out of her stupor, Setiya moved the shower curtains and stepped into the shower before closing them completely. The water pelted her face like a cascade of glass was to a rock; she could barely feel the warmth of the heated water. Perhaps that was fine to her, that her mind could linger through different thoughts laced inside her head.

"Why am I so tired?" she thought aloud. "I was just fine yesterday. I can't seem to focus... what's wrong with me? Flint... I should be over this by now, but I'm not." Setiya sniffled, staring at the showerhead in another trance. "Does it hurt that much? Yes... yes, it does."

As her body was being drenched in warm water, Setiya glanced at the shower curtain and saw the silhouette of the stallion behind it. She chuckled pitifully and began to cleanse herself.

"I should have died, yet here I am," the earth pony softly groaned. "How did I ever get this far?"

Twenty minutes passed her by and Setiya stepped out of the shower. She peered towards a large towel sitting atop the toilet seat and snatched it, drying herself off before wrapping the towel around her mane. The stallion was still there, watching Setiya's every move without so much as uttering a single word.

Setiya wondered why she saw him, why he stood there in silence, but once again, she attempted to dismiss him and trotted out of the bathroom. She passes the bed and stops at a large window overlooking a part of the kingdom. She sighed and pressed her body against the glass in a sorrowful slump.

Setiya felt the stallion's presence and looked to her left and saw him standing close to her, staring at the earth pony. Setiya glanced at her ring and caressed it with love before turning to meet the stallion's gaze, but of course, she could see nothing.

"You aren't here, but it feels so real," she whispered, inching herself closer to the stallion. "I want to do this, but I'm scared. Please... hold still." Setiya gripped the ring and puckered her lips out to the stallion to touch his, to feel him, but her attempt failed; she passed through the stallion and fell to the floor. She was dismal; her tears flowed from her eyes, yet a small grin somehow made itself across her face. Setiya let out another pitiful chuckle before averting her eyes, embarrassed; she suddenly felt awash with shame, but none was looking at her miserable display other than the stallion.

"Figures," she lamented, wiping away her tears. "My head's all messed up; I should've known that I am going insane. Flying feather..." a labored and shaken sigh escaped Setiya's lips. After a while, she lifted herself from the floor. Her mane had finished drying and Setiya cast the large towel on the bed.

It was time to head outside and greet her friends. When she turned around to look at the door, she saw the stallion sitting by it. He was waiting. Setiya trotted up to the door, placing her hoof on the knob with a weak twist to crack it open. Another sigh came from the earth pony, meeting the stallion's scrutinizing cloudy gaze.

"How long will you be here?" she mumbled in a light tone. Setiya was still tired, and her demeanor was depressive. "I know who you are, and I don't know why you chose to be here, but if you are going to watch me, then so be it."

The stallion's head tilted to the side. Setiya's face was glum and fatigued. "I'll be careful," she solemnly said, but her voice rattled with gloom. "Watch me today. Watch me. Then you'll understand."

The stallion didn't respond, only gazing at Setiya with a murky stare. The earth pony opened the door completely and headed down the opulent, hollow halls of the castle. She looked forward and saw the stallion sitting beside Ms. Frendi and Janus, but the two friends seem to not notice the stallion amongst them.

Setiya's eyes darkened, and she was shivering. She didn't want to lie, but she felt as if she had no choice. Too far has the journey brought the mare. She had to bear it. It was foolish, but what's a mare supposed to do?

Try and smile. If you can't, then fake it. Make excuses. You were lost in thought. Ease their worries. You're fine. Nothing is wrong. You are just tired, Setiya thought to herself.

Setiya trotted up to her friends and greeted them with a weak smile. Ms. Frendi embraced the earth pony with love as Janus chuckled. They were glad to see their pony friend up and about; it was such a relief.

"I'm going to meet Ina for training soon," the earth pony mumbled quietly. She rubbed her mane before caressing the ring again. "I need to figure out how to use these tendrils if I am to be of use in King Enoch's army."

"Although I would be honored to be your teacher in the art of combat, Ina is far more qualified," Ms. Frendi told Setiya, stroking the mare's mane. "What you have inside is magic in nature, and who better to teach you than her?"

"I agree," Janus added. "Before that, we must feast!"

Ms. Frendi laughed. "Come to the dining hall, Setiya. You haven't eaten much since we met."

Setiya drowned out Ms. Frendi's words, staring at the stallion as it emulated her. Setiya's smile gradually waned, and her eyes became glossy. A headache reared its ugly face at the back of her skull, she heard faint, high-pitched ringing in her ears, and the area around her began to darken. Before anything got worse, Ms. Frendi shook Setiya out of her gloomy stupor.

"Are you okay?" the feathery griffin implored. "If you aren't hungry..."

Setiya raised her hoof. "I am," she muttered. "I was just... lost in thought. I'm quite hungry, so let's hurry and eat before I have to train."

Ms. Frendi wasn't convinced. "Setiya," she placed a claw on the pony's face, "if there is anything that's bothering you, tell us. Please."

Setiya pulled away from Ms. Frendi's soft caress and faked a smile. "I told you that I'm fine. I'm just a little tired."

Ms. Frendi sighed and nodded. "Okay," she said. "If you are certain. Let's go eat."

"Yes, let's," Janus said, walking down the hall with Ms. Frendi beside him.

Setiya trailed behind her friends, however, she would slow every time the stallion appeared in the hallway. Setiya could hardly focus with him around, but she didn't mind.

Setiya caught Ms. Frendi's attention with a soft tug on her fur. "Does King Enoch know you and Janus were Darkside soldiers?"

Ms. Frendi nodded, wearing a kind expression. "We told him everything when you were recovering," she replied. "He's quite understanding. Queen Ninis was also informed. They are glad to have us on their side, and I and Janus couldn't be happier."

Janus stayed silent, but he emulated Ms. Frendi's contentment.

"That's good," Setiya uttered. "Time to eat."

The trio got to the dining hall and saw King Enoch and Queen Ninis conversing with one another. A large array of food littered across the elongated table. The delectable, sweet aroma of food filled Setiya's nostrils, and she couldn't wait to dig in, but then she saw the stallion looming over a chair and Setiya suddenly lost her appetite.

The King and Queen of Zaria gestured to their new allies, urging them to sit and feast. The trio settled into the chairs, Setiya took the one the stallion loomed over while Janus and Ms. Frendi sat together across from her.

"Greetings, my allies!" King Enoch exclaimed happily. "How do we fare this wonderful morning?"

"Janus and I are quite well-rested," Ms. Frendi answered, bowing to the king. "We are eager to be of assistance to you, sir."

"We've been working with the soldiers since the invasion, edifying them strong techniques and the like," Janus merrily explained to the king. "Your soldiers are well taught, and their eagerness to perform and defend the kingdom is quite infectious!"

King Enoch laughed loudly, filling his gullet with food. Queen Ninis rolled her eyes at her husband's lack of table manners and profusely apologized for his behavior. "He hasn't been eating lately..." she uttered. "My husband has had his hooves full of this war, but that doesn't excuse him for his uncouth manner, especially in the presence of guests."

King Enoch's ears drooped to the side as he was met with his wife's eyes shooting daggers. He promptly cowered and asked for forgiveness from the triad of companions, and of course, they did.

King Enoch shifted his eyes to Setiya. "How are you feeling?" he polled. "I was informed yesterday about your... quirk."

Setiya stared at the stallion behind her, not hearing or answering the king's inquiry. She didn't even touch her food. It wasn't too long after that Ms. Frendi hovered over to the earth pony and shook Setiya, once again, out of her daze.

"What?!" she yelled, veering her head before calming down. Everypony stared at the earth pony. Ms. Frendi's eyes narrowed, she had a right to be concerned.

"Setiya, the king asked how you were doing," the feathered friend hissed, flying back to her seat. "Go ahead and answer him."

Setiya held her ring in embarrassment. "Oh... I am fine, Your Majesty," she bowed in apology.

King Enoch raised his brow in bewilderment. "So, you say. Ina told me you were going to train under her guidance, yes?"

Setiya confirmed his query. "That's correct, Your Majesty. I want to be of use to you, so with this new... 'power', I hope to get a grasp on it."

King Enoch chuckled with glee. "That's good, but be careful to not strain yourself," he warned before taking another bite out of his food. "I ordered Ina to take it easy if that's alright with you."

Setiya began to drown out the king's words, but she snapped herself out of it. "That's perfectly fine, Your Majesty."

"Setiya," King Enoch addressed in a firm, yet sincere manner, "if you truly aren't feeling well, then you can turn in today. Don't force yourself and your body. It won't do any of us good if you aren't... all there."

Setiya shook her head and forced a smile. "I'm fine, sire," she persists in a serious tone, but she knew it was fake. "I don't have a home anymore. I lost my friends in this war, and I want to help you end it."

King Enoch sighed. "I appreciate the notion and your determination," he said, taking a sip from his glass. "Be prudent; keep your wits about you."

Setiya nodded. "I will."

"Good," he muttered. "Now please, eat. You'll be needing the energy soon."

Everyone resumed eating, laughing, and joking with one another, except Setiya. She stayed mostly quiet. A fun time, it was. To see smiles across faces, hearing laughter fill the room was a good change from the usual blood-curdling agony. It was a time Setiya did feel at peace, and she relished it the best she could. It was warm and comforting, however, Setiya felt a chill down her back; the stallion loomed over her in daunting silence, and although the mare did not want to worry her friends, she did, occasionally, look over her chair and stared at the ghostly stallion.

After a few hours of chatting, Janus and Ms. Frendi decided to coach some of the soldiers around the perimeter of Zaria, and King Enoch and his wife, Queen Ninis, decided to guide Setiya to the training grounds.

Everyone left the table. Setiya bid Janus and Ms. Frendi a brief farewell as she and the Zarian king and queen made their way to the training grounds.

Outside, Setiya was led to a large, square, barren patch of land littered with weapons and armor. Setiya saw Ina-Sona-Lapon etching sigils on each of the four corners. It was that elder mysticism or old magic she utilized.

As the Zarian royalty stepped into the training grounds, so did Setiya, and she witnessed the stallion looking at her with his back against the castle wall. With a hurried trot, she marches up to the stallion with a bleak gaze.

King Enoch and Queen Ninis were dumbfounded. What was Setiya looking at? Why was she constantly distracted? Even Ina glimpsed toward Setiya's direction and saw nothing.

"Setiya!" Ina called out, waving her wooden cane in the air playfully. "Come here, I need to talk to you about your training!"

It took some yelling to grab Setiya's attention. The earth pony sauntered over to the masked beauty and attempted an enervated expression; the weakened smile quickly went away... but Setiya forced herself to grin and greeted Ina.

"So... what're we learning today?" Setiya inquired. Before Ina said anything, she put her hoof on Setiya and rubbed her chest, just like yesterday.

"Defending yourself," she announced with gusto, pumping her hoof in toward the sky. "I'll attack you constantly and your tentacles will protect you, however, it'll be up to you to evade my strikes where your tentacles fail; they can't stop everything thrown your way."

Setiya understood, but as Ina kept explaining, Setiya drew her attention to the stallion, who was now standing next to her. She sighed and dismissed the stallion and turned her attention back at Ina.

"I need you to pay attention," Ina scolded. "If you aren't feeling well..."

Setiya lightly slapped Ina's hoof from her chest. "I'm fine," Setiya grumbled in a slightly vexed tone. "I'm just a bit tired is all."

"It seems your irritation is not unfounded; I presume you've encountered the same question."

Setiya confirmed Ina's thoughts. "Ms. Frendi and King Enoch asked me that question."

"Well, it is for good reason," Ina uttered, turning away to finish her inscriptions. "After what's happened to you, they have every right and reason to worry about your wellbeing."

Setiya's ears drooped as she rubbed her ring. "What are you doing?" she pleaded, looking to change the conversation. Ina obliges.

"Engraving magic around the area. I'm making a barrier," she stated. "Doing this will allow you to train with little to no hindrances; you'll be able to fight and train to your heart's content. Plus, the barrier will be pink. I like pink."

Ina-Sona-Lapon directed Setiya to stand on the side of the area near the exit with a gesture. Ina took to the other end. Done with the inscribing, Ina tapped her wooden cane on the ground and a large pink barrier surrounded her and Setiya in a faint glow.

With everything in order, King Enoch and Queen Ninis left the training grounds to let Ina work.

"We will commence your training now," Ina declared, tapping her cane on the ground to summon four golden ethereal knives over her body. "Stay calm and be prudent. We can stop at any time, so do not hesitate to speak up. Today is merely self-defense, nothing more. Is this understood?"

Setiya gulped and shook in place. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. She knew the stallion was staring at her, but she had to force herself to ignore him; she has come to train, and she was going to train. "I'm ready," she said verily, getting into a battle position.

Ina nodded and directed her wooden cane in Setiya's direction, sending the knives propelling towards the mare. Just like yesterday, the black tendrils bore their way out of Setiya's back at the sense she's in danger.

The tentacles swatted and crushed the mystical knives with ease. Ina wasn't impressed; this was how it was going to be. She summoned eight golden knives and directed them towards Setiya. Once again, each of the tentacles attempted to shatter each knife in its reach, but there was a catch this time. Ina flicks her hoof downward and three of the knives shifted and evade the tendrils' retaliation.

Setiya gasped and attempted to dodge. She narrowly evades two of the knives, but the third pierced through her left foreleg as the earth pony yelped. It was a stinging, lingering pain, and blood was drawn when Setiya inspected her leg. She then directed her attention at Ina.

"Get used to seeing that if you are too slow," she jeered. "Don't always rely on your power, because half of the time it won't save you from being buried six feet under the earth; that cut proves the power's flaw," she continues to clarify. "Remember this. Let's continue."

Minutes roll by. Hours passed. The sounds of explosions, lowly rumbling, screaming & yelling, and laughter filled the training grounds. Setiya was sweating with cuts all over her body. She gasped for air as the endless relentlessness of Ina's magical attacks stopped, at long last and the barrier disappeared. The tentacles burrowed themselves within Setiya's back and vanished as the earth pony sighed heavily before falling on her flank; exhausted.

Ina stretched and trotted over to Setiya and kneeled before her. "Good job today," she praised, touching Setiya's chest with a delicate stroke. "We'll start again tomorrow around the same time."

Setiya, still trying to catch her breath, pulled Ina's hoof away from her chest. "Why do you always do that?" she interrogated, shielding her chest from her instructor. "It feels weird."

Ina mused at Setiya's question for a few seconds, then she shrugged and laughed. "Does it alleviate any pressure?" she inquired.

"Oddly, it does," Setiya confessed wearily, struggling to lift herself from the ground. "I don't know why, but I start to feel... relieved. Like the tension rising within begins to simmer rather than erupt in a case of anxiety..." Setiya rubbed her ring.

Ina hummed to herself, cheerily skipping over to the exit of the training grounds. She gestured Setiya with a beckoning hoof. "It's getting dark," she proclaimed, smelling Setiya before reeling back slightly, "and you need a shower. Clean those cuts thoroughly."

Setiya chuckled and followed the masked mare. Before she left the area, Setiya veered around the training grounds and saw no glimpse of the stallion. She sighed and joined Ina and headed back inside the castle. Setiya met up with Janus and Ms. Frendi as Ina bid her a good night. After a small conversation, Setiya left her friends and trotted back to her room.

She enters and closes the door with a resounding click. It was dark and quiet, only the light of the moon crept through the window. Setiya stepped silently to the bathroom and ran the shower again. She let the steamy haze fill the room as she wandered into another daze.

Twenty minutes pass before Setiya broke her trance and stepped into the shower and washes for another twenty minutes. Stepping out, Setiya was met by the stallion casting his gaze upon the mare. She moves through him, causing him to once again disappear, and heads towards her bed. Setiya laid atop of it and shifted her head to the right and saw the stallion looming over her.

"Where did you go?" she asked. "You weren't around after I finished my training."

The stallion tilted its head. Setiya sighed and looked forward with a tired gaze. She knew she wouldn't get an answer from the stallion. Still, she wondered why he left then and why he appears now. Perhaps he doesn't show up if she is preoccupied, when she is distracted by something else. Maybe if she didn't think about him, he doesn't show up anywhere. Or maybe it didn't matter at all.

"You can't stay here and watch over me forever..." the mare sniffled as the stallion lowered its head against Setiya's, but she felt nothing. She cradled the ring harder than ever. "Don't worry... don't be scared. I won't let it go. I won't fall, not like this. Please... don't worry."

Setiya's soft, raspy words didn't fall on deaf ears; the stallion vanished in a shimmer of sparkling brown dust. Alone, for real this time, Setiya stared at a wall for hours. And stared. And stared some more until a soft knock from the front door drew the mare out of her stupor.

"Come in," Setiya shouted, shifting her weary eyes to the door. It creaked open and Ina revealed herself. She enters the room and closes the door silently. "Ina? I thought you were sleeping. Something the matter?"

Ina stayed quiet, sauntering towards Setiya's bed and placing her hoof on the mare's chest. She felt her smooth caress against her chest and sighed with relief. It was so warm and comforting, feeling Ina's smooth, almost motherly, touch.

"I came to check up on you," she whispered. Ina set her cane against the wall and leaned close to Setiya, unrelenting her soft massage. "You've been distracted and troubled today."

Setiya was reluctant to answer, but she caved in. "Yeah," she replied, her ears drooped. "I have."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Setiya nodded. "It's about Flint. You must be tired of this by now."

Ina chuckled and shook her head in disagreement. "From what you divulged; Flint was your everything. So, he's the reason you were so unfocused."

Setiya smiled, but it was shameful and pathetic. "There was a stallion no pony could see but me. He was there when I awoke and followed me throughout the day," she admitted, kissing the ring lovingly. "He was... shrouded by this bizarre haze. He didn't say a word. He only stared at me."

"You are mentally unwell," Ina stated. "To be frank, it should come as no surprise given your circumstances. Do you believe he was here?"

Setiya affirmed Ina's query, looking ahead at a wall. "It felt so real, even if I imagined him. I ignored him at first, but quickly I was drawn towards his presence. I couldn't see him completely, but I knew it was Flint," she remarked with a dreary sigh. "This ring... is all I have of him. I'm obsessed with it. I can't focus fully anymore. What should I do?"

Ina stood and pondered Setiya's question. After a minute of silence, Ina took her mask off and set it aside her wooden cane, stripping herself of her robe until she was completely bare. She trotted to the window in a slow but majestic stride and stared out to the ethereal night. Ina seldom averted her gaze, trying her best to not panic.

Setiya knew Ina was beautiful, but now the mare could see her entire body. Her silver coat shimmered faintly in the darkness, her mane and tail were a blue silver, she had black symbols on her back and legs, and she had black earrings on both her ears. Her cutie mark depicted a cauldron spewing out magic and her eyes, although Setiya remembers, were a crystal blue that shined like the humble moon's beautiful glow.

Ina beckoned Setiya over with her hoof and the earth pony obliged, gently setting her hooves on the floor and trotting over to her ally. Setiya saw Ina basking in the moon's warming light; its embrace brought a wonderful smile across her face. With a deep breath of courage, Ina slowly tilted her head in the direction of Setiya with a look of grace and beauty; her twinkling eyes only emulated her delicate visage.

"I'm a witch," Ina confessed, her voice as angelic as before; no longer hidden behind a hushed mask; it was as clear as day and as lucid as a transparent lake. "There isn't another one of me out in this world. We were hunted down and executed; my friends, my family, all that I held dear were slaughtered before my eyes. The war had just started, and the Kingdom of Darkside showed no quarter; no forgiveness or mercy; they served death and bore destruction and subjugated everywhere they desired.

"I ran away from every encounter, may it be Zaria or Darkside, for I knew that the war involved them, that all my pain and suffering came from their conflict. I hated them. I wished death upon them. I craved their destruction. I was consumed by hatred and sadness. Depression and darkness surrounded me.

"One day, I was captured by Darkside soldiers and tortured mercilessly. They knew I was a witch and they sought to use me for their voracious gains. I was chained for months in some miserable cell... wailing in agony. The black fetters were tight and rusted, the dungeon devoid of light, lit only by burning torches when it was time to be punished.

"I cried. I cried so hard I begged for death; I beseeched them. I struggled against my chains; I banged my head against the wall with reckless abandonment; I wanted it to end. All my troubles, all my pain. I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't want to help those I despised, so I attempted to kill myself over and over again, but I would blackout before I could get the horrid deed done. I was so alone."

Setiya quivered and held her ring. Her eyes widened and her heart thumped fast. She stood before a victim who was emulous in her position, but the dread she felt was monstrous. Setiya gulped and stepped close to Ina. "Then what happened? Tell me..." she entreated tentatively.

Another smile was strewn across Ina's face. It was so beautiful and so fragile; it could shatter at any moment from the slightest misfortune. "King Enoch came," she whispered gaily. "He, with an army of his soldiers, attacked a stronghold, driving the Darkside soldiers out. It went on for hours. Then I heard the sounds of hurried hoofsteps. It was him and a handful of his soldiers. His smile was so warm and kind. He released me from my prison and took me back to Zaria."

"And then you decided to aid him in the war against Darkside," Setiya mumbled.

Ina nodded. "I made an oath of loyalty; in his Highness's reverence, I vowed to use my magic in any way he ordered," she asserted. Setiya saw in Ina's eyes a look of conviction. "My life was his and my mission from then on was to protect his family and see the war through as his faithful servant."

"I'm sorry about what happened to you, Ina. You've been through so much more than I have," Setiya said, sitting on the floor. "But why are you telling me all of this?"

Ina crouched to Setiya's level and placed her hoof on the mare's chest. Like many times before, she caressed it with care. "You are hurting. You lost everything but despite your misfortunes, you have found allies and a cause," she stated with a grin, gesturing her hoof at Setiya's ring. "Flint is gone. He'll never come back. But this display of love and affection will be all you need of him. Mourn him as much as you like, but you know that Flint wouldn't let you beat yourself up like this."

Setiya was silent. Her eyes watered as she not only held her ring but Ina's hoof. "You have cried, but you haven't let it all out. Let it out," Ina crooned. Setiya didn't hold back and wailed, crying out for Flint. Ina held her friend with love and care as Setiya continued bawling. "That's it, let it out."

Sometime later, Setiya had calmed down and wiped away her tears. Ina led her friend to bed. She gently laid Setiya's head against the pillows as the mare drifted into a black, dreamless slumber. Ina gazed at Setiya's peaceful, smiling face. She will mourn Flint; however, Ina believes that Setiya will no longer become distracted. She'll focus on the here and now. She hopes.

"You'll be fine," she whispered, stroking Setiya's chest. "I am here and so are your friends. We will help you."

The stallion appears behind Ina and stares at Setiya's body, his face forever cloudy. Ina didn't know why, but she could feel a presence that exhumed sadness. She didn't turn around, her attention to Setiya was far more important, but she didn't neglect what she felt and answered him.

"She's suffering, but she's alive," Ina muttered. "Your love will always be there. Now please, for Setiya's sake, and yours, go and have your rest. We will look after her. I've been through this before with those I loved. Trust us and be well."

The stallion's head drooped as he disappears in a brown sparkle. With the stallion gone, Ina let out a heavy sigh, climbing into Setiya's bed and laying her head down next to her friend before drifting off to sleep.