• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 1,998 Views, 13 Comments

Princess Charming - Petalled

Rarity's friends all got their Prince Charmings, but her. Even Twilight does not. She starts to consider this. Or both?

  • ...


The last remaining radiance washed over the now becoming weary ponies as the sun started to set below the horizon for creatures all around to rest under the nighttime sky with the stars twinkling ever so lightly.

Spike, Friendship Ambassador to the dragons and Royal Advisor for the Princess of Equestria, walked through the dirt roads of Ponyville which prompted a few nocturnal creatures to gawk at him. He had got used to having everyone stare at him whenever he came by his hometown for a visit.

It was confusing, though, considering how he used to live in the monarch’s city but moved to an amiable town for his sister to make some friends and out of her usual absorption of dusty old books, and now he’s currently living where he came from.

His chest heaved with the breath of satisfaction he exhaled in a sense of home sweetness coming back to him. Walking upon the withering green grass that turned into a darker shade due to its dim lighting, Spike thought about how it would be appropriate how all of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony would be granted alicorn wings; now that would be fair.

Spike snorted inwardly, as if that would ever happen since the former monarch practically basks in Twilight’s presence as if she’s the role model here.

He then stopped at an immediate halt once he caught sight of his crush’s boutique in the near distance; with a smile, he hurriedly walked faster to approach it the quicker. Now that he was part of royalty there could maybe be a chance of her finally returning his affections.

Once he had approached, however, his eyes went to the size of frying pans at the sight of his crush embraced with somepony in a way that he had always dreamt of being with her, and the worst part was that the pony she was embraced with was none other than his life companion. His heart shattered into a hundred, thousand, million, Celestia knows how many, pieces.

He rubbed his eyes as tight as he could to see if he wasn’t imagining things or in a dream, and what a weird dream he would have. He also started pinching his cheeks to see if they would hurt indicating that this was definitely a reality he was now living. Standing on the tips of his toes to heighten himself taller to get a better look, he was certainly seeing it clearly when he desperately begged it wasn’t real.

There they were. His crush and his sister leaned into each other’s embrace, sharing endearment with each other much like how Spike wanted to share it with the white unicorn.

His crush and his sister.

‘’Why... why would Twilight do this to me?’’

After all these years. Twilight knew of his undying unrequited affections for Rarity and yet, she stole her from him? Well, she was never his, to begin with, but he was about to ask her out!

‘’Rarity is into mares?’’ Spike mumbled. ‘’That can’t be! She’s always crying about stallions not liking her and-’’


‘’No,’’ Spike said, shaking his head. ‘’But that’s the only opti-’’

Spike had found that he did not have the energy to articulate or contemplate at the moment since he just realised his sister and his crush are...

He didn’t even want to think about it!

Twilight Sparkle, Spike muttered inwardly, blood boiling within him at the sight. Is this why you kept telling me that ‘you’re a baby dragon, Spike. Of course, Rarity won’t accept your affections.’

Spike frowned, finding that it’s no use to hate on her. She’s his sister and life companion. He should be happy for them still, but... it still hurt. Knowing how she betrayed him...

The dragon soon turned his back around, not wanting to take another look at them because why would he? He trotted along the path that he once came from and trotted with his head hung low, staring at the ground beneath him.

He wanted somepony or creature there to comfort him and the only pony that could do that was the pony who he just witnessed them betraying him.

He soon arrived at his home sweet castle where he used to live. He didn’t want to go to Canterlot at the moment and he figured Twilight wouldn’t either, figuring she would literally sleep with her! Spike clenched his claws, taking in a deep breath before trotting inside the castle.

The phrase ‘Home Sweet Castle’ or any memories did not flood him as he was lost in thought at what he just witnessed. Until his thoughts and his walking stopped in its tracks as a lavender unicorn trotted wearily towards him.

‘’Sp-Spike?!’’ Starlight called out, getting her hooves out to embrace him in a welcome back hug. ‘’It’s been so long, how have you been? And, are you okay?’’

Spike looked at her, though, ignored her question, and trotted off into the distance of the depth of the castle. He reached to his old bedroom door and merely opened it to slouch himself onto his bed that hadn’t been used in, what, months.

He tried getting some sleep to clear his mind but he had found it difficult to. In a few moments of him trying, three knocks came from the door and an intimate voice.

‘’Spike?’’ said the voice. ‘’Are you alright? Can you come out for a second?’’

Spike didn’t dare move. Instead, the door had creaked open to reveal Starlight in the way alongside a sympathetic griffon standing next to her.

‘’Hi, Spike,’’ Gabby greeted with a genuine smile. ‘’It’s been a while.’’

Spike turned to the other side to avoid contact.

‘’Go away,’’ he mumbled.

Gabby turned to Starlight.

‘’Don’t mind him,’’ Starlight assured. ‘’He’s usually like this these days I suppose?’’

Gabby nodded as the unicorn trotted away and went to her bedroom to doze off for the night. However, the griffon trotted herself into the dragon’s bedroom and started caressing his back.

‘’Is anything wrong, Spike?’’ she asked, wanting to help.

Spike turned around and stood up in his bed to look at her. He looked at the ocean blue eyes of his griffon friend who would always be seen as jovially enthusiastic, much like Pinkie Pie, but she was different. Her enthusiasm was genuine and it became even more genuine when she started brushing his scales as he started putting his face in her fur and sobbing in her given claws.

‘’Aww. It’s okay, Spike.’’ Gabby gently, affectionately comforted him, her smile softening and never once wavering. ‘’Just tell me what’s wrong.’’

‘’It’s... it’s...’’ Spike stammered out. ‘’It’s Twilight. And Rarity. I... she knew I liked Rarity for years and yet she... she...’’ He couldn’t manage himself.

Gabby remained silent. ‘’You... what?’’

Spike was confused as he sniffed for the last time, averting his gaze upon her.


Her enthusiasm was gone. ‘’You... like Rarity?’’

‘’Yeah? Didn’t I tell you?’’

Gabby looked away.

‘’...Oh,’’ was all he could utter.

Gabby then looked him square in the eyes. ‘’Spike... there’s something that I’ve always wanted to tell you about.’’

‘’Oh, yeah? And what’s that?’’

‘’I...’’ Gabby bit her lip. ‘’I’ve always liked you ever since we became friends, but acknowledging the fact that you liked somebody else made me realise how there’s no way you could have-’’

‘’Wait, wait, wait!’’ Spike interrupted, trying to process what she was saying. ‘’Back up. You like... huh?’’

Gabby deadpanned which was quite uncharacteristic of her. ‘’Is it really that unconvincing?’’

Spike blinked, then sheepishly smiled.

The griffon sighed. ‘’I would’ve told you sooner, but... I was scared. But now that you’re sad about your crush being taken, by your sister, I... don’t want to feel like I’m a... rebound.’’

‘’What? No, that would never happen!’’ Spike wailed. ‘’I mean I could always give this a try if you want to? Just don’t think like that or underestimate yourself! I may or may not like you too without me even realising it.’’

‘’I... you do?’’ Gabby looked at him.

‘’...Maybe?’’ Spike shrugged.

Gabby nodded. ‘’It’s okay, I get it. Rarity is way better. I mean she’s got the confidence and-’’

‘’You know the old saying, Love is Blind?’’

‘’Yeah? What does tha-’’

She was then interrupted from her mumbling as her lips were tightly pressed against the other one. Her cheeks flushed, eyes averting downwards to observe what was happening. She noticed how the drake had closed his eyes so she had begun to do the same, both of them wrapping each other with their wings.

Neither of them knew the drake had the guts to do something like this.

Until Spike pulled away from the embrace.

‘’As I said, I don’t mind.’’

And maybe I could find a way to forgive Twilight.