• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 1,992 Views, 13 Comments

Princess Charming - Petalled

Rarity's friends all got their Prince Charmings, but her. Even Twilight does not. She starts to consider this. Or both?

  • ...


Rarity was preparing two teacups on each side of the table for a very special friend of hers that would be coming in a few minutes. Now that her friend was ruling all of Equestria, they didn’t get much time to spend with each other so Rarity took this as an opportunity to finally do so since she had contacted Twilight to make room on her busy, overpacked schedule.

The gleaming ray of sunshine illuminated the hopeful smiles on the creatures’ faces even further that was trotting about with their daily lives seen out the boutique’s window through the streets of one of the most convivial and gregarious towns in Equestria below the capital city to where royalty is placed on pedestals.

The uncurtained, translucent windows displayed all around the boutique led Rarity’s sapphire blue eyes to sparkle radiantly within the phosphorescent sunshine.

Everyone was enjoying all the beautiful flowers wither in the cool breeze which was swiftly rushing past them all. The flower ponies attempted to water them every day to get them blossomed into a beguiling, mature one. They were, of course, praised for the hard work they had put in with their petalled plants, and they couldn’t be any more pleased for the blissful admiration received from everypony.

The bell above the door of Carousel Boutique tinkled ever so slightly which withdrew the attentiveness from carefully pouring down steaming brown liquid into both of the teacups she had set on the table for herself and her friend. She slowly put the lid back atop the teapot, and placed it back on the middle of the table, shifted it neat and steady, and trotted toward the door to retrieve it.

She embraced herself for the cold wind to flow through her fancy purple mane ever so slightly once she opened the door for her special visiting friend, the radiance from the blazing hot sun washing over the unicorn and the alicorn standing opposite each other.

There she was: a tall, violet alicorn with her mane swiftly flowing down and shining brilliantly within the sunshine, looking at her white unicorn friend with bright eyes and a dazzling smile.

‘’Hi, Rarity!’’ Twilight greeted amiably, which sounded like blissful music to Rarity’s ears. ‘’Sorry that I’m late, but as always, I was busy helping out some ponies and creatures with their arguments.’’

‘’That’s all right, darling.’’ Rarity smiled. ‘’I’m just glad you came. Please, sit down. I’ve made you some tea.’’

‘’Oh, you really didn’t have to do that,’’ Twilight said modestly, trotting herself in. ‘’But thanks anyway.’’

She let the streaming fresh aroma that was flying upwards from its brown contents inside both of the teacups set on the table which urged the alicorn to pull herself a seat and sit down.

And so Rarity did the same: she pulled out a chair from underneath the table and sat her bottom atop of it. She then eyed the height difference between herself and her friend. ‘’I must say, darling, it suddenly has been a long time since the last time we had met,’’ Rarity pointed out. ‘’You’re almost getting taller than me.’’

Twilight blushed, embarrassed. ‘’Am I?’’ she asked. ‘’Sorry about that. Although, I’ve been doing some research about why this is and I figure it’s because I’m, well, you know.’’

Rarity looked at Twilight’s hoof motioning to one of her wings being spread out grandly.

‘’Yes, I think so too, darling.’’ But then she frowned a bit. ‘’Although, how come I don’t get those giant, beautiful alicorn wings? I’ve been wanting to have them ever since I was a filly! And you never dreamed of having them but to become a simple, rustic old librarian.’’

Twilight gave a meek smile, chuckling sheepishly. ‘’Yeah, um, I don’t know why that is either. I mean you and the others made me how I am today, so you all should get credit for that.’’

‘’I suppose so.’’ Rarity sighed, taking a sip from her teacup. ‘’So, how have you been lately? We’ve hardly ever gotten the time to meet up with the others. Now that we all have our roles, like Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh having their first-ever baby, you becoming an official Equestrian princess, Rainbow Dash becoming co-captain of the Wonderbolts, Pinkie Pie...’’

‘’I’ve been good,’’ Twilight interrupted her trailing being longer than necessary. ‘’How have you been, Rares?’’

Rarity’s ears perked up and drew attentiveness onto the resplendent alicorn. Hearing her special friend call her by that nickname felt like she really was rare to this world, to her family, to her friends, and to her.

She recalled having her friend Rainbow Dash calling her by that nickname multiple times before, but hearing it from Princess Twilight felt like her heart was about to fall out of her chest. She didn’t know where this was coming from, but it sure was satisfying to her.

‘’I have been good too, darling,’’ Rarity finally said, snapping herself out of it. ‘’However, I am currently struggling a bit with my new latest fashion line. I mean they all used to be top tier number one in Equestrian History of Fashion but now it had gone down to somepony else instead.’’

‘’Which is...?’’ Twilight leaned inward, intrigued with the latest news she had just been received.

Rarity took a deep breath.

‘’Her name is Flitter Floosh,’’ she answered meekly, hearing that the alicorn had made a snort, noticing her puffed-up cheeks, giving in a chuckle, which she had found it rude behaviour to interrupt, even for a princess nonetheless! ‘’Oh, it’s hideous, I know! I simply cannot understand how it all went down to that name!’’

Then Twilight let out a laugh.

‘’W-What’s so funny?’’ Rarity asked crossly. ‘’Don’t you know how important this is to me? Why, I-’’

‘’Oh, Rarity.’’ Twilight refrained from giggling further. ‘’Don’t you know who that is?’’

‘’What do you mean by that?’’ Rarity questioned, raising an eyebrow. ‘’Of course, I do. I was literally the one who brought her up just about now. She’s number one in Equestrian top tier of Fash-’’

‘’No,’’ Twilight interrupted. ‘’I mean don’t you know who’s nickname is that? Do you know how she looks like?’’

Rarity blinked, levitating a magazine from a pile of them from inside the dressing room curtains. She had her eyes glance briefly at the front cover of the magazine, and showed it to her friend with a hoof pointing at it.

‘’That’s her,’’ she said, looking a bit confused at her friend’s unusual act she had pulled off.

Twilight leaned forward to look at it. ‘’Yes,’’ she observed. ‘’This is her.’’

‘’Who is her?’’ Rarity asked, eyeing her curiously. ‘’I don’t quite understand why you’re acting so-’’

‘’Fluttershy,’’ Twilight interjected, noticing a blink from her friend. ‘’Yellow coat, a pink mane, the gracefulness...’’

Rarity huffed, snatching the magazine away from her. She glanced at the cover again, then looked at her alicorn friend with displeased eyes. ‘’Seriously, Twilight! I literally can’t believe you would say such a thing! The lack of respect! Nopony should be judging other ponies, or creatures intrinsically, based on our coats and since you’re a princess, that’s ten times worse!’’

Twilight rolled her eyes. ‘’Let’s move on.’’ She levitated her teacup toward her lips to take a sip from the sweet liquid and smell the aroma flowing up her nostrils. ‘’I heard that Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich had finally tied the knot together. You know how long we’ve been shipping them for, right?’’

‘’Oh, yes, darling.’’ Rarity nodded. ‘’So I heard.’’

‘’But I mean it’s weird, you know?’’ Twilight thought aloud. ‘’Pinkie isn’t anything of the sort; she’s always giggling childishly. But I totally get why Fluttershy and Discord would end up together.’’

Rarity then found herself zoned out of the conversation, but then she shook her head.

‘’Huh? Oh, yes. Very much indeed so. You know, Spike’d told me about Discord’s obsession with our dear sweet Fluttershy, but it was quite obvious actually.’’

‘’Mhm-hmm.’’ Twilight drank from her teacup. ‘’So how has your love life been going, Rarity?’’

The unicorn blinked a few times. ‘’Me?’’ she stammered. ‘’Oh, well, it’s... going great.’’

‘’Really?’’ Twilight asked, smiling gratefully. ‘’Because I remember you mentioning to me in one of our recent ongoing letters that you were struggling to find a coltfriend.’’

You and your over-analysis, Rarity thought inwardly.

Rarity sighed and stopped fiddling with her teacup; she placed it back down on the table.

‘’The truth is, darling, is that I’ve been going on dates with multiple stallions recently, got to know them, et cetera. But I just don’t feel like they are the right ones for me.’’

Twilight looked thoughtfully, rubbing her chin. ‘’What about Spike?’’

Rarity blinked. ‘’Spike?’’ she said. ‘’Are you serious?’’ she asked, noticing the alicorn’s nod. ‘’But Spike’s only a baby dragon! I’m a pony for Equestria’s sake! So it’s understandable that I can’t return his affections, right?’’

‘’I suppose.’’ Twilight nodded, then pouted a bit. ‘’But you know how Spike is with his feelings. He’s very sensitive about them. So if you do anything that would-’’

‘’I know, I know, darling.’’ Rarity sighed. ‘’I have known you two for years! Ever since you moved here from the city you’re again living at the moment.’’

‘’I’m sorry,’’ she whispered, frowning.

‘’It’s all right, darling,’’ Rarity said with an understanding smile. ‘’But I don’t know what to do with Spike’s crush on me, and all the stallions that I fancy are simply taken or have a crush on my friends.’’

Twilight lightened up. ‘’I remember Trenderhoof’s crush on Applejack.’’

‘’It wasn’t really a crush, darling.’’ Rarity deadpanned.

‘’Of course.’’ Twilight giggled.

Rarity rolled her eyes, then she let out a sigh. ‘’I try so hard to get stallions to like me yet not one of them can’t accept those affections back. What am I doing wrong?’’

‘’Maybe you’re only looking at the looks and background, not the personality,’’ Twilight suggested, shrugging helplessly. ‘’I remember when you fancied Prince Blueblood because you wanted to be a princess and he was ‘charming’ but then you realised later that he was a total jerk.’’

Rarity smiled crookedly, embarrassed. She grunted at that memory and because of him, her first night at the Grand Galloping Gala was a total mess! ‘’Thanks for making me remember that, darling.’’

‘’Oh, I didn’t mean to-’’ Twilight trailed off.

‘’No, it’s fine, darling.’’ Rarity let out a suspire. ‘’Maybe I’m just destined to be a single old lady forever? Karma, perhaps? Since I was obsessed with finding my prince charming.’’

‘’Aww, don’t think like that, Rarity.’’ Twilight frowned, laying a hoof on her shoulder. ‘’I know you’ll find the right stallion for you one day. You just need patience.’’

Again, that was the third time that Rarity’s heart started beating out of nowhere. She didn’t know why this was, but every time she was near to this friend of hers, she felt like her heart was about to pump out of her chest.

How can she so effortlessly lift her spirits up ever so slightly?

Rarity’s eyes got dragged into her friend’s sparkling purple ones. She felt like she was lost in those enchanting, captivating eyes of her friend’s. Her heart was beating as fast as a train speeding on train tracks as Twilight meekly got her hoof from underneath the table to pick up a cookie that was still sitting on top of all the other uneaten cookies on a plate out in front of her.

Twilight then placed it in her mouth, munched on it, and gulped it down her throat. She then levitated her teacup to take a sip from it to swallow her sweet product down to digest. ‘’That was delicious.’’

Rarity smiled. ‘’You think so? Fluttershy helped me pick them out for me at the supermarket just for you. It’s strange, though. She was acting quite weird like she kept giggling every time we-’’

Twilight blinked, staring at Rarity as to why she had abruptly stopped. ‘’Every time you two what?’’

‘’I... I...’’ Rarity stammered.

The alicorn looked confused. She scratched the back of her head. ‘’Okay...’’ she allowed. ‘’Anyway, what were we just talking about? Was it about Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s confessions, right?’’ She smacked her forehead. ‘’Ugh, why can’t I think straight right now? This is so unlikely for me!’’

Rarity found herself chuckling at that statement. ‘’Yes, darling. We all know how smart you are in all things there is to talk or learn about.’’ And that is what makes her even more noteworthy...

Twilight blushed. ‘’Thanks.’’

Rarity gave her most glimmering smile. She had liked it every time this friend of hers was in an embarrassing state. She thought it was charmingly cute when she was laughing awkwardly, blushing out of embarrassment... but why her? Why Twilight, of all ponies, is the question.

Rarity then perked up ever so slightly as a thought occurred to her. ‘’What about you?’’ she asked, looking at the alicorn square in the eyes. ‘’Have you been on dates with any stallions recently?’’

‘’Um... not exactly,’’ Twilight replied, pawing intently at the teacup between her fidgeting hooves. ‘’I’ve been getting so many love letters recently but I don’t feel like I want to accept them since, well, I know they are only after me for my fame and such.’’

Rarity sighed theatrically. ‘’Yes, I do suppose that would happen. But even so, what about that Flash Sentry guard you had a crush on when you became an alicorn?’’

For once, at the mention of that orange pegasus guard, Twilight didn’t blush at all. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders. ‘’Eh. I feel like that was just my naive young self liking stallions because they were nice to me, but I’m totally over him now. Besides I swear Sunset Shimmer told me they’ve caught feelings for one another again and he’s too basic for my taste so...’’

Rarity blinked. ‘’So, you don’t have any desires towards any stallions?’’

Twilight shook her head. ‘’Nope.’’

‘’And what is the trait you’re looking for in your soulmate?’’ Rarity asked out of the blue. She rephrased the last bit with a little bit more... obtainable gesture.

Twilight relaxed in her seat, sipped onto some tea, before answering her question: ‘’Well, I would want them to be smart, of course, like me. Good with magic, and wouldn’t want me for my glory.’’

Rarity leaned back. ‘’I guess I can completely understand that, but are you sure you’re into stallions and not, well, mares.’’ What a stupid question to ask. Of course Twilight would know her sexual orientation and what gives you the right to think she will be liking you? You might as well use her for fame just like the mentioned stallions.

‘’O-Of course I’m into stallions, Rarity. I- I mean I never really thought about mares in my point of view. I know Lyra and Bon Bon had been hitting it off recently but they’re, you know... I’m not sure if I am. I mean I never really feel any attraction towards a stallion but nor a mare. Maybe I’m asexual?’’

Rarity’s ears flopped down. ‘’You don’t have sexual feelings?’’

‘’I’m... not sure?’’ Twilight replied unconvincedly. ‘’I had never really thought about this for myself. I was more into investigating the presence between Applejack and Rainbow Dash because I could just sense that something was peaking through but because of their ‘arguments’ in the way, it was hard to examine. Even Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense could feel something was off, or on?’’

‘’Well, let’s not think about it and move on.’’ Rarity drank from her teacup to hide a disappointed look.

Rarity slumped back into her seat, having nothing spoken out of her usual talkative, fluent mouth. She watched the clock chime above her that was hung up on the wall.

Indeed. It was very round, round enough to capture the refined unicorn’s, throughout the whole of Ponyville, attention. It was as round as the two double-sided bases of each of her sewing threads holders. Further, the glass that protected the two slow-moving hands on the round clock was refracting within the sunshine that was illuminating through the uncurtained, translucent windows. It was the only round thing on the wall; the only independent round object in the room.

There was silence between the alicorn and the unicorn.

‘’Um...’’ The alicorn attempted to slide away from her seat awkwardly, finally getting rid of the niggling silence lingering between them. ‘’I... should best be going to Canterlot again, back to my royal duties. It was nice to have this talk with you. I hope it continues often.’’

Rarity’s ears perked up, frowning. ‘’That soon?’’

She had enjoyed having her company.

As Twilight drew herself closer to the door, Rarity tried coming up with ways to get her special friend to stay because they hardly get to spend enough time together now as it is, and something else was bothering her.

‘’But we still haven’t yet finished with our cookies!’’ Rarity insisted, levitating the plate of still yet uneaten chocolate chip cookies from the center of the table.

Twilight glanced at the sweet chocolate-chipped baked products floating mid-air in Rarity’s magical grip.

‘’I’ve drunk all my tea already that would go with that. I’m fine, but thanks.’’

Rarity stood up from her seat, biting onto her hoof. ‘’I can always make more, darling.’’

The alicorn shook her head. ‘’There should be no need for you to waste your time,’’ she said politely. ‘’I’m sorry to cut our meeting short but I really got to-’’

’’Wait!’’ a booming voice shot through the alicorn’s ears, urging her to turn around and face the flustered unicorn. She then covered her mouth with her mane, aghast at her tone.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, stepping forth. ‘’What?’’ she asked. There was no response. ‘’Rarity? Is everything okay? You haven’t really been like yourself during this meeting.’’

‘’I’m... so sorry, darling, it’s just that...’’ Rarity took a deep breath. ‘’What do you... think of me?’’

Twilight blinked. ‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’What I mean is that, well, do you like me more than a friend?’’ Rarity tried to get the appropriate words through her mouth. She turned around, biting onto her hoof.

The alicorn looked even more confused, but gave a mere smile. ‘’Of course I do, Rarity. You’re my best friend.’’

That hurts, Rarity thought to herself. ‘’Not in a platonic way, but...’’ She turned herself away with a blush marked on her cheek. She bit her lip nervously. Why am I doing this? This is so stupid. Absurd!

Then Twilight finally got it, and let out a small knowing gasp.

She raised an eyebrow. ‘’You do remember whose sister I am, do you?’’

Rarity blinked. ‘’Ah. Yes...’’

Twilight smirked. Although it’s attractive when she’s flustered. ‘’I don’t want to betray Spike’s trust, Rares, if he realises that his own sister is dating his crush.’’

‘’I understand,’’ Rarity acknowledged, nodding gently.

Twilight sighed. ‘’You’re guilt-tripping me, aren’t you?’’

‘’I’m... what?’’ Rarity asked, once again flustered.

‘’I will solve this dilemma,’’ Twilight remarked. ‘’So Spike has a crush on you but you have a crush on me but I’m Spike’s sister and it wouldn’t be a good idea to date you otherwise I will lose his trust. Although I do sorta wanna date you I guess?’’’

Rarity blinked. ‘’What was that?’’

However, the violet alicorn merely stepped closer which urged the other pony to step a few hooves back, unsure of what was about to occur. But then it had happened.

Twilight placed her hooves onto Rarity’s waist, pulled her in, puckered up her own lips, slowly slid her eyes closed, waiting for the moment to...

...place her lips against the unicorn’s soft, tender one.

Rarity’s eyes were widening with pure shock, noticing the other pair of eyes were shut. She also did the same by sliding them down, and peacefully dived into bliss to enjoy their first-ever kiss.

The celestial sun that was now starting to set below the horizon had the last remaining radiance shining over the intertwined bodies of the alicorn and the unicorn. Once they had slipped away from one’s embrace, they stared into each other’s eyes with a mix of surprise, disbelief, and confusion? with their eyes twinkling within the sunshine as it ever were before.

At last, after months - or perhaps, years - of complaining about her non-existent love life, she finally noticed that she had one in front of her this whole time. If only she had her eyes and ears opened metaphorically. It wasn’t quite what she was expecting it to be because of today’s society meeting up with the expectations. She dreamed of having a prince, but instead, she got herself a Princess Charming.

Author's Note:

I really don’t trust grammarly or any other grammar websites for that matter.

If you find any abrupt mistakes, ignore them? Or; perhaps it could help if you DM me privately. Thank you. And I’m happy if you enjoyed this in return.
