• Published 15th Aug 2021
  • 245 Views, 2 Comments

Road to Royalty - Cassandra

The three alicorns princesses run away to find there true identity.

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Chapter 3

“Open up! Royal guards of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire!” The ponies stopped and stood still. Granny Pie gestured with her head for the girls to find someplace to hide. Celestia jumped into one of the barrels. Candace hid behind some crates and managed to squeeze in one while Luna used an invisibility spell and flew to the top of the barn and hanged onto the wood holding it. Granny Pie trotted up to the barn door and opened it.

“Hello, my fair lady,” one of the guards said to Granny Pie. “We have been told that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Canterlot are here in this orphanage and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire. Some ponies in the village nearby said that they saw them running in here. Do you know where they are?” the second guard added. Granny Pie started to shake a bit and sweat was falling down her forehead. The guards, noticing Granny Pie’s composure immediately stepped back to give her air. She shook herself and responded calmly.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know where they went, if you want you can search the area here.” Celestia, Luna, and Candace from their hiding spots shook in fear. What if they would get caught? What would happen to them? The guards nodded to each other and began searching. One looked at the crates and barrels, while the other took the roof for his pleasure. Luna held her breath. The dust was making her nose itchy. The guard flew past her without suspecting a thing.

“Come on, they aren’t here. Sorry for wasting your time ma’am.” The guards trotted out of the barn and continued their way. Granny Pie waited for a couple of minutes until they were out of hearing what was going to happen and well into the town again. Granny Pie stomped her hoof on the ground. Candace poked her head out of the crate and squeezed herself out. Her coat was all messy, but using her magic, it was back to normal. Celestia wriggled out of the barrel causing it to fall on the floor with the contexts being rolled out, banging into Granny Pie.

“ACHOO!” Luna fell on the floorboards. The invisibility spell had wearied out and Luna was covered in dust. She sneezed again loudly causing her to fly to the other end of the barn. Celestia and Candace snorted but went to help Luna. Granny Pie knew it was time for them to go.

“Luna, do you know where Starswirl the bearded is?” Granny Pie questioned.

“Yeah, I do. He has these really weird dreams, but I know where he lives. Why did you ask?” Luna replied. Granny Pie sighed and told them that Starswirl will help them escape.

“I wish I could accompany you, but I have to go now. You’re on your own, good luck,” and with that she galloped away, tears streaming from her eyes. The ponies started at the trail behind her, tears welling in their eyes. Someone who has looked after them ever since they were small was going to leave them forever. Luna looked around and motioned with her head for them to follow her.

“Starswirl the bearded lives right there,” Luna pointed with her hoof to an odd-looking hunt just at the corner of the town. Celestia looked around and spotted a guard.

“Hide!” she whisper-shouted and dragged Candace and Luna into the barn again. Candace was about to object when she immediately felt a hoof in her mouth. She shot Celestia a death stare, but she seemed more interested outside. Once the guard left, they immediately ran to the hut.

“What do we have here?” the old wizard questioned. When he turned around, he gasped in shock.

“The three princesses! I can’t believe your alive!” Starswirl exclaimed. Celestia and Candace nodded while Luna had already ventured off in search of something. Celestia coughed loud enough for her sister to hear, but otherwise, Luna didn’t hear, or she was ignoring her older sister.

“Excuse me for my sister’s behavior but…” Celestia started.

“But we need your help,” Candace added. “You see, we escaped from the orphanage and Granny Pie knows where we are and what we want to do. She told us in the barn about who we are and that added more reason to why we have to leave this place.” Starswirl pawed at the ground trying to choose the right words. Luna’s voice shattered the silence.
“Aha, found it!” she exclaimed, pulling a huge book from a huge pile of books. She struggled to hold it on her back, even with her magic, so Starswirl went to help her. Luna looked as if she just lifted 100kg and collapsed to the ground to rest for a bit.

“I know where you need to go. Luna here showed it to me when she saw one of my dreams. She changed it to show that you girls need my help. This book has a spell that I can do to transfer you to the Evergreen forest. It’s the least I can do for you girls.” Starswirl explained. The three alicorns nodded their heads. Starswirl got a book stand and placed the book on top. He then opened a page and told the girls to stand in front of him. Saying some rhyme or something, the young ponies were covered in a purple cloud, then “BOOM!” they were gone.
Celestia opened her eyes. Do they seem to be floating around in some weird kind of pinkish-purple room? She saw Luna and Cadance floating as well. Luna was doing cartwheels in the air while Cadance was still as a statue, her face etched with fear. Celestia rubbed her eyes. She wasn't dreaming, it was happening. But, where would this take them? Was it safe for them? Will it cause them any changes? Celestia began to panic, all these questions swarming around in her head, but now wasn't the time to be worried. Before they all knew it, they were falling, wondering where they will be.