• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,246 Views, 124 Comments

Blip on the Radar - Cheer

Sunset got sent to a different world. One with heroes and villains. But being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But someone like Sunset can't stay under the radar forever. Teen Titans crossover

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Chapter 4

"Coffee time!" Beast Boy announced as he walked through the automated door.

"About time! Gimme that liquid goodness." Cyborg replied with a wide grin.

"Here ya go." BB said as he set the cup down for him and then turned to the girls next to him. "Your coffee madams~" he said with a faux fancy voice and a small bow.

Raven rolled her eyes as Starfire giggled at his butler type impression. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." He said, back in his usual voice "Oh! By the way! I met someone who reminded me of you at the café!" He said as he jumped up and sat on top of the table. "All grumpy and serious. Pretty too."

"I'm not grumpy." Raven grumbled

"Yes. Friend Raven may be serious and quite attractive but she is not a grump." Starfire had a way of saying things that were simultaneously flattering but always had the tone of a dear friend honestly saying it.

"Thanks." Raven said, a little quieter this time. She raised her brow as she thought of something though. "If you say she's grumpy, I'm guessing you hit on her and she turned you down."

Beast Boy groaned, looking at the ceiling. "Man, I didn't even have a chance! She's gay."

"Tough luck there." Raven said as she failed to hide a small smile behind her cup.

"Wha- oh come on! Don't take pleasure in my pain!" He complained.

A cough came from near him. "Can I get my coffee?" Robin asked with a small smirk of his own.


Cleaning up was actually pretty easy and the few customers who needed anything, Sunset directed to the counter.

All in all, it wasn't bad. It couldn't hold a candle to a good theft though. She could get hundreds in a single night. Meanwhile after an hour here she doubted she'd make anything in the double digits. At least while she cleaned she could mentally sort all the research she did before.


Sunset blinked and looked around. The place was empty and Clara was standing next to her. "You okay? I was calling for you."

"Ah. Yeah. Sorry. I was too focused."She couldn't help but blush a little. It'd been a while since she lost herself in her thoughts around others.

"It's not a problem. You did good tonight."

"Oh? Uh. Thank you. I mean it was just cleaning."

Clara raised a finger and waved it side to side. "Ah, ah. It may have just been cleaning but by you doing it my employees were able to get everything else done in record time." She reached into her pocket and grabbed a bill before offering it to Sunset. "You'll get normal wages next time but I wanted to show how much we all appreciate your help."

Sunset accepted the bill and to her pleasant surprise it was a twenty. "Oh! Uh. Well, shoot. Thank you. It's really nice of you." Clara seemed like a good person. Sunset felt Clara wasn't a good judge of people if she trusted her of all people but she's a good person.

"Like I said. It's to show we appreciate your help. Tammy was happy to go home early." She explained, referring to the closing employee. Sunset didn't interact with her though so she was only assuming that's who she meant.

"Glad to hear it. I should get going soon too. It's a little bit of a walk." Sunset said as she went behind the counter and grabbed her things.

"Are you alright going by yourself?

"Yeah, it's fine. You want me to come again tomorrow?"

"If you can. You're not an official employee so you don't really have a schedule. Just come when you can."

"Sounds good. I'll see ya around." Sunset gave one last wave before taking her leave.

"Twenty bucks huh?" She mused to herself as she walked. Yeah, it wasn't much but it was certainly something. Maybe she'd actually keep going. It was something and a way for her to explain where she gets money from if someone should ask.

She also felt like getting her paperwork situation settled. She really didn't want to deal with him again though…

She groaned and dug around in her pocket. She had just enough change.

She stopped at a payphone and put in the number.

"A payphone? Really? You can't scrounge up enough to get a proper phone? Pathetic."

She really hated that he was her only contact. "Micro-"


Sunset groaned "Gizmo. As much as neither of us want to bother with the other, I just need a contact. Someone who can deal with legal paperwork."

He scoffed through the phone "And? What's in it for me? I already know your abilities, so tests aren't enough this time. I couldn't even make anything with your junky powers!"

She could offer more than what little she showed him but she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him… actually she could probably get some good distance with a good punt. Besides, hearing him call her magic "junky" had her grinding her teeth "I'm sure we could work something out."

"Money. Give me what you have."

She rolled her eyes "you want all the money I've worked so hard to gather just to get me in contact with someone who I probably could no longer pay thanks to you?"

"Maybe you're not a complete imbecile."

"I'm going to take that as a complement since it's the best I'll get out of you."

"Do what you want. But I still want the money. Honestly it'll be nothing compared to what I already have but I need to get something out of this."

"Yeah well it's a shit deal." She grumbled before hanging up. She groaned and landed against the inside of the booth. "Now what?" He had been her main contact. He was the one who made her shape changing mask in exchange for researching her powers to see if they could act as a power source immune to EMP's. They couldn't. At least not for him.

She stayed there for a moment before grunting and pushing herself back away from the wall. She left the booth with a frown. What did she need paperwork for anyway? What happened at the café must have messed with her head. More paperwork would just mean more for people to find about her. It would be better to just be without. Besides, if she had paperwork, then she'd be a citizen and have to deal with everything that came with it. She'd heard horror stories about the "IRS" from Gizmo while he was doing his tests. Well. He wasn't really telling her stories and was just complaining aloud. She still didn't want to bother with it.

Now she was annoyed with herself. She wanted to just go and get some cash to blow or something. But she knew that was a bad idea.

She'd learned from her failure last time. She needed to be more careful and more serious. She was too carefree last time and almost ate a bullet for her trouble.

Next time, no joking, no taking an eye off the employee.

But if she was going to do more research now it meant that there'd be more time between heists. Which meant less money so she'd have to do bigger scores. Which in turn needed more research.

This wasn't supposed to be a full time job…

Author's Note:

Heya. Another chapter.

I'm actually looking for a new editor right now. So, uh. Yeah. Goes without saying this one hasn't been edited.