• Published 27th Feb 2021
  • 1,405 Views, 20 Comments

Static hero of Canterlot high - Jayelms43

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Second day of school static vs hot streak

Second day of school static vs hot streak

(Third person pov)

Jackson just woke up and started to put on his clothes before seeing a stereo next to his bed then he thought.

"What if I-" he said before using his power to turn on the stereo than he was surprise that it was playing static shock intro.


He did the same thing static did only thing is he had stop bank robberys and are things before looking at a nearby by clock and it said 2:26 he was almost late for his second day of school.

He made it before the Bell rings and saw Pinkie pie waiting at the entrance of the school, Pinkie asked what took him so long he just said woke up a little late.


(Jack pov)

Me and Pinkie were in our 3rd period class it was science and I was thinking about how I could train to use my power more before the Bell rings and all the students left the class room.

I grabbed my stuff and went to my next class before seeing someone getting bullied, when I looked closer, I Saw to my surprise it was hot streak bullying Fluttershy and rainbow dash was being held back by three other bullies.

"Damn it hot streak is here at this school but he probably already has his powers but doesn't use them so he doesn't get caught" I thought to myself before getting a idea.

I walked up to them before saying; "hey asshole pick on someone who can fight back" I said as he turned around than said.

"So you want some to huh ok I don't mind teaching a new student who is the top dog here" he said to me before throwing a punch at me.

I moved out of the way then I throw a right hook at his face it connected and sented him a few meters away from Fluttershy, everyone was surprise that I was able to hit him.

His Goons we're about to rush me but a teacher came out and asked what was going on, he lied and said it was nothing and he walked off he gave me the look that said "this was not over".

I just Shrugged It Off and helped Fluttershy to her feet she thank me for saving her so did rainbow dash before they walked off to get to their classes.


(Hot streak pov)

"What's that new student think he is stopping me from bullying some weakling" I thought as I was in the back of the gym room.

My friends we're sitting around me while I was thinking this before igniting My Hand in Fire before saying with an evil grin.

"Let's see if he can do anything after I torch his ass" I said before laughing while the others looked at me in fear.


(Jack pov)

While I was in class I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen to me, I just ignored it and went back to my class work once the bell ring the end of 4th period I got my stuff and headed to the lunch room.

But before I can get there I heard a loud scream coming from the soccer field I ran outside to see hot streak using his power on the main five.

" he must have been going after Fluttershy but the others got caught in the crossfire" I thought before he yelled out.

"COME ON YELL FOR YOUR SO CALLED HERO YOU WEAKLING" he yelled before throwing a fire ball at their feet.

I looked around and noticed all the other students were still in the lunch room or in class so he did this while everyone was distracting, so if I used my powers the only people who would know is the humane five.

So I grab my board and using my electrical powers to Road over there so I can stop him.


(Third person pov)

While hot streak was having the time of his life he failed to notice that Jackson would come up from behind using his powers to grab a metal light pole and hitting him from behind sending him flying across the soccer field.

He got up and saw him standing there more like floating in mid-air with electrical purple energy crackling around his hand, he was surprised that the new student have powers as well but he Shoke It Off and starts throwing fire balls at him.

Jackson was able Dodge. a few of them before being hit with the rest of them sending him flying to the ground he was struggling to get up before hot streak started to laugh before saying.

"You are just as weak as those girls over there maybe I will have my fun with them before frying your ass into nothing" he said while walking towards the girls Jackson got angry before saying.

"HOT STREAK" he yelled before power up his full power like static did.

( just like this except without the costume and wear regular clothes)

He used his powers to grab the stands next to him and hurling at hot streak he was able to dodge out of way before getting hit with more metal objects that was part of the school or around the School.

Hot streak was getting more and more tired each time he tried to dodge Jackson saw this and use the rest of his power to throw a large electrical energy blast right into his chest.

He was laying on the ground twitching every time the electrical pulse hit his muscles and he fell unconscious the girls were surprised that he was able to defeat him but more surprised that he had powers to except for Pinkie Pie who already knew.

They ran up and try to ask him a lot of questions before put up his hands before saying.

" let's talk about this after school but first let's get out of here before someone sees us" he said they all agree and went back into the school.

Than Jackson thought: "I was going to tell them right after Twilight tell them about were she came from I hope it goes better like it did with Pinkie Pie's family" he thought.

What they didn't notice that someone was watching the whole thing then he put his fingers into his ear before saying.

"I found him tell the rest of the Justice League that he's here at Canterlot High School" the stranger said before flying off to Parts Unknown.

Whoever this stranger is works for the Justice league and they want to meet Jackson AKA Static Shock.

To be continued.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter see you in the next one