• Published 24th Apr 2020
  • 261 Views, 0 Comments

Spider-Colt Hoofcoming - thememegod123

Peter thought he had died, but little did he know he was in for an adventure.

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I don't wanna go

“Mr Stark, I…I don’t feel so…good”. Tony Stark, the invincible iron man, stood on the planet Titan looking at Peter Parker, Spider-Man. Wearing his iron spider armor, Peter looked at his rusty hands as they started to flake away. Feeling light headed, Peter fell into Tony’s arm, holding Peter, Tony laid Peter on the ground. Tony couldn’t tell what was wrong with him, was he sick?

Did Thanos infect him with something? “I don’t…don’t want to die…not this way please Mr Stark” Peter mumbled sadly as he started to panic.

”Hey, hey you’re not going to die,” Tony said trying to calm him down. Peter had been something like a fanboy at first, then he developed into an apprentice. Now he was like a son to Tony, losing Peter would be like losing a son, Tony couldn’t lose a son, and it is like losing Pepper.

Tony went to say something before realizing half of Peter had disappeared, Peter started to choke on each breath he took as the panic started again. Tony tightened his grip on Peter, “no, no” Tony said, the rest of Peter turned to dust, Tony fell on the ground of Titan and looked up seeing the dust float away. That was it; Tony was alone, on a completely different planet, with himself and Nebula. And worse he just lost his son

Peter felt a sharp pain run throughout his body as he awoke in a trashed up alleyway. Pete looked around as his sight returned to him; all he could tell was that a strong storm must have passed. He could tell by how damp it was around him, Pete again felt a sharp pain but only worse. Pete started to get up and stumble along out of the ally. Pete needed to find out where he was? And if anyone else was here, “Aunt May, Mr Stark, Wizard, other Peter?” Pete called out desperately for an answer.

Without watching Pete slipped over on the cold wet puddled concrete landing with a smack, Pete gritted his teeth as he held onto his stinging knees. ”How come my Spidey sense didn’t warn me about that?” Pete wondered, when Pete went to get up to continue on he saw his reflection. Pete was no longer wearing his iron spider suit; he was now wearing a scraggy hoody jumper with a pair of scraggy black jeans, Pete removed the hood and saw…a scar covered face.

Pete didn’t know where he was, how he got these scars, but all he wanted to do was faint, Pete had blackout, but instead of him hitting the floor, he went through the puddle. On the other side it was a water world? Of some sorts, Pete floated through the water, yet somehow he remained dry, when Pete woke up he shot up into panic mode grabbing his neck trying to hold his breath. After a minute or two he realized he could breath, Pete let go of his neck and started swimming around, Pete saw clown fish, angler fish, angler fish made Pete smile, ”I can’t believe I used to call you ‘light bulb fish”.

Pete remembered his childhood with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, the best childhood any kid deserves, ”RRRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR” Pete was snap back to reality by a giant shark staring at Pete like they do at their dinner, Pete felt nothing but fear as he looked at the shark in the eye. As Pete floated looking at the giant beast as it prepared for dinner, Pete saw little glowing white come from his body as the shark came nearer, Pete smiled as he closed his eyes and disappeared into nothing more than dust. The shark stayed there wondering where his food went. And Pete wondered where he was going now? He could only wait and see.

It was a beautiful, happy, chirpy, sunny day in Ponyville, where ponies live in peace and harmony. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash saved all of Equestria from the evil NIGHTMARE MOON! Using the Elements of Harmony, the mane six defeated her with the magic of friendship, after that not much has happened.

“So boring…..” complained the cyan Pegasus Rainbow Dash, “everypony has been so peaceful since we defeated Nightmare moon” Rainbow complained.
“Peace isn’t that bad rainbow, decides it gives me time for my...”.

”Reading” Rainbow interrupted.

The lavender unicorn Twilight rolled her eyes helplessly.

“Don’t listen to her Twilight, she just wanted some action to make herself look cool like a show off” the orange pony Applejack said in a country lingo.

“I do not just want ponies’ attention” rainbow said crossing her hooves and flicking her rainbow mane.

“Ohhh come on dash, decide I got some cupcakes for you” the jumpy and excited pink pony Pinkie Pie said.

Rarity the white unicorn with the fabulous purple mane and tail stood out to the front “well darling if you’re going to be like that, you could go do a few of those tricks you spend all day doing” the fashionista said.

Fluttershy the yellow Pegasus followed on, “decides this is nice'' she added. As the six walked along in Ponyville they had reached Twilight’s house, the treebary.

“HELP ME PLEASE, HELP PPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE'' the six heard the mare scream at the top of her lungs as they ran over to see what it was, when they got to the ally way were they scream come from they saw… scared to death pink mare and a giant pony bird creature with giant mechanical wings sticking on his back. The mane six were horrified by the creature threating the mare, it look so horrifying and scary.

“WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS THAT???” Twilight shouted, the mane six did nothing but stare at it, the creature started to fly off but before he did he scooped up twilight with his giant claws on one of his hooves.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG” Twilight let out a horrified scream as it flew her up towards the sky, “TWILIGHT!” the friends yelled.

“I’m coming Twilight” Rainbow yelled as she took off after the creature in the sky leaving a rainbow streak, as rainbow catched up to the creature fishing Twilight along.

“Let go of me” Twilight said as she tried to fight him.

“Ok” he said in a robotic voice as his claws let go of Twilight letting her fall through the sky, Twilight’s purple mane flap around as she fell before Rainbow caught her just centimetres above the ground.

Rainbow landed Twilight and herself peacefully on the ground “what was that?” Rarity asked not being the only one freaked out.

“I don’t know Rarity, but whoever it was, it was a pony in a suit” Twilight said trying to calm herself down. “Whoever it was, we’ll need princess Celestia’s help to stop him” Twilight said.

In an alleyway in Canterlot a storm of white dust erupted as it swirled around, before taking the shape of a male earth pony. When the dust reunited into the shape color came revealing a custard brown coat of fur with a chocolate brown mane and tail. It was Peter wearing his iron spider suit without the mask, he had become a pony.

Author's Note:

so Peter is now in Equestria yeah