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Chapter 2: Meeting

Everfree camp

The Mane 7 (except Fluttershy) was sitting around the bunch of branches surrounded by rocks. They were telling the stories from their lives and laughing. Suddenly Pinkie said:

"Does anyone know how is Fluttershy?" Everyone turned to her and said "no" in unison.

"I'm a little worrying about her. We invited her to camp, but she refused. So I am just wondering what she's doing now."

"No worries sugar cube. I think she's taking care of her animals now," said Applejack.

"Yeah, you're right," said Pinkie. They continued their conversation.

Trevor's trailer. Sandy shores.

"Alright, we are here," said Trevor getting out of the truck. "Home sweet home."

Fluttershy looked at the trailer. The trailer was covered in dirt and rust in various places. Also, it smelled like a dump.

"Eek. What's that smell?"

"Pfft, you didn't see what's inside. C'mon." With those words, Trevor opened the door and entered his house. Then Fluttershy followed him and saw a mess in the trailer: empty bottles, pizza boxes and other garbage was lying everywhere, dirty clothes were collected in the stack and a white powder on the table. She imagined how Rarity would react to this.

"Probably fainted." she thought to herself. Suddenly the knock to the door cut her off from thoughts.

"Trevor, are you there?" someone asked.

"Come in, Ron," said Trevor. Then the door opened and Fluttershy saw the man in panama and glasses. He was wearing grey jeans, a T-shirt and a red jacket.

"Trevor, I have what you-" he turned his eyes to the woman.

"Ugh, Trevor, how is this?"

"Hey, Ron, where are your manners?"

"You just don't invite anyone to your house."

"She's lost and wants coming back to home. So I offered her help. What? I can't be kind?"

"No no no, sorry," said Ron with a worried look on his face. He turned to the girl and said: "Sorry about that. My name is Ronald Jakowski, but you can call me Ron."

"My name is Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you," said Fluttershy. Ron turned to his boss and asked:

"Um, Trevor. I brought everything that you wanted. I put it inside your track. So when we will head out?"

"Now," said Trevor. He headed to the door and pulled Ron with him.

"Fluttershy, I will come back soon," shouted Trevor opening the door of his truck. Soon the truck drove away. Fluttershy looked around the house and sighed:

"It'll be a long day," she muttered to herself grabbing the plastic bag for garbage.

Trevor's truck

Trevor and Ron were driving in silence. Soon Ron asked his boss:

"Um, Trevor. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"So, why did you brought that girl? She's shy, timid, kind and she's younger than you."

"Let me explain. She was kidnapped by the bully and she woke up in Los Santos. I don't know why I helped her. Just something told me to do that. But she'll stay with only for a week. Then I will get her home."

"Wait what? A week? " asked confused Ron.

"Hey, I am a busy man who is also his own company. I will be free only on Sunday."

"But, you can ask M or F drag her to home, don't you?"

"Ah, Michael is on the family vacation. Franklin is working in somewhere."

"Okay. But-"

"Ron, if you won't shut the fuck your mouth, I'm gonna rip off your ribs and use it as a back scratcher."

"Alright, I am silent," said Ron with a scared look. He knew that Trevor could do that. He won't be surprised if he will find a back scratcher made of human ribs. Soon they arrived at the hill. On the top, the small house made of wood was standing and there were three men in red clothes. It was Demons. That band was selling drugs in the state and also offering the bodyguard services, of course for a good price. Their main base was somewhere in the town, but it didn't worry Trevor at all. He only wanted to tell them that they are on his territory. And by "tell" he meant to blow up their lab. They began building their labs in Sandy Shores two days ago. Trevor blew all of them up. But they didn't give up and continued to build their labs everywhere. The men were armored with SMG and pistols. One of them was carrying a sniper rifle.

"What will we do?" asked Ron. "You will just shoot them from your rifle?"

"No.," said Trevor. He approached the back of his truck and grabbed the auto shotgun and M416 with a scoop. "I was thinking about it, but you pissed me off with these questions. So I need to chill out," said Trevor approaching the shack. Ron knew that "chill out" means kill everyone, who Trevor meet on his way. He grabbed the sniper rifle and aimed to Demons. He was waiting, when things will go wrong. Soon one man noticed Trevor coming to them. He called his friends and everyone grabbed their weapons. One of them pointed the gun to Trevor and said:

"Who are you? Whoever you are, you are on the private property and you would be better get the hell out of here."

"Wait. I know him. That's the insane man who blew up our labs." said the bald Demon. The third one in a cap pulled out his SMG. Then Trevor spoke:

"First of all, I am not an insane man. Second of all, you are in my territory. That's my area, where I sell drugs. While you just come here and THINK THAT YOU ARE BOSSES HERE! shouted Trevor.

"Geez, man. Hey John, how much money boss will give us if we'll drag this douchebag?" asked bald Demon.

"HOW DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" shouted Trevor pulling out his shotgun and shooting right into the Demon's face. Two others were shocked but then lifted their weapons. Suddenly the sniper bullet was shot in other Demon. The last one wanted to push the trigger, but Trevor grabbed his pistol, threw it and began punching him.

"NEVER MAKE ME ANGRY. TELL YOUR BOSS IF HE WILL SHOW UP WITH HIS LABS HERE, I WILL SHOVE MY LEG INTO HIS ASS SO DEEP THAT HE WILL CHEW THE DIRT FROM MY BOOT! shouted Trevor kicking Demon. Soon he was unconscious. Trevor grabbed the canister, which was lying near the table, poured out the gasoline in the shack. Then he took the match, burned it and threw it into the shack. Soon the building exploded with a loud boom. Trevor approached the truck and sat on the driver's seat.

"Alright, that's all. Let's go home," said Trevor to Ron. He took a seat and the truck drove away.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy cleaned up the trailer and now was sitting on the couch and watching the TV. Suddenly the door opened and Trevor entered the room. He looked around and was surprised to see the cleanroom. He hadn't seen his house clean since Patritsia went. Soon Ron entered and was surprised by the purity.

"Damn. I hadn't seen this trailer clean since Trevor kidnapped Patricia." he thought to himself. Trevor sat on the couch and said:

"Thanks for what you did, but that wasn't necessary."

"How did you put up with such mess?" asked Fluttershy.

"I'm just used to it." Meanwhile, Ron left them and led to his house.

"So what's on the dinner?" asked Trevor.

"Well, I can fry potato and make a salad."

"Huh, I want some steak."

"Ugh, I can't cook that. I am vegetarian," said Fluttershy.

"Uh, alright, maybe I should change my ration," said Trevor. He was a little disappointed that the girl didn't want to cook meat, but he can't judge her choice. After a few minutes, the dinner was ready. While they were eating, Fluttershy asked:

"Um, sorry, but can I know what were your problems?"

"Ugh, just competitors entered my territory so I kicked them out," said Trevor.

"But in what company are you working?"

"I'm not an employee. I am the founder and director of my company. Trevor Philips Industries."

And what's your company do?" That question confused Trevor. How will a girl react that he sells drugs and weapons? Suddenly Fluttershy said: "I just remembered. When I was cleaning up your bedroom I found this." she pulled out Desert Eagle. "I saw in movies that it's a weapon." After few seconds Trevor said:

"Yeah, that's a pistol. I keep it for self-defense. That's also is my business, selling weapons for protecting your property from criminals." said Trevor.

"Oh, okay," said Fluttershy. Trevor let out a sigh of relief in his mind, thankfully girl didn't know that selling weapons is illegal. After dinner, Fluttershy washed the dishes and sat on the couch. Trevor decided to ask the girl about her life and said:

"So what were you doing before you stuck here?"

"Well, I'm studying in school. I have 6 best friends and I have many pets. I just like nature."

"Are you a hippy?"

"No," said Fluttershy.

"Tell me please about that bully that dragged you in Los Santos."

"Ugh, her name is Glida. She was bullying me since my childhood. She was usually just insulting me and making pranks. But what she did today...I can't believe that she did it." said Fluttershy sobbing. Trevor quickly approached her and hugged:

"Girl, calm down. I think I can help you there. You need to be less shy. You need to show her that you can stand up for yourself." said Trevor getting up and lifting the girl from the coach. He grabbed the pillow and said:

"Alright, now punch this pillow. Imagine that you punching that bitch."

"No, I can't hurt anyone."

"That's why she is bullying her. NOW PUNCH THIS FUCKING PILLOW." shouted Trevor. Fluttershy backed away, covering her face.


"STOP SCREAMING AT ME!" shouted Fluttershy louder than Trevor. He backed away and lifted his hands upon his head and said:

"Sorry mom, please don't lock me in the basement with ghosts." Fluttershy was surprised by this reaction. She approached Trevor and hugged him.

"Sorry, I didn't mention to hurt. I'm sorry," said Fluttershy. Trevor got up and sat on the couch holding his head with arms.

"You had a bad childhood?" asked Fluttershy.

"If in your opinion bad childhood means to be hit by dad and insulted by mom, so yes. I had a bad childhood," said Trevor.
Fluttershy was shocked. Then she asked:

"That's why you are so angry."

"No, when I was a child, a clown always touched me in many places and in one day something clicked in me. I chocked this clown with his tie and CUT OFF HIS FACE WITH CHEF KNIFE. Then I became aggressive. I did whatever I wanted. If someone commands me, I just beat crap out of him." said Trevor. Fluttershy approached him and hugged again. Trevor didn't resist and hugged the girl back. Meanwhile, Ron was holding binoculars and watching the whole scene.

"Geez, this girl is very tough for the shy student," he said picking himself up from the ground and walking to the home.


Gilda, Suri Polomare, and Lighting Dust were having fun in a night club. They were all drunk and with red faces. SP said:

"We need to take Fluttershy from Los Santos, girls. Did you remember?"

"Yeah, yeah." two said in unison.