• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,093 Views, 32 Comments

Bullets of Fire - BlackWater

Everyday life of the Wonderbolts. Things start to heat up when Spitfire trains for the deadliest stunt yet: Celestia's Bullet.

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22 - Problems are Free

Solutions were expensive. It was something that Misty was learning while trying to deny. Perhaps it was simply a matter of perspective though. Misty was proud of her ever-improving build and she couldn't help but subtly flaunt it when Spitfire finally returned. The captain was reviewing everything that happened with her team in her absence. All the members were assembled at their usual training track in Canterlot for the meetup.

"I'm away for a short while and you guys fall apart. Soarin'!" Spitfire cried.

The stallion looked nervous but responded all the same, "It's not my fault, cap'. These things happen you know..."

"I'm not talking about Lightning Streak. I already saw him at the hospital and he's doing fine. What I'm talking about is the fact that Wave Chill failed half his moves at the trinary and Blaze practically verbally assaulted a fan. You don't see disasters like that when I'm around do you?" the captain fumed.

Blaze tried to speak up as Wave Chill bowed in depression, "Verbally assaulted?! The dir-"

"Shut up, Blaze! I've had it to here with your attitude!" Spitfire barked. She hated to use her captain card on her friends but it was a fact that strong discipline was what made the Wonderbolts what they were. The offending 'Bolt took her cue and said nothing more.

"Now," Spitfire continued, "We have another all-team performance coming up. It's a speed run. Unfortunate as it may be, Lightning Streak will not be flying with us since he needs more time to heal. Since eleven is an odd number, I'll take on the odd pony as a second wing."

The orange pegasus paced across her line of 'Bolts and stopped in front of Wave Chill. "I'm not going to let it slide any more, Wave. Get in some serious training and you'll be flying with us in the run. But let me make this clear, if you don't get back up to par then I'll be reconsidering your position."

Wave Chill gulped. He hated getting called out so badly but he knew the captain was serious. "Yes, captain!"

Next, the leader came up to Fire Streak. The stallion had been acting very distracted ever since she got back. "Are you going to get focused or do I need to teach you how to pay attention, Fire Streak?"

"No - I mean yes and no! I'm all set captain!" he desperately replied.

Spitfire shook her mane and continued down the line to stop again at Misty. She did a double take on the mare's build. "I see it was a good thing I let you off for training when I was away. Only one problem..."

The captain poked Misty's shoulder and the mare collapsed onto the ground with a cry. Spitfire quickly commented as the other 'Bolts whipped their heads around in surprise, "You've overworked your muscles without relieving them of tension. I admire your determination but it's all for nothing if you damage yourself in the process. You're staying after the meet for some lessons. As for the rest of you," she turned to the staring ponies, "Soarin' has your formation positions. Note them and get to practicing. I want top form for that upcoming run!"

With a final note to dismiss, the Wonderbolts split up for training. Only a few stayed at the track to work on speed and Misty was still groaning on the ground when the captain dug her front hooves into the mare's back. "You're just short of needing physical therapy, Misty. What were you trying to pull?"

The mare let out a whimper of pain before she started to feel her muscles relax. Spitfire was moving her hooves back and forth to let out the strain. The relief felt so good at first that the mare forgot to respond.

"I'm taking you on as second wing for this next performance, but you're going to need to learn some stretches before you continue your routines."

Misty let out a gasp as the other mare's words caught on. "You're going to instruct me?"

"Of course," Spitfire replied with a sigh. "I hadn't planned on things getting out of control so quickly but I might as well tell you now."

"Tell me what...?" the mare asked slowly in suspicion. She couldn't keep the seriousness, however, as Spitfire continued massaging her up to her shoulders. A content sigh escaped as she melted into the grass.

The leader paused before answering, "On second thought, later. I'd rather not say it here. Just know that you'll be doing some special training with me, Prize, and Silver."

"If you don't mind my-" Misty froze as Spitfire removed her hooves. "Hey, did you have to stop?"

The captain laughed in return. "I'm not your masseur, Misty. You were saying?"

"Oh, um...you don't want to include me in this training just for the stretches...right?"

Spitfire sat on her flank in the grass as she watched some of the other 'Bolts race around the track. "Misty, you've always been a hard worker. If it weren't for the fact that Soarin' was a guy then I'd have you as my wingmare. I only recently chose Prize because she beefed up - a lot. Same as me. But you haven't stopped pushing yourself and you even pushed yourself harder when I was away. I know you have the strength, loyalty, and determination necessary for the special training."

Misty rolled over her captain's words carefully, relishing the praise in particular. There was silence for quite a few minutes before she spoke up. "Why Silver Lining then?"

Spitfire would have choked if she had been eating at that exact second. Instead, she rolled back into the grass and started laughing herself to tears. Misty just smiled faintly as she watched. "I didn't really mean that as a joke..."

"I...I know..." Spitfire wheezed, short of breath. "It's just...funny. Yeah, I can see why Silver doesn't instill a strong sense of potential. He's got a quiet talent. Most ponies can't see what he is past the pretty part of him."

"Pretty..." Misty snorted.

"He's strong though," Spitfire continued. The orange leader paused and did a double-take when she caught an odd expression from her fellow 'Bolt. "Is there something between you and Silver Lining?"

Misty practically spazzed out. "What are you talking about?!"

The captain giggled and waved a hoof, "Forget I asked. We should get to training now like everypony else."

Silver Lining stood awkwardly in the field. Perhaps it was the odd-looking cannon thing that was making him nervous. "I'm not entirely certain that I'm adequately prepared for what you have in mind, cap'."

Spitfire merely shook her head. "You'll never be ready with that kind of thinking."

Surprise tried to keep an upbeat attitude. In reality, she was part sad and upset that her time with Spitfire was decreasing as more of the 'Bolts joined in the training. "Ready as always," she winked.

"More than ready," Misty grumbled under her breath.

Turning to the royal guard stationed beside the cannon, she nodded and took to the air. Celestia had designated a guard to handle the cannon since Spitfire's group had grown by another two members. The ruler was adamant about staying out of the spotlight but was still quick to give private lessons to the captain and her main wing. Spitfire knew enough of the training now to guide the others and was tasked with getting them past the physical build up before she could take the next step.

The other pegasi took formation around her and they started picking up a flying pattern moments before the cannon began its rounds. Silver Lining and Misty were as startled as she expected them to be. She was, after all, quite disturbed by it when she first started the unusual routine. Odd and uncomfortable as it was, the exercise made perfect sense and the other 'Bolts would have to get used to it. Still, there was that matter of the magically-induced stealth shield. She could only assume that Celestia had taken care of it ahead of time.


The pounding mid-air explosions were probably more audible to the two pegasi who weren't used to them. Spitfire was pleased all the same when she saw them pushing onwards through the chaos. Their form was a bit off and they were losing ground behind her but they were doing well all the same. The four Wonderbolts continued their circular rounds against the cannon until Silver Lining literally dropped out.

Misty was next but she was less dropping out than she was checking on Silver. Spitfire gave the guard pony the signal and the cannon ceased fire. She could faintly hear voices as her hearing began to properly return. "-train together," was what she caught Misty say to the stallion as she approached. Silver was lying in the grass and panting for breath.

"It's important to push our limits but not kill ourselves over it. Let's wrap it up for today. Silver, you'll get to relax soon but you have to do some stretching first if you don't want those muscles to seize up later."

Misty was first to interject, "Captain."

"Hm?" the orange pegasus raised her brow to the 'Bolt. That word rarely stood by itself unless somepony wanted to propose something...or challenge her.

"I think me and Silver Lining should do additional training by ourselves to get our endurance up to your level."

Spitfire humphed. "I already told you that you'll just hurt yourself by pushing it."

"I meant we'd train only if you okay'd it," the mare explained.

The captain hm'd for only a few seconds before replying. "Well alright. But you two can't do any more today."

Surprise trotted happily up to Spitfire's side. The mare's cheerful attitude was slightly annoying to the more tired out Misty. "Let's get those hooves moving," the white pegasus beamed.

Spitfire just smirked as she moved on past her teammates to get a better spot in the grass. "I'll go slow so that you can copy what I do. This part is critical if you don't want to be in pain later. You know what I'm talking about, Misty."

The concerned mare solemnly nodded and found her own place on the ground. It ended up being Spitfire and Surprise side-by-side with Misty and Silver mirroring them on the opposing side. It was unintentional but best all the same since the two newer trainees needed to watch their leader carefully. It was when the group got to the one odd stretch that they had difficulty. It was not from the challenge that the stretch presented but rather from Silver's execution of it.

Surprise rolled onto her back in laughter. "I'm...I'm sorry!" she managed between chuckles. "S...Stallions..."

Misty couldn't help a giggle either. Somehow the sight of a mare doing the stretch was less silly than a stallion. Silver just looked ridiculous.

"I'm just doing what you are!" the male 'Bolt complained. "It's not like you mares look any better."

Misty continued to fail in masking her amusement and Surprise was laughing to the point of mockery. "Alright you two," Spitfire regarded her female teammates. "That's enough laughing. Besides...he has a point."

The white mare cut herself off abruptly since she was getting a sideways look from her captain. Misty actually apologized to the stallion, who just turned his head the other way as he continued his steaming. It was Spitfire again who got the three ponies focused and through the routines, but it was the head wingmare that noticed the leader's fatigue afterwards.

As soon as they finished the variety of stretches, Spitfire dismissed her smaller group of Wonderbolts for the rest of the day and headed in her own direction. Misty and Silver Lining flew slowly back to the city due to their lack of energy. It was after a few minutes of walking that the captain looked behind her to regard her follower. "Why are you following me, Prize? We're done for now."

"I'm a bit worried to be honest. You're walking when we're still a long way from the city. Thinking got you grounded?" the white mare's voice flowed softly.

Spitfire regarded her friend with a sideways look that showed her lack of energy. "You analyzing me?"

Surprise moaned a negative before coming up close to her friend's side. "I'm looking out for my best friend. That's all. We've both had longer days than this, so why do you look so drained?"

There was silence for a while as the orange pegasus thought about what she was going to say. However, the first words out were "walk with me."