• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 1,615 Views, 11 Comments

Recall Memories of Midnight - Tangerine Blast

Six prequel short stories to Spark Visions of Twilight

  • ...

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash dragged her hooves as she headed home for the night.

She snorted at her own thoughts as she glanced up at where the moon hadn’t moved for a good few months. One couldn’t really go home for the night when it would always be night, could they?

Either way, she was headed home. She had spent half of the da-night working for the weather department in Cloudsdale, trying desperately to bring some sense of normality to the ponies of Equestria. It wasn’t her favorite job, what with it being repetitive, boring, and simple. But since the new ruler had quickly disbanded the Wonderbolts, and all other preexisting military operation, upon returning to the throne there weren’t many better options.

She had spent the other half of the night flying to as many towns as she could and searching. That wasn’t very unusual activity now, lots of ponies were frantically trying to find friends and family. Either to band together in this chaos or simply to be assured they were safe.

Rainbow Dash hadn’t had much luck in her search, not that she had too many ponies to search for.

Now she was back in Cloudsdale, her hometown, and her wings were so sore that she had resorted to walking through the cloud city to her home.

“Fluttershy,” She called unenthusiastically as she pushed open her front door, “I’m back.”

A bright yellow face poked itself from out of the kitchen and Fluttershy smiled widely at her. “Welcome back Rainbow. You have great timing, I’m almost done with dinner.”

Despite her stressful night, Rainbow couldn’t help but smile at her friend and the intoxicating aroma of fresh pasta. “Thanks, Flutters, I definitely need a good meal tonight.”

Fluttershy’s smile dipped into a concerned frown as she put down whatever she was doing and trotted over to give Rainbow a comforting nuzzle. “Nothing again? Do you want to talk about it?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She wanted to pour all her problems and frustration out. She wanted to cry and break things and curse the world. Her insides felt like garbage and she just wanted to lay on the floor and cry them back to normal.

But she didn’t want to upset Fluttershy any more than she already had.

“Psh, what?” Rainbow scoffed, tossing her mane back, “I’m fine. I didn’t find anything but that’s no big deal. There’s always tomorrow.”

Fluttershy’s smile gradually came back. Rainbow wasn’t sure if she believed her false confidence, but it got Flutters to smile so that was a win in her book. “What about you?” Rainbow asked, smoothly changing the subject, “How did your da-night go?”

Fluttershy moved out of the Rainbow’s space and back into the kitchen. “It went alright. There are still so many lost little pets to search for and the shelter’s almost full.” She shook her head, her eyes tracing the floor. “I think some ponies just abandoned the poor dears in their panic and aren’t ever coming back.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow sympathized, her ears folding down at the sorrow in her friend’s voice. Fluttershy had been volunteering at the Cloudsdale animal shelter for about a month now and, while many ponies had been reunited with their pets, Rainbow knew Fluttershy fretted about every homeless critter. “Some ponies can’t think of anyone but themselves right now. They just leave those defenseless creatures behind.”

“I’m so glad you agree,” Fluttershy said, walking back out of the kitchen. On her back was a freshly steaming bowl of pasta, ready for eating. Tucked in her wing, however, was a squirming little white furball. “Because this little guy’s been lost for months and just can’t stand living in that cold shelter anymore.”

Rainbow Dash groaned as the rabbit snuggled into Fluttershy’s fur. “Seriously? Fluttershy, we can’t keep a bunny here. We’re both way too busy for a pet and besides, we don’t have enough enchanted cloud. He could fall out of the house at any moment.”

“I know,” Fluttershy sighed, putting the pasta on the dining table, “But rabbits are so very smart and resourceful. And it would only be for a few days at the most. Just until we find somewhere more permanent.”

“Fluttershy…” Rainbow warned, narrowing her eyes.

Fluttershy stuck out her lip and looked at her with huge watery eyes. She squeezed the bunny to her chest so tightly it squeaked.

Dash looked away, biting her lip to try and keep her willpower strong.

It was a losing battle, however, and not a moment later she threw her hooves up with a defeated laugh. “Fine! Fine, fine. As long as we can start dinner you can keep the rabbit.”

Fluttershy’s face instantly lit up as she squeed with glee. “Oh thank you, Rainbow! Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be an absolute angel.”


Dinner was much more hectic than usual. The new rabbit decided to sneak food off of both of their plates and periodically pull on Rainbow’s tail. The worst part was he would never do it when Fluttershy was looking and she refused to believe Rainbow’s complaints.

Or, by the way she had giggled into her napkin, Fluttershy was probably just ignoring it to mess with Dash and assure the little demon stayed.

Either way, Rainbow went to bed grumpy and annoyed but effectively purged of the troubles that had plagued her earlier. She could always count on Fluttershy for that.

After bidding her friend goodnight and shooting a death glare at the little rodent, Rainbow headed to her room for a good night’s rest.

She awoke after what felt like only a few minutes since her head hit the pillow. But the house was dark and the streets outside her window were deathly silent.

She sat up to try and determine just what had woken her when she locked eyes with a towering figure in the middle of her room.

Dash’s wings snapped open and she jumped backward instinctively, pressing her back against the wall. Nightmare Moon herself was standing in her bedroom, regarding Rainbow with a cold, calculated look.

“You’re less impressive than I thought you would be.”

Rainbow Dash had no idea how to react to that. She didn’t really have experiences with mad gods just appearing in her bedroom. At least Nightmare didn’t look like she was about to smite Dash where she stood.

“You-your Highness,” Rainbow eventually stammered as Nightmare Moon just continued to stand there, inspecting Rainbow like one would inspect a new wagon they were considering purchasing. “Wha-what are… what do I owe…”

“I’ve come to offer you a proposition, Rainbow Dash,” Nightmare Moon interrupted her. She cocked her head to the side, a small smile tugging at her lips as if she had just thought of a private joke. “You are Rainbow Dash, are you not? Youngest Wonderbolt Reserve in history and the pony that won Best Young Flyer Competition for touching the sound barrier?”

“I didn’t win…” Rainbow said, latching onto the only part of this situation she could understand, “I spiraled out of control when I couldn’t break the barrier and create a rainboom. I flew into the judges stand…”

“Ah, so I do have the right pony.” Nightmare’s smile dropped and she stood up straighter; all business. “I have heard many great and enticing things about you Rainbow Dash and you have piqued my interest.”

She took a step closer and Rainbow had to fight the urge to jump out her window.

“I’m putting together a team of elite ponies. Ponies who I think possess the skills and dedication to do something great with their lives.”

“And… what’s that?” Rainbow couldn’t help but ask, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Nightmare Moon smiled again, pointed teeth gleaming in the moonlight. “Rainbow Dash, I wish to formally invite you to be a member of my personal guard. Unlike my normal guards, these individuals will serve right by my side. They will protect and serve where and when I need them, being part of my greatest triumphs.” She leaned closer, as if to share a secret. “And I’m giving you this opportunity of a lifetime.”

Rainbow Dash froze. She had been afraid and intimidated before but something about that offer shook her deep in her core. She thought of freely moving clouds for families that could barely come to grips with their new reality, let alone afford to pay for weather. She thought of all the animals in danger and alone that Fluttershy had to take care of because they didn’t understand what was happening. She thought of searching night after night for family she hadn’t thought about in years just to know they hadn’t died in the chilling eternal night.

She thought of everyone whose world was ending because of the collapse of order the sudden change in leaders had caused.

“Buck you.”

Nightmare’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “What did you just say, child?”

“Buck. You.” Rainbow trembled with rage and terror. “How dare… how dare you think I’d serve under you? You took away the sun. You ruined my life! And now you expect me to serve you? I can’t. I could never do that.”

“Never?” Nightmare Moon hissed, eyes glowing bright, and fangs bared. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, you’ll soon find that no one ever means never. I’m giving you an opportunity to help your fellow pony. To protect those that can’t adjust to my glorious night. Are you really ready to forsake them?”

Rainbow didn’t react, her anger to great to be penetrated by empty promises. She was pretty sure she was going to die, right there in her bedroom. But despite that, she wasn’t scared. She didn’t care anymore what Nightmare Moon did to her. She just hoped Fluttershy would be alright without her.

But Nightmare Moon backed down a moment later, the light leaving her eyes, and her face once more becoming professional, if not a bit more hostile than before. “But fine, have it your way. I have no need for an unloyal knight at this time.” She turned away and Rainbow felt her pounding heart slow as hope crept into it. “But just know that if you ever deny me again…” Nightmare Moon’s magic lifted the picture of Fluttershy Rainbow kept on her bookshelf and Dash’s heart leapt into her throat, threatening to choke her. “... there will be consequences.”

The picture ripped apart, frame and all, in a sudden burst of magic. Glass scattered along the floor and small pieces of paper floated around the room.

“Have a good Night, Rainbow Dash.”

With a gasp Rainbow bolted upright in bed. She was soaked in sweat and blinking rapidly to clear the sleep from her eyes.

Sleep...asleep. She had been asleep? Her racing heart slowed as she realized she had just been dreaming. Nightmare Moon had been nothing more than a regular old nightmare.

She glanced around her room, a smile coming to her lips in relief.

And then she saw the shattered picture on the floor.

It wasn’t cracked as if it had simply fallen off of the bookshelf. It was absolutely shattered and torn beyond repair. Torn down the middle as if ripped apart by powerful magic.

A whimper escaped her as Dash tore off her blankets and floundered out of her bed, crunching glass beneath her hooves. She staggered out into the hall in a daze, frantically stumbling to her friend’s room.

“Fluttershy,” She called desperately, “No, no, Fluttershy please.”

The door to the other bedroom opened before she even got there. Fluttershy, bed-headed but wide awake, standing in the doorway. “Rainbow, what’s wrong? Are you ok-”

Rainbow interrupted by latching onto her in a tight hug. She squeezed her as hard as she could, reassuring herself that she was real, that she was okay.

Fluttershy stopped asking questions and just hugged Rainbow back, gently guiding her to sit on the floor.

“Hey, hey it’s okay. It’s okay, Rainbow I’m here. I’m here.”

Rainbow didn’t say anything as she cried onto her best friend’s shoulder.