• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 355 Views, 3 Comments

The Dragon-Ape - Emperor Wolfgang

Spike is sent to another world and is turned into an ape! Monkey business ensues!

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Chapter-1: Welcome to Kongo Bongo

"DONKEY KONG!!" yelled a cranky old voice.

A big brown gorilla with a red tie with the initials "DK" in yellow, jumped out of his hammock in alarm from the sudden shout from outside of his treehouse. Donkey Kong quickly got up and opened the door to his treehouse and looked down below to see his grandfather, Cranky Kong. Also known as Donkey "Cranky" Kong Sr., Cranky Kong is an elderly Kong that wears a grey vest and has a long white beard and a small set of black glasses on his face. He also has a brown walking stick.

Cranky looked up at Donkey with a scowl on his face as he tapped his foot impatiently. DK sighed "What I do now Cranky?" "Nothing yet, but I've got a job for you so get down here!" Cranky yelled impatiently. DK leapt off the edge of the terrace of his treehouse and landed on his feet in front of Cranky. "What can I do for you Cranky?" DK asked.

Cranky sighed and folded one of his hands behind his back and said "Donkey, as you know, you are to take over as chief of Kongo Bongo in three weeks time. As such you have to take - more responsibility, I know." Donkey said interrupting him. Cranky scowled at him for a moment before continuing "Yes, that's correct Donkey. And your little nephew, Diddy is supposed to take over as chief - thirty years after me, Cranky, I know this, but can't you just keep being chief for a little while longer?" Donkey said interrupting Cranky again before continuing as Cranky scowled at him more harshly "I mean, planning meetings, managing resources, running a whole village, I'm not cut out for that. I mean, I can help out around the village but can't you just -" Donkey didn't get to finish as cranky yelled at him "Oh for Pete's sake, Donkey. I'M GETTING TO OLD FOR THIS! I've been chief for over fifty years now and I'm getting to old to continue as chief! It's time for new blood to take the helm so that's why your going to be taking over. Your going to be the next chief of Kongo Bongo so start acting like one! Now, the job I have for you." Cranky said clapping his hands together.

"What do you need me to do, Cranky?" DK asked with a small smile. Despite his earlier demeanor, Donkey Kong loved to help out his grandfather and around the village. He just didn't feel he was ready - let alone, cut out - to be chief. His father, Donkey Kong Jr. was supposed to take Cranky's place as chief but he and his mom disappeared about twenty-one years ago when he was six. So Cranky had to take over for another twenty years until Donkey was of-age to take the mantle of chief from him so he can retire in peace.

"Something has landed in the Kalimba Jungle, and I want you to investigate. Take Diddy with you if ya want. Might be good experience for the kid." Cranky said. "Any idea what landed?" Donkey asked. "None, which is why I'm having you investigate."

"What's with the yelling?" a young sounding voice asked. Donkey and Cranky looked up at the treehouse to see that Diddy had woken up but was still a tad tired if the look on his face was any indication. Diddy was a young monkey and Donkey Kong's nephew. He is currently wearing a red striped shirt and hat which act as his sleepwear.

DK smiled up at him and yelled "Diddy! Feel like exploring the Kalimba Jungle?! Cranky says something landed in it!" Diddy immediately perked and exclaimed "The Kalimba Jungle!? Sure!" before rushing back inside to get ready. DK laughed before looking back at his grandfather and saying "We're on it, Cranky." Cranky nodded with a satisfied smile before walking back to the village while muttering under his breath "Would it kill him once to call me "Grandpa?""

'This has to be some sort of bad dream. It has to be.' Spike thought to himself as he wandered through the jungle, all while trying to get used to his new body. He had stood by the lake he woke up by for what felt like hours, trying to make sense of what had happened. Spike had come to the conclusion that after Silverstream burst in unexpectedly, the spell Twilight was trying to cast went haywire and ricocheted around the room and he ended up getting hit, and now he's who knows where! He had decided to see if he can find civilization and started traversing the jungle.

Thus leading us to our current scene. Spike had been wandering the jungle for half an hour now and has found nothing but more jungle... and occasionally, some randomly placed barrels. And to make matters worse, he was in the body of what appeared to be a cross between a monkey and a dragon. 'hmm... Monkey...' Spike mused to himself. Looking around, he tried to locate the tallest tree. He then noticed one tree that poked further above the canopy then some of the other trees. Deciding to use this one, he ran over to it and started to climb.

After many failed attempts, Spike managed to get to the top of the tree. Once he was up there, he glanced in all eight directions. To the north, northeast, and east directions was the face of a mountain. In the southeast was an arch and under it, was more jungle. Spike could barely see past the arch but he thought he could see faint hints of sand. A beach maybe? Directly to the south and southwest even more jungle and an ocean. To the west appeared to be even more jungle. And to the northwest was more jungle but beyond it, there appeared to be something else.

Spike squinted his eyes to see if he could make out what he was seeing. It was far away but Spike thought he could see the roof of a building in the distance. That meant civilization! And that means somecreature that could tell him where he is! Before he could climb down the tree though something flew into his line of sight. Directly. In. Front. Of. His. Face! Staring back at him was a black face with huge eyes and a pair of mandibles. "AAAAAAAHH!" the dragon turned monkey-dragon screamed in alarm as he flailed his arms and fell out of the tree.

Donkey and Diddy had since entered the Kalimba Jungle in search of whatever landed in it when they heard a scream "AAAAAAHH!" Diddy and DK turned to each other as the young monkey asked "Did you hear that DK?" "I sure did, little buddy. Let's check it out!" Donkey declared as he and Diddy started running towards the sound of the scream.

Spike had landed on the jungle floor with a thud. Propping himself up on his claws, he looked up and saw what had spooked him in full detail. It was insectoid in appearance and it was split up into three segments. The head was black and had long black antennas on top its head. It had huge eyes that were closely joined together and a pair of mandibles for its mouth. It's middle section, the thorax consisted of its six long black legs and a pair of wings on its back which we're currently buzzing as it was airborne. And last but not least, it's abdomen. It had a striped pattern consisting of yellow and black. Like a bee. Along it's back were razor sharp spines and at the end of it's abdomen, it had a sharp pointy stinger, ready to lay some pain to anyone who bothered it's owner. And it's owner wasn't small either, it was big. At least as big as Spike, so needless to say... Spike was a bit intimidated by the giant insect.

The giant insect flew in closer as Spike immediately backed up before bumping into something sharp. Spike yelped and jumped to the side to see that there was another one of those insects behind him. The two big insects were soon joined by three more and now there were five of them. Spike kept backing up until he hit the back of the tree, signaling he couldn't back up any further. The insects kept closing in, flying closer and closer.

Spike normally wouldn't be scared, as he is certain his scales could protect him from their stingers; but he's not exactly covered head to toe in dragon scales anymore, he could tell! The only parts of him covered in scales were his hands, feet, and tail, leaving the rest of him that's covered in fur, vulnerable.

Suddenly, Spike got an idea. He's a dragon, he can breath fire! 'Why didn't I think of that sooner?' Spike asked himself. Spike steadied himself against the tree and got up on his legs. Now standing tall, the insects backed off a little, but not in fear. They were merely curious about the determined and brave look he had on his face. Spike took a deep breath that puffed up his chest... and breathed out... but nothing happened.

Spike opened his eyes and saw that the insects were still there, blinking in confusion. So he breathed in and breathed out again. Still, nothing happened. Growing desperate, Spike tried to breath fire again and again but had no success. That's when Spike came to a startling conclusion. 'I can't breath fire now, either!?' Spike shouted in his head, now in full panic mode.

Noticing the change in his expression, the insects crept in closer again. Spike braced himself against the tree in full panic now. He had no Twilight, no friends, no allies, nobody to save him... he was alone here. Not being able to back up anymore, Spike closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

"BANANA SLAMMA!" a voice shouted from out of nowhere. The insects looked in the direction of the shout only for one of them to be hit in the head with a barrel that broke upon contact. The insect hit fell to the ground unconscious. With a thud, the attacker revealed himself to be Donkey Kong who pounded his chest and made gorilla noises. From behind him appeared his nephew, Diddy, who let out his own monkey noises. Spike had since opened his eyes and got a good look at his saviors.

Buzzing angrily for their fallen comrade, the wasp-like foes charged at their attackers. DK and Diddy leapt in two different directions to avoid the remaining enemies and their painful stingers. "Diddy, you remember how to take care of Zingers?" DK asked as he landed back on his feet. "You use a barrel!" Diddy answered as he landed by a wooden barrel. The little monkey may not be as physically strong as his uncle but he can still lift a barrel, just not over his head. Diddy tossed the barrel at the closest Zinger who didn't have time to get out of the way as the barrel barreled in to him. Even though the barrel hit the Zinger, it didn't break upon contact like the first one did. Instead it kept rolling, but the remaining three Zingers had already flew out of the way of the barrel. Momentarily distracted, a Zinger didn't have time to react when DK surprised it with another barrel.

The remaining two Zingers stared at their two opponents who stood in an attack-ready position, and then looked at their fallen comrades. Deciding to cut their losses, they each picked up one of their three fallen allies and took off. Deciding they'll find another Zinger to come back and pick up the third one before predators came by.

Spike stared as the two Zingers flew off while his two saviors laughed and high-fived in the background. "Not bad, not bad at all, Diddy. You did good for your 3rd time out in the jungle." DK said praising his nephew. "Thanks DK, I had a great teacher." Diddy said referring to his uncle. "Why thank you, little buddy. Now let's make sure our new friend is okay." DK said referring to Spike.

The two Kongs approached Spike who had turned to his saviors and said shakily "Um...Th-thank you for saving me. I-I don't know wh-what I would have done if you hadn't shown up." "Your welcome." DK said helping Spike up to his feet. "My name is Donkey Kong III, you can call me Donkey Kong, or DK. Almost everybody does." DK then put a shoulder around Diddy and said "And this is my nephew, Diddy Kong." "Hi there." Diddy said. Seeing that they were friendly, Spike lowered his guard and smiled at them. "I'm Spike." he replied. "So, Spike, how'd you wind up in the middle of the Kalimba Jungle?" DK asked curiously.

Spike wasn't really sure how to answer his question. He just kind of woke up in the middle of this "Kalimba Jungle". Answering honestly he said "My friend/ Big sister figure was practicing a spell she found in this new book a student of hers found in the library, when that same student and her friends came in through the door and spooked her enough to break her concentration, causing the spell to go haywire. I got hit and the next thing I know, I wake up in the middle of this Kalimba Jungle with no idea where home is and on top of that, I'm in a body that's not my own." Spike summarized. DK and Diddy just stared at Spike for awhile before Diddy answered "Well if your unsure of where home is, maybe Cranky can help you, back in Kong Town. He knows everything. Where is home anyways?" Diddy asked.

"Ponyville, Equestria." Spike answered. DK and Diddy just stared at him again, not having any idea where that is, nor have they heard of it. "Have you heard of an Equestria, DK?" Diddy asked his uncle. "No, though granted we aren't that good at geography anyway. Ask me about any local on the island and I can give a brief summary on each location and the environment but out there in the big blue? I'm as blind as a Squeekly." DK said. "Speaking of locations, where exactly am I?" Spike asked. DK smiled and said "Your on Kongo Bongo Island, Spike. Home of the Kongs." "Kongo Bongo... Wait a minute..." Spike said to himself as realization hit him. 'The book that Ocellus found. The title was "History of the Kongs" and she mentioned that the book mentioned a place by the name of Kongo Bongo. Could this just be a coincidence? Wait Twilight mentioned the book having a spell that could create a bridge to the world the book described. Could I be in another world? Oh sweet Celestia, please let me be dreaming!' Spike panicked in his head.

Noticing the panicked look on his face, DK patted his back and said "Don't worry, Spike. We'll get you home and back to your big sister in no time. Now let's go see Cranky in Kong Town." he said with a smile.

DK and Diddy then led the way back to Kong Town, with Spike in tow. Hopefully this 'Cranky' creature will be able to help Spike and get him back home to Equestria.

Author's Note:

And with that, Spike has met Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, and now he's on his way to see Cranky to see if he can possibly get him home, but it's going to be a little more complicated than they think.