• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 358 Views, 3 Comments

The Dragon-Ape - Emperor Wolfgang

Spike is sent to another world and is turned into an ape! Monkey business ensues!

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Prologue: Mysterious Book

Celestia's Sun rises into the sky overlooking a little town called Ponyville. The ponies woke up to start their day, or open up shop for those who ran businesses and school for young colts and fillies.

At the Castle of Friendship, a young purple dragon by the name of Spike, was already up making breakfast for his big-sister figure/best friend and the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie had recently set up a surprise birthday party for her sister, Maud. Though she wanted a small party with just her, Pinkie, and her coltfriend, Mudbriar. So the rest of Ponyville had the party with a cardboard cutout of Maud. Meanwhile Pinkie, Maud, and Mudbriar watched the festivities from the hills under the shade of a tree. In the end, it was a great day for everyone.

An audible yawn sounded from the doorway as Twilight walked into the room. She looked at Spike and smiled "Morning Spike." "Goood morning Twilight, sleep well?" "Yeah, I'm just still getting use to my new duties as the principal of the School of Friendship but I'm managing." Twilight said happily. Spike nodded and said while putting the pancakes he was making on the table "Breakfast is served Twilight. Bon appetit." he said dishing himself a plate as well and digging in, followed by Twilight.

If your wondering where Starlight is, she's with Trixie helping her on a performance she's has going on in Manehattan and they won't be back for at least a week.

As they ate their breakfast, Twilight spoke "By the way Spike do you know what today is?" Twilight asked with a grin. Spike swallowed his pancakes and answered "Another day at the School of Friendship?" "Well yes there's that, but it's also reshelving day here at the Castle!" Spike almost choked when she said that, but he swallowed and said "WHAT!? Didn't we just reshelf the castle library last month?"

"Yes Spike, but that's just it: Last Month. It's a new month so it's time for a new shelving system." She said excitedly. Spike sighed and uttered "Only you would get excited over something as simple as reshelving, Twilight. Alright, how are we organizing them this time?" Spike would regret asking that question, for Twilight's answer made his pupils shrink. "We Spike, are organizing them by the amount of characters that are in the book. That means every letter, number, period, question mark, etc. The more characters in the book, the further and deeper into the library it will be!" Twilight said excitedly.

Spike had stopped listening after 'organizing them by the amount of characters that are in the book'. EVERY character in the book! There are probably over 100,000 books in the castle library, and to count every character between their pages... They'd be there all day and maybe all night! Sigh, this is going to be a loooong day.

Oh Spike, if only you knew...

Twilight and Spike finished their breakfast in silence and after they were done, Twilight left to go get ready for the school day and Spike cleaned up the dishes before leaving to get ready for the school day as well. He is Principle Twilight Sparkle's executive assistant after all.

At the School of Friendship...

Hours later at the School of Friendship, Twilight was in her office doing some paperwork and Spike was busy filing the paperwork she had already completed. Twilight was currently looking over a student's registration form when she got a knock on her door. "Come in!" Twilight said. From the door appeared Ocellus, a student at the School of Friendship representing the Changelings. She had her saddlebags on as well. "Hello Ocellus, what can I do for you?" Twilight asked kindly.

Ocellus, being her shy self, replied shyly "Um, hello Principle Twilight, sorry if I'm bothering you."

"Oh no, no, Ocellus, your fine. How can I help you?" Twilight asked. "Um, it's not something I need help with per se, but rather I came here to bring you a book I found in the school library that I thought you should look at." Ocellus said grabbing the book from her saddlebag. The cover was banana yellow and had the words "History of the KONGS" on it and it's pages were a light yellow. Twilight took the book from Ocellus with her magic and gently brought it over to her desk before magically setting her paperwork aside in a neat little stack and setting it down in front of her and opening it's pages.

Spike was still filing the finished paperwork but he was listening in on the conversation as Ocellus spoke to Twilight saying "I was in the library looking for a book on the History of Equestria when I saw this yellow book on the shelf and it had caught my attention. So I took it out and began reading. It spoke of creatures and races that I had never heard of but looked similar to animals that could be found in and around Equestria. Kongs, Kremlings, Neckies, Zingers, Tikis, Gnawtys, Snowmads. And locations that aren't on any maps like "Crocodile Isle, The Northern Kremisphere, and Kongo Bongo." Ocellus explained, presenting her analysis of the book. "Well, I'm just as lost as you now, because I've never heard of these terms either. Did you use the search spell enchanted books we have set up?" Twilight asked. "Yes, and this book isn't even registered into the school library. I don't think this book even exists on shelves because for one, there's no author and two, I also used the book to do a worldwide search for it but this book doesn't seem to exist." Ocellus exclaimed. Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought. "This might be a book from an age long forgotten and that's why you can't find it. Hmm... I'll study it today after the school is out. You're welcome to come over to the castle and study it with me if you want." she said with a smile.

Ocellus smiled and said "Thank you, Ms. Sparkle but I have a study session with my friends after school is over." Twilight nodded in understanding and Ocellus left so she can get back to class. Twilight set the book aside and went back to doing her paperwork. "Looks like reshelving the library will have to be postponed, I want to study this book!" she said. 'Thank Celestia!' Spike thought happily to himself. He really didn't want to count every individual character in 1000+ page books. "So any idea what the book is about? Or where it came from?" Spike asked. "None Spike, but I'm determined to find out!" Twilight declared. And with that they got back to work. Twilight bringing her paperwork back in front of her and Spike continued filing the paperwork.

Twilight had no classes today so after school ended she, with Spike on her back, flew back to the castle with the book in her saddlebag. With his chores done for the day, Spike was now reading one of his Power Pony comics and Twilight was reading the "History of the KONGS" book that Ocellus had found. While reading, Twilight found something that caught her interest. A whole section on spells. Particularly she was looking at a teleportation spell that according to the book could open a bridge to the world the book describes.

Reading over the instructions, Twilight looked towards Spike and asked a peculiar question: "Spike, how many bananas do we have in the kitchen?" Spike looked up from his comic and raised an eyebrow in curious confusion. "Last I checked we had about two bunches of fresh bananas. Why?" "Because I'm looking at a spell I want to try and according to the instructions, it requires one hundred bananas split up in groups of ten arranged in a circle around the caster. So I was wondering if you could go get them?" Twilight asked. 'What kind of spell requires that many bananas?' "Alright I'll get them" Spike said putting down his Power Pony comic and getting up to get the bananas.

Ten minutes later, Spike returned to Twilight with the bananas. "I hope you realize, Twilight, that there isn't enough bananas for this spell." Spike said plainly. "That's alright, I know a duplication spell." Twilight said with a smile. "Will this spell work with magically crafted bananas?" Spike asked. "The duplicates are just as real as the original, there's no reason as to why it shouldn't work." Twilight said knowingly.

Spike put down the bananas and Twilight activated her horn and surrounded the bananas in a purple aura and magically created the rest of the bananas required for the spell. Following the spell she grouped the bananas together in bunches of ten in a circle around her. "So what is this spell supposed to do?" Spike asked. "If casted correctly, it could open a bridge to the world described in the book. Just imagine Spike, a whole new world, with a whole different history, and new things to learn!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly. Spike, perked up immediately and asked "Really?! A bridge to another world?!" he asked excitedly. Twilight rolled her eyes at her best friend's reaction and replied "Yes, and it's only for studying purposes and learning, not for fun." Twilight said. Spike huffed as she gathered her concentration into her horn a familiar purple aura surrounded it and then the ten bunches of bananas.

Just as she was about to finish the spell the door to the room burst open rather loudly as a hyperactive and bubbly voice exclaimed "HI MS. SPARKLE!!" shouted Silverstream, a hippogriff from Seaquestria and another student at the School of Friendship. Right behind her were her friends, Sandbar, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, & Gallus. However, Silverstream's sudden shout of greeting broke Twilight's concentration and made her jump in alarm.

And then everything went haywire...

The spell instead of being concentrated into one place like it was supposed to, shot out of Twilight's horn instead and started ricocheting around the room. Everyone present ducked for cover to avoid getting hit by the rogue spell that did who knows what. Twilight stood in front of the Young Six and made a shield around her and them to protect them from the spell.

A certain purple dragon however, wasn't so lucky and got hit by the rogue spell and then... everything exploded, forcing everycreature to shield their eyes.


When the light dissipated everycreature uncovered their eyes. "Is Everycreature okay?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Y-Yes" said Ocellus nervously.

"Yep" said Silverstream frightened.

"Yes" said Sandbar in fear.

"Yona okay" Yona uttered.

"I wasn't scared" said Smolder.

"Me neither" said Gallus.

"…." no reply

"Great everycreature is safe and accouted fo- WAIT! I didn't hear anything from Spike! Spike! Can you hear me?!" Twilight shouted.

No response.

"Spike! Spike!" Twilight shouted in complete panic mode now. Twilight looked over to the Young Six and ordered "Everycreature, fan out and find Spike!" she exclaimed franticly.

So then the Young Six and Twilight fanned out around the room to find Spike. They searched under every nook and cranny but couldn't find him anywhere. Then Ocellus noticed the open book on the table and saw it was the one she had brought Twilight earlier on in the day. She walked over to it and looked over the page it was open to, and read the spell Twilight had read. She examined the room in front of her and noticed ten bunches of burnt bananas arranged in a circle around the room. She stood there in thought about what had happened, and then... it hit her!

They had broken Twilight's concentration in the middle of a spell and the magical shot that fired hit Spike while it was ricocheting around the room. If the purpose of the spell is correct then the spell DID work... just not as intended.

Then realization hit her: They just sent Spike to this other world.

Spike groaned in pain as he noted that his back hurt. He must have fallen from a great height. Then he opened his eyes and then quickly shielded them with his furry arm as the sun was really bright.

...Wait. Furry arm?

Spike opened his eyes completely in alarm and sat up and gave himself a quick once-over. He was skinny and was covered in light purple fur that covered his arms and legs as well. His claws which were a deep purple now, but they looked like monkey paws now. Spike also took notice that he was now wearing a green hoody like humans wore in the human-world. He looked behind him and saw that his tail still looked the same but his spines looked more furry now then scaly.

Looking beyond his tail he saw that there was a nearby lake and he ran over to it so he could see his face. The face he saw was not his usual draconic face but a more primate-like face. His head was covered in messy green hair and his eyes weren't reptilian like they normally were, they were more rounded and more human-like. Another thing he noticed was that he had monkey-like ears.

Taking a look around him, Spike saw that he was in a jungle of some sort. Only one sentence could sum up what he was thinking at this very moment. "What in the name of Celestia is going on!?" the dragon-turned monkey shouted.

Meanwhile in an unknown location...

"Twilight, forgive me." said a voice.

Author's Note:

The prologue is finally done. I've wanted to do this story for years now, but I kept putting it off to the side. It's only thanks to Lucar's story "A Sweetie Dreamland" that I recently picked back up on this idea. Thanks to it, I was able to get a clear idea of what I want to do for this story, and make a plot that I really like.

And man! This story evolved over the years from when I originally conceived it. Originally I was going to have the Mane Six & Spike get sent to the Donkey Kong world and it was just going to be Returns, Tropical Freeze and an original adventure I had planned. Then I decided to cut out the Mane Six and make it just be Spike that was sent to another world. Around this time, Season Six had just wrapped up, and I started working on the prologue now that I had a Fimfiction Account. Then I stopped working on it for awhile. Then we enter 2019, and I stumble across Lucar's "A Sweetie Dreamland". I didn't think much of it at first, but I read it, and it immediately went to my favorite's list! (You should read it. It's really good!) Not to many days later I went back to this story and changed the prologue I had originally to what it is now. And instead of just doing Returns, Tropical Freeze, and an original adventure; I'm going to do the original 3 country games, 64, the DK games, Jungle Beat, Returns, Tropical Freeze, 4 original adventures (this may be subject to change), and a certain game that Donkey Kong guest starred in. So like Lucar, I'm going through a ton of games. I may not be as frequent as him, but I plan on seeing this story through to the endgame.
And with all that out of the way, time to get started. Until next time! This is Emperor Wolfgang Sighing out! AROOOOOO!