• Published 2nd Jun 2020
  • 1,380 Views, 17 Comments

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from Home - Sense of Humor

Caught up in an European vacation gone entirely wrong, young Apple Bloom and Peter Parker find themselves battling evil together in this Buddy-cop, Sci-Fi Adventure for the whole Family!

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Jurassic Park

Ixenco, Mexico--2023

Five years following The Decimation/ Three weeks following The Restoration

It was only a small part of town, but it was important to the citizens.

As the sun rose on a brand new day, do did it bring about the horrors of what happened during the night. Rubble was scattered as far as the eye could see.

His eye. Fury's eye.

The Head Director of SHIELD parked the SUV not but a few minutes ago at the edge of the destroyed town, and now he was standing at the center of all the calmed chaos. Before a statue, it's body ripped in half, the man contemplated those very few citizens who had returned to the desolated town to get their belongings. He knew they wouldn't be gone forever--time would bid them back to rebuild what nature had stolen from them, and then the town would be the same again. If what happened five years ago could be undone, then fixing the aftermath of this would be no problem.

He didn't turn to the footsteps behind him, but he knew who they were. Time and paranoia led him to understand and memorize the steps of most of his subordinates. And of the many, he recognized the footsteps of Coulson and Hill the most. The latter was the first to speak. "Sir, this is a tragedy...but I am curious as to what we're doing here."

"We didn't have much better to do," Coulson remarked. " No world-ending threats...well, maybe except the current ruler of New Asgard."

"He hasn't been trying anything."


"I doubt King Reindeer Games is up to anything, for the sake of his brother's legacy and ideals." Fury finally turned around and still didn't meet the gaze of his right hand people, instead scanning his surroundings again. "The locals said they saw a face in the cyclone."

Hill grimaced a little in disbelief. "People see things when they're scared."

"It's not often they see a face in the middle of a storm."

Coulson shrugged. "After all we've been through and seen, I don't doubt anything. But even this is a sign of something...the cyclone is gone by now, isn't it? What else could there be here?"

Fury had an answer, but he didn't get a chance to offer it. Instead, the ground shifted and quaked repeatedly, in a rhythmic pause and repeat fashion. The three of them braced themselves steadily as each thud against the earth threatened to crack the ground apart and send tall building remnants crashing down on them. A nearby collection of drainage water rippled with each loud noise, and Nick seeing it reminded him of something from an old film. And then it hit him. These were footsteps.

At a roaring noise, the three of them looked up and witnessed a zipping ball of green smoke smash into the ground behind them. When the smoke disappeared, a figure stood up from impact and fixed them all with a confused look. Disheveled brown hair sat atop a grim bearded expression, while the sun glinted off the sauve mahogany and green outfit. His golden gauntlets were riddled with runes and symbols that the world had never seen, and a cape that likened him to Thor billowed in the air despite there not being a breeze in the area. Fury watched him hover in the air almost majestically, still eyeing up each of the Agents.

"That's not Dr.Strange, is it?" Coulson already had his gun prepared, glancing at either of his allies for confirmation.

Maria rolled her eyes, but kept her own gun leveled. "You've seen Dr.Strange, "

The certainly mysterious man frowned. "Who the hell are you?"

Yet again, Fury was denied the chance to answer--whirling around when an inhuman roar vibrated the air and shook dust debris from the few things left standing A towering figure blotted out the sun and growled down at them, spreading it's terrible wings in an intimidating display to those beneath it's marvelous height. The reptilian biped was likely one hundred feet tall; one hundred feet of ancient dark green scales embedded with a sort of living rock material for the belly scales--these colored a lighter green. Glowing red eyes outlined the shape of it's box-like head against the darkening glare of the sun's light, and even it's white razor teeth seemed to pronounce themselves from it's giant maw without trouble. The stone-born dinosaurian creature whipped it's tail in the air behind it angrily and stomped on the ground with enough force to shake them all.

Coulson once again glanced at his allies. "A dragon?!"

"Not like our friends." Fury frowned. They were gonna need a bigger gun than the tiny pistols they had in their hands.

"Fin Fang Foom, " The Mystery Man announced from behind them, flying off a little ways into the sky with a blast of green smoke. The three on the ground watched in awe when the man's actions drew the attention of the devastating creature up from them. It growled dangerously as it eyes locked onto him, but the man's expression seemed even more dangerous. He raised his hands as they began to glow bright green with untapped electrical energy, making his fingers almost blinding to look at even in the scorching daylight.

"You don't want any part of this."