• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 27 Comments

Anon-A-Missly Yours - Odeinoichus

The CMC have been harboring feelings of jealousy for some time. Now things have come to a head.

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Anon-A-Miss Continues

Apple Bloom sighed as she climbed into bed intending to go to sleep; her sister and her friends were in the other room laughing and jawin’ away as if it were the best thing ever. Apple Bloom heard the comment about Piggly Wiggly and sighed wistfully at the fond memories. She felt the growing pangs of jealousy and resentment towards Sunset Shimmer, she knew it was wrong, but she honestly did not care. But what could she do about this? She had no really good ideas, so with a tired little yawn she chose to fall asleep.

In Equestria the dream realm is guarded by the powerful Princess Luna. She protects everyone who slumbers, pony or other creature, from the nightmares that could plague them. On the world beyond the mirror there was no magical protector of dreams. There were myths and legends concerning such things from ancient Graze, but those were only long forgotten stories.

So it was that Apple Bloom’s jealousy continued to fester within her mind and her subconscious picked up upon this. Since being infected several days previously; unknowingly, the girl had been slowly shaped and molded by the strong remnants of the Sirens’ magic, now free and given new hosts to make as it needed. Apple Bloom and her two companions had complained briefly about the cold in their bodies, not thinking much about it being winter and all.

Tonight the final push was about to take place. And Apple Bloom could feel it, if only in her subconscious mind.


Confused, Apple Bloom glanced around at the strange world she was in. It felt like a strong pressure was crushing down upon her. Slowly she turned in a brief circle. A giant creature swam out of the darkness, it had a long neck, a dangerous looking head full of razor sharp teeth and a bulky looking body with too many fins and tentacles and other things to make any sense of it.

A small blue horse fish thing floated happily around the creature and sang a haunting melody. Apple Bloom shuddered in the coldness of her body as she watched this scene slightly detached.

“Stalking me now?” The blue horse fish demanded as she abruptly turned to face the young human girl.

Apple Bloom flailed her limbs as the horse fish swam rapidly up to her. It was here that her mind registered she was under the sea, and it did not look better to her at all despite what Disneigh might have said.

“Oh. It’s you, what do you want?” The blue horse fish folded her forelimbs in front of her with a tiny pout on her muzzle.

“Ah don’t want nothin’.”

The blue horse fish stuck her tongue out childishly. “That’s a double negative.”

“No it ain’t!”

“Is too.”

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“Is too, is too, is too!”

“NOT, NOT, NOT!” Apple Bloom’s chest heaved up and down and it occurred to her that she shouldn’t even be breathing down here. Which is when a tightness filled her chest and she began to sputter and gasp for non-existent air.

The blue horse fish smirked viciously as she swam around her in a tight circle, like a shark circling its prey. “Finally! Playing this role was beginning to grate on my intelligence.”

“W-What?” Apple Bloom could barely get enough oxygen past her lips and into her lungs to ask that much.

The blue horse fish began to glow unnaturally so and expanded until she was much larger. Then with one flick of her massive tail she pushed herself into Apple Bloom’s body.

Apple Bloom let out a high pitched keening wail as her body began to feel much worse. An unnatural cold sapped her limbs and made her blood run slower, more sluggishly. Her skin began to tingle and burn as if she had been out too long in the cold and was now suffering from frostbite. And her breath came out in freezing cold blasts which transformed the alien sea into a world of ice and fish sticks.

Giggling slightly at the odd notion of an ocean full of frozen fish sticks Apple Bloom slowly blacked out.


Waking with a start Sweetie Belle fumbled around under the covers until she finally reached the phone resting on her night stand. Rarity always insisted on calling it a duvet, or something Prench, but she didn’t really care at the moment about proper bedroom furniture name conventions.

Finally getting the phone close enough to see with her bleary half-open eyes she noticed Apple Bloom was calling. At three in the morning. “Apple Bloom!” Sweetie answered the call with a tired groan.

“Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo said sounding like a zombie who’d just risen from her grave.

“Conference call, girls!” Apple Bloom declared loudly and with an odd echoing effect in her voice.

“Why are you calling us at three in the morning?” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Ah have the perfect plan to get our sisters back.” Apple Bloom sounded wide awake and extremely energetic for somebody who’d just gotten up at three in the morning to phone her best gal pals.

“We have to be at school in a few hours, couldn’t you have waited until then?” Sweetie demanded, frustrated, but also somewhat intrigued at the thought of reclaiming her sister.

Apple Bloom didn’t make any sound, but Sweetie and Scootaloo both felt she was probably rolling her eyes. They weren’t sure how, or why, they knew that, but it just seemed obvious.

“We’re goin’ ta make a MyStable account.”

“How the hay is that going to get our sisters back?” Scootaloo demanded.

“What’s hay got to do with anything?” Sweetie wondered in confusion.

Scootaloo grumbled under her breath about something. “Never mind that! How is making a MyStable page going to help us get our sisters back?” she repeated her question in a tone that clearly indicated she’d rather be back asleep in bed.

Apple Bloom chuckled and the sound of a strong wind could be heard over the receiver.

“Are you outside?” Sweetie wondered mystified.

“No. Now pay attention girls, Ah’m only explainin’ this here plan once.”


The following morning at Canterlot High School Sunset Shimmer and Applejack were walking towards their lockers discussing the next planned sleep over at Rarity’s place when Sunset started noticing the odd looks she was getting. Or rather Applejack was getting. There were snickers, and giggling from a lot of the students who were looking at their phones.

Just when Sunset was going to ask Applejack what was going on Apple Bloom came rushing up towards them. Sunset noticed that Apple Bloom seemed to have decided on a different outfit than she normally wore. She had on a deep blue top with streaks of swirling white lines running through it, and a matching short blue skirt. Her signature bow was also missing and something looked different about her.

“Applejack, Applejack, it’s terrible!” Apple Bloom latched onto her sister’s arm and pulled rapidly.

“What in tarnation? Bloom, why are ya wearin’ that in winter? Ain’t yer legs turned ta ice? And what is so gosh darn terrible?”

“Laying it on a bit thick?” Sunset asked with a chuckle.

Applejack turned and glared at her friend.

“It’s this MyStable account!” Apple Bloom explained as she pulled her phone out.

“MyStable?” Applejack repeated confused as to why that should matter.

“Sooey!” A voice rang out from the other end of the hall.

Sunset, Applejack and Apple Bloom glanced up trying to see who had shouted, but everyone was too busy laughing it was impossible to make out who had just shouted.

“What is so gosh durn funny all o’ a sudden?” Applejack wondered.

Sunset shrugged.

Apple Bloom waved her phone in front of Applejack’s face. “It’s Anon-Y-Mous!” she declared.

Applejack read over the info on the page Apple Bloom was showing her. Her eyes widened in shock then narrowed in anger.

Bon-Bon walked past with Lyra just then and the two of them stopped. “How’s it goin’ Piggly Wiggly?” they both asked before bursting into giggles and walking off to first period. This triggered another laughing attack to the rest of the student body in the hallway.

Face flushed with embarrassment Applejack grit her teeth. “That no good pole cat, when Ah find out who this Anon-Y-Mous is Ah’ll tree’em and then have a nice long discussion about airin’ personal private matters over the internet with dad’s old twelve gage!”

Sunset stepped back in shock. “Wait a minute? This can’t be that bad!” Pulling out her own phone she quickly searched MyStable for what had gotten Applejack so upset. Her eyes widened when she saw it. Someone had made a rather crude image of Applejack wallowing in a mud pit with the captions ‘Piggly Wiggly’ and ‘Taking a Bath’.

“It’s horrible, it’s dreadful, it’s simply uncouth!” Rarity declared as she marched up to her friends with one arm raised in a dramatic fashion. “Applejack, everyone in the entire school has seen this. Including the faculty.”

“Ah know, and look at how many are sharin’ it with the rest o’ Canterlot.” Applejack jabbed a finger at the rising number of likes/shares next to the image.

Sunset frowned. “But how did this Anon-Y-Mous know about this? I thought only the six of us and your family knew?”

Applejack was too angry to reply; instead she grabbed her stuff and high tailed it to class.

Apple Bloom watched her go.

“Applejack, wait!” Rarity exclaimed rushing after her friend.

Sunset turned to Apple Bloom. “Do you know how this could have gotten out?” she wondered.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nope.” Fingering her left ear she twirled around causing her new skirt to billow out in a brief breeze of freezing cold air and quickly followed her older sister.

Sunset watched her go curiously, spotting a gleam on her left ear she noted a peculiar looking earring dangling. It was in the shape of a snowflake. “When did Applejack let her little sister get a pierced ear?” she wondered to herself.

“Sooey, Sooey! Here Piggly Wiggly!”

Sunset whirled in time to catch sight of Trixie turning around the corner after the shout rang out through the halls. Frowning, she ignored the odd outfit Apple Bloom was wearing and marched off to discuss why it wasn’t such a good idea to mock someone openly in the hallways with Trixie.


Later that day Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo finally met back up with their friend. Both of them were equally surprised to discover the changed wardrobe and pierced ear. Scootaloo thought it was kind of awesome, but Sweetie Belle flinched at the thought of anybody sticking something through her ear.

“That plan is workin’ great. Everyone is humiliatin’ Applejack somethin’ fierce.” Apple Bloom stood on the roof outside without anything protective to wear.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were kind of concerned about this, but chose not to address it in favor of finding out what the next step was.

“How exactly is this going to work?” Sweetie wondered. “I mean, sure, we set it up to make it look like Sunset’s secret MyStable page, but our sisters are too smart to fall for something like this.”

“Yeah! It’s way too blatantly obvious a frame up job.”

Apple Bloom sighed as she turned to face her friends. “I suppose you’ll find out when it’s time. You’re not quite ripe enough yet,” she admitted cryptically.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shared confused looks.

Apple Bloom turned back around as a cold blast of wind tore across the roof twirling snowflakes and tiny particles of ice around Bloom’s legs and causing her skirt to billow out.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened slightly. “Aren’t you cold?”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Nah. The cold never bothered me anyway,” she stated cryptically.

Sweetie shivered as her entire body felt like it was trapped in ice. “Apple Bloom, you’re starting to scare us,” she admitted in a soft voice.

Apple Bloom spun around. “Never mind that, you two gotta get some dirt on Rainbow Dash and Rarity!”

“But I don’t want to expose my sister online!” Sweetie exclaimed.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Ah don’t want ta expose her, what do ya think ah am?”

“Isn’t sharing secrets online kind of an uncool thing to do?” Scootaloo questioned, she rubbed the back of neck to stave off a sudden chill as Apple Bloom’s gaze fell upon her.

“We gotta do somethin’ ta mess up their cozy little harmony. Sunset broke their friendship so easily back in the day, how hard can it really be ta do that again now?” She smirked as she turned and embraced another blast of arctic wind as it tore across Canterlot High’s roof.

“But that was totally uncool, Rainbow Dash always said so,” Scootaloo argued with her friend as she tried to approach her.

Gritting her teeth together Apple Bloom spun around and a blast of snow struck them both in the face. “Just do it! You’ll understand when yah start ta feel the music inside.” With those final words Apple Bloom stalked off to head back inside, she needed to find Applejack and make sure she was still being assaulted with embarrassing catcalls.

“I think something’s really wrong with Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said once she’d left.

Scootaloo nodded absently as she fingered her right ear where a particularly cold burst of wind had lingered longer than it normally should. “Uh-huh, but this is her plan. And we gotta help her.”

“I don’t like this plan, it hurts Rarity; I didn’t want to hurt Rarity.”

Scootaloo sighed as she turned to face her friend; Sweetie’s expression was pleading, her eyes shining with concern and unspent tears, possibly caused by the wind biting into her face. “Let’s get off the damn roof and we can figure this out while we dig up the dirt on Rainbow.”

“You’re actually going to go through with it?” Sweetie demanded in shock.

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, but I don’t want Apple Bloom to think we aren’t with her. She might do something crazy.”

Sweetie reluctantly nodded and made her way towards the roof entrance alongside her friend. “I already know the best way to mess with Rarity, but we’ll probably have to wait until the next sleepover. So, how do we embarrass Rainbow Dash? She isn’t exactly shy about her faults or accomplishments.”

Scootaloo flinched slightly as she stepped inside and her ear finally stopped tingling. “I think I have an idea, but we’ll have to wait until Friday. Dash never does it except on Fridays when she knows everybody is too busy with their own weekend plans to pay as much attention to her.”

Taking her hand away from her ear she turned and quickly headed off to her next class, completely oblivious to the fact that a tiny icicle shaped earring had started to form around her right ear.

Sweetie was too worried to notice it herself, she was also really nervous about how she was going to have to get the dirt on Rarity. For the rest of the day their thoughts were torn between concern for this plan and concern for their friend. And the chill never seemed to leave them, no matter how close to the heaters they sat in class.