• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 2,525 Views, 58 Comments

The Lost - Lux

A student, two teachers, romance, a forbidden transformation, betrayl, and a little chaos

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Chapter 2 – Beginnings

The blackness was all around the two princesses and the unicorn. Then, like a picture coming into focus, Twilight began to see objects. At first they were blurry, a wash of colors smearing with each other, but gradually the image became clearer and the colors brighter. Twilight could see that she was standing in front of a castle, similar to the one in Canterlot, made of a white stone and adorned with turrets and columns. Yet it was different than the castle she knew as there were motifs of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna adorning the castle.

“There are a few things that you must know about that time, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said standing next to her, “This happened a long time ago, back before Ponyville was founded, back before many of the places you knew were founded.”

“Even Canterlot?” the purple unicorn questioned.

“Yes, even before Canterlot,” Luna said continuing, “The nation of Equestria was in its infancy, having just been formed when the three kingdoms reconciled their differences and created this nation. You remember the Hearth’s Warming Eve Pageant, right?”

Twilight nodded in agreement. She remembered the story about how the three kingdoms, each made up of a different pony type, were arguing. Facing a strange winter, they chose to find another place. Through reconciling their differences, Equestria was formed.

“After Equestria was founded, a city was built within the forest you know as the Everfree Forest. Then, the forest wasn’t as wild and untamed as you currently know it to be. It was a paradise, a place where ponies could settle without fear. This is why it was called Ponytopia.”

“Ponytopia?” Twilight said confused, “I’ve never heard such of a place. No book I have ever read mentioned it.”

“I doubt that it would,” Luna said looking over at her sister, “That city has been gone for such a long time that now, not even history remembers it. It’s funny how history remembers some things in detail while others are just footnotes in a sage’s book. And given the circumstances for the city’s eventual collapse, it is no wonder why it is not remembered. But I digress.

Ponytopia was a large city, about the size of Canterlot. It was situated in a circle around a beautiful castle. You and your friends have been to this castle, Twilight. It was called the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, and it was where you freed me from being Nightmare Moon. After the city was built, it was decided by its founders that the rule of this new nation shouldn’t be placed in the hooves of any ordinary pony. Even when there was talk of establishing a council containing each pony type, there was fear that there would be infighting among the groups. After the quarrels that happened before Equestria was founded – the bickering and distrust between the three pony types -- well, you could understand their fears.”

The castle exterior scene faded from view, plunging the three back into the darkness. Then the next scene from Luna’s memory came into view. Twilight now found herself in a large sitting room, reminiscent of the one in Canterlot where Princess Celestia would teach her, but again having many differences. There were two high backed wooden chairs, one bearing Celestia’s mark and the other bearing Luna’s, and two young Alicorns seated upon them. Twilight walked across the room and looked closely at the two winged unicorns.

Twilight gasped in astonishment, for the two princesses were much younger looking, having about the same appearance of age as Twilight, although the unicorn knew that even then, the two were probably older. The younger Celestia had a solid pink mane and tail, both of which hung down normally like a regular pony. The younger Luna had a similar type of mane and tail, except hers was blue.

“And that is when my sister and I came along,” Luna said as she and her sister joined Twilight, “The ponies of Equestria sought us out to be their leaders, as we embodied the spirit of each pony type. As such, they felt that we would be best suited to be impartial judges to all of the ponies’ needs. And so, we lived in the castle for many years, helping Equestria to grow in peace and prosperity. We were so young at that time, my sister and I--barely mares. In our naivety, we never realized the danger we would soon face.”

“Celestia,” the younger Luna said.

“Yes, Luna,” the younger Celestia replied.

“I’ve been giving this some thought, but I want to teach a pony.”

“Oh? Why do you suddenly want to do this?”

“I feel like I want to spread my knowledge to others. Just a single pony at first, though”

“Luna, we must be careful to whom we impart our knowledge. Too much power can corrupt the most innocent of ponies. But I don’t think it will hurt you teaching another pony. Who will you choose as your first student?”

“I want to teach a young pony, one who is not already set in their ways, and eager to learn,” the younger Luna replied after giving it much thought. “That way, they will be more accepting of new information. Of course, I’d like it if the pony I choose is a unicorn, so I could teach them magic.”

“Have you considered teaching a pony who is less fortunate than others, such as one who may not have much to begin with?”

“That makes sense. Then I can teach one who needs it the most. Can you think of a place to find a pony like that, sis?”

“Indeed I can, and tomorrow we shall go to that place. And of course I will help you, should you need any assistance teaching the pony.”

“Oh thank you, sis,” the younger Luna said as she hugged the younger Celestia.

“That’s what sisters are for,” Celestia replied with a smile.

The sitting room scene faded from view, leaving Twilight, Luna, and Celestia in the dark again.

“So, my plan was set into motion to find a student to teach,” Luna said, “Now I will show you how exactly I found Twist.”

A new scene appeared, this time of a busy city street. Suddenly Twilight saw a cart coming right at her without enough time to move or teleport away. Luckily, the cart passed harmlessly through her, distorting for a moment before reforming.

“Oh, I forgot. This is an illusion.”

Twilight followed as Luna led the way to a simple building in the distance with a sign which read: Ponytopia Orphanage. As the three spectators approached closer, she noticed that there was a gilded carriage that was stopped outside the building, signaling that the younger princesses had already arrived. Twilight entered the building, amazed at the stark contrasts it had. It was a place of both happiness and sadness. There was the laughter of foals playing, but also tears and sadness at the fact that these ponies, for whatever reason, had no parents to be cared for or loved.

“Such a sad place,” Twilight commented as she proceeded through the halls to locate the images of the younger princesses with the current counterparts.

“Yes, it is sad that a place should exist in such a prosperous place like Ponytopia,” Luna replied. “Yet there are cases where, even today, ponies are without parents. This place, therefore, was a necessity, a haven for these poor ponies.”

The three found the younger Princess Luna and Princess Celestia as they were speaking with several fillies and colts. All seemed excited to see the princesses there, yet none seemed to fit what the younger Luna saw as a student. Then the two stopped at a room and looked in. There, sitting on a bed, was a grey unicorn colt with a short black mane and tail and blue eyes. He had a cutie mark that looked like a spiral, a strange mark indeed. He sat aloof in his room, not venturing out at all when the two arrived. It was like he didn’t even care that visitors, let alone royalty, was there.

“His name is Twist, Your Majesties,” the Headmistress of the orphanage said. She was an older mare with a personality that was kind yet strict when it was warranted. “The poor pony has suffered so much. He arrived here when he was barely a few weeks old in a basket. His only possessions were a blanket that he was wrapped in and a note which simply had his name on it. We have tried to care for him and love him as much as we can, but he always seem so isolated, so cut off from the rest of the other ponies. It’s like he is in his own little world. Since his arrival, no pony has considered adopting him, no matter how hard we have tried. Then there is the matter of his magic, Your Highnesses. It’s so wild, so strange so… chaotic. I think it makes the others afraid of him.”

“My sister and I will speak to him,” the younger Luna said to the Headmistress as the two entered his room.

“Hello,” the white princess said softly to the colt, “I am Princess Celestia and this is my sister Princess Luna. You are Twist, is that correct?”

“Yes, your Majesties,” he said in a soft yet confident voice.

“I heard that you can do some magic,” younger Luna said with interest, “Can you show some to me?”

“I can change things, make them different than they are,” he said. Then his horn glowed as he focused on a dresser in his room. Suddenly the dresser disappeared and was replaced by a potted plant. He then changed it into a bowl of oranges and then a bed of flowers before reverting it back to the dresser.

“That is an interesting magic you have,” Celestia remarked.

“Ponies are afraid of it,” he said candidly.

“Why,” the younger Luna asked.

“I was being bullied by some ponies when suddenly I used my magic. I changed them into scary things like snakes and spiders. I only wanted to frighten those bullying me, but I couldn’t change them back. Everypony saw what happened, and they were afraid I’d do something like that to them.”

Twilight watched as the two younger princesses took pity on the young colt, who seemed on the verge of tears, and her own heart melted to his plight. “Your magic is a special gift,” the young Luna said to him, “Never forget that. It just lacks the training and focus to use it to its utmost. I can teach you that focus, if you allow me to do so. You can be my student, and stay at the castle as you learn. Would this be acceptable to you?”

The colt looked up at the young princess as a smile slowly formed on his face. “Yes, please, I would like that. I would like that very much.”

“Very well,” Luna said, “I will speak with the Headmistress, and will have a carriage come for you in the morning.”

The colt then gave the princesses an unexpected hug. With a wave goodbye, the two exited the room, heading for the Headmistress’s office to sign the papers and begin Luna’s life as a teacher for Twist.