• Published 16th Jun 2018
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A Queen's Perspective - Correspondence - gerandakis

Having discovered the connection between the journals they hold as a way to communicate between worlds, Sunset Shimmer and Queen Twilight endeavor to remain in touch, these are the messages they exchange.

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On matters of Sirens and Friendships

Dear Queen Twilight,

missing you already, and I hope you'll be back soon. Things are definitely looking up for me here at Canterlot High. But I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship. Hope you don't mind if I write to you for advice when I need it.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

Of course I don't mind, were friends, if you need advice, don't hesitate to ask. Sorry I couldn't answer you sooner but after being away for three days, I had some things to catch up on. It took me a week but I'm back on top of things, so I'm writing you now.
By the way, how are the sirens doing? have you had a chance to talk to them yet?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Queen Twilight,

A week?! It has barely been a day back here, the differential must be fluctuating quite heavily.
We haven't had a chance to talk to them yet since it's Sunday right now but we'll get on that tomorrow. Let me know how things are going in Equestria.

Your friend Sunset Shimmer.

Dear Sunset,

Are you sure? If so, then we seem to have strong differential on our hooves (or hands in your case) this time. That means the differential is fluctuating! Now that I think about it, the differential between my two visits was about 1:2 and between my first visit and your own arrival it was about 1:3. Given what little data we have so far this time the differential seems to be closer to 1:12 or 1:13. With this kind of differential between us I'm almost glad that I have a life expectancy of around a thousand years.
Anyways, given my calculations it should still be Sunday by the time you read this. So let me know when you have talked to the sirens. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to know what the girls think of this temporal differential.
Have a nice day. Hoping to hear from you soon,

your friend, Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

You bet it’s still Sunday, I just finished breakfast, it's been barely half an hour since I wrote to you. This kind of differential is really weird. But sure, I'll let you know once we talk to them. I'll be seeing the girls later, so I can tell them about this time differential thing then. I'll write again soon.

Your Friend Sunset.

Dear Twilight,

I've talked to the girls today. They think this differential is really weird. Well, except Pinkie, but I don't think anything is ever weird to her. We talked about the Dazzlings. We'll try talking to them during lunch break tomorrow. If they still come to the school, that is. There isn't much we can do otherwise. I'll write back then.
Until then, take care.

Your friend, Sunset.

Dear Twilight,

We just talked to the sirens. Sonata was open to the idea of friendship, Adagio said she'd give it a chance. Aria was being grumpy and refused to talk to us, but Sonata said that's normal for her. We'll give her time.
The rest of the school don't like them all too much (No surprise there), but I'll make sure they get the same chance I got, they said they still can't sing.
On another note: The girls asked how their counterparts are doing. If you know anything, I'll give it on to them.
Hoping to hear from you soon,

your friend Sunset.

Dear Sunset,

Glad to hear they're giving it a chance. As for my Ponyville friends: Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie are doing fine but there really isn't much out of the ordinary. Rainbow is currently training to be a Wonderbolt. She'll soon be one officially, if what Princess Luna told me is correct. She's always been more of an expert on the military than Celestia and she gets all the gossip.
Please don't tell this to the Sirens, but I'm working on fixing their pendants. I've restored the gems, but the enchantments are another issue. I'll rebuild them from the ground up to no longer be based on dark magic, that should also alleviate the effects they have on people.
It's actually quite refreshing to have a little magical side project to work on after dealing with engineering for so long.
I'll keep you posted.

Your friend Twilight.

Dear Twilight,

you should have seen Rainbow's face, when I read out your message. The Wonderbolts actually exist here too. They're a stunt flying squad but they're not part of the military over here. It's always been Rainbow's dream to one day be one of them. She won't admit it, but she's obviously jealous of your Rainbow.
Let me know how that develops.

Your friend Sunset Shimmer.

Dear Sunset,

I just got word from Rainbow. She's now officially a Wonderbolt, she'll head off for training in a few days but for now she's celebrating. I've neglected to mention to her that I already knew about it.
The pendants are throwing me for a loop here. I don't have much time to work on them so I don't know too much yet. But what I do know is remarkable. Can you believe the pendants are using an asymmetric spell matrix? I know I'll have my fun trying to figure that out.

Hoping you have fun too,


Dear Twilight,

trust me, I will have fun telling that to Rainbow.
Also: An asymmetric spell matrix? Good luck with that. I was never all that good with spell creation anyway. At least you won't have to worry about words for an enchantment.

Your friend Sunset.

Dear Twilight,

I was right. Rainbow's reaction was hilarious, it was good that the seat across from her was free though. In retrospect maybe I shouldn't have told her while she was drinking something.
I think the sirens are starting to warm up to us. Aria is still being grumpy about everything, but Adagio is getting nicer every day and Sonata is practically already one of us. That being said, I dread the day when Adagio and Rainbow start pranking together, those two together are more mischievous than this school can handle. I just hope Pinkie doesn’t get involved.
Good luck with the enchanting, and let me know if anything important happens.


Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I know it's been a while since I last wrote to you, but there simply wasn't much to tell over the last few months. A few minor skirmishes between other queens, but nothing that would affect us in the long run. But now there is.
I just finished the enchantments on the siren's pendants. It's now based on the same harmonic magic we have on your side of the portal. They will now likely get their power from friendship as well. As a side effect of the new enchantment they also look a bit different.
That aside we learned today that one of the other queens is planning to attack Queen Kreesus.
To give you a bit of context on that, Kreesus and Cadista have been friends and allies for centuries. If Kreesus needed our help we'd come to help her immediately. But I can tell you now, she won't. You see, Kreesus has two hives, one for peace time, and one for war. She may look a bit vulnerable in her peace time hive, but she isn't. Her war time hive is between the peaks of high mountains and with access to a leyline. I suspect I won't have to explain to you why that is a brilliant tactical position.
I'll let you know how that goes. And again: please don't tell the sirens about the pendants.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Twilight,

don't worry about it. I know it must have been months on your end, but is was barely more than a week over here. Glad to hear you got that enchantment working. I won't tell the sirens anything about it.
On that topic, the sirens are much more pleasant to be around now. Even Aria is part of the group now, she's still a little grumpy but I guess that's just how she is. Adagio is a bit special, she has that wisdom of age, much like Celestia does, (Princess, not Principal) But she also has more of a dirty mind than the rest of us put together. Sonata is actually a lot like Pinkie, she just doesn't break reality. Quite as often.
The only thing that bothers them is that they still can't sing at all. But I guess your surprise for them should serve to fix that.

Your Friend, Sunset.

Dear Sunset,

glad to hear the sirens are embracing friendship.
The assault on Kreesus went about as well as I expected. That is it utterly failed. Turns out it's not a good idea to try flying or teleporting in a manastorm, especially since none of the other queens knows as much about teleportation as I do. So this other queen completely failed on her attack and Kreesus annexed some of her land as payment.
On other news, I'm working on a way for us to talk properly, without having to use the portal. I can't promise anything yet, but I'll let you know when I figured it out.


Dear Twilight,

today was a strange day at CHS. You remember Photo Finish? The one who tried to sabotage you and the girls at the Battle of the Bands. She was all over the school today making Photos of students everywhere. Turns out Vice-Principal Luna sent her out to take photographs for the yearbook. I guess she didn't expect her to be so intrusive about it.
I'll let you know if anything else interesting happens.


Dear Sunset,

yes, I remember her, she's ... unique. I actually know her in Equestria as well, she's a rather famous fashion photographer over here, she's been friends with Rarity for a few years now. Once she tried making a model out of Fluttershy. That went about as well as you'd expect. I hope Luna reeled her back in soon enough.


P.S.: Have you heard Haycartes?

Author's Note:

And we're back. This story is a little different han the others in the series. It's mainly an assortment of messages between Sunset and Twilight.

I hopw you enjoy.