• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 8 Choices

On the way back to the manor the next day, they didn't talk to each other much as Scootaloo kept thinking about this Jason kid. Even though she never knew him, she felt a sad feeling tingle within her as she now had knowledge of someone else that Bruce has lost. It wasn't just his parents, but also a young boy who was his partner; probably even his own son.

Sure, he sounded like he'd be tough to deal with, but Scootaloo thinks she probably would've gotten along with him if she got to know him. Too bad she'll never get the chance...

They soon arrived back at the manor as Scootaloo made her way to the back door as Bruce closed the gate behind them.

"Hey, Al we're home!" Scootaloo called, a moment later Bruce came walking into the door. Al was a nickname she thought she'd call Alfred due to her hearing Tim call him that once.

She heard footsteps as she saw the butler appear from the door frame "Ah, master Bruce and miss Scootaloo, I see that the both of you made it home. How was your camping trip?"

"It was fun." Scootaloo smiled "It was nice to finally get out of the mansion."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Miss. Scootaloo." Alfred lightly smiled at the filly.

"How did things go while we were away?" Bruce asked his butler.

Alfred shrugged "Everything was fine at the manor as usual, but the city has remained quiet. You've got master Tim and Miss. Cain to thank for that."

Bruce nodded "Good."

"Welp, I'm gonna head up to my room and unpack." Scootaloo said as Bruce and Alfred watched her leave for the stars.

When she arrived, she slid her backpack off of her back and let it call to the floor as she sat on her launches and began to unzip it. Once all her things were out away, she hopped onto her bed and took the remote from her nightstand.

"Wonder what's on TV?" she turned the television on as she began to relax in her bed.

Time passed by as she laid back with her forelegs crossed underneath her head which rested upon a pillow. She thought TV was the coolest thing ever and wished there was something like this back in Equestria. Sure, there were plays, but here she could rewind to her favorite moment rather than just watch it once, unlike that one time when she asked her mom to take her to this one play she didn't like just to see her favorite moment again, which was unfortunately close to the end.

On the TV, she came across something titled 'Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark' and she just couldn't get up from her seat unless it was a commercial break. That sense of adventure the movie gave her, it was something that she dreamed of from wanting to be a hero. Sure, she's always had adventures with the CMC, but they were always more of misadventures and they didn't even leave to distant lands. Although, they did to to the Crystal Empire a few times, but it was always for a fist and it was nothing as exciting as facing saner like this Indiana Jones guy was doing.

She turned her head to look at the city outside her window. Even though she just got back from her camping trip, she wanted to see more of the outside world. Perhaps she and Bruce can go on another camping trip next week?

A knock was heard on the door as Alfred came in "Ms Scootaloo, I've prepared lunch for you and master Bruce."

Scootaloo hopped off her bed and followed Alfred through the manor's halls. When they arrived to the kitchen, the young filly hopped onto a chair next to Bruce; plates of salad were brought before them.

The two ate and talked a while, mostly Scootaloo couldn't help but ask Bruce about what it's like to be a crime fighter and what kinds of villains he had. The billionaire mentioned he had villains like the Mad Hatter, the Penguin, Black Mask, the Scarecrow, and others. He also told her about some of his allies like Commissioner Gordon and Lucius Fox. She also told Bruce some things about Ponyville, the cutie mark crusaders, and Rainbow Dash. She also told him about how she met Sweetie Belle and Applebloom and some of their misadventures, like that one time they tried to do this rock song at a talent show.

Scootaloo swallowed a bite of her salad before asking "Hey, Bruce?"

He turned his attention to her as he bit his salad.

"I know this is too soon, but when will we be able to go on another camping trip?" she smiled "I know we just got back from one today, but I'd like to know since, well, it's something that let's me get outta this house."

Bruce swallowed his food "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. But that's going to be a while."

Scootaloo's smile disappeared as she lowered her head sadly. Bruce we down his form and sighed; he could tell she was disappointed.

"Look ,Scootaloo, I know why you're disappointed, but it's just..."

"It's just that Gotham needs protecting?" Scootaloo finished; Bruce nodded. She shrugged and sipped the sad look away "You know what? It's okay; we just got back from a camping trip and I'm getting worked up over nothing."

She was wrong; she wasn't getting worked up over nothing. Bruce fully understood why she'd be disappointed. Any kid, any person for that matter, would want to leave a place they've been cooped up in as soon as possible.

Scootaloo walked back to her room once her meal was finished and just dropped herself into her bed and sighed. She put her hooves over her face "It's hopeless..." she muffled underneath her hooves.

She slowly lowered her hooves from her face as she sighed again. She doesn't want to spend the rest of her life isolated in a mansion. She wanted to get out more. To see places and explore, not remained cooped up here. Her head turned to her window as she stared blankly at the far city. She knew it was full of crime, but she wanted to go out there and see what it was like. Unfortunately, she can't. At least she can't while she's a pony. Wait a second...

Her eyes widened with realization as she sat up in thought. Bruce did mention that he knew there was someone who could turn her into a human. It seemed like a great idea, but then there was the problem of her not being able to turn into a pony again. But, would that be for the best? It would certainly decrease the chance of people finding out about her being a pony while being known. And from being a human, she could have more freedom.

She sat there in thought, pondering over what would probably be the biggest decision of her life, until she reached her conclusion before taking a deep breath. This would be another addition to her changed life. She hopped off the bed and walked out the door to tell Bruce her decision.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bruce asked Scootaloo as they both waited in the living room.

She nodded "Yes. I'm sure."

Bruce nodded "Alright, I just want to make sure you know what you're doing."

They didn't wait for long as a magical, white and purple glow appeared before them. As it got brighter, it shaped itself into a silhouette of a woman. The glow disappeared, standing there was a young woman in a black suite jacket and white buttoned shirt with a beige vest. She wore blue high heels on her feet and fishnet leggings, as well as a black top hat atop of her head with long black hair hanging off her shoulders.

"Hello, Zatanna." Bruce shook her hand.

"Hey, Bruce. It's been a while." Zatanna greeted back. "How're things going with your nightly escapades?"

"Everything is going fine." Bruce replied.

"So," Zatanna "you wanted to bring me over to transform something?"

"Yes," Bruce answered as he gestured to Scootaloo "this is Scootaloo."

Zatanna gazed down at the filly before kneeling down, sitting on one knee. "Hello there," she gave a small wave before gesturing to herself "Zatanna, mistress of magic."

"I'm Scootaloo." the young filly introduced herself.

"So, I take it you said you wanted to become a human?" the magician asked. Scootaloo nodded. "Are you sure though? Because you won't be able to turn into a pony ever again once I cast the spell."

Scootaloo nodded "Yes, I know. Besides, it's the only thing that'll let me get out there." she pointed her hoof to her left.

Zatanna looked in her hoof's direction at a large window showing the outside world before turning her head back to her and nodding.

"I get what you mean. If you say so." she stood up as she half raised her arm, allowing a wand to appear in her hand. She pointed it at the filly. Scootaloo took a deep breath, closing her eyes, awaiting the transformation. "Nrut siht ynop otni a namuh!"

Scootaloo was enveloped in purple light. The light glowed so brightly the it became blinding as Bruce and Zatanna shielded their eyes. Once the light went down, Bruce and Zatanna looked down to no longer see a pegasus filly standing there, but a human girl lying face down on the floor.

Scootaloo groaned as she lifted her head above the floor. She rubbed her forehead with an arm and paused, now noticing the feeling of new appendages on what was supposed to be her hoof. She looked at it and saw that instead of a hoof, it was a hand. She sat up on both her knees as she looked at herself. No longer was she a pony, but a human instead. Instead of forelegs, she had arms with hands and fingers. She bent her fingers and was surprised at how easily she could control them.

She looked down at herself and saw that her new body was covered in clothing. She wore a white t-shirt and blue shorts. She then put her hands on the floor and tried to push herself up, but to no avail. Bruce and Zatanna lifted her by the arms and brought her to her feet.

"Thanks." she said.

"No problem, kid." Zatanna replied.

"You think you could walk?" Bruce asked.

"Uh, I think so." Scootaloo answered, unsure.

Zatanna and Bruce slowly let go of the girl's arms, letting her stand there until she attempted to move a leg forward. Her other leg felt wobbly as she nearly fell down, but Bruce caught her. She took another wobbly step before finally getting the feeling of walking. She noticed her reflection in the window and decided to take a look at herself.

Her eye and hair color had the same shades of purple as they did before, but she no longer had fur and her skin was now beige instead of orange and her nose was smaller than before.

"So," Zatanna said "how is it being human?"

"It feels..." Scootaloo looked at herself again "different."

"Welp, I guess my work is done." Zatanna turned towards Bruce "Feel free to call me again when you need anything, Bruce." and with that, she waved her wand above her head, disappearing.

Bruce looked at the sight of Scootaloo standing on wobbly legs as she tried to adjust herself to stand properly. Her legs wobbled as she nearly fell, but thankfully Bruce caught her.

"Perhaps I should help you walk." Bruce offered as Scootaloo nodded.

This was something that would change her life forever. She was no longer a species of pony, but a species of human. Something she, or anypony, would have never thought of in their lifetime. However, this wouldn't be the last life changing decision she would make.