• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 3 What To Do With You

When they were finished with breakfast, Tim decided to leave for the plane to jump city, so Bruce, Scootaloo, Harold, and Alfred gave their goodbyes and Tim just patted Ace on the head saying "See ya 'round boy." before leaving out the door to his motorcycle. Once he left, Bruce Lee Scootaloo into his study where all his books were kept.

"So," Scoots spoke up "how do we get down into the Batcave?"

"Like this," Bruce said as he laid his hand on top of the Shakespeare bust before suddenly pulling it back to reveal a small red button.

He pressed his index finger against it, then Scootaloo noticed the book case against the wall slide to the left to reveal an elevator.

"Huh," Scootaloo looked at the elevator with an impressed smirk on her face "now that's a cool looking entrance." She turned her head towards Bruce "Why does it look like it's secret."

"Because it is." Bruce answered as he walked over to the elevator as Scootaloo followed.

"Okay, but why?" the filly couldn't resist asking as they both stepped into the elevator.

"Because I'm a vigilante," answered Bruce, his head turning it's attention to her "and vigilantes are known to bend and break the law in order to spread justice. So if people found out I was Batman, I would be arrested or they'd try to force me to stop crime fighting."

Bruce pushed the button on the panel against the elevator wall, letting the book case slide close as the elevator went downwards.

"By the way," Bruce looked downwards to his right at Scootaloo, who he was turn her attention to him "yesterday there was a crisis involving other worlds and I have to report to the League about situations like that whenever they happen."

Scootaloo looked at him "Okay, but it's taken care of, right? And why are you telling me about this?"

"To answer the first question," Bruce began "the Justice League protects the world from a global crisis, so it's our job to know about a crisis even if it's already taken care of." he answered "And to answer the second question, you are from another dimension, so we need to discuss what we're going to do with you if your okay with that."

Scootaloo averted her eyes in thought for a moment and returned her attention to him. "Alright I guess that makes sense."

It was within this moment that they both was the elevator finally move down pass the rock wall in front of them where they saw the view of the Batcave. Scoots noticed a few bats fly by and was suddenly startled.

Bruce noticed this "Don't worry about the bats," he explained "they do fly around this area from time to time, but normally they intend to stay away from us."

Scootaloo relaxed from the news. Once the elevator reached the floor, they stepped onto the metal surface as they began to walk to the center of the cave where the giant screen Scootaloo saw last night was. When they neared it, Scoots noticed that under the screen was a panel with various buttons on it.

"What is this thing?" she marveled at the strange giant object in front of her.

"It's a computer," Bruce explained "but I call it the Batcomputer."

Scootaloo wistled at the strange device "What does it do?"

"Like any computer, it holds information I can use for work," Bruce said "but this one in particular is unlike any other. I use it to track something or someone that I've placed a homing device on. It can also be used to summon any of my vehicles, such as the Batmobile, and analyse anything I ask it to."

"Wow," Scootaloo began "y'know, I know a certain alicorn pony back home who'd be interested in this."

Bruce looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Alicorn?"

Now it was Scootaloo's turn to raise an eyebrow in confusion "Yeah, you know, a pony with both a unicorn horn and wings."

Bruce shook his head "Sorry, but something like that hasn't been recorded in human legend."

"That's weird," she tapped her chin "Hey, last night you said pegasi didn't exsist, so if they don't in this world then how do you know about them?" Scootaloo questioned "Are they also in human myth?"

Bruce nodded "Yes, as well as unicorns."

"What about earth ponies?"

"Sorry," Bruce said "but I don't recall anything called an 'earth pony' was ever recorded in myth." he explained "What are they exactly?"

"Oh," Scoots said "Well, they're ponies who don't have horns or wings like unicorns or pegasi." she explained "They're said to be really strong though."

"Sounds interesting," Bruce then walked over to the panel that layed before the computer as he pulled up a chair on wheels in the corner before sitting down. "I'm about to contact the League," he explained to Scootaloo standing next to him "I want you to know that I'm bringing them over so we can discuss how to deal with you. Are you alright with that?"

Scoots nodded "Sure."

Bruce gave a single nod as he understood before returning his attention to the panel and started pushing various buttons on the computer.

"Batcomputer," he spoke up "are there any available Justice League members."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, okay now she was convinced this guy was crazy talking to an object.


To Scootaloo's surprise the Batcomputer spoke!

Bruce slightly turned his head in Scootaloo's direction as he noticed her surprise.

"Artificial intelligence," he casually answered before the filly could ask a question "it has the ability to speak, but it doesn't have a mind of it's own."

"Aquaman is currently on a search for Black Manta." the computer spoke again in an emotionless female voice "Green Lantern is currently in battle with Sinestro. The Flash is currently preventing a bank robbery being committed by Captain Cold. Captain Marvel is currently in battle with Black Adam. Green Arrow is in the midst of preventing a drug dealing being committed by a gang of criminals. Members that are currently available are Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter."

"Excelent," Bruce nodded "contact those who are available and tell them to come to the Batcave." he ordered with a calm voice "And send a report to the Watchtower about my run-in with Ra's Al Ghul last night."

"Affirmative." the computer said.

"Uh," Scootaloo said "how does it know what everyone's doing?"

"It's connected with the Justice League Watchtower," Bruce explained as he typed on the keyboard of the panal and a moment later an image of what he was referring to appeared on the screen. "It's the official space Headquarters of the Justice League."

"That is so cool." Scootaloo exclaimed as her eyes gleamed with wonder.

Bruce slightly smiled at her reaction "It's a satalite space station, meaning that it keeps track of us anywhere on the planet."

Scoots turned her head to Bruce, still smiling with amazement. "How did you get something like this?"

Bruce shrugged "I obtain wealth from my company, so naturally I pay for anything the League needs even the watchtower."

"How much money do you even have?" Scootaloo asked. It was there that Bruce didn't answer, instead he turned his attention back to the Batcomputer typing on the keyboard before him. He knows Scoots is just being a curious filly, but he doesn't think it should be any of her, or anyone else's, business to know how much money he has.

"Batcomputer," he spoke "contact Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter and tell them to come to Wayne Manor. We have something important to discuss."

"Affirmative." said the computer.

"So," Scootaloo said "how long 'till they show up?"

"It'll be a while," Bruce said "for now though, you wanted to look up the Justice League?"

"Oh yes, please." Scootaloo smiled eagerly.

Bruce nodded as he started pressing his fingers against the various keys typing in the search bar 'Justice League' before hitting search and clicking on an old article from a news website. On there was a paragraph of which Scoots presumed was info on the League and right next to it an image of ten different humans that Scootaloo assumed were them. One of which was Batman, but with him were heroes that Scootaloo seemed unfamiliar with.

For one, there was a tall, buff looking human in a blue skin tight suit with a red cape hanging off his back, boots of the same color, and what looked like an upside down triangle with the letter S. There was also a female looking human in a red and blue one piece suit with what appeared to be a gold W on her chest. She also wore metal bracelets on her wrists, red boots, and there was a golden lasso hanging at the side of her hip as well as a gold tiara on top of her head where her long black hair was hanging.

There were others as well; such as two people who were in green with one of them looking like some kind of archer. Two were wearing red with a lightning bolt on no the their chests, although one of them was wearing a white cape hanging over his shoulder. Next was a man wearing an Orange outfit with what looked like gills on it and green pants. Another one was a male human with brown skin and short black hair; at least that's what the human parts looked like while the rest of his body seemed to be robot like, including a side of this face with a red eye. The last one however puzzled Scootaloo the most, becuse he didn't look human at all, he wore a black suit with a red X on his chest and a blue cape hanging over his shoulders, but what really puzzled the filly was the fact that this man had green skin and red eyes.

"Alright," Bruce said "I'm going to go wait for them to arrive. Until then, you can read up on the Justice League."

Scootaloo smiled lightly "Okay, but what if I want to look up the Teen Titans?"

Bruce took the mouse of the keyboard and started moving it in various motions "Do you see that arrow on the screen?" he pointed.

Scootaloo looked at the screen and noticed a little white arrow moving and nodded.

"This mouse," he half raised his arm holding up the object in his hand "controls it." he set it back down right next to the keyboard "With it, you can click into this bar and all you have to do is type in 'Teen Titans' and you'll find what you need."

Scootaloo understood some of that "Okay, but what do you mean by 'click' and 'type'?"

Bruce pointed at the keyboard "You can type in the words just by pushing on the required letters." he explained "And use this bar to create a space between the words." he pointed to the bar-like button at the bottom middle of the keyboard.

Scootaloo nodded in understanding.

"Good, now as for clicking," Bruce said "it's simple, all you have to do is gently push down on the mouse and it'll take you where you want to go on the computer. Do you understand?"

The little orange filly nodded.

"Alright then," Bruce rose from the chair "I'll leave you right to it." he said before leaving.

Scootaloo hopped onto the chair and started reading the article that was presented on the screen.

The Justice League is a group of people who are considered as the world's greatest heroes. They were first assembled when the invasion of Earth, caused by the alien Braniac, and were victorious in their battles ever since.

Scootaloo read more about the article and found the Justice League to be quite interesting; because of reading up on them, she was able to find out the names of each member. The muscular man in the blue suit was called 'Superman' and she found out he wasn't exactly a human. Instead he is part of an alien race that happens to resemble humans and is from the planet Krypton, which was destroyed when he was just an infant where he crashed landed on Earth.

She also found out the others were known as Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Captain Marvel, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter. She was about to read more when suddenly she noticed a strange blue light in her right direction that was glowing above some kind of panel.

When the light was beginning to die down, there were four figures suddenly appearing like they were being teleported from thin air. When the light was gone there stood four of the heroes in the team Scootaloo just read about. Those heroes being Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter.

Scootaloo stared at them in awe as she could not believe that she was in the presence of two aliens, a highly skilled female warrior, and a half human robot. But the emotion of amazement was only on Scootaloo's face as the superheroes before her looked at her with surprise, except for Martian Manhunter who held a stoic and rather emotionless look, at the world's of there being a real life pegasus before them.

"Great Hera," Wonder Woman spoke "am I seeing an illusion or is that really a pegasus before us?"

"No, you're eyes do not deceive you," said Martian Manhunter, his tone stoic and calm "What we are seeing right now is now illusion."

"So," said Cyborg, rubbing the back of his neck "there's really a pegasus sitting in that chair?"

"Uh," Scootaloo lightly waved hello as she out on a nervous smile "hi."

The heroes' eyes widdened even bigger, but Martian Manhunter just raised an eyebrow, at the filly.

"Did that thing just talk?!" Cyborg exclaimed.

"Hey," Scootaloo exclaimed, offended, "I'm not a 'thing'!"

"It's okay, everyone," Bruce came in approaching his fellow superheroes "she's with me."

"Bruce," Superman said "what is going on?"

"I'll explain when we find a more suitable place to talk." Bruce waved for everyone to follow him as he led them all to the elevator to the manor. Cyborg was a bit nervous standing next to the filly, knowing it can talk.

"It's okay," said Martian Manhunter, or otherwise know as J'onn J'onzz "she does not pose any kind of threat to us." he must've read Cyborg's emotions.

"Look, I'm not afraid of a little horse," Cyborg stated "it's just that I'm a bit freaked out that it can talk."

"You know, I can hear you." Scootaloo looked up at Cyborg annoyed.

Once the elevator reached Wayne Manor, the Justice League members decided to discuss the matter at hand while Scootaloo waited in the study. Scoots sat within the desk chair in boredom as she spun around in 360 motions hoping to relieve herself of her boredom. It fails.

"Augh, this is taking forever." she groaned.

Just then, the door opened as Alfred came in holding a silver tray carrying a white fancy looking tea pot with an elegant tea cup and a small bowl containing sugar cubes.

"I thought I might bring you tea." he said as he stood in front of the filly on the other side of the desk. "Would you care for any?"

She shrugged "Sure."

Alfred gave a single nod as he set the tray down onto the desk before taking the tea pot and pouring it's contents into the cup.

"I garanty you might enjoy this," Alfred said "it is honey lemon, my own personal favorite." Once the cup was half full, he set the pot down. "Sugar or no sugar?"

"Sugar, please?" Scootaloo answered.

Alfred nodded "One of two?"

"Two will be fine."

Alfred obeyed as he took a pair of sugar tongs and placed two sugar cubes within the tea cup before taking the small silver teaspoon and started stirring the tea. When finished, he set the tea cup on a small plate and handed it to Scootaloo.

"There you are." he said.

Scootaloo took the tea and looked at the light brown liquid within the cup with a sweet smell of honey and lemon emitting from it. She used both her hooves to lift the cup up to her mouth before drinking the tea which had a sweet and sour taste to it.

When she swallowed she smiled up at Alfred "You were right, this is is pretty good."

She received a nod from the butler before taking another sip.

"So uh," Scootaloo spoke "how did you find out Bruce was Batman?"

"I've been aiding him in his war on crime since it began." Alfred answered.

Scootaloo turned her head to the painting of the couple she saw last night.

"Are those his parents?" Scootaloo pointed.

Alfred looked in the direction she was pointing and nodded "Of course. Their names were Thomas and Martha Wayne; they were among Gotham's finest citizens."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow "Gotham?"

Alfred turned his attention to her "Hmm?"

"What's Gotham?"

"Oh yes," Alfred realized "Gotham is the name of that city." he pointed to the window behind Scootaloo as she looked to where he was pointing. "It is the city in which we live in and it's the city Master Bruce protects." he held his hands behind his back and sighed "Thomas and Martha were two of the very few good people in this city."

Scoots looked back at him with a raised eyebrow "What do you mean 'few good people'?"

Alfred turned his attention back to the filly "By that I mean the city has a high rate in corruption," he explained "the streets are swarmed with criminals every night preying on the weak and defensless."

"There's a lot of crime happening?" Scootaloo looked back at the city.

Alfred nodded "Yes, so much crime that it even happens in the most unlikely of places," he then turned his head back to the painting and felt a tinge of sadness "even to the most unlikely of people."

Scoots turned her head back to Alfred "Don't the police do anything?"

"Yes," Alfred looked back at her "but it's not enough. While the police force is being led by an honest man there are some corrupt policemen on the force."

Scootaloo's eyebrows slightly furrowed at this news "But they should be doing their jobs."

"Oh, don't worry," Alfred reassured "many of them are, but unfortunately some don't see their jobs as a responsibility. Some see it as just a job that allows them to do anything they wish."

"Are you kidding me?" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Alfred lightly shook his head "Unfortunately it's not just corrupt officers on the force, there's also bureaucrats who behave in such horid manner; such as mayors, councilman's, district attorney's, you name it."

Scootaloo could not believe this "Are there at least any politicians who don't do any dirty work?"

Alfred nodded "Some, such as our current mayor, but many who get into office commit in such horrific acts which causes more corruption amongst the society."

Scootaloo was beyond belief. This city was so corrupt that even some of the people protecting it are part of what's destroying it.

"But do not worry," Alfred reassured "there are still officers on the force who are dedicated to their jobs in protecting the city and keeping the public safe, such as Police Commissioner James Gordon."

"Well that's good to hear," Scootaloo said, her mood being lightened. She looked at the painting of Bruce's parents and back at Alfred. "Did they help out the city?"

"Who?" Alfred raised an eyebrow.

"Bruce's parents."

"Oh, yes they did." Alfred nodded "Before Thomas Wayne took over Wayne Industries, he was a surgeon at a hospital and saved many lives. He was such a good man that there was this one time when two parents came in and asked him to help their son who was injured in an accident." he smiled at the memory of the man's generosity. "He saved the boy's life, but then found out the family was poor, so he payed for the hospital bill himself."

Scootaloo smiled "That sounds awesome, he must've been a great guy."

Alfred smiled as he nodded "Oh, yes and when he found out that the family was poor he rented them an apartment, which he payed for for the first three months, and found jobs for both the parents."

Scootaloo smiled, this guy sounded so generous that he and Rarity would get along fine.

"And as for Master Bruce's mother," Alfred continued "she was a child psycolotist who was helpful to any child in need. Once she even skipped an entire business meeting, which would have raised her salary, to help a boy who suffered abuse for years."

Scootaloo was beyond herself. Now it was truley official that the legends about all humans being evil back in Equestria were wrong, because there was never any story that showed the good that humans were capable of doing. Sure, she is still aware that not every human's an angel, but there are some who are doing things for others rather then themselves.

Scootaloo smiled as she looked at the painting. "Where are they anyway?" she looked back at Alfred.

When he heard that question, his smile disappeared as his face formed into a frown. Scootaloo's smile disappeared as well as she grew concerned.

"Alfred, what's wrong?"

Alfred remained in still with the sadness on his face for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Bruce's parents," he said "they were murdered."

Scootaloo gasped at what she just heard. "They were what?!"

Alfred sighed "When Bruce was just a boy, they were murdered right in front of him."

Scootaloo didn't know what to say "That's..." she trailed off "that's horrible."

Alfred nodded lightly "I remember the day it happened..."

Alfred grabbed his coat as he was just about to leave out the front door for home. Just as he was walking to the front door he heard a ring coming from the family room.

He sighed, he was really looking forward to going home tonight after a long day of work, but he wouldn't let that stop him from answering the phone due to Thomas and Martha being unavailable at the moment, because they took Bruce to the Monarch Theater to watch 'The Mark of Zorro' again for the eighth time this month. That boy really loved that movie and was such a fanatic for Zorro that he dressed like him on Halloween.

Alfred approached the family room, with his coat being carried over his half raised arm, and brought the phone to his ear.

"Wayne residents." he answered.

"Hello, Alfred Pennyworth?"

"Yes?" Alfred wondered why someone would call Wayne Manor to talk to him. He doesn't mind being called about something, but normally if it involved him it would be at his own house. Another reason why this is unusual was that when people call the major they would want to talk to either Thomas or Martha.

"Hello, this is the GCPD." the voice on the other line sounded calm, but in his tone Alfred could find a hint of sadness.

"What is it?" he asked. He heard a sigh emitting from the phone.

"Sir, I don't know how to say this..." he paused for a moment before sighing again "Thomas and Martha Wayne have been murdered."

In that moment time seemed to stop for Alfred. He felt like dropping the phone to his shock as his breathing became heavy. The person on the other line sighed as if he was predicting his reaction.

"We took a witness statement from their son, Bruce."

Alfred gasped, nothing better've happened to the boy "Is he alright?"

"Don't worry," said the voice "he's fine. In fact he's at the station right now waiting for you to pick him up."

Alfred felt a little relieved for the boy's safety, but still couldn't get over the instant sadness and shock of the news of a current loss.

"Tell me what happened." he said.

"Alright," the man said "when the movie was over they took a short cut through the alley to get to their car. Someone came out of the shadows with a gun; he took their wallet and pearl necklace." he paused "Then right there He shot them."

The two went silent for a while as Alfred proccessed the news that happened. Thomas and Martha, two of the most greatest people he ever met, were gunned down from a mugging. Why? Why did this happen? It shouldn't have. It shouldn't have! Escpecially in front of an eight year old!

"A-a-alright," Alfred said "I'll be there to pick him up."

"Okay," said the man "he'll be here waiting for you."

Alfred nodded as he set the phone down, hanging it up. He took a long, deep breath before exhaling. He buried his head into his palm as he quietly sobbed.

His crying was cut short as he quickly remembered that Bruce is still waiting for him and he can't let anything delay him. So he slowly, but surely, put on his coat and made his way out the door to his car.

When he arrived at the station he approached the receptionist at her desk.

"Excuse me?"

The receptionist looked up from her work at Alfred "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to pick up Bruce Wayne."

"Alright then," the woman got up from her chair and came around her desk to Alfred "right this way."

Alfred followed her to a door which she slightly opened and poked her head through.

"Excuse me, Detective Gordon, but Alfred Pennyworth is here to pick him up."

"Okay then," he heard a voice from the other side of the door, sounded like the man he heard on the phone. "we'll talk another time when your ready."

Out of the door came a man with short red hair and a trench coat, followed by a woman, about Alfred's age, with long brown hair hanging over her shoulders. Alfred recognized this woman as Dr. Leslie Thompkins, a child psycologist who was good friends with Martha. She must've heard the news and came to comfort Bruce.

Alfred walked into the room where Bruce was sitting on a chair with his head lowered and he noticed rivers of tears merging from his eyes. It didn't take long from him to look up and turn his head in Alfred's direction.

"Alfred." he whimpered as the butler paced over to the young boy and quickly tucked his knees under him as he wrapped his arms around the boy who quickly did the same as he buried his head into Alfred's shoulder.

"Master Bruce," Alfred said "I heard about what happened and..." tears were starting to form in his eyes "oh dear, I am so sorry."

"It...*sniff*...it's all my fault," Bruce sobbed "I wanted to go see the movie...I convinced my mom and dad to take me again and...and..." he couldn't take it anymore as he continued to sob in Alfred's shoulder "I should have stopped him, Alfred. I should have done something."

"Master Bruce, look at me." Alfred brought Bruce to look into his eyes and held a stern, yet sympathetic look "It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have predicted it, there is no possible way for you to know what could've happened. Besides, there was nothing you could've done, you would have been killed too."

Bruce lowered his head as he buried his face into Alfred's shoulder again "I miss them..."

"I know, young master," Alfred nodded "I know, so do I."

Alfred's head was lowered as his eyes were closed, letting the memory play back. He inhaled deeply before he exhaled and raised his head, opening his eyes, to see the young filly, Scootaloo, with her mouth hung open and tears falling from her eyes.

"Ever since then," Alfred continued "I've been looking after Master Bruce his whole life. I raised him as his legal guardian and been with him ever since."

Scootaloo sniffed as she rubbed the tears from her eyes "Did they...did they catch the guy who did it?"

Alfred shook his head lightly "Unfortunately no, though he has been identified as Joe Chill. When the police came to his apartment to arrest him he was gone." Alfred sighed "But, thankfully, they did recover Martha Wayne's pearl necklace." he pointed to the glass case containing the necklace on the desk.

"Wow," Scootaloo lowered her head as she rubbed her foreleg "I can't believe that Bruce went through that."

Alfred nodded "I know, no child should go through a tragedy like that."

"It..." Scoots trailed off "it kind of reminds me of losing both my parents too."

Alfred's eyes widened "You're an orphan as well?"

The filly nodded sadly "Yeah...my dad was a soldier in the Equestrian army. He left to right in the channeling war when I was six and that's how he..."

Alfred rested a hand on her shoulder "It's alright, you don't have to tell me the details if you don't feel comfortable."

Scootaloo nodded "Thanks," she rubbed the tears away from her eyes with a foreleg "Bruce is lucky to have you."

"Thank you," Alfred said "and I garanty that while he does appear to be stoic and intimidating, he is a good man.

Meanwhile, Superman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Bruce, and Wonder Woman Sat at the long table in the dining room ready to discuss.

"Alright, Bruce," said Superman "tell us how..." what was her name?

"Scootaloo." Bruce answered as if he could read minds.

Superman nodded "Alright, tell us how Scootaloo came across you."

"Well," Bruce started "I arrived to a warehouse in the outskirts of Gotham, with Red Robin and Batgirl, to rescue Harold and some other hostages from the League of Assassins. When we arrived we found out Ra's had a scientist build a machine to open portals to other dimensions. When we were dealing with his men, Ra's destroyed the machine and killed his scientist. We rescued the hostages and found Scootaloo in a cell with Harold."

"You mean she was brought here by force?" Wonder Woman asked, receiving a nod from Bruce.

"I took her home last night and that is how she is here."

"Alright, so question is how do we deal with her?" Cyborg asked "If we let the public know about her then people are gonna freak."

"Cyborg is right," said J'onn "it could risk her safety."

"So then it is clear she has no way of getting home," Wonder Woman said "so how are we to deal with her?"

The Justice League members paused in thought for a moment until Superman spoke up "Why doesn't she stay with you, Bruce? That is is you don't mind me asking."

Wonder Woman thought about it and nodded "I think that would be a perfect idea." she looked at Bruce "She does trust you, does she?"

Bruce nodded.

"And you do have experience with raising children," Martian Manhunter added, receiving a nod from the heroes.

"Bruce, what do you think?" Superman asked.

Bruce shrugged "I don't see the problem."

"Then it is decided." Superman said.