• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

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Chapter 19 Arkham Breakout

The sun was beginning to set onto the city of Gotham, it's orange glow casting over it. On it's outskirts was nothing but forest, and in that forest drive a lone red car. According to her puddin, Harleen Quinzel was to break him and his two, 'friends' to put it loosely, by nightfall. She figured now was a right time to get started. While time was on her hands, she remained in the speed limit so she wouldn't attract any attention.

Coming up on her was the sign, ARKHAM ASYLUM ONE MILE. At this point she parked her car backwards in a clearing, she turned off the lights hoping no one would see it. Harleen took her makeup kit from her glove box, humming as she applied it to her face. First her white face makeup, then her black eye makeup, then her black-red lipstick for a finishing touch.

She began to undress out of her clothes, consisting of a white blouse and blue jeans. The main purpose of those clothes was to make her look less inconspicuous in the city, but now was the time to change into her real outfit, which was surprisingly a red and black jester suit, hat, and black domino mask. Now she was the infamous Harley Quinn. She exited her car, pulling her shoulder bag from her trunk.

Harley skipped the rest of the way through the woods, making sure to stay behind the trees for cover from any oncoming cars. Eventually, Harley Quinn reached the all too familiar structure she once worked at as a psychiatrist: Arkham Asylum. She made her way to the metal gate surrounding the asylum; she reached into her bag, pulling out a large pair of clippers, using them to create a big enough opening in the gate for her to fit through.

Harley sprinted silently to the building, making her way quickly to a window. She used a pry bar from her bag to tear open the window, crawling her way in and now finding herself in a janitor's closet. The clown girl picked the lock on the door, eventually being able to open it with no issue.

Harley peeked her make up white face, scanning the hallway. Down the corridor was a guard patrolling the hall. From her bag, Harley grabbed a rubber chicken containing a blunt brick inside it. She snuck her way silently behind the guard. Upon reaching him, she poked him on the shoulder.

"You who," She said.

"Whah..." The guard turned, but was quickly met in the face with the rubber chicken. His limp body fell to the ground. She hunched down, taking the security may card from his pocket. Next stop was the surveillance room. There were multiple surveillance rooms in the asylum, but the one she needed to go to was the one overlooking the cell blocks she needed to enter.

Harley placed the chicken back in her bag, now skipping her way down the hall. After silently knocking out a few guards she made her way to the surveillance room. She crept along the wall, slightly opening the door. All the guards were focusing on the monitors, not a single one noticing her. Quinn pulled a purple ball from her bag, rolling it into the room before silently shutting the door.

Inside the room, the guards heard the sound of something rolling and looked down to see it. "What the..." One guard managed to say before the ball exploded into gas. All the guards coughed, accidently inhaling the gas until they all began to feel dizzy and fall into an unconscious sleep.

Soon Harley found her way to the first cell block she needed to go. She skipped down the hallway, scanning the names on each metal door. She passed by names such as CORNELIUS STIRK, VICTOR ZSASZ, ROMAN SIONIS, JULIAN DAY, and VICTOR FRIES until finally finding the two names she needed, JERVIS TETCH and JOHNATHAN CRANE. First she lightly knocked on Tetch's door, peaking through the window.

"You in there, Jervis?"

Inside a short man, wearing a top hat made from newspaper, sat cross legged on his bed, reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The short man looked up from the book, smiling at the former doctor.

"Miss Quinn," He exclaimed, closing the book. "O frabjous day, callooh callay!"

"Let's get ya outta there, ol' Jervy." Harley whispered, sliding the stolen key card into the lock. The door gave off a loud buzz, unlocking. Harley pulled it open to see the man standing at the doorway. Jervis was so short, his body was only high enough to reach Harley's waist.

"Thank you for freeing me from my oh so dreadful prison, Miss Quinn." Thanked Jervis. "I feared Time himself would make this the equivalent of the endless tea time, but it seems I was oh so wrong. Speaking of fear..."

Harley Quinn nodded in understanding, turning and unlocking the door of Johnathan Crane, the Scarecrow. Dr. Crane was standing at the doorway prepared. "Do you have what I require?"

Harley nodded, "Uh huh." She pulled from her bag the infamous Scarecrow mask, pointed hat and syringe glove and viles filled with his fear toxin. She handed them to Crane. "Now let's go free Mistah J." Harley smiled.

Crane nodded, dawning his mask over his head.

"Hey!" A guard yelled from down the hall, drawing his gun. "Freeze!"

Scarecrow was quick to throw one of his viles to the guard's feet, exploding into gas, surrounding him. The man was in a fit of coughing, but once his eyes adjusted to the gas, he began to see grotesque creatures of large size pulled from nightmares appear before him.

"No!" He yelled in fear. "Get away! Get away!" He began shooting at the creatures, but in actuality he was shooting at nothing, for it was all a hallucination by the gas. The inmates were lucky to have metal cell doors protecting them and Harley, John, and Jervis were already gone.

"Now, Miss Quinn," Jervis spoke, donning his Mad Hatter hat from Harley's bag. "Have you achieved what we need in order to free our dear friend, Joker?"

Harley nodded, "Mhmm, this keycard should do the trick." She held up the keycard between her fingers.

"I think we may need a distraction," Scarecrow suggested. "That way we can keep the guards busy while we release Joker."

"I think I may have an idea," Mad Hatter grinned sinisterly, rubbing his hands.

The day was seemingly quiet to the lone guard as he whistled while patrolling the asylum hallways. Everything see.ed peaceful until he turned a corner, a hand grabbing him by the mouth and his arms being held behind his back. He struggled, feeling his captive's grip loosen until he felt some kind of card object placed on his left ear. His mind went blank and his struggling stopped.

"That's better," Mad Hatter grinned, Scarecrow releasing the guard. "You are under my control now,"

"I am under your control now," The guard said in a monotone voice.

"Excellent," Jervis beamed. "Now, here's what I'd like you to do..."

"Oh man," A guard sighed as he kneeled down to the deceased body of a guard. He and his friend were called down to investigate a call block shooting to find a guard shooting up the hallway in a state of panic. The two guards was to it that he was put down so he wouldn't hurt anyone, but felt sympathy for they had a feeling of who did this, considering the perpetrator had his cell door open, as well as another.

Just when he was about to report the incident on his walkie talkie, a voice began speaking over it. "All units, there is a riot going on at the south cell block, all units please respond."

"Aw shit!" The guard cursed as he and his friend quickly made their way to the area of disturbance.

"Solomon Gruny born on a Monday!" Grundy shouted, smashing away a row of guards.

"Stop hurting my friend!" Another inmate almost the size of Grundy shouted, an inmate known as Amygdala.

The south cell block was where Arkham kept it's strongest inmates. They were at least fortunate enough that the mind controlled guard only managed to release two until meeting his untimely end at the hands of an angry Grundy.

As the guards were busy with the incident in the south cell block, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, and Scarecrow managed to make their way to Joker's cell. Harley used the keycard to unlock the cell door, opening it to smile brightly at the clown sitting in his bed, held in a straight jacket.

"Harley, glad you finally made it, ha." Joker smiled. "Now would you be so kind to remove this straight jacket? I got an itch on my bum and I can't reach it."

Harley smiled seductively, "I can scratch your bum, Mistah J." Joker glared, making Harley's smile disappear quickly, gulping. "I'll get you outta that straight jacket right away, sir."

Joker smiled, "Excellent, Harley. You've always been a good help to me."

Mad Hatter and Scarecrow glanced at each other, knowing that Harley Quinn is nothing more that hired help to Joker. Mad Hatter was one of the villains that truly felt sympathy for Quinn, but Scarecrow could care less.

"Now, gentlemen," Joker said, now released from the jacket. "Let's make like a tree and leave. HA HEH HA!"

Harley led the trio to the forest destination where she kept her car. She opened the trunk, pulling three suit cases for each man. Mad Hatter's was a bright green jacket, orange and grey checkered pants, and an orange vest shirt. Scarecrow's was a tattered brown suit jacket, black pants, and a noose to wear around his neck. As for Joker's, it was a purple tail coat and pants, light pink gloves, and a green vest shirt.

Now that everyone was all dressed, they made their way into the car. Scarecrow and Mad Hatter sitting in the back and Harley and Joker at the front. Harley opened the door to the passenger seat for Joker as though she were a limo driver, to which Joker happily obliged, Mad Hatter and Scarecrow rolling their eyes.

"Get ready, Gotham, because we are about to give you the greatest show you've ever seen! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Joker laughed loudly as the car drove off to the city.