• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 17 Lightning From Olympus

Scootaloo woke up from a long, heavy sleep. Yesterday she decided to call it a day after she and Bruce captured the Riddler, she felt exhausted from tracking those riddles all day. The pony turned human made her way down to the kitchen where Bruce and Alfred were waiting.

"Hey, Bruce. How was crime fighting last night?" She sat down where a plate of pancakes were set before her.

"Nothing much went on, most of it was just petty crimes."

Scootaloo swallows a bite of her food, "The past three days have been something with us capturing supervillains, I wonder what tonight will be like."

Alfred Scootaloo a cup of orange juice. "Perhaps there will be another escaped Arkham inmate."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you that. What is Arkham? I've heard it mentioned a few times. Is it like a prison or something?" Scootaloo asked.

Bruce shook his head, "No, Arkham Asylum is a mental hospital for the criminally insane."

"Is it where you send some of your enemies?"

Bruce nodded, "Only the insane ones. It's located on the outskirts of Gotham."

"Unfortunately it's been something of controversy, but rightfully so." Alfred commented.

"Why's that?" Scootaloo asked, taking another bite of her pancakes.

"Because it has the highest number of escapes in the country." Bruce answered. "It's often been criticized for it's careless and incompetent security. It's been estimated that about every week a patient manages to escape."

"That sounds bad," Scootaloo commented.

"It's very bad." Bruce stated.

"So, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, Killer Croc, and Riddler, are they all insane?"

"They are," Bruce confirmed. "Poison Ivy prefers plants over people, so much so she is willing to kill anyone for the sake of a plant's survival."

Scootaloo gulped, Wow, not even Fluttershy would be willing to go that low for an animal.

"Killer Croc has also had cases where he's eaten people."

"Eaten people?" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Bruce nodded, "He was born with a rare skin condition that made him look as though he had the skin of a crocodile. He's adopted animalistic behaviors and has become less human."

"Imagine growing up like that," Scootaloo said.

"Croc has never had such a good childhood. The Riddler is also noted as insane, he has this compulsive need to leave some sort of clue at the end of his crimes. It's an obsession he has and he is willing to play mind games with people, even if it hurts or kills them."

And I didn't know eggheads can be so threatening. Scootaloo mentally commented. "And Two-Face?"

"Two-Face has a split personality. He's half good and half evil. His good side represents Harvey Dent, the man he was before he became a criminal."

Scoots thought for a minute, "You have so many enemies, but do you have an arch-enemy?"

Bruce paused and put his head into thought. He eyed Alfred who nodded in a way that told him he should at least mention him. Bruce signed. "I do, but you never met him before."

Scootaloo leaned closer on the table, "Who is he?"

"He's called the Joker." Bruce said in a voice as though he were speaking the name of the devil himself.

Scoots processed the name for a moment. "The Joker?" Didn't sound all that threatening.

Bruce nodded, "He is the one who escapes Arkham the most. He's my most dangerous enemy. He is responsible for the deaths of countless innocents."

Scootaloo's eyes grew, "Sweet Celestia, what's his real name?"

"It's unknown, as well as his age. One thing I do know about his past is that he was once part of a gang where he donned the persona of the Red Hood." Bruce explained. "I don't know much, but it seemed as though different individuals were placed under the mantle of the Red Hood to put blame for heists."

"Did you ever meet him as the Red Hood?"

"Once." Bruce sipped his coffee. "Unfortunately he fell into a vat of chemicals, which disfigured him and drove him insane."

"And that's how he became the Joker?"


Scootaloo sighed, "When do you think we'll run into him?"

"Normally he escapes from Arkham about once or twice a month. It may be somewhat soon."

Scoots smiled, she couldn't wait. It would be fun to square off with Batman's arch-nemesis.

Robin breathed in the night air. She stood beside her mentor on a rooftop overlooking Gotham City, their capes flowing in the winds. Tonight was going to have some sort of surprise, she could feel it.

"Batman, there's a problem." Oracle's voice warned over the radio.

"What is it?" Batman answered.

"City Hall is under siege."

"Is it the Joker?" Robin asked. Batman sensed the eagerness in her voice.

"No, but it is another criminal you haven't encountered yet."

"Who?" Batman asked.

"Maxie Zeus. He and his men stormed city hall, it seems as though they want to take it over."

"Have the police arrived?"

"Yes, they surrounded the building. They are lead by Bullock."

"Contact your father, get him to tell Bullock not to engage, there could be hostages." Batman ordered. He knew Bullock was rational enough to not do anything that could put potential hostages in danger, but still. He removed His finger from his hear, hanging up. He dyed his young partner. The sense of eagerness she had when she asked if it was the Joker. Chances are she asked, because they spoke about him this morning, but that hopeful excitement in her voice seemed to be something more, something more dangerous. He'll focus on it later, right now they have a situation to deal with.

"No one engage, I repeat no one engage, Commissioner Gordon's Orders." Bullock stated on his walkie talkie.

"Lieutenant," Batman's voice came over his shoulder.

"Bats, glad you showed up."

"What's the situation?"

"Well, Maxie Zeus has taken City Hall. Some of the staff were able to get out, but some not so lucky. What's worse is the mayor's being held hostage."

"How did he take over City Hall?" Robin asked.

"Used his electric staff, the thing shoots lightning out of it."

Huh, that actually sounds kinda cool. Robin thought positively.

"Are there any demands?" Batman asked.

Bullock shook his head, "Not yet."

Just then, as if on que, Maxie Zeus opened the doors of the office balcony. Robin took a set of binoculars from her belt to get a better look at the villain. He had brown hair and a beard, he wore a white toga with a red sash hung over his shoulder, on his head a gold leaf crown sat and in his hand a gold lightning staff. He walked onto the balcony in a manner as though he were a king before an audience.

The police aimed their guns, but Bullock quickly told them to hold their fire.

"Mortals!" Maxie called in a voice that sounded so mighty and royal. "I, Maxie Zeus, have claimed your City Hall. I hereby decree it to be my new Olympus. I, as your god, shall rule over ye. I expect ye all to stand under my submission."

"He's gotta be kidding." Robin deadpanned.

"If ye resist, I shall call upon my thunderbolts to smite ye!" He rose his staff above his head for emphasis.

"There's no way he'd have men to be crazy enough to do this." Bullock exclaimed.

"He must have convinced them out of fear." Batman theorized.

"So now what?" Robin asked.

"Bullock, you keep him distracted while Robin and I sneak in."

Bullock nodded, Batman and Robin grappled up the nearest building.

"So, this Maxie Zeus guy, is he actually a god?" Robin asked, curious. That would be cool to have a god villain.

"No," Batman answered. "Maximilian Zeus is a schizophrenic, delusional enough to believe he is a reincarnation of Zeus, a god from Greek Mythology."

"He sounds pretty weird." Robin commented.

"He's usually not as much of a threat as the Joker or Two-Face, but he's still dangerous. No matter what, stick by me."

Robin nodded, "You got it." The two leapt off the roof, spreading their capes. The glided silently beside the City Hall, Robin silently praying no one would notice them. The landed at the back, creeping in through the back door.

Outside, Harvey Bullock withdrew a megaphone. "Uh, oh mighty Zeus. We, uh, we will submit to your rule."

All the police officers looked at the lieutenant confusingly.

"Wise choice, mortal." Maxie Zeus called out.

"But since we, uh, are following your rules, any chance you could uh, tell us what new rules there are?" Harvey sweated.

Maxie thought for a moment, "Well, alright, considering it would be fair enough to inform my mortal subjects of my new laws."

Meanwhile as Maxie Zeus was laying down his new policies, Batman and Robin used their detective vision to see if there were any enemies in sight. Armed thugs patrolled the area as hostages were kneeling in a corner, one of those hostages the Mayor.

"How do we approach this?" Robin asked quietly.

"It would be too dangerous to move in head on, might get the hostages hurt, or worse." Batman looked up and saw gargoyles attached to the higher walls. "We'll have to use stealth." He pointed, "We'll use those gargoyles as vantage points. Remember, take your enemies out silently, no noise."

Robin nodded, "Sure thing." She and Batman grappled to separate vantage points. Scootaloo stood in a kneeling position atop a gargoyle, looking down over the room of patrolling guards. "Okay, Scoots, remember your training." She muttered to herself.

With her detective vision, she was able to spot a lone guard standing on a balcony, his back turned. Scootaloo breathed. She leapt off the vantage point as she glided across the room. She landed swiftly on the balcony's edge quietly. The guard still had his back turned. Robin jumped off the edge, booking her arm around the that's neck in a choke hold, her other hand over his mouth to prevent him calling for help. He moaned as he tried screaming to the others, but his eyes were getting heavy and his body went limp. Robin let go as he lay on the ground, unconscious.

She grappled to another gargoyle, looking for her next target.

"Everyone, quick. We got a man down over here!" Scootaloo looked to see several guards approaching an unconscious body laying on the floor. She smirked as she knew who was responsible. "Oh shit, he's out cold." The thug cursed. "Everyone spread out, we got Batman here." Robin smiled further hearing the nervousness in the man's voice.

She saw another guard at a car off corner, she glided down and landed right behind him. Quickly she silently held him in a choke hold, knocking him out. She quickly grappled up to another vantage point before anyone could notice her. This stealth was starting to get really fun.

"Leave me alone, Batman, please?"

Robin looked down to see another thug right below her. She slid off her gargoyle, spreading her cape, giving her a soft, quiet landing. She took care of him in a choke hold, and left him to lay there unconscious. Upon returning to her gargoyle, she saw a thug standing beside a desk. Robin glided off her vantage point and landed behind the desk without the guard noticing. She immediately grabbed him in a choke hold, knocking him out. This was really exciting until she heard the sound of a gun cranking behind her.

"There you are, you little bitch."

She turned around to see a goon standing there with his gun pointed towards her. Robin gulped, fearing what would happen when he opened fire. Suddenly a dark figure came down and lifted the guy, screaming, off of the ground, upward. Robin looked up to see her boss holding the man by the neck, before dropping him. He screamed as he fell until his falling stopped abruptly, for he was hanging by his feat tied to a rope.

Batman landed swiftly in front of Robin. "Thanks."

"You haven't been paying attention to your environment." Batman scolded.

Robin lowered her head, "I'm sorry about that."

"This is your first time using stealth, I'll let it slide for now. Although you were lucky I was here at the last minute."

Robin sighed, "So, is that all the goons?"

Batman nodded, "Yes. Let's go finish off Maxie Zeus."

"And for my next decree, all mortals are expected to bow before I, Zeus, whenever they are in my graceful, almighty presence." Maxie Zeus called out to the overlooking view of officers. "And finally..."

Before he could finish, he heard a loud bang against something blunt. Maxie turned around, gasping at the sight of Batman and Robin over a kicked down door.

"It's over, Zeus." Batman growled.

"If it isn't that infernal demon of Hades!" Exclaimed Zeus. He pointed his staff, "I hereby call upon my thunderbolts to smite ye from where ye stand."

"Move!" Batman loudly warned Robin as the two leapt out of the way of an oncoming lightning bolt from the tip of the staff. Maxie Zeus fired another lightning bolt at the direction of Robin, thankfully missing. At the corner of his eye, Batman ran towards him. Maxie turned and held up his staff to block his attacker. Batman kneed him in the stomach, making Zeus let go of his staff, resulting in Batman braking it against his knee.

Robin tackled the greek villain, holding him into the floor, cuffing him.

"Blast!" Maxie cursed. "These infernal chains are preventing me from using my power! Young lad..."

"Lass." Robin corrected, really getting annoyed by everyone calling her a boy.

"I order you to release me from these bonds."

"How about no?" She smirked.

Maxie Zeus growled, "You dare defy a god? How dare ye! If these bonds which the bat-demon calls 'bat-cuffs' were not on me, I'd smite ye from where he stand."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Robin yanked the criminal up from the floor, holding him by the bonded arms. "Hopefully they'll set up your cell to fit with your godly standards."