• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 12 Training

The way Scootaloo woke up that morning would be described as though she were a kid on Christmas morning. As soon as her eyes opened to the morning sun, she violently tossed the blankets off her and jumped to the door, nearly bumping into Alfred just as he seemed ready to knock and wake her.

"Sorry, Alfred." She said quickly before bolting her way down the hall without a second thought. At the dining table, Bruce and Dick sat, eating their scrambled eggs. Silence covered the room until it was bolted away by the sudden opening of the large, double doors as Dick jumped in his seat.

"Hey, guys." Scootaloo greeted as she sat herself down before a plate with scrambled eggs. Her table manners were thrown out the window like a piece of paper as she began gobbling on her food in a hurried manner.

"You're training doesn't start until noon." Bruce mumbled, as though he were reading Scootaloo's exact thoughts.

The girl gulped down her eggs, "Sorry. It's just that I'm excited an all."

Dick shrugged, "Hey, I don't blame you. I felt the same way on my first day of training."

"We are going to train you hard, though." Bruce pointed out before taking a bite of his food.

Scootaloo nodded, "I know. After all, how else am I going to become a great sidekick."

"Yeah, but you won't be anywhere near good as me." Dick playfully bragged.

"Oh you wish! Just wait and you'll start taking lessons from me."

Once Bruce, Scootaloo, and Dick made their way down to the cave, Scootaloo began bartering her questions.

"So, how are we gonna start? Are you gonna teach me how to do a kick flip? Are you gonna show me how to throw those bat throwy things?" Scootaloo couldn't contain her excitement.

"First," Bruce began. Oh boy, what could it be? Scootaloo started imagining all the possible tricks they were gonna teach her. What would be the first trick? Would it be awesome? Would it be anything beyond the imagination? It's... "You are going to do push ups."

...what? Seriously, what?! All that excitement going through Scootaloo's head immediately deflated as she slumped her shoulders.

"Uh, I thought we were gonna do training..."

"We are, and we're doing it now." Dick rested a hand on her shoulder. "What? Did you seriously expect you would learn how to fight and do fancy tricks on the first day of training?"

"Well, yeah."

Dick chuckled, "Sorry, but first you gotta build up some strength in order to do those things. Don't worry though, we'll get to the good stuff at some point. For now, it's this."

Scootaloo groaned. This was not what she expected, but then again maybe that's how all training works.

"Start by ten push ups, then do twenty sit ups, then ten squats, then run seven laps around the manor."

Scootaloo gulped, oh the exercise!

"What's wrong? Don't think you're brent for this?" Dick smirked.

"Me? Now hang on, I can do this. Just watch, bird boy."

Scootaloo immediately felt tired as soon as she started doing her push ups, but with each exercise she felt even more exhausted than before. By the end of the day there were no words to describe how tired she was, so tired it gave her a well deserved sleep.

The next day was with the same exercises much to her dismay, but she knew if she kept pushing forward, she would become the superhero she wants to be.

On the fifth day her exercises were now changed, fourty push ups, twenty five squats, fifty sit ups, and twenty laps. Scootaloo felt like sleeping in the next morning. As the days went by, the more exercising she did. But surprisingly to her, the exercises became less excruciating. On some days Bruce would say a random number of how many specific exercises she would do and Scootaloo would do them and she found herself capable of doing so.

Now came the time of her training Scootaloo's been waiting for: fighting. It started off as something simple, such as how to punch. Her first few punches weren't as hard as she would like, but thanks to all the exercise she has received, Scootaloo was able to throw hard enough punches that would be useful in combat. Problem was they hurt her fists every time she'd throw a punch, but over time the more she punched the less her hands were beginning to hurt.

Scootaloo learned how to punch, block, dodge, kick until she, Bruce, and Dick became confident it was time for a practice fight.

"Alright," Said Bruce. "Consider this your first test in hand-to-hand combat. Dick is far more experienced than you at his, but I told him to hold back his skills and fight like a common thug, which is likely what you will be fighting most. In time, you will learn more complex fighting styles, but for now we'll start with the most simple. Are you ready?"

"Ready," Scoots was standing in a fighting stance with her fists raised before her.

"If you say so," Dick began to approach her. He threw the first punch, Scootaloo quickly moved her head to of the way of the coming fist. Dick threw his other punch, to which Scootaloo blocked with both her arms. Dick threw a variety of strikes which were met by blocks and dodges.

"You're doing good," Bruce said. "But you're becoming too reliant on defense. Try looking for an opening to attack."

Scootaloo nodded, "Got it." Dick threw his punch, Scootaloo ducked as the fist was above her. She struck Dick's stomach, causing him to groan and bend over clutching his stomach. Scootaloo took the chance to upper cut Dick in the chin.

Dick rubbed his chin, "Not bad."

"What can I say? I've been trained by the best so I can kick your butt."

"Focus," Reminded Bruce.

Dick sent another punch Scootaloo's way, she dodged and struck her foot at his knee. Duck fell on the struck knee, now being met with Scootaloo's kick to his head, knocking him down.

"Very good, very good." Bruce said.

"Yeah," Dick said as Scootaloo helped him up. "That was amazing, keep it up and maybe you'll be taking on the League of Assassins."

"Thanks," Beamed the young girl. "Now come on, I want to learn more tricks I can do."

Throughout the course of her training, Scootaloo was progressing evermore. Her fighting began to improve to a more complex level where she was able to fend off multiple thugs. Over time she learned how to use a variety of gadgets, such as how to throw a batarang, how to fire a grapple gun, and which compartment contained which gadget.

One other aspect of her training was acrobatics. At first, Scootaloo didn't think much of it, but once she was able to perform various skills from that, she began to enjoy it. Bruce was barely the one to teach her this aspect, but Dick was the true teacher behind it. With this acrobatic training, Scootaloo thought she might as well take it up as a hobby sometime.

Soon, after all the trials and errors, there finally came the point that Scootaloo was ready.

Scootaloo breathed, this is it. This is the moment she's been waiting for. Her new life purpose was now here.

"Are you okay?" Bruce asked.

Scoots nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just exhilileratring."

Dick shrugged, "Nothing to worry about. You're not standing in front of a crowd." Dick decided he'd leave for Bludhaven in the morning, there's no way he's going to miss Scootaloo's graduation.

Alfred stood beside Dick as they watched, the butler holding a box that contained the thing Scootaloo would need as a superhero.

Bruce lit the candle that stood beside them. He held up his hand, "Hold up your hand."

Scootaloo did so.

"Do you swear to never take the lives of your enemies as you fight them?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to help the innocent, no matter the cost?"

"I swear."

" And do you swear that we two will fight together against crime and corruption and never swerve from the path of justice?"

"I swear by it."

Bruce nodded, "Then you are ready."

Alfred approached the two, he held out the box for the newly established crime fighter. Scootaloo took the box and removed the lid to see what was inside.

"Treat this mantle with honor, as if it were your own." Bruce stated.

Inside the box lay a folded red outfit with an R etched onto it and laying above it a black domino mask.

Scootaloo nodded as she looked Bruce into his eyes, "I will."