• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,886 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 26 Riddles and Conundrums

'GIRL WONDER SAVES MAYOR' The news paper article, in Scootaloo's hand, said as she used a pair of scissors to cut a picture from it with a paragraph talking about the article next to it. It was a picture of her, as Robin, shaking hands with the Mayor with Killer Croc being put in the back of an Arkham Asylum patient transport truck.

Scootaloo then used a glue stick to put the news paper clipping on the page of a scrap book she had. She's been putting together a scrap book of news paper clippings since her career as Robin started, Alfred suggested it then gave her an unused scrap book. The book contained news paper clippings from articles that involved her.

She turned to the very first page, it was about her first night out as Robin titled 'BATMAN RECRUITS FEMALE ROBIN' with a picture of her and Batman swinging through the city and an article mentioning that she is now dubbed 'The Girl Wonder. She smiled at the clipping as she turned the page to an article titled 'GIRL WONDER PREVENTS ATTEMPTED MUGGING '. She smiled as she remembered that the other night.


"Come in." Scootaloo called as Alfred came in.

"Mrs. Phillips, dinner is ready."

Scootaloo closed the book and put it in one of her drawers then headed to the dinning room.

She arrived to the long dinning table with Bruce sitting on one side then pulled up a chair on the other side as Alfred came in with two onion soup bowls and set them in front of them.

Scootaloo immediately started to dig in. French onion soup was always her favorite out of all the other foods Alfred made. She even started to eat meat a month ago since she was a human now, she decided to try meat. At first she thought it was gross to see humans eating meat, but after being in the human world for a few months she decided to try it. The look on Bruce and Alfred's faces when she asked for some.

When she finished her soup, Alfred brought a cannoli to her. If anything it was her favorite dissert.

Alfred the noticed a certain bat-symbol shinning in the night sky.

"Excuse me, sir. But Commissioner Gordon is expecting you and Ms. Phillips."

Bruce and Scootaloo noticed the signal and got the message as they headed down to the Batcave.


Commissioner James Gordon lit his pipe as he stood next to the Bat-Signal on the roof of the GCPD building, expecting two certain crime fighters in capes.


He heard an intimidating gruff voice. He turned his head left to see the man he worked with and his young partner.

"Hmm. You still know how to make an entrance." he slightly chuckled then decided to get straight to the point. "Something arrived an hour ago. It's a..." Jim tried to find a way to describe it "...it's some kind of present. We think it's from the Riddler."

"Why would the Riddler send a present?" Robin asked.

"You haven't seen it yet kid." Gordon turned off the Bat-Signal and led the Dynamic Duo to where they kept this present.

They arrived down to the entrance of the building and Robin widened her eyes at what was there. It was a giant green box with a purple question mark on each side. Officers surrounded it with guns pointing.

The three of them headed straight for the present, Batman and Robin going up to it while Commissioner Gordon stayed behind.

On the front side was a small computer screen with a key pad. The screen said 'Within the mirror you must find a way to stay alive. What is 4+no.5'

"Nine?" Robin guessed as she typed her answer in.


"Hmm. How's that not the answer? Four plus five is supposed to be nine right?"

"It says 'find a way'. A way is South. An inverted direction of four plus five is South." Batman explained as he typed in his answer.


Then suddenly the front side began to bend down like a domino about to fall.

"Look out!" Batman called as he, Robin, and the officers ran out of it's direction just before it hit the floor, revealing a giant screen in the box. The screen turned on to reveal The Riddler.

"Well well, if it isn't the shaved monkey himself. As well as the red bellied chicken." he smirked.

"Riddler." Batman growled.

"The one and only." Riddler said with pride.

"What do you want, Nigma?" Robin wanted to get to the point.

"Well, I'm sure you remember our first meeting, Girl Wonder?" Riddler's smirk then turned to a face of anger "You humiliated me! There was no way that a child. A stupid, ignorant, child. Would out smart The Riddler!" his smirk returned "So to prove that I am the smartest, I will play a game with you and Batman. I will ask you two riddles, the answers will lead you to my hideout. And remember, only Robin is supposed to figure out the answers." his expression turned seious "No help." he said slowly.

Robin thought for a moment "Alright."

Riddler grinned "Excellent. Riddle me this: I appear flat, yet I am round, what am I? What kind of number catches you when said backwards? Oh and if you do get help behind my back, I'll kill this hostage." he then turned the camera to an electric chair with a person tied to it. He was gagged with cloth, making muffle sounds. The screen then turned off.


"What appears flat, yet is round?" Scootaloo mumbled under her breath as she remembered Riddler's riddle. "And what kind of number catches you when said backwards?" she's been trying to figure out those two riddles all night. Why did they have to be so hard?!

She was in the middle of a test, but she was so focused on the riddle that she had no attention on the test. She rested her head on her hand in a thinking manner 'what appears flat, but is round?' she repeated in her head. She then noticed a globe the teacher kept on her desk. Wait a minute, that's it.

"That's it!" Scootaloo exclaimed, jumping out of her seat. Her smile disappeared when she noticed all the kids and teacher staring. "Uh, heh heh. I mean that's the right answer." Scootaloo said nervously as she sat back down.

"Okay, next riddle: what kind of number catches you when said backwards?" she then looked at the question on her test saying to rewright a math problem in words. Ten plus five equals fifteen, she wrote. Wait a minute. She looked at the word ten.

What kind of number catches you when said backwards? "Ten. Backwards it says net." Scootaloo mumbled.


"Bruce. I figured out the riddles." Scootaloo said as she ran into the manor, approaching Bruce. "The answers are the world and ten. The world is round, but when your on it It looks flat, and ten spelled backwards is net."

Bruce thought of what she said "Good work. And I know what that could mean. Come on." he said heading down to the Batcave with Scootaloo following.


It was the afternoon in Gotham, yet Bruce and Scootaloo still went out as Batman and Robin. To Robin it felt weird since they normally go out at night.

They soon arrived at an abandoned building with a sign on top of the entrance, 'World Net Computers'.

The two grappled up to the roof top of the building. Robin looked over the city. "Wow. So this is what the city looks like in the day. To be honest, I prefer how it looks in the night." she commented as Batman tore open the entrance to the air vent and they both slid down.

"So, you think Riddler's got a trap on the other side?" Robin asked as they crawled on their hands and knees.

"Whatever it is, we'll be ready." Batman said as they made a turn.

After about ten minutes, they arrived at the air vent covering as Batman kicked open then jumped down landing on his feet as Robin did the same.

They were in a room with a giant computer screen on the wall and some kind of chamber in the corner with a table next to it, and a mirror.

"Well well, it appears you solved my riddles." Riddler's voice said as the screen turned on revealing him.

"Alright Edward, I solved your riddles. Now where's the hostage?" Robin demanded, determined to save the hostage.

Riddler smirked "Oh he's right here." he said, turinging to the right to show a man in an electric chair, blind folded and gagged.

"Let him go. I solved your riddles." Robin demanded.

"That remains to be seen." Riddler said as he turned to the screen. "What it takes to answer a riddle as hard as mine is pure genius. Something you don't have, but I will see anyway. Now Batman, please step into my chamber and out your belt on the table?"

Batman and Robin looked at the chamber then back to the screen.

"Do it. Or..." Riddler put his hand on the lever to the electric chair.

"Alright." Batman said as he removed his utility belt, putting it on the table with a microphone with a cord attatched to the chmber, then stepping in the death chamber, the door closing shut behind him.

"Good. Now let's get started, shall we?" Riddler then pushed a button on a desk next to him. Water then started pouring out from the top, filling the chamber fast.

"Hey! Let him out!" Robin yelled at Riddler.

"Oh you stupid fool. You think I can control the door to open? I can only close it, it can only open if you say the answer to the riddle on the screen in the microphine, and Batman is not allowed to help you, if he does then I speed up the water." Riddler said as the screen turned black showing words written in green.

"'Every human has a special weapon, it can help with problem if they use it, but make more problems if they don't use it, what is it?'" Robin read outloud "Oh lord, I don't know. What is it?" she tried to think of the answer.

The clock was ticking each second, every second was going by fast and she still couldn't think of an answer.

'C'mon.' she thought 'Think. Think...wait a minute.' she looked back at the riddle and the word think played in her head. Think, if you don't use it you'll cause problems. "That's it!" she then ran to the microphone "The human mind!"

The door to the chamber opened as water flooded out with Batman stepping out. He walked over to Robin, putting a hand on her shoulder "Good work."


They heard a voice yell, it came from that mirror.

Batman walked over to it, bring ping a foot it it, shattering it to pieces, revealing a room with Riddler sitting at a desk with a screen in front of him, showing the room where the death trap was and the hostage in the corner. Riddler looked at Batman nervously.

"Y'know, Riddler for a smart guy that was pretty dumb of you to just yell." Robin smirked.

"Uh...wait I can explain. Y'see-"


Batman brought a fist to his face, knocking him off his chair.

"Save it. You can talk about it in a padded cell in Arkham." Batman said.