• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 20 Heart of Ice


The school belle of Gotham elementary rang as the doors opened and kids were walking out. Three other kids walked out as weel, Scootaloo and her two new best friends, Chloe and Kiki.

"And that is why Green Lantern is the coolest superheroe." Chloe finished. The three girls were talking about which superhero they thought was the coolest.

"Superman is cooler because he can fly and he has super strength." Kiki said.

"Superman's not the only hero who can fly, Green Lantern can fly too, he also has a ring that can make anything from his mind, plus there's more than one." Chloe said.

"How many?" Scootaloo asked.

"Three, but back in the 40s there was this one with a cape and blonde hair." Chloe said. "Which superhero do you think is cooler, Ash?"

"Batman." obviously.

"Eh, Batman is pretty cool, but he don't have superpowers."

"Yeah, because he doesn't need any." Scootaloo smiled, she then saw Alfred pull up in the drive way in a limo. "That's my ride, see ya."

"Later." Chloe said and Kiki waved goodbye.

"How was school today, Miss. Phillips." Alfred asked as Scootaloo got in the car.

"Eh, it was alright." she shrugged.

As Alfred was driving Scootaloo was looking out the window, leaning back in her seat. She then saw something that caught her by surprise, some ice covering a building.

"Ice?" Scootaloo said. "Alfred, park here."

Alfred parked the limo on a curb and he and Scootaloo got out to see the ice. A lot of ice was frozen on a building that looked like a research facility. What's weird about it was not only the amount of ice, but also it was the middle of spring.

"How odd." Alfred said.

There was some police investigating the area as well as some police tape to keep the people outside of it out.

"What happened?" Scootaloo said out loud.

Later, she and Alfred got back to Wayne Manor.

"Hey Bruce, you won't believe what we saw on our way home. There was some ice covering a building." Scootaloo said.

"I know, I saw on the news." Bruce said.

Scootaloo crossed her arms and smirked "I'm guessing you wanna look into it, huh?"

Bruce nodded and they headed down to the Batcave.

Once they got down there Bruce typed in the image of the news report and it showed up on the screen. "There's only one person who can cause this."

"Who?" Scootaloo asked.

"Mr. Freeze. A man in a high tech suit that allows him to survive outside of sub zero temperatures and is armed with an ice gun." Bruce explained.

"Why did he turn to crime?" Scootaloo asked.

"He turned to crime because when he worked at GothCorp as Dr. Victor Fries, his wife, Nora Frieze, was diagnosed with Huntington's Chorea, a terminal disease. Victor cryogenicly froze her so he can have time to find a cure, he used Gothcorp's resources to make the Cryogenic Freezing Chamber to freeze Nora and make a cure. The company's CEO, Ferris Boyle, interrupted the experiment and knocked freeze into these cryo chemicals and took his wife, left him for dead. The chemicals didn't kill Victor, they altered his metabolism, he can only survive in sub zero temperatures, so he built a refrigeration suit that can help him survive outside of sub zero temperatures."

Scootaloo felt guilt for Freeze and anger for Boyle. "Was Boyle arrested?"

"Yes. I found evedance against Boyle and showed it to the police, I also found out that Boil was also responsible for the creation of Clayface, Firfly, and Poison Ivy. He used them as human guinea pigs for illegal testing. Once I showed the evidence to the police, Boyle was arrested and removed from his position as CEO."

Scootaloo felt a little better knowing that this Boyle guy was in jail.

Bruce looked at the image on the screen. "According to this image, Freeze attacked a GothCorp research facility. Question is Ferris is in costudy, so why would he still attack a GothCorp facility?"

Bruce then had images of recent news articles pop up on the screen. "Acording to these articles, Mr. Freeze attacked other GothCorp facilities in the past week. He stole these items." images of techonological items. "With these items built together, they can make a bomb that can create an explosion of ice, enough to freeze an entire building, there's just one thing missing. And only one GothCorp facility makes it."

That Night

Two GothCorp guards were keeping an eye on the surveillance cameras, no trouble so far, until some kind of icy blast destroyed a wall in the technology research lab.

"What the...come on." the guards ran over to the lab and they tried to open the door but it was veiled shut.

On the other side, the door froze from a gun that fired a blue beam at it. The person holding the gun was Mr. Freeze. He wore some kind of robotic high tech suite, he wore a glass dome helmet on his head and red goggles. "There, now we have time to grab what wee need." he sounded like he was speaking through a machine of some kind.

Two men in winter coats grabbed a container with some kind of blue liquid inside. They put it in their truck. "All set."

"You know what else is all set? Your prison cells." they turned to the direction of the voice and it was Robin satanding next to Batman.

One thug tried to punch Batman but he kicked him back. Another thug tried to grab Robin from behind but she elbowed him in the stomach and punched him in the face.

"Stay out of this. This doesn't concern you." Mr. Freeze said.

"You're attacking research facilities and stealing, it is our concern." Batman said.

"Very well. If you protect my enemies then you leave me no choice." Mr. Freeze then fired his ice gun. Batman and Robin dodged the beam.

Robin then pulled out her bolas and threw it at Freeze, tying him up.

"Looks like you're tied up at the moment." Robin smirked.

"You are a fool to think this can hold me." Freeze said as he spread his arms, breaking the rope. "This suit tripples my strenght."

Batman then ran up behind Freeze and used a stun attack and punched him repeatedly in the back.

"Enough of this." Freeze said as he turned around and punched Batman into a wall. He then froze him to the wall.

"Batman!" Robin ran over to him but Mr. Freeze froze her feet to the floor.

"I have no desire to kill a child, so I tell you to stay out of my way." He said as he and his men left in a van. Robin thankfully threw a homing beacon at the van.

Batman the strength in his body to break out of the ice. He walked over to Robin and stomped on the ice, freeing her feet.

"I put a homing beacon on the van. We can follow them." Robin said.

"Good work." Batman then pushed a button on his gauntlet, summoning the Batmobile and they took off.

After a while, they arrived at this warehouse in the warehouse district. They snuck in and as Batman expected, it was cold.

"Burr, it's freezing in here." Robin said as she wrapped herself in her cape, like a blanket.

They then crawled through this vent, they arrived to the end of the vent and Batman kicked it open. They jumped down into a room with a TV hooked to a video player, next to it was a tape.

Robin put the tape in and a video played, showing a bald man in a lab coat and glasses. "Hello, I am Dr. Victor Fries. Behind me is the CC-100." Behind him was some kind of technological case with a woman in it, who appeared to be asleep. "It is also known as a Cryogenic Freezing Chamber. It was designed to cryogenicly freeze someone who is diagnosed with a deadly disease. Subjects like my own beloved wife, Nora. As you see-"

"Open this door. Open it!" the door behind Victor was kicked open and a man with black hair and white sideburns came in with two security guards. "Shut this place down."

The guards were doing as they were told.

"No please, this is my experiment." Victor pleaded.

"Your unauthorized experiment. I ordered findings suspended weeks ago. I'm three million in debt thanks to you." now it was obvious for Robin that this man was Ferris Boyle. Ferris turned to the guards. "And take that freezing chamber, it's GothCorp property now."

Doctor's eyes widdened "No, please. My wife is in there."

"So bring her out."

"I can't. She's infected with Huntington's Chorea, if I bring her out she'll die." he pleaded.

Boyle thought for a moment. "Alright, she doesn't have to come out. She's GothCorp property too."

The guards then we're about to wheel the freezing chamber on a gurney. Victor then grabbed a gun from one of them and pointed it at Boyle.

"NO! Murderer!"

"Victor, I'm sorry, it doesn't have to come to this, we can talk." Victor listened to reason and lowered the gun. But then Ferris kicked him into these chemicals in a table, covering him in them creating a steam cloud.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!!" he screamed as the guards wheeled the chamber out.

"NORA!! NORAAAA!" the video then ended.

"Sweet Celestia." Robin said.

"Yes." said a voice. Batman and Robin turned around to see that it was Mr. Freeze. "If I had tears it would tear me to shed." he then shot them with his ice gun, temporarily freezing them.

After a few hours they woke up to find themselves upside down, their feet frozen to the ceiling and their hands frozen together. They were in a room that had ice and snow and their belts were gone.

Mr. Freeze walked into the room too. "The snow is beautiful, clean, uncompromising."?

"And cold too." Robin said.

Freeze turned to her. "Yes, like the hand of vengance I am about to pay tonight."

"What do you mean, Freeze?" Batman demanded.

"The new CEO of GothCorp, Martin Lee, has my wife, like Boyle he thinks that she is GothCorp property. He took her from me and I am here to take her back, as well as give Lee the icy touch of death." Mr. Freeze explained.

Robin then figured out why Freeze built an ice bomb. "So you're going to use the ice bomb to freeze the whole building so not only you can get to your wife, but also kill Martin?"

"Correct." Freeze said.

Robin looked at him sympathetically "I know what happened to your wife. I'm sorry. But she wouldn't want this."

"No, she wouldn't. She would want a life outside the glass, in the warm sun, her hand in mind." Mr. Freeze then furrowed his brows in anger "But that life was taken, I can give to her once I destroy the man who took her from me."

"Even if you have to kill everyone in the building?"

Freeze nodded. "Their deaths will be unfortunate but is it means I will kill Martin, so be it."

Freeze then left with his men.

"How do we get out of here?" Robin asked.

Batman then noticed an ice sickle on the icy floor below him. He used his strength to break his bonds and grabbed the sickle. He used it to break the ice freezing his feet to the ceiling and did so. He then used it to break the ice holding Robin then broke her bonds.

Meanwhile, Mr. Freeze and his men arrived at GothCorp. "Get the bomb ready."

The men did so, they stuck the bomb to the wall. "All set, now we need to push this button and-off!!" he was cut off as Robin leap kicked him to the ground.

"No!" Freeze said as he fired his ice gun but Robin leaped out of the way.

Batman then grabbed one henchman and punched him in the jaw.

Robin grabbed the bomb and threw it to the van.

Mr. Freeze saw that his men were occupied at the moment. "Very well, I shall do this myself." he then fired his gun below his feet, creating an ice platform that took him up to the office as he kept firing the gun, making the ice taller.

Batman grabbed his utility belt from the van and put it on, he grabbed Robin's and tossed it to her, she caught it.

One thug tried to swing a bat at her but she ducked and kicked him in the gut then uppercuted him, knocking him out. She then grabbed one thug and slammed his face into her knee, knocking him out.

One thug tried to punch Batman but he ducked and grabbed his leg, making him fall to the ground and twisted his foot, breaking it. One thug ran up and tried to kick Batman but he punched his stomach and upercuted him, knocking him out.

Meanwhile Mr. Freeze got to the CEO's office and broke through the window.

"What the...!" he said.

"Where's my wife?!" Freeze demanded.

"What are you talking about?" Martin said, fearfully.

Mr. Freeze grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Nora!! Where is she?!"

Martin realized what he meant. "She's GothCorp property."

Freeze then fired his gun at Martin's legs and up to his waist, freezing him in ice.

"Rethink your descision."

"All right." Martin said, intimidated. "She's in the storage room. The storage room."

"Very good." Freeze then aimed his ice gun at him.

Martin's eyes widened "Wait! I told you where she is!"

"Yes, but you took her from me, and for that you must pay." he then felt something hit his back.

He turned around to see that it was Batman who threw a thermal charged Batarang at him. Robin standing next to him.

"You again. I grow tired of you interfering with my plans, especially when you brought another child into this."

Batman then ran up to him and turned in his thermal charged gloves. He punched Freeze and it weakened him. Freeze then grabbed Batman by the neck. "Feel it Batman, fell the icy touch of death."

Batman tried punching Freeze but she was doing his best to ignor it and tightened his trip around his neck.

Robin then pulled out a thermal charged batarang and threw it at Freeze's helmet. Due to the heat of the batarang it broke his helmet into pieces.

It also hurt Freeze, making him drop Batman and fall to his knees.

Robin was about to try and free Martin from the ice.

"No." Batman said. "It won't be enough to kill him, but it is enough to leave him for the police."

Robin did as he told and she and Batman left.

"Goodnight...CEO." Batman said as he and Robin left.

Author's Note:

Some elements I borrowed from the Batman tas episode heart of ice. Please comment.