• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 19 Penguins and Umbrellas

After a few weeks, Scootaloo's ankle got better and she was ready to go back out there as Robin. It was twilight hours and she and Bruce thought that it would be okay to go at this time.

Bruce and Scoots took the elevator down into the Batcave and walked over to a glass case, next to the Batcomputer, which contained their suits. They changed into their outfits and drove the Batmobile into the city. "So, bossman, what problem is there to solve?" Robin asked.

"Alberto Falcone has been kidnapped, we're going to his apartment to investigate, that's where the kidnapping took place." Batman explained, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Who's Alberto Falcone? Is he related to The Roman?" Robin asked.

Batman nodded "Alberto is one of Carmine's two sons. He wants to catch whoever kidnapped his son and kill him."

"Well then, we gotta find the kidnapper before Falcone gets to him." Robin said.

They soon arrived at the apartment building known as 'Comfy Homes'. They grappled up to a balcony where Alberto's apartment was. Batman slid the slide door open and he and Robin entered.

It was a fancy apartment, with a white ceiling and wall and a marble floor. "Alright, let's see what happened here." He turned to Robin. "Start looking around for clues."

Robin nodded "Sure thing, bossman." She started looking and Batman did the same. Robin first saw a broken vase on the floor. "Found something."

Batman scanned the broken vase with his lenses. "The finger prints on it belong to Alberto. He was using it as a weapon."

They then saw a blood trail on the floor, leading out the door, it was wide open. The lock was broken, maybe the door was kicked open but if it was then there would be a dent in the wall from the knob plus there was a scorch mark on what was left of the lock. "The lock was shot off." Batman concluded.

"Hey bossman, look what I found." Robin said and Batman turned his attention to her. On the floor was the start of the blood trail and there was a bullet hole. "The blood belongs to Alberto." Robin said, scanning it with her lenses. "And the bullet was a 9 mm, what's that?"

"A kind of bullet that's used for a hand gun." Batman explained. "Alright, I think I know what happened. Someone came in by shooting the lock off. Alberto took his vase to use for defence, but was shot in the leg, went clean through. Made him drop the vase. He was dragged, there's no other blood on the floor, which means whoever did this wanted Alberto alive." Batman concluded.

"But, who would want to kidnap Alberto Falcone?" Robin asked.

Batman thought for a bit, then thought of the right person. "Salvatore Maroni, A.K.A. The Boss. He's carmine Falcone's chair rival for control."

The Dynamic Duo then followed the blood trail to the entrance of the building but it ended there. Batman pushed a button on his gauntlet and drove off to confront Sal Maroni.

Batman and Robin soon arrived at a resteraunt with the Italian flag on the window, as well as the name: 'Maroni's Italian Restaurant.' the duo grappled to the rooftop and waited for Maroni to walk out, since they thought taking him by surprise was the best option.

Maroni walked out and headed to his car. "Maroni." Batman said as he and Robin jumped down.

Maroni turned to them. "Damn, not this again."

"Kidnapping Alberto Falcone, you were responsible."

"Oh, so that's what you and yer runt is here for." he looked at Robin as he said runt. "You got a good guess that it was me bats, but for once you're wrong, 'cause I wasn't part 'o kidnapen Falcone's kid."

"Pff, sure." Robin said, sarcastically.

Sal looked at Robin. "Listen kid, you and the hat got no proof I was there."

Batman turned on detective vision to see his heartbeat to see if he was telling the truth, it read honest. "He's telling the truth."

Just then, they heard what sounded like helicopter blades moving, but quieter then that. They turned to the direction it came from and it was a drone, which then flew away.

Batman and Robin grappled up to the roof and headed to the Batmobile and drove off.

"What was that?" Robin asked, she still wasn't all that familiar with earth's technology.

"It was a remote control object called a drone." Batman explained, in an easy way for Robin to understand. "It looked military, the only two people who could have such a thing, one of them being Bane, who's in Blackgate."

"So, who's the other?" Robin asked.

"The Penguin. He's been trying to get rid of Falcone and Maroni. Must of used the drone to try and spy on Maroni. I know the place he could be at, his club The Iceberg Lounge."

After about twenty minutes, they arrived. Above the door was a sign with the name on it, as well as an iceberg and a penguin in a tophat, holding a ciggerat holder in it's beak and an umbrella. The Dynamic Duo grappled up to the ceiling, there was a window on the ceiling that revealed the inside.

There had been people in fancy clothes. There was a bar in one cornor and in another corner was a stage with a long haired woman in a dress singing betcha never. In the center was a pool with an iceberg model and seals and penguins.

Robin then noticed someone, it was a short overweight man with a beak like nose. He wore a suit, a tophat, white gloves, and black leather shoes, and a monocle. He carried a purple umbrella like a cane. That must have been The Penguin. "Hey Batman, look."

Batman saw Penguin. "That's him."

"Huh, he kinda looks like a penguin." Robin said.

Penguin walked into some double doors, must be his office.

Inside his office was a man tied to a chair, he had short hair and broken glasses. It was Alberto, he had bruises on his face and a bloody nose, a bandage was wrapped around his leg.

He was guarded by two men. Penguin came into the office. "Now, tell me Falcone." Penguin said in his cockney accent, that he normally speaks in. "What are you gonna tell your father?"

"That we're getten outta the buisness, leaven Gotham." He said.

"And?" Penguin asked.

"And that Gotham belongs to the rogues, not us anymore."

"Very good." Penguin then pushed a button on his umbrella and the tip of it made an electrical noise, it was a taser. "I see your lips flabben, Berty, but they ain't making the sound I want to hear." He then grew a wicked smile and started fading Alberto.

He shrieked in pain as Penguin laughed. Then a batarang bit the umbrella out of his hand. It was Batman and Robin.

One man ran up to Batman, but he punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor. Another henchman ran up to Robin, this one with a hat and swung it at her, but she front flipped over it and kicked him in the stomach and smashed his face into her knee, knocking him out.

Three other men came in. One man tried to punch Batmanbut he grabbed his hand and punched him, making him stumble backwards. One man tried to kick Robin, but she grabbed his leg and kicked him in the stomach, then throwing him into the table.

One henchman tried to punch Batman from behind, but he ducked and elbowed him in the face, knocking him out. The man on the floor got up and pulled out a gun but Robin threw her holes at him, tying him up.

Penguin pulled out a black umbrella and fired a shot Robin, she fell to the floor. "I'm fine." she said before Batman asked if she was fine.

Bats threw a batarang at the umbrella, knocking it out of his hand then punching him in the face, knocking him out.

Batman went to check on Robin. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." she said, thankfully her suit was bullet proof.

"Get me outta this thing." Alberto said, impatiently.

Batman cut the ropes. "What did Penguin want?"

"He wants to get rid of my family and the Maronis. Thinks Gotham belongs to freaks like him."

Batman put a finger to his earpiece. "Oracle, call the police and tell them Penguin has Alberto."

Not long later, cops showed up and Penguin was arrested.

Author's Note:

Elements I borrowed from Batman arkham origins