• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 17 Maniacs Love to Smile

It was twilight hours in Gotham City. Batman was standing on a rooftop while Robin was dangling her legs over the edge. Sometimes they would go out patrolling a little early, whenever they went out early it was always during twilight hours. They were on top of a building that was in an area where there were digital billboards, it was like times square in New York.

"Well, looks like it'll be a quiet night." Robin said. Then the digital billboards suddenly turned off and after a moment turned back on to show The Joker.

"Hello, Gotham City and thank you for tuning in for J TV. I have a very special announcement." Joker said as everyone in the area stopped what they were doing and looked at the screen, afraid of what Joker's plan is. "I have implanted three bombs in Gotham, and they will go off once I push this detonator." Joker then pulled a detonator from his pocket. "If anyone tries to disarm my explosives, I will push this button and BANG! People in those areas will go up into tiny little pieces. And I have something for Batman, because I know your watching bats."

Joker then whistled for someone and Harley Quinn brought over someone, tied to a wheelchair and with a bag over the head. The person seemed female and was wearing blue jeans, a white shirt and a brown leather jacket. Joker pulled the bag off her head. She appeared to be Latin American and her hair was tied in a pony tail.

"Care to introduce yourself, nice lady?" Joker asked. The woman responded by spitting in his face.

"To to hell." she said.

Joker wiped the spit off his cheek with a green handkerchief. "Rude, alright I'll introduce you. Please welcome, Detective Renee Montoya. Bats, you and your chicken buddy have until midnight to find out where I'm hiding. Arrive too late-" Joker then put a knife to Renee's throat. "-and you'll find a red puddle on this nice clean floor." a map then flashed quickly on the screen. "Good luck. Bye bye." The screen then turned off.

Batman put a finger to his ear. "Oracle, I need you to send that broadcast to the Batmobile."

"On it." Oracle said on the other line.

"Come on." Batman said to Robin as the grappled down to the Batmobile. They got in and Batman turned on the computer screen and replayed Joker's broadcast. He fast forward to where the map flashed then played it in slow motion.

When the map flashed Batman paused and saw a jester's head on a part of the map. "There." he said as he put his foot on the pedal and drove off. "We'll go rescue Montoya and capture Joker, when we do we make him tell use where he hid The bombs and disarm them." Batman explained to Robin.

The Dynamic Duo arrived at the location, which was an abandoned amusement park. They walked in and walked slowly through the park.

They then heard what sounded like muffling and found it to be Montoya, tied in a chair, with a gag in her mouth. Batman and Robin ran up to her and Batman was about to remove the gag when- "Joke's on you, Batsy!"

Joker jumped onto Batman's back and put a small mask over his mouth, releasing a green gas. Robin was about to help but felt someone grab her cape, pulled her back and put a mask over her mouth, also releasing a green gas.

Batman pushed Joker off and was about to save Robin, but he felt weak and fell to his knees then passed out, because of the gas.

The person who grabbed Robin let go of her and she turned around to see that it was Harley Quinn. "Sweet dreams, kiddo." she heard her say before her eyes felt heavy and fell to the ground, passing out.

After a few hours, Robin slowly opened her eyes. She found herself in a chair, her hands tied together, behind her. Montoya was knocked out and tied to a chair next to her, she must have been knocked out from the gas. Her and Batman's utility belts on a desk and a curtain in front of her.

"Oh, goody, you're awake." Harley said. "Mistah J, she's up."

"Good." said Joker as he walked up in front of her. "Hello, so glad you're awake, now we can get acquainted. Last time we met we hadn't had the chance to get to know each other, so how about we get acquainted, hmm?" he smiled.

Robin struggled but there was no use, she then pulled out a batarang from her glove and started cutting her bonds, without Joker and Harley noticing.

"Where's Batman? And where are the bombs?" Robin demanded.

"Ooh, anxious to know the surprise are we? Well alright then, the bombs are planted under the Gotham bridge, Gotham park, and in the subway. You can see them in these cameras, chicken girl." Joker then showed three screens that showed where the bombs were, they looked like purple boxes with jesters on them.

"Hey..." Joker said, rubbing his chin. "let's blow them up, shall we?" he then pulled out the detonator and pushed the button.

"No!" Robin panicked. But the bombs opened to reveal a Jack in the box come out.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha! Got ya." Joker exclaimed.

Robin sighed in relief then looked at Joker in anger. "You started a panic when there wasn't a real threat? Why?"

Joker shrugged. "Because it's funny."

"You're insane." Robin deadpanned.

"Thank you, my intentions." Joker smiled.

"What do you want?" Robin demanded.

"Why, all I want is some fun, laughs and to kill you, just like I did to that other Robin." Joker explained.

Robin raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Joker's smile grew wider "Oh, you don't know? Looks like batsy's been keeping secrets from you. Well, I'll tell you the story." he sat on her lap as Harley sat on the floor with her legs crossed and listened. "Ooh, I can't wait to tell you." Joker then smiled creepily "You're going to love this."


Robin was beaten, his forehead was bleeding and he had a bruise on his cheek and a black eye. A crowbar then hit him across the face, pushing him to the floor.

"Wow, that looked like it really hurt." Joker said. He then hit Robin with the crowbar again, a little harder than the other hit. "Woop, now hang on, that looked like it hurt a lot more." He grinned. "You know, you've been a very, very bad boy, looks like uncle J needs to teach you a lesson."

Joker then started hitting Robin repeatedly with the crowbar and laughed the whole time. After about five minutes of beatings, he stopped. He put down the crowbar and headed to the door.

"Anyway kiddo, I got to got, it's been fun though, right?" Joker turned to Robin, but he was on the floor, not saying a word. "Oh, well maybe it was more fun for me than you. I'm just guessing, cause you're being awful quiet." he opened the door and turned back to face Robin. "Anyway, he a good boy, finish your homework and he in bed by nine. And hey!" Joker smiled. "Please tell the big man I said...hello. HA HA HA HA HA HA HO HO HO HE HE." he then left out the door.

End of Flashback

"...and when I left I made sure his parting gift was a real blow out...literally." Joker said in a sinister voice. "And that's how I killed the second Robin."

Robin had a face of shock. One of the Robin's was killed. Tortured. Beaten. She knew Joker was crazy but she didn't think he was this crazy.

"And I plan to do the same to you." Joker grinned, evilly. "But before we get to that..." he got up from Robin's lap and over to the curtain "I got something to show you. Ladies and gentlemen!" Joker announced like there was an audience "Tonight, I bring to you something you haven't seen before in your life, there will be suspense! Danger! And most importantly, possible death! I give you..." he and Harley opened the curtain "the death defying stunt of Batman!"

Batman was in a straight jacket, hanging upside down in a glass tank with a hose attached to the bottom.

"Will Batman escape from a close death, or will he be sleeping with the fishes?" The tank then started filling up with water. Batman was now moving in the straight jacket, trying to escape.

Robin started cutting fast at the rope that tied her hands together. Batman then got out of the jacket and tried to push the lid open, but it was shut tight.

Robin finally cut herself free and grabbed Harley's hammer and tried to break the glass.

"Hey, no touching." Harley shouted and ran up to her but she punched her in the face, knocking her out.

"What are you doing? Can't you see that you're ruining my fun?!" Joker said angrily. He tried to grab Robin but she kicked him into some crates.

Robin hit the hammer against the glass, creating a huge crack. Joker then got up, grabbed the hammer from her and hit it against her ankle, spraining it. "AAAH!!" she helped in pain and fell to the floor.

"Now sit back down and watch the show!" Joker growled.

Robin then saw Batman kicking on the crack, making it bigger. She needed to distract Joker, she then saw the hose in the tank, perfect. She grabbed the hose and sprayed it in Joker's face then got up and ran out, trying to ignore the pain in her ankle.

"Hey! Come back!" Joker yelled as he ran after her.

Batman kicked the crack harder and harder until it finally broke, releasing all the water and pouring him out. He panted and took deep breathes. He grabbed his belt and took a syringe gun that had a medicine that can wake people up from Joker's knockout gas and injected Montoya in the neck.

She woke up and rubbed her neck. "Montoya, call Gordon and tell him where we are."

"On it." Renee moaned, she was still tired from the knock out gas.

Batman then grabbed Robin's utility belt and ran after Joker, in hops of rescuing her from him.

Robin was trying to run from Joker, but do to her sprained ankle, she was running slow. She saw a rollercoaster and hid in one of the carts.

"Well, looks like I need light to see where this chicken is easily." She heard Joker say. Then all of the power to the amusement park turned on, Joker just have used a generator. She was about to crawl out of the rollercoaster and run for it, despite her ankle. "There you are." she heard Joker say as he grabbed her by the arm.

"Let go of me! Let go!" Robin struggled to break free.

"Come here you little brat!" Joker snarled. "You made me miss the show! For that, I'm going to beat you senseless." Joker was about to punch Robin but he noticed Batman running up to him. "On second thought..." Joker said as he jumped into the coaster with Robin and pulled the lever. "I love a rollercoaster." he smiled.

The coaster was now driving away on the track and Batman jumped onto the last cart. Up ahead, Joker pulled the handle down and tied the seatbelt around Robin, tightly. She tried to stop him but he stomped into her sprained ankle, making her wince.

"Seatbelts, kids." Joker grinned. He looked back and saw that Batman was crawling over the carts. The coaster then started going up the track, Joker then pulled out a doll with a grenade ring. He pulled it out then turned to Batman. "You win the prise, Batman! Now catch the dolly." he then threw it down and it landed in a cart behind Batman and exploded.

The coaster then dropped down and Batman held on tight to the cart. The coaster now was turning upside down from the track and right side up.

"I got a present for you, bats! And it's right here!" Joker said as he threw another doll, which again exploded. The coaster then made a loop we loop. "You just don't like to play with dolls!" Joker pulled out another doll. "Do ya?!" he was about to throw the doll but Robin hit his arm, making him miss. Joker growled "Why, you miserable little brat!" he then noticed that the track up ahead was not finished and saw that right next to them was the ocean, at this hight he would survive the fall.

Joker got up from the cart. "Welp, that was fun. See ya next time, chicken girl! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" he jumped off and landed into the water.

Batman then crawled closer to the cart Robin was in. "Robin! Grab my hand!" he reached out.

Robin tried to but was stuck from her seat belt being tied in a tight knot. "I can't! My seatbelt!"

Batman then crawled up to the cart and cut the seatbelt with his batarang. He pulled her up and held onto her. "Hold on." he then pulled out his grapple gun, fired it at a part of the track, next to them and jumped off. The rollercoaster then drove off the track and was demolished on impact to the ground.

Batman was hanging onto the grapple gun and holding Robin in his other arm.

"Phew, can we go home now?" Robin asked.

Author's Note:

I borrowed some elements from under the red hood and the Batman tas episode, be a clown.