• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 16 Rejected Rogues

Carmine Falcone walked into a warehouse, about a few hours ago he got a message saying for him to meet at this warehouse. There was a round table with three chairs, two sitting right next to each other and one on the other side. The Roman sat down in one of the chairs.

"Well, it's been a while, Falcone." someone said in an Italian Brooklyn accent. Carmine turned his head to see a man with short brown hair, he wore a black suit with a yellow tie.

"Maroni." Falcone said, hatefully. His rival, Salvatore Maroni, A.K.A. The Boss, sat down in the chair next to him. "What'r you doin here?"

"I got a note tellen me to come here." Sal said. "Whatcha doin here anyway?"

"Same as you." Falcone said.

The two rivals glared at each other hatefully. "Ah, I'm glad you came." said a voice, getting the attention of the two mob bosses. There was a man wearing a spandex costume, purple shirt and green and orange striped pants, he had orange wings on his back, an orange moth symbol on his chest, a yellow utility belt and a green moth masks.

"Who the hell are you?" Falcone asked.

"I'm Killer Moth, one of the greatest and most famous rogues in Gotham." he stated, he then sat in the third chair, facing them.

"Never heard 'o ya." Falcone said, unimpressed.

Maroni chuckled. "Oh, I heard o this guy, he's one of, no, the worst rogue in Gotham."

"What do ya want?" Falcone asked, wanting to get this over with, this was a wast of time for him.

Killer Moth crossed his arms. "I heard you're dealing with a hat problem, like all the other crooks in this town. And that new kid is part of the problem."

"Go on." Maroni said.

"I am willing to protect the Gotham Underworld from Batman, I'll especially protect you two, if you pay me ten million dollars in cash." Moth said.

Falcone and Maroni looked at each other, then back at moth. They then burst out laughing. "You think we're gonna want protection from a loser like you?" Maroni laughed.

The two monsters were done laughing and got up from their chairs. "A'right, our times been wasted." Falcone said.

Killer Moth got up from his chair "Wait, I got some things that are useful, I got a moth copter, a mothmobile, and a mothboat."

"A'right, where is this stuff then?" Maroni asked.

Moth rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Oh, in police lock up. But I got something here." Moth said, pulling what looked like a toy space gun from a holster on his belt. "Behold, the cocoon gun. Batman and Robin won't stand a chance if I have this." He aimed the gun at a wall and pulled the trigger but a gooey substance shot from the back of the gun, into Moth's face, instead of shooting out of the barrel.

Maroni laughed. "Let's get out a here Carmine." The Roman and The Boss then turned to leave.

"Wait! If ten million is too much I'll loser the price to one million." Moth said, desperate that they wouldn't go, but wasn't working. "Okay, it's five thousand." wasn't working. "Two?" Moth said but they were gone. "Oh, this stinks. No one's taking me seriously! How am I not taken seriously? Is it because of my gimmicks? If so then that makes no sense, I mean look at The Joker, he's a clown and look at where he's at."

Moth then decided to read a news paper to get his mind off things, then something caught his attention. The paper said that in Metropolis there was a team of five villains, Bizzaro, Metallo, The Parasite, Livewire, and Mxyzptlk.

"That's it! I need a team. A team of supervillains to protect the criminal underworld, it's perfect." Moth announced.

The next day he stopped by at a bar, asking people if they would like to join him and become a team. Some responded with "bug off" or "seriously?". Only three people joined, Mitchell Mayo, Abner Krill, and Phillip Cobb. "Alright, meet me tomorrow night at 9:30 PM at this warehouse at the docks." Moth said, giving them each a piece of paper, having the warehouse number on it. "Also, make supervillain costumes and become your own supervillain."

The next night they showed up. Mitchell was wearing a blue spandex suit with his underwear on the outside, a green knit hat, black goggles, and a light container with two guns connected to it with cords.

Abner wore a white spandex outfit with multi colored polka dots on it and a white knit hat and a red domino mask.

Phillip wore a red spandex suit with a yellow Zorro mask and a yellow cape with symbols on it.

In other words, these people looked really stupid, but Moth didn't think so. "Great costumes guys, now what are your villain names and gimmicks?"

Phillip spoke up. "I am Signalman, and I create signals tell my allies what to do, and I leave symbols at the end of our crimes."

"Isn't that last part The Riddler?" Moth asked.

Signalman averted his eyes. "Uh...no."

Abner spoke up next. "I am The Polka-Dot Man. I have polka dots all over my suit."

"And?" Moth asked.

Polka-Dot Man froze for a moment unsure what to say next. "And that's it."

Mitchell spoke next. "I am the Condiment King. I use these special weapons to vanquish my enemies with the o so powerful condiments."

"Perfect, together we will be the Legion of Doom." Killer Moth announced.

"Uh...that name's already taken." Polka-Dot Man said.

"Oh, then we will be the Injustice Gang."

"Taken." Signalman said.

"Then...we are the Underworld Squad." Killer Moth announced. "Now, to show that we mean business, we will start a crime wave throughout Gotham, one that is bigger than when Falcone ruled. Now, to the Mothmobile."

The other three looked around. "Where is it?"

Moth realized that it was in G.C.P.D. Lockup and facepalmed. "Okay, I guess we're walking."

The Underworld Squad then walked to the Gotham Museum, where a banquet was being held to celebrate it's fifty year anniversary. Bruce Wayne and Scootaloo A.K.A. Ashlyn Phillips attended.

Scootaloo moaned in frustration. "Why did I have to wear a dress today? Next time, Bruce, came we go to a party that doesn't have a fancy dress code?"

"Bruce, didn't know I'd see you here." they heard a voice say. They turned to the direction of the voice and it belonged to a woman with long red hair and glasses, she was in her 20s and was wearing a black dress and was sitting in a wheel chair.

"Nice of you to come Barbra, Ashlyn this is Barbra Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter." Bruce introduced and Babs and Scoots shook hands.

"Great to meet you." Barbra said. Then whispered "y'know I thought I would meet you when your in your costume." she winked.

"Wait, you know that..." Scootaloo asked surprised then Babs nodded.

"You see, Barbra communicates with me through the earpiece in my cowal and hacks into places and gives me information. Her alias is The Oracle." Bruce explained in a whisper.

"Wait, if you work with Bruce, then do you know where I come from?" Scootaloo asked.

Barbra nodded. "I won't tell anyone." she assured.

"Alright! Hands where I can see them. Now!" everyone turned to the person who said that and standing at the door way was the Underworld Squad.

"Who are you?" a man asked.

"You all know me as Killer Moth, this is The Polka-Dot Man-"

"Actually, I think Mr. Polka Dot is a better name." Polka-Dot Man interrupted.

"Anyway, these people are Mr. Polka-Dot, The Condiment King, and Signalman. Together we are the Underworld Squad." Killer Moth announced. He was expecting everyone to cower in fear, but instead the whole museum aroused with laughter.

Moth pulled out his cocoon gun. "Give us your cash, jewels, and anything else that is valuable, or taste the state of my cocoon gun." he pulled the trigger but the substance fired from the back of his gun and into his face, making everyone laugh again.

Scootaloo laughed too. "Ah ha ha ha. Seriously? Do they think that we are gonna take them as people who want to hurt us?"

"Come on." Bruce said as he and Scoots walked out of the back exit and called in Alfred to drive his limo there, containing their suits so they can change.

A few moments later, the Dynamic Duo came into the museum, ready to stop Moth. "It's Batman and Robin, we need to move now!" Moth said as they ran and the chase was on.

They ran through the city and through a crowd of people. Batman and Robin ran across the rooftops as the Underworld Squad tried to go through a crowd of people.

"How do we escape from them?" Condiment King asked. They then saw a parked car, Killer Moth broke the window and pulled the lock.

"Get in." they all got in the car and Moth hot wired it and drove off. "Ha ha. Try to catch us now, ya flying rodent."

Batman pushed a button on his gauntlet, summoning the Batmobile and they got in and drove after them.

"They're gaining on us." Signalman warned. Moth had to do something, he drove the car out to a the bridge and drove onto a road in the forest. He kept driving but the Batmobile was still on their tail and was catching up. Moth then saw that he was coming up on some train tracks and a train was coming.

Killer Moth put his foot harder onto the pedal and drove right past the train as it almost hit the car. Batman saw the train and quickly stomped on the breaks. "Whoa!" Robin exclaimed as she was pushed forward from the force caused by the Batmobile stopping so quickly, thankfully her seatbelt held her back.

"Are you okay?" Batman asked.

"Yeah, fine." Robin said.

The Underworld Squad got back to their hideout. "Alright squad, our first night didn't go well but pretty soon people will start taking us seriously." Killer Moth said.

Signalman then noticed a searchlight in the corner. "Hey, do you use this, Moth?"

Moth then saw the searchlight "No, why?" he asked.

"I think it's time you put it to use." Signalman then took the searchlight and took a bucket of paint and painted something on it. After five minutes he brought it over to the rest of the squad. "If Batman has a signal, why can't we? Behold, the Moth-Signal!" on the searchlight was a painted moth emblem on it. "Killer Moth could use this to call everyone here when he has a plan for all of us."

"Perfect." Killer Moth said.

The next night, Killer Moth lit the Moth-Signal in the sky to summon Signalman, Condiment King, and Mr. Polka-Dot. They showed up. "Alright, what's our next scheme?" asked Condiment King.

"I'm glad you asked, King. We are going to break into G.C.P.D. headquarters and take back the Mothmobile, Mothcopter, and the Mothboat." Killer Moth explained. "Here's how we get them back, Mr. Polka-Dot you will-"

"Actually I prefer it to be Polka-Dot Man now." Polka-Dot man interrupted.

Killer Moth sighed in annoyance. 'Couldn't this guy make up his mind?' he thought. "Alright, Polka-Dot Man you will be disguised as a police officer and you will go into evidence lock up and get the Mothmobile first."

"The only place you'll be getting them back is in lock up." they heard a voice say. They looked up to see that it was Robin who jumped down and landed in front of them, then Batman followed.

"Looks like you did a lot of hard work finding our hideout." Killer Moth said.

"No, it wasn't hard to find. We found it by following the Moth-Signal you had." Robin explained.

Killer Moth realized his mistake. "Damn."

Signalman then ran up to Robin and got into a boxing stance. "Alright, put 'em up. Even though you're a kid I won't go easy on ya. Come one, show me what ya got."

Robin looked at him blankly then punched him in the stomach, making him bend down and clutch it, giving Robin the opportunity to uppercut him, knocking him out. "Huh, that was...easier than expected."

Polka-Dot Man then stood in front of Batman, in a kung fu position. "Alright, Batman, prepare to suffer the awesome power of-" he was cut off by Batman punching him in the face, knocking him out.

"You, do something!" Killer Moth said to Condiment King as he ran behind him.

At first Condiment King was scared, but quickly gained the courage and pointed his ketchup and mustard guns to the Dynamic Duo. "Prepare to suffer the wrath of-" but was cut off by Batman punching him in the face, knocking him out. Now only Killer Moth was left.

"Wait! Wait! Not the-Not the face!" Killer Moth said and Batman put him in cuffs.

"Really? These are the kind of rogues in town?" Robin asked, in a humored tone. She then laughed.

"Oh, to ahead and laugh, kiddo." Killer Moth said annoyed.