• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 11 Joke's on You

"The King Diamond was stolen yesterday from the Gotham Museum and was replaced by a decoy, the diamond is nowhere to be seen, unfortunately." Viki Vale said, as she was on the Gotham Gazzete. Bruce and Scootaloo were watching the report in a living room in Wayne Manor.

"I can't believe she tricked us!"Scootaloo said.

"Yes, miss. Kyle seems to do that a lot." Alfred said as he walked into the living room with a cup of lemonade on a silver tray, that Scootaloo asked for.

"Miss. Kyle?" Scootaloo asked.

"He's referring to Catwoman by her real name, Selina Kyle." Bruce explained.

Alfred then handed the lemonade to Scootaloo "Thanks al." Scootaloo said as she took the lemonade from the tray.

"In other news, The Joker has once again escaped from Arkham Asylum, if you have any info on his whereabouts, please notify the authorities immediately." Vicki Vale said, as the TV showed a mugshot of the Joker, Grinning creepily.

"Wow, I wonder who we're gonna be searching for tonight." Scootaloo said, sarcastically.

"Oh, by the way, you better get ready for the party." Alfred said.

"Oh, Bruce do we have to go?" Scootaloo groaned.

"I'm afraid so, but we're not gonna be there long, since we have to search for The Joker." Bruce said "Now go get ready."

"Fine." Scootaloo said, with displeasure as she headed up to her room. She and Bruce were invited to a charity gala, and she really didn't want to go, she has nothing against giving charity, the reason she didn't want to go was because she would have to wear a dress, and she hated wearing dresses. She got to her room and started to change into her dress, it was a green violet dress with a purple skirt and straps that went over her shoulders.

She also wore two pink high heels on her feet and a fake rose in her hair, that came with the dress. She looked at herself in the mirror. 'I hate this.' she thought as she frowned.

She walked out of the manor and into the limousine in the parking space with Bruce, who was wearing a tux, in the car and Alfred as the driver. Once Scootaloo got in, Alfred drove off. "Sigh, i can't believe I'm doing this, I wish you didn't have to wear a dress." Scootaloo complained.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna be there long." Bruce reassured.

They soon arrived at the party, there was fancy music, there was also a table with a bowl of punch, plastic cups, wine glasses and wine bottles. There was also a small table that held a basket with a ton of money in it, it was the charity money and people were putting dollar bills in it.

"Mr. Wayne, fine seeing you here." said commissioner gordon, who was wearing a tux, just like some of the other people at the party.

"Commissioner Gordon, fancy seeing you here." Bruce said in his normal voice, shaking Gordon's hand. "I'd like you to meet my ward, Ashlyn Phillips."

Gordon and Scootaloo then shook hands "Pleasure to meet you, Miss. Phillips."

"Actually, feel free to call me Ashley, or just Ash." Scootaloo smiled.

"Attention everyone, may I have your attention please?" said a blond haired woman, in a red dress, she spoke with a thick Brooklyn accent. Everyone turned their attention to her "Ladies and gentle men, we have a very special guest here tonight, he is considered by many a freak, but in my eyes I see him as a hero, who wants to spread laughter and fun. Please welcome the one, the only, Joker."

The doors then opened to reveal the Clown Prince of Crime himself. Everyone gasped, this was the first time Scootaloo was seeing him in real life. He was wearing a purple suit with a green vest and orange shirt underneath, he was also wearing purple pants, black leather shoes, and purple leather gloves.

"Good evening everyone! It was so nice of me to drop by." Joker said.

"GCPD! Freeze." Gordon said, pulling out a gun and pointing it at Joker, but a henchman snuck up behind him and hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out.

"Ha! Looks like our favorite commissioner thought he could arrest me that easily, how cute." Joker said.

Bruce and Scootaloo quickly made it to the backdoor. They stepped outside of the building and Bruce put an ear to the earpiece in his ear. "Alfred, there's trouble inside, we need our uniforms now." he said in his gruff voice.

Alfred then drove the limo to the alley and opened the trunk, which contained Bruce and Scootaloo's Batman and Robin suits. They changed into their outfits and ran inside the building.

"Batsy! I'm so glad you dropped by, but it was pretty rude of you to come uninvited. Honestly, who does that? Oh wait, I just did. HA HA HA HA!" Joker laughed. He then turned his attention to Robin "So, it looks like I get to meet the new Robin, hmm and it's a girl this time, wow some things change everyday. HA Ha. Ooh, maybe instead of you being a Robin, maybe your a chicken instead. HA HA HA HA HA!" Joker said, laughing at his own joke.

"Hey! I'm not a chicken." Robin said, offended.

"Sorry, but it looks like you are, Chicken Girl." Joker taunted.

"Chicken Girl?! That's it!" Robin said, offended. Being called small fry was one thing, but being called a chicken was another.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. I left a little surprise for you in the back room, bye bye, bat-brain and chicken girl! HA HA HA HA HA!" Joker said as he and his henchmen, and the girl in the red dress (Harley Quinn) escaped the building.

"Come on!" Batman said as he and Robin ran to the back room to see what Joker put in there, because Batman knew that whatever surprise The Joker left behind, it wasn't good.

The Dynamic Duo opened the door to the back room and what laid in there was some TNT tied together and a clock on it, said to go off in one minute. Batman quickly pulled out a rectangular shaped object with letters on the screen. After about 20 seconds, Batman finally cracked the code and the timer stopped.


"Babies, we're home!" Harley Quinn announced and two hyenas ran up to her and started liking her face. "Aw, ain't you the sweetest things."

Joker and his four henchmen walked over to a table, where he then dumped the stolen money onto. "Let's see what goodies we have fellas."

"Glad that tonight went well boss." one henchman said.

"I'll be in my humble office, so no one disturb me." He said, warningly as he picked up some money.

He then walked into his office, which had a desk with some playing cards on it, a few pictures of clowns on the wall, and a mirror, which Joker walked over to, smiling at his reflection "I could stare at that wonderful sight all day." he then sat at his desk, opened his desk drawer, and pulled out a blue piece of paper and a pencil.

He tapped his chin with the pencil in a thinking manner. He then thought of the perfect plan and called Harley over. "Yes, puddin?" Harley asked as she came into the office, wearing her normal clothes, which was a dress with a knee legth skirt and straps on her shoulders and was red and black in a jester costume pattern. She also wore fingerless gloves with the same color. She had white makeup on her face and black lipstick, and she wore a domino mask, her hair was tied in pigtails with red and black bows.

Joker then pulled out a piece of paper and doodled on it. "I need you to drop this off at GCPD headquarters tomorrow night." he said, handing the paper to Harley.

"Right-a-rooney, Mistah J." she said as she walked out the door.

Tomorrow night

The Bat-Signal shined in the sky and the Dynamic Duo came. "This just popped up here an hour ago." Gordon said, handing them a piece of paper.

Batman took it from him and looked at it "What is it?" Robin asked.

"It's an invitation." Batman said, showing Robin the paper. It said 'Bats, you are cordially invited to Joker's Fun House at the old laughy toy factory, there will be fun, games and loads of laughs, hope to see you there! -J' there was also a doodle of Batman with a mustach and a missing tooth and a doodle of robin with a beak and chicken wings. 'p.s. bring chicken girl with you.'

Robin gave an annoyed sigh "He's never gonna stop calling me chicken girl, is he?"

She and Batman then made their way the Batmobile and drove off.

They soon arrived at the factory, which had a clowns face on it and two smoke stacks with candy cane stripes on it. They walked up to the door and it was unlocked. Batman and Robin walked inside, ready for anything because it was obvious this was a trap.

They walked down a red carpet, everything was quiet, too quiet, until they heard a ticking noise, they followed the noise to a corridor, they turned to see a TV screen titled J TV, on it the Joker appeared. "Well, looks like I have a bat in my belfry and a chicken in my coop." Robin groaned in anger. "I hope you love the present I gave you."

"What present?" Batman asked as he pushed a button on his gauntlet until it made a beep noise.

"Look to your left." The Dynamic Duo did so and they was a bomb, set to go off in 15 seconds. "It's good to leave it on that side right? It's great that I had it LEFT out for you. HA HA HA!"

Batman and Robin quickly pulled out their grapple guns and grappled to the glass ceiling and broke through and glided off the building and when they were a distance away, it exploded. They safely landed on the ground and Batman pushed a button on his gauntlet, summoning the Batmobile.

"Computer, track this signal." Batman said to the computer screen, right above the police radio. After a moment, it showed a map to where the signal came from.

"What'd you do?" Robin asked.

"I highlighted The Joker's TV signal and transmitted it to the computer, now we know where it came from." Batman said as he put his foot on the pedal, driving off.

They soon arrived where the signal came from and it was an old theater called the Mark & Hamill Comedy theater, where people use to go to for comedy stand ups until it closed down.

Batman and Robin then walked up to the door and Batman kicked it open. They walked inside to see The Joker, his henchmen, and Harley Quinn.

"Hey you didn't have to kick the door in, now I'm gonna have to kick you out. HA HA HA!" Joker joked.

"Enough jokes, let's get serious." Robin said as she pulled out a batarang and threw it at a henchman's face, knocking him out. The fight was now on.

One henchman tried to punch Batman, but he was quick enough to block and upper cut him. Then another thug came up and tried to kick him but Batman grabbed his foot and twisted it, breaking it.

Harley Quinn held her mallet in her hands, grinning statistically. "Let's play a game kid, it's called beating the red chicken with a hammer."

"Groan, will you people please stop calling me a chicken?!?!" Robin yelled, angrily.

Harley swung her mallet at Robin, but she ducked, she then pulled out a grapple gun, fired it at Harley, and threw her against the wall "Okay kid, looks like you need a spanken."

"It looks like you need to shut up." Robin said as she ran up to Harley and kicked her into the wall, then slamming her head into it, knocking her out.

Now that all the goons were dealt with, Batman and Robin turned to The Joker. Batman walked up to him.

"Hey, do you mind giving the new kid a present that I got her?" Joker asked as he pulled out a rubber chicken, but Batman punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"Hopefully that'll stop him from calling me a chicken." Robin said, crossing her arms.