• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 5,599 Views, 51 Comments

Something Happened - SamRose

When Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were kids, something happened. An event that would lead them to their future, and closer to each other.

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Chapter 2

Middle school was fine. My grades were never amazing, but I just never cared for school work. Numbers always put me to sleep and I couldn't care less what old people from hundreds of years ago had done. The only class I ever excelled in was PE, I was a natural at it. And in my free time, I cared more about learning to play my guitar than finishing homework.

I was learning to really shred, much to my parents annoyance. I didn't care though, I was sounding more and more awesome every day.

I had made new friends, but none of them stuck the way Fluttershy had. It always felt like I was taking pity on them, being friends with them because they wanted to be around my awesomeness more than because I cared about them.

Looking back it was probably the other way around, but you'd never catch me admitting that.

But I really had no love or attachment to that school or that city. It just felt empty ever since Fluttershy had left.

So it didn't come as any surprise to me when my parents decided it was time to move. I didn't put up a fuss and was cool with it. I packed my things and after middle school had ended, we moved away.

Nothing had been wrong with Cloudsdale, but Canterlot offered a lot more opportunities for us. Dad had a better job lined up, Mom was certain she could find something better, and I would be going to be a better public school.

I guess in some way I was happy to be getting away from Cloudsdale. I'd be able to start fresh and put things behind me. I had been awesome at my old school, but there were still strange feelings that lingered. Canterlot would be a way to start over, for me to genuinely make new friends, and to show off how awesome I was to people who hadn't had the chance to know yet.

And I knew I was awesome. It was only a matter of others seeing that too.

Our new house looked a lot like our old one, though the rooms were arranged differently. I didn't care though, the only thing important to me was making sure my room felt like my room. A few personal posters and using my floor like a hamper took care of that right away.

As a way to break in the new room, on our first night there I broke out my guitar and played the best riff I could manage at the time. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me to feel at home by the first night.

Soon after, Mom took me to the school to get registered. The school itself was huge, way bigger than my previous schools. Apparently Canterlot High was known for its high academics and its plethora of extra curricular programs.

They even had a music program, which I instantly signed up for. The world would know my guitar shredding skills yet.

The Principal was nice enough too. She actually personally gave us a tour of the school after I had finished registering. I figured it would be a good year after that.

I spent the rest of my summer vacation learning the local hangout spots of the town and blowing my allowance at the arcade. I found out that a place called Sugarcube Corner was a popular hangout for the high school kids after school had gotten out, and I was not disappointed with their selection of treats.

Everything was starting to feel right. The town seemed awesome, my new school seemed awesome, my new room was now as awesome as I was, everything was in place for it to be awesome. I laid on my bed the night before the first day of school and smiled, making a promise to someone I knew that couldn't hear me.

I promised her that I'd make myself a new life here, and that I'd be sure I was as happy as I could be. I knew that she would have wanted that for me.

I slept well, and I woke up for the first day energetic. I couldn't remember the last time I had woken up jazzed to go to school, but I had goosebumps.

I dressed, scarfed down breakfast, gave mom and dad a quick goodbye, and practically raced myself there.

Standing in front of Canterlot High School for the first day of school felt so different from seeing it detached of its students. The large horse statue stood as a beacon that drew in its students, and even though it was still early they were milling about and starting conversations. I assumed many of them must've been friends from previous years, as CHS covered middle school classes as well.

The atmosphere was friendly and it felt good. I took in a deep breath and smiled, ready to get started with getting to know everyone and make some new friends.

“The animal shelter is looking for volunteers! Won't you help a poor animal in need?”

I stopped in my tracks. That was a voice I knew, though it had been years since I'd heard it. I turned to look and as if she had stepped out of a time machine, it was her.

Her hair was longer now, much longer than it had been when we were kids. Her bangs still covered half of her face, she was still wearing long sleeved jackets, and her voice had grown quieter, but it was unmistakably her.

One of the students walking by took one of the fliers she was passing out as they walked by. I just stared dumbfounded, unable to believe she was really there.

She took out another flier and made the call again, looking for anyone that would be willing to help animals that weren't fortunate enough to have a home. She turned and finally her eyes fell on me, and her voice vanished.

In a surreal moment, the two of us just ended up staring at each other in disbelief.

“...Rainbow Dash?” She had been the first one to break the silence.

I didn't say anything, there wasn't anything I could say. I ran up and wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tight. She let out a surprised whimper, but she didn't flinch away from the embrace.

I did make her fliers scatter around by accident, but I really didn't care at that moment.

“Fluttershy! I can't believe its really you! It's been years!” I said with a grin, holding her shoulders. I didn't want to let her go, I wanted to make sure she wasn't about to suddenly disappear on me again.

“I can't believe it's you either.” My best friend spoke with a warm smile, like she really was happy to see me again. “What are you doing here though?”

“We just moved here a few weeks ago. My Dad got a new job in Canterlot and my parents thought we could get a fresh start here.” I explained, trying not to burst over with joy, “I had no idea you were at CHS! The last time I saw you I didn't even get to say goodbye.”

Fluttershy shrank a little at that. “I'm sorry Dash... I wanted to tell you, but... I guess I was just too scared.” She shook her head. “Everything happened so fast back then... After mom passed away, Dad just became a different person. He sold the house without telling me, and so I didn't know we were moving until we were packing.”

“Well, hey, we're together again now, that's what matters right?” I said, giving her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. “We've got so much to catch up on! Let me tell you, I've been up to a lot of really awesome things since you last saw me.” While there wasn't anything left for me in Cloudsdale, I really was proud of everything I had accomplished back there.

“That sounds wonderful Dash, and I'd love to hear about it.” My best friend fidgeted and looked at the ground, “Though I was kind of hoping to pass out a few more of these fliers before school started. The animal shelter is always so understaffed, they really could use the help...”

“Oh! Sure thing Shy, let me help with that.” I was all too eager to spend time with Fluttershy again. I realized just how much time we were gonna have now that we were together again. I was still planning to make a new start for myself at the school, but somehow having Fluttershy there with me made it all that much easier to do so.

Before the first bell rang I had helped Fluttershy pick up her fliers and even helped her hand out a few. She told me that she intended to make it a weekly thing, to ask for help for the shelter, though I didn't think that was very practical.

People would get tired of hearing someone ask for help that often, you know? I had told her she should probably space it out a bit more, that way people wouldn't come to expect it that often. She had pouted at the suggestion, but she seemed to understand.

When school started I made a list of everything I intended to do for my first day. I knew I had to sign up for the sports teams right away, tryouts were always on the first week of school, and I fully intended to blow everyone away with my skills. Music club was a must as well, there was no way I wasn't going to show off just how good I had gotten at the guitar since I had started practicing and I was ready to take the world by storm.

But more than anything, I was ready to spend lunch and any extra free time catching up with Fluttershy.

I don't think I heard a word any of the teachers said that first day, or if I did I don't remember any of them now. It was just a lot of hot air to me, and by the time the lunch bell had rang I was certain I had just breezed through half the day.

At lunch I bought a meal and instantly went looking for Fluttershy. I found her sitting alone in a corner of the cafeteria, just quietly eating a small lunch she had brought with her.

That was perfect for me, no distractions to get in the way of us catching up. I sat next to her and she gave me that familiar smile I loved. I asked her what she had been up to and she was happy to share.

She had gone to CHS's middle school, though she was even more of a wallflower than she had been in elementary. She didn't make any friends, so she spent even more time at the animal shelter than we had when we were kids. She had really taken helping animals to heart, volunteering wherever she could, be it the shelter or the animal clinic. Her skills at tending for the animals had grown even better than when we were kids, to the point that no one even thought it was weird if she was seen with an animal.

That sounded like Shy alright. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

Of course, I told her what I had been getting up to since we were kids as well. I told her about how much better at sports I had gotten, winning Cloudsdale Middle School several trophies and awards they now had on proud display. I told her about my guitar lessons too, expressing my desire to shred for her at some point. And of course, I told her about how awesome I had become since we'd last met.

Not that I wasn't always awesome, but you know how it is.

And just like that, it was like old times again. We talked with each other, shared stories, cracked jokes, and just enjoyed each other's company. That lunch period could've lasted for an eternity for all I cared, I felt the happiest I had felt in years.

I hadn't realized how much I had missed my best friend until she was back in my life.

When lunch ended I suggested that she should come over to my house for dinner sometimes, I knew my parents would love to see her again too. She gave me a non-committal answer, saying she'd have to ask her father if it was okay. Something about the way she had said it didn't feel right, but I couldn't quite figure it out back then, so I shrugged it off.

When you're happy about something, you have a hard time seeing the problems going on.

And that was how my first year at CHS began. My plan to blow away the sports teams was a success. I tried out for every sports team CHS had to offer, and all of them were begging me to join them. Soccer had always been my favorite, and the game I really was the best at, so I knew for certain I was joining that team. The others I'd probably spot for them and help out, though I doubted I could make it to every game.

Music club went just as well. Most of the kids there had only just started to play instruments and were there to learn, a few others had been playing casually for a few years but weren't masters. I was easily the best guitarist there, and everyone knew it. A few people even asked if they wanted to start a band together, but I ultimately declined them.

If I was going to be in a band, it was going to be a band I started.

Through the sports club I met another girl named Applejack. Apparently she had tried out for the sports teams too, and even I had been impressed by how good she was. But she ultimately turned down joining any of the teams, saying that the days they had practice she had to be working at her family's farm.

That was just weird to me. Why even try out if you weren't going to join a team?

Still we started hanging out and she was pretty awesome in her own right. A little country, but that was part of her charm. I introduced her to Fluttershy and our group had began to form.

Fluttershy had made a friend as well, which surprised me. Not that I wasn't happy for her, but even she admitted that she hadn't expected it. Her name was Rarity and she was a bit of a drama-queen in every sense of the word. Apparently they had met after she had freaked out about Fluttershy's wardrobe. Rarity had absolutely insisted that she needed a change of clothes, and put Fluttershy in a lacy white shirt and a designer skirt.

Honestly, she looked really cute in the outfit, but I had to gently tease her about it anyway.

Then there was Pinkie Pie. Apparently in middle school she had also been somewhat of a wallflower, and had rocked a bit of the 'emo' look that scared people away. Apparently though, puberty hit her late, but when it did hit her, it hit her hard. She was almost unrecognizable from a year ago, as puberty had turned her into a bouncing ball of unbridled energy with hair that could consume everything. And she had made it her mission to make as many friends in school as possible.

And that included me and Fluttershy.

At first I thought she was kind of annoying and intruding on our personal space, but she had this weird organization system where she did her best to make everyone happy. It was a sentiment I could at least understand, though she had a tendency to not realize when she was crossing the line. She was learning though, and she apologized for being clumsy at times.

I doubt I would have gotten that close to her, but Fluttershy had really taken a shine to her. The two of them got pretty close, so in the end I ended up just as close to her.

And in less than a month, I found myself surrounded by four of the closest friends I'd ever had. It felt weird going from a middle school where I knew everyone but had no friends, to a high school where I knew no one but had four best friends. I wouldn't have changed it for the world though.

Of course, good things never seemed to last for me and Shy, something always came along to ruin it.

And this time the problem came in the form of a new transfer student.

A new girl by the name of Sunset Shimmer.