• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,360 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 8

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 8
by Rixizu

Trixie tried her best to stay cordial and polite. Sitting across from her was Duke Greengrass and Cheerilee at a table at a local cafe. Much to the annoyance of Cheerilee who wanted a little alone time with the Duke, but Trixie wasn’t having any of it and refused to have him leave her sight. She didn’t want or trust them being alone making Cheerilee occasionally shoot her dirty looks, but Trixie just ignored them.

"It took forever for grow my mane back," Cheerilee said, "and rainbow is almost impossible to get out. My hoof was rainbow colored for weeks!" The teacher was telling one of her misadventures she had recently with her students. Much to Trixie’s amazement, the tale ended with Cheerilee half-crazed, missing half of her mane, and sporting an eyepatch.

"Oh dear, I see that was quite the mishap," Greengrass sounding aghast.

“I love them all dearly truly and they mean well, but they can be a real hoof full sometimes.” Cheerilee and Greengrass shared a belly laugh. “The challenges of being a teacher.”

“But all worth it, right?” Greengrass’s grin was wide and encouraging. “They are our future, our hope, and they require proper pruning, care, and attention to grow.”

Cheerilee nodded vigorously in agreement. “Exactly. A few bumps on the head are a small price to pay. I've heard you do a lot of good work for foals too."

Greengrass gave a modest look like he was hardly even worth any attention at all. “Indeed. I give a tenth of my earnings to orphanages all over Equestria every year, and I have sponsored many poor unfortunates over the years. Take Vinyl, for, example, her parents and leg were tragically lost in an accident. I had to do something. Of course, nowhere near as impressive as what you do. You grow and tend to the future generation personally every day!”

Cheerilee blushed at the compliment. Trixie rolled her eyes. Oh, please. Are you actually buying this garbage? Greengrass is a sociopath. He only cares about himself. He would sell out his own mother in a second.

“That’s nice of you to say.” Cheerilee gave him ‘the look’ and the Duke gave her one back. They were staring into each other’s eyes now smiling.

Trixie gave out a loud cough grabbing both of their attention. “That is very interesting Duke Greengrass. I heard an interesting rumor about one of your aides giving out bribes to the mayor of Hoofington so that one of your factories could be built there.”

Greengrass gave a mournful look. "Sadly yes, he did it thinking he could win my favor that way. He was too eager I think. I do not abide by such things. He was punished and let go."

Cheerilee nodded. “Such are the ways of the world sadly.” She glared daggers at Trixie. “Trixie, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Trixie flailed her arms as Cheerilee painfully pulled her underneath the table. “What the hay do you think you are doing?” Cheerilee hissed.

“Trying to stop you from making a mistake!” Trixie countered.

“Don’t you dare do this! I haven’t met a stallion like this in years!” Cheerilee fumed.

“Haven’t you ever thought that this might be too good to be true? Don’t forget about how Vinyl attacked us!” Trixie argued.

“Both Greengrass and Vinyl apologized for it. She was just testing you. Nopony got hurt. It’s water under the bridge now.” Cheerilee shot back.

"Is everything alright down there?" Greengrass called out.

“Just one second!” Cheerilee yelled back. “I’ve had enough of your fear mongering and tin foil hat paranoia. Duke Greengrass is a nice stallion! To you all Night Court nobles are evil, aren’t they? Well you’re wrong!”

“But!” Trixie tried to say, but Cheerilee interrupted her.

“If you don’t leave right now, I will break every bone in your body and throw you into the Everfree Forest! Don’t think I won’t!” Cheerilee growled. Trixie gave a hesitant nod. “Good.”

Cheerilee roughly pulled Trixie back up again. “Sorry, but my friend has to practice for her show tonight. It’s a shame, but she really needs to go.” Cheerilee barely finished saying that before she pushed Trixie with all her strength away from their table. Trixie stumbled and almost lost her hoofing. She straightened herself with as much grace and dignity as she could.

Trixie was about to say something in return, but a death glare from Cheerilee made her stop and she left the two of them alone.

"Really? Your special talent is gardening? I would never have guessed a black X for a cutie mark might mean that."

Greengrass gave a hearty and jovial laughed. “I get that a lot. Someponies have it confused it for meaning that I have a special talent in being a pirate.” That was the last thing Trixie heard as she left them.


Trixie kicked a rock in frustration. She knew Greengrass was up to something but had no way to prove it. Trixie shook her head. She decided, for now, she would just see how her friends were doing before beginning her final preparations for the show tonight.

Trixie found Ditzy, Pinkie, Raindrops, and Vinyl cleaning up Sugarcube Corner. They were tossing out anything that was burned or damaged by the monster attack into a cart on the road.

Ditzy waved to Trixie as she approached. "Hey, Trixie!" She carried a box full of destroyed junk to the cart and dumped it contents inside.

Trixie gave a slight wave of her hoof. “How is the cleaning coming along?” She asked. It was a huge mess and despite their efforts, they weren’t even close to being done yet.

Ditzy put the box down and wiped the sweat off her brow. Since her hooves were covered in soot, this only left a black streak. “Not bad. That monster did a real doozy on this place.”

Trixie smiled. “It’s nice that you’re helping out. I would help too, but you know. I can’t dirty myself before the show.” Ditzy nodded in understanding. Trixie looked around for her other friends. “Where is Lyra? Oh, wait. I bet she’s helping Bon-Bon prepare her goods for the show tonight. And Carrot Top is with the princess I believe.”

“Yep. Of course, none of the Night Court ponies offered to help out. The lazy so-and-sos.” Ditzy replied.

“You don’t have to do this right now. I am sure it could wait for a little while. The show begins in a couple of hours.” Trixie said. She knew both Ditzy and her daughter were really looking forward to the show.

“Nah, it’s fine. I like to get things done right away.” Ditzy said grinning.

“I’m a bit surprised Vinyl is helping you.” Trixie was quite surprised by this. The DJ in question was putting things from a destroyed table in a box inside. Raindrops with an excited and eager grin on her face was helping her. Despite cleaning up trash, Raindrops loved every minute being around her favorite DJ.

“She’s cool.” Ditzy suddenly started whispering. “Better than the others at least.”

“Tell me about it. I think they are up to something.” Trixie said.

Ditzy nodded. “Definitely.”

Trixie was taken aback. “You believe me?”

Ditzy shook her head. “They are a bunch of real shady characters. That Fisher pony needs to get hugged more often, Greengrass is a snake, and Night Light is a ball of unconcealed rage.”

“What do you mean?” Trixie asked furrowing her brow

“Haven’t you seen the way he looks at you? He really really doesn’t like you.” Ditzy said raising an eyebrow.

Trixie mentally hit herself. She was so caught up in Greengrass, she didn’t even think about what Night Light might be doing here. Oh, no. Maybe he hates me because of what happened to Twilight?

“And that Notary mare... She scares me.” Ditzy said with a shiver.

Trixie put a hoof to her head and rubbed her temple. “What a mess.”

Ditzy ears flattened. “I wish they could be our allies and friends… but that’s probably not going to happen.”

"We should prepare ourselves for anything," Trixie said and Ditzy nodded in agreement.

“Hey, Ditzy! What’s holding ya up? We have still like a million things left to clean up!” Vinyl yelled.

“Coming!” Ditzy yelled back. Ditzy turned to rejoin them taking the box back in her hooves.

"I'm glad somepony isn't taken in by Greengrass! Cheerilee has fallen head over heels for him!" Trixie said completely exasperated.

Ditzy shrugged. “He is handsome, and rich, and charming.”

Trixie sighed. This was not going to end well. “I’m surprised you weren’t taken in by him.”

“I think I’m a pretty good judge of character. And I have my own secret ways to measure a pony.” Ditzy said with a conspiratorial wink.

“Ditzy!” Raindrops screamed in annoyance.

“Okay okay!” Ditzy waved to Trixie and got back to work.

Secret? What? Wait, did Ditzy use that hug as a way to secretly assess their character? Like purposely throwing them off to see how they would react? Fisher did give her a hate filled glare after his hug. Trixie wondered if they all might be underestimating Ditzy.


Trixie paced on her stage unable to get Ditzy’s warning of Night Light out of her head. It was interfering with her preparations. It was a big show, and she had quite a bit to prepare for, but Trixie could focus at the moment. Ditzy was right. Night Light had a grudge against her. She knew that Fisher and Greengrass just didn’t like her and she could deal with that. Night Light was one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Almost as powerful as Princess Luna herself. She didn’t want a pony like that hating her. Trixie also felt really bad about what happened to Twilight about a month ago. She felt at least a little to blame for what happened. Twilight came to Ponyville so she could study the Galaxy Rangers, only to get turned into a monster by Corona. Trixie was worried about her and hoped Twilight didn’t blame herself too much for what happened. Trixie supposed just apologizing would be the quickest way to fix everything. It would be difficult, but Trixie knew she had to do it. Gathering her resolve, she left dropping everything to find Night Light.

After getting some inquiries with a few Ponyvillians, Trixie was able to locate Night Light. He and Fisher were having a conversation on a bench near the Ponyville Library.

“Greetings Archduke Fisher and Viceroy Night Light,” Trixie announced with a grand bow.

"Hello. How may we help you, Representative?" Fisher asked.

Trixie looked both Night Court nobles over. Fisher looked at her coldly. Night Light tried to do the same, but there was something in his eyes.

Dear Luna almighty, Ditzy was right. Trixie thought. He really does hate me. She could see the searing hatred in his eyes.

“I was wondering if I could borrow the Viceroy. There is something I wish to discuss with him.” Trixie said with as much politeness as she could.

Night Light studied Trixie for a long uncomfortable moment before finally nodding. “Very well. There is a library over there. It should be a quiet place to talk.”

Trixie nodded, and the two left Fisher for the library.


“So, what do you want to talk to me about?” Night Light asked. The library was unsurprisingly empty. This suited Trixie who didn’t want anypony disturbing them.

“Well,” Trixie paused to think about what she was going to say next, “I just want to ask how Twilight is doing? She disappeared after the Corvus incident and I haven’t heard from her since.” Trixie could still remember the look on Twilight’s face when she teleported away. She was so scared and full of hurt it was heartbreaking.

Night Light’s right eye twitched. For an uncomfortable minute, he stayed silent. Trixie’s movements became agitated. She wondered if this was a bad idea. “She wrote a letter saying she’s well,” he eventually said, “but that is it. I have no idea where she is now.”

"I see," Trixie said unsure of what to say.

Another uncomfortable moment passed between the two of them without anypony saying anything. Trixie finally decided to speak up. “Look, um, I just want to say I am sorry for what happened. Twilight came here to study us, the Galaxy Rangers, and she got caught up in Corona’s trappings. I feel bad for what happened. I know it wasn’t really our fault, but I do feel at least a little responsible.”

“Do you really?” Night Light sneered. “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Make all the sleepless nights worrying about my daughter go away?”

"I just don't want there to be any bad blood between the two of us," Trixie said maybe a little too quickly.

Night Light snorted. “I’ve always hated you.”

“What?” Trixie asked shocked.

“It should have been her. She should be the Princess’s student, not you. She was actually talented. She had the makings of a great unicorn mage. Her grades were impeccable. She deserved to be Princess Luna’s student. You? You are a half-baked stage magician with not even a tenth of her talent and intellect. The only reason the princess took you as a student, was due to one of her flights of fancy. She did it to honor your late grandfather, you did nothing to earn it.”

“H-hold on a minute!” Trixie tried to say, but Night Light ignored her.

“It’s funny. Twilight was actually planning on going to Ponyville for the 1000th Longest Night. She was really looking forward to seeing the princess again.” Night Light’s face went dark. “But, she got sick and couldn’t make the trip. If she was there, I have no doubt in my mind that she would be the Ursa Ranger right now. Like becoming the princess’s student, you only became the Red Ranger because of a fluke.”

Night Light suddenly raised his voice. His voice started quivering. “You didn’t earn or deserve any of this! You! You should have become the monster, not her!”

Trixie glared at Night Light. “I’m sorry it turned out this way, but that is what happened and nothing can change that.”

“You think I want your apology? That it would actually change anything?” Night Light’s voice became icy. He glared daggers at Trixie, his eyes seared full of hate and rage in hers. “My daughter is out there hating herself for what she did as Corvus. I will never forgive you for that.”

“It was Corona that did it!” Trixie shot back.

“Oh, don’t worry. I plan to make sure she gets hers too. That is why I became a Ranger in the first place.” Night Light smirked like he knew something she didn’t and it was something unpleasant. “After I am done with you of course.”

Trixie at once put up her guard. “You want to pick a fight?”

“I don’t need to. After all, I did a little digging and found something interesting. “Night Light gave a cat-like malicious grin.

“Um, what do you mean?” Trixie was not liking the sound of this one bit.

“My accountant found something very interesting. Ponyville’s relief budget doesn’t quite add up.” Night Light said. “He found some rather suspicious spending. It is quite possible somepony is embezzling Ponyville’s Corona relief money.”

“It wasn’t me!” Trixie shouted. She felt a pit in her stomach and did her best to bite back the panic.

“I suppose with all those bits coming in, even the best ponies might become tempted to siphon some of that money for yourself.” Night Light smirked.

"It wasn't me," Trixie said firmly.

“That is why I got a warrant for the police to check your home and personal records and look for any discrepancies.” Night Light said.

Oh, ponyfeathers! Trixie started moving towards the door.

Night Light dashed in front of her. “And, where do you think you are going?”

“You are setting me up! I am not going to stand by and let you do this to me!” Trixie glared at Night Light. I need to get to Princess Luna right away.

“It seems like you are making a run for it to me.” Night Light gave Trixie a mocking smile. “I can’t allow that as a Viceroy, as a Ranger, and protector of Equestria.”

"Get out of my way," Trixie challenged. She rose at her full height to intimidate him.

Night Light took out his morpher. “It looks like I will just have to subdue the suspect.”

Trixie gritted her teeth and pulled out her own morpher. “You want to fight? Fine!”

“It’s morphing time!” Trixie and Night Light yelled together.



Trixie charged as she transformed. She summoned her sword and swung at Night Light’s head as he was transforming. He ducked under the attack and countered with a punch to Trixie’s face. She went flying and smashed into a nearby bookshelf. Trixie was covered with an avalanche of books and the shelf was cracked by the impact.

Trixie groaned as she rose. “Okay, he’s a little stronger than I thought.” Book cascaded off her as she rose.

“You really think you stand a chance? I have the power of Jupiter, King of the Gods!” Night Light mocked. “I’ll show you what true power is!”

Night Light pressed a button on his morpher. In a flash, a large sword appeared in his hooves. It was gigantic and it was almost as long as Trixie’s body. It had a white gleaming blade and a blue hilt. Night Light took the weapon in his magic.

Trixie readied her own weapon. She stared down Night Light. She started circling her opponent and Night Light did the same. Trixie thrusted her sword forward. Night Light barely dodged the blow in time and sparks flew where her sword scraped his helmet. Night Light retaliated by swinging his weapon down at Trixie's head coming at her with blinding speed. Trixie was ready for it and rolled to the side out of the way. Night Light's sword left a deep gash in the floorboards. Before Trixie got out of her roll, Night Light changed the direction of his blade and swung it at Trixie's curled body. Trixie grabbed her sword with her magic and just barely deflected it.

She got back on her hooves and pulled her sword back to her hooves. Night Light and Trixie circled each other again. Night Light swung his sword vertically at Trixie’s abdomen. Its long reach made it hard to dodge so Trixie parried it holding the blade steady with her other hoof. Trixie was pushed back, but held her ground and was only push back a little by the attack. Night Light saw his opening and tried to deliver a turning kick at Trixie’s exposed flank. Trixie gritted her teeth at the painful blow but responded back with a headbutt right in Night Light’s face. Her horn scraped loudly against Night Light’s helmet. He reeled and grunted in pain and his sword dropped to the ground with a clang. Trixie took advantage of her stunned opponent and butted him in the head again. She thrust her sword dead on in his chest.

Night Light screamed in pain but didn’t seem too injured by Trixie’s attacks. He swung his own sword at Trixie. She couldn’t dodge it in time and the impact of the blow made Trixie smash into a table. She groaned and shook her head to clear it. Night Light didn’t let up and struck at her prone form. She blocked it with her sword, but Trixie didn’t have enough of a grip to secure it and her blade went flying out of her hooves.

“Oh, ponyfeathers!” Trixie cursed.

Night Light started wailing on Trixie with his sword. Each blow was harder than the last and batted her back and forth with sparks erupting from each blow. Trixie felt her strength failing her. She tried to cast a spell, but Night Light saw her horn lit up and delivered a powerful blow to her head dazing her before she could do anything. She fell to one knee and gritted her teeth.

“It’s time to finish this.” Night Light and pressed a button on his morpher. “Wrath of the King!” He pointed his sword at Trixie’s chest. A blast of energy and electricity shot out of the tip and hit Trixie straight on. She flew through the wall behind her and a large burnt hole was left in the attack’s wake. Trixie crashed at high speed into a house’s wall. It was obliterated and Trixie kept going. She went right through the house with little resistance. She crashed into the street underneath her but even that didn’t stop her momentum. She dug into the ground and left a deep gash in the earth. It took at least a block before Trixie finally came to a stop. The earth and street were torn up around her leaving a long line of ruin. A flower cart clean in half. Trixie found herself lying in a crevice with a broken pipe that was filling the hole with water. She unmorphed and her morpher fell into the water. Trixie’s body was burning hot with pain so she didn’t mind the water gathering around her. Her body felt as if it was made of lead for the moment so she just stayed where she was content just to sit there. Ponies gathered around her and gaped in shock and horror.

“Just as I thought. You never deserved this power.” Night Light said as he approached Trixie. Trixie looked up weakly at him and glared at him with a defiance. She lit her horn to ready a spell. Trixie screamed in agony. It felt like her head was on fire and she couldn’t hold back tears of pain. Night Light’s sword impaled her horn and buried itself into the ground. Trixie’s horn was cleaved in half.

Night Light pulled his sword out and used his magic to pick up Trixie and roughly throw her out of the hole and into the street. Everypony watching gasped wide eyed. Trixie screamed in pain. She was in so much pain she couldn’t even move. He reached down into the hole with his magic and pulled out Trixie’s morpher. He dropped it to the ground and smashed it with a hoof. “You’re finished Trixie Lulamoon.”