• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,357 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 30

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 30
by Rixizu

Duke Greengrass laid unmoving on the cold cement floor. He’d been awake for some time but chose to just stay there. He doubted he could move his aged body, anyway. What was the point after all? It seemed to him that all he had ever worked for had been taken from him. Even his hatred and disdain towards Trixie Lulamoon couldn’t get him going. He just knew that damnable mare had ruined everything and all his plans and schemes were laid bare for everypony to see. Even without Trixie, he knew Fisher undoubtedly had dirt that would ruin him. Despite everything, there wasn’t even anger. No, he felt numb and dead to the world.

Greengrass decided to just lay here and wait for the police to come. He, for once, wouldn’t fight. He closed his eyes and waited. Greengrass’s ears perked at the sound of a door opening. Finally, somepony had come.

“There you are!” An old mare’s voice proclaimed. It was eager and sounded familiar somehow. “Damn, seems they got you too.”

Greengrass opened his eyes and saw an elderly mare with a white coat and vibrant electric blue mane. She was grinning down at him. He noticed that one of her legs was prosthetic.

“Vinyl?” Greengrass declared in surprise and alarm.

“Greens, what the hay are doing on the floor?” Vinyl asked puzzled.

"Waiting for the inevitable," Greengrass said despondent.

“Hey, don’t be like that.” Vinyl admonished. “We can get past this!”

Greengrass blinked confused. How could this mare be so hopeful after losing everything? He saw her grinning not an ounce of energy lost despite all the years she had gained.

Greengrass sighed. He really should’ve seen this coming. “As usual, you astound me.”

“Hey, I’m not going to let something like this bring me down.” Vinyl pounded her chest.


Vinyl’s face became serious, and she looked down at him with love and genuine warmth. “Please don’t give up on me.” She said almost in a whisper. “You’re supposed to be the strong one. I’m just the dumb mare that parties a lot, you’re the one with ambition and fire! Without those, well, you aren’t Greengrass.”

Vinyl looked on the verge of tears, but she fought them back. “You’ve always given me strength. You took me in during a bad point in my life. You gave me hope and taught me not to give up despite the world crashing to pieces around me.” She shook her fake leg for emphasis. “Please don’t give up.”

Greengrass became overwhelmed with emotion. He laughed at himself for not realizing just how much this mare meant to him. How much they meant to each other. There was an unexpected warmth in his heart.

"Help me up," Greengrass asked and Vinyl obliged, pulling him to his hooves and supporting him with her body. He still felt unstable on his hooves. "You're right, of course. There must be a magical means to reverse this, and we will find it. After we find out what happened to Notary." He was already puzzling a way to disappear so that even the princess herself couldn't find them.

Vinyl broke out into a wide grin. “Sure thing, boss!”

Greengrass grinned back. No, he was not finished, not by a long shot.


Trixie moaned and grumbled as somepony shook her. Couldn’t they see she was trying to sleep? She tried to hold on to the last vestiges of sleep, but it was too late and Trixie begrudgingly got up. Trixie looked around confused. She appeared to be in some kind of lobby. There were rows of green love seats some with ponies in them waiting with either patience or concern. There was a nurse at a reception desk working on some paperwork with a pen in her mouth. Trixie didn’t have a clue why she was in a hospital and rubbed her face trying to push addled brain into remembering how she ended up here.

“Ah, good. You’re awake Lulamoon.” A voice said and Trixie recognized it as Sleuth’s. Trixie bolted up straight as everything came back to her.

Trixie looked Sleuth right in the eyes which took him aback with the intense glare she was giving him. “Is Raindrops okay?”

Sleuth nodded. “Yes, she’s a tough mare. She only suffered a few broken ribs. She’ll be in some pain for a few months, but she will recover without issue. Taking she doesn’t get into monster fights or duels with an insane alicorn in the meantime of course.”

Trixie sighed in relief. “How long was I out?” She still felt a little drowsy. It felt like she slept for a week.

“Only a few hours.” Sleuth responded. “You fell asleep on the ride to the hospital and we laid you here for now.”

“Is the princess here?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, and the rest of your friends too.” Sleuth confirmed. “They are visiting Raindrops right now. It seems your other friends had quite the adventure. Sorry, we didn't wake you sooner, but they thought it would be best for you to get some rest."

“Let’s go.” Trixie got up and stretched her stiff muscles. It seemed like she slept at an off angle.

The nurse nodded at them as they passed her and they walked through the white stark clean hallway with the scent of antiseptic floated in the air. The corridor was not unlike every other hospital corridor Trixie had ever been.

"I woke you because Princess Luna has to leave for some business and she wanted to talk to you before she left.” Sleuth explained.

Trixie nodded and after a few minutes, they entered a hospital room. What caught Trixie's attention first was Raindrops in a bed. She had bandages around her midsection and didn’t seem to be in that much pain, thank goodness. She was listening to an energetic story from Lyra. All of her other friends were also in the room, including Luna. It seemed comical to see, so many ponies crammed into such a small room. They turned and smiled as Trixie entered. Sleuth excused himself leaving them to their privacy.

Trixie yelped in surprise as Ditzy jumped at her and hugged her. The hug was a little painful. “How are you feeling Trixie?” Ditzy asked as Trixie tried to not to be ground to dust by the hug.

“Fine.” Trixie rasped. “A little tired, but fine.”

Ditzy let her go. “That’s a relief.”

"It is fine to see you well, my student," said Luna, smiling.

"Enough about me," Trixie said, waving a dismissive hoof, "how are you Raindrops?"

Raindrops gave a small smile. “I’ll live.” Trixie waited for more, but it appeared that was all Raindrops would say about the subject.

"Good," Trixie said after an awkward moment of silence.“I’m glad to everypony is okay."

"You will not believe what happened while you were fighting Notary," Ditzy said, "Lyra broke her Zord.”


“It’s not that bad!” Lyra said defensively. “It just needs some elbow grease!”

"It's lying in the factory district at the moment," Cheerilee explained, "we tried sending it back to its hub in space but it didn't work."

"I'm having some engineers looking at it," Luna said, "they are cautiously optimistic that they can get it up and running again."

“How the hay did that happen?” Trixie asked perplexed. Was there a giant monster attack, and she somehow didn’t notice?

"It was Vinyl," Ditzy explained, "she blasted it out of the air."

Trixie's jaw dropped. She wanted to probe for more details but waited instead. A certain worry nagged at her thoughts. “So, what happened to Greengrass?”

"Nopony knows," Luna said sighing, "both he and Vinyl vanished. I've had an APB sent out both of them, but they still have not been located."

Vanished? That’s not good. She hoped that they weren't hiding somewhere plotting revenge. Knowing him, however, he could just be hiding like the cowardly rat he was.

“Trixie.” Luna coughed to get her attention. “I know you are happy to see your friends safe and sound, but there is something I wish to discuss with you, alone.”

"Go on," Twilight said pointing towards the door, "You can't keep a princess waiting. You can talk on the roof."

"We will speak again Rangers," Luna promised. "For your efforts and bravery in your battle against Corona and the rogue Night Court members, you will be granted something that has been long overdue I think. Every member of the Galaxy Rangers, and yes that includes Twilight Sparkle, shall be given the title of ‘Dame'."

Trixie’s voice caught in her throat. Did she hear that right? No, it couldn’t be. Trixie’s heart felt like it would beat out of her chest. She looked at her mentor for confirmation, Luna nodded and smiled. Trixie jumped in the air and did a little dance. She didn’t care that she was half dead from exhaustion or how silly she looked at the moment. This was the best day of her life! No, the best day of anypony’s life in all of history!

The rest of the Rangers brighten and chatted amongst each other eagerly. They looked just as excited as Trixie and she grinned back at them like an idiot. All the Rangers were celebrating. All, except one.

“No.” Carrot Top growled.

Trixie blinked. “Excuse me.”

“No!” Carrot Trop repeated. “You can take that title and shove it up your flank!”

A stunned silence permeated the room. Everypony stared at Carrot Top in complete shock. The orange maned mare just stood there with a scowl on her face.

“You can’t possibly mean that.” Trixie threw out. There was no way this was true. Refusing a title of nobility from Princess Luna herself was just just crazy talk!

“It’s her fault we were in that mess in the first place. I lost almost everything because of her!” Carrot Top accused pointing a hoof at the princess. “Her incompetence and inability to control her own court bred those monsters that came after us!”

“That is not true!” Trixie shot back coming to her mentor’s defense. “They were the ones that did those evil things, not the princess.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Carrot Top seethed. “In my business, we deal with diseased crops quickly before they infect the rest of the crop and ruin the harvest. We just don’t ignore the problem hoping it will just go away and fix itself.”

Princess Luna did something Trixie was not expecting. She lowered her head in shame. “Your assessment is correct. I have failed to control the more unsavory parts of my court. Your anger is understandable for you have lost much, as have you Trixie. I share some of the blame for what happened. I promise and swear on the moon above and my title as Princess of Equestria that I will restore all you have lost Carrot Top.”

Carrot Top nodded and spit on her hoof and offered it to the princess much to Trixie’s horror and revulsion. Luna, for some reason, didn’t even flinch at this and spit on her own hoof. The two shook hooves and nodded. The agreement and conflict somehow resolved now.

"Come, Trixie," Luna said turning and exiting the door. "As I said before, my time is short."

“Look, I don’t know what came over her.” Trixie’s mouth moved at full speed as they entered the roof. “She’s not really been herself lately and…”

Luna laughed. “It’s quite alright. She has every reason to be angry. Truthfully, I needed that.”

Trixie blinked. “Really?”

"I need to have my butt kicked more often," Luna took on a wistful tone, "I wish more of my nobles were like her. Too many of them tell me what I want to hear. It’s refreshing to be the one scolded for once.”

"I suppose," Trixie said. Not once in Trixie's life had she ever seen somepony talk to the princess like that. She supposed being surrounded by yes ponies might cause some problems.

“I try to do my best to fight corruption, but I’m always afraid I’ll go too far.” Luna gave out a self-deprecating laugh.

“You mean… like her.” Trixie recalled the conversation they had. “Corona visited me in prison right after my arrest for Pokey’s death. Faustian offer at the lowest point of my life, that sort of thing. She had some… choice things to say about your administration.”

“I’m sure she did. Most of it was probably on the mark.” Luna shook her head. “She was always the better of us when dealing with nobles.You should have seen her, Trixie.” Luna had a distant look on her face. “She knew exactly how to make them do what she wanted. With a careful word and a smile, she had them eating out of her hooves. I always envied that about her. She always had a way with ponies," Luna and gave out a regretful sigh, "she had a magnetism that made ponies love her. Even now, they loved her back then more than they ever loved me.”

“Okay.” Trixie had enough of this self-pity nonsense. “That is not true whatsoever. You love your little ponies and they love you back. And that is that.”

Luna let out a sigh. “I know. It’s hard not to feel inferior to her sometimes. She was like the sun, spectacular, always out shining everypony.”

“Yeah, until she let that go to her head and she became an egotistical power crazed nutcase,” Trixie said dryly.

“I never said she was perfect. If she ruled in my stead, she would have her own issues.” Luna said. “She was just very good at what she did. I miss her. Equestria is incomplete without her. We were always so much better together than apart.”

“What?” Trixie asked. “Like a Super Equestria?”

Luna nodded with enthusiasm. “Exactly! Each princess covering the other’s weaknesses.”

“Uh huh.” Trixie doubted that Corona, the Tyrant Sun, would ever settle with being just a co-ruler. The Tyrant Sun wanted power pure and simple. She’d burn the world before accepting anything other than total domination.

"But enough about Corona," Luna said changing the subject, "We can talk about political theory another time. This chat was about you."

“I’m still going to be a dame, right?” Trixie gave the princess a hopeful almost desperate look.

"Yes, Trixie. I was never planning to take that honor away from you." Luna said exasperated.

“Yes!” Dame Trixie. She liked the way it flew off the tongue. It would be a nice start to her Night Court career. At this rate, she will be an Archduchess in no time!

“What I wanted to talk to you about is the fact you broke multiple laws in your quest to clear your name.” Luna admonished.

“I was doing it for the right reason!” Trixie shot back fighting the urge not to panic. “They framed me. I had to clear my name. I couldn’t trust anypony else to do it. You know how powerful Greengrass was and how much influence he had! It was only a few minor laws, and it all worked out in the end. So, what’s the problem?”

“I hardly think breaking out of prison is a minor offense," Luna said shaking her head, "I understand the situation you were in, but that doesn't give you the right to break the law or take it in your own hooves.”

“What, so you expected me to just sit in prison waiting for the noose to tighten around my neck?”

"I expect you to trust me, Trixie." Luna sounded hurt. Trixie ears folded back in shame. “Did you think I would stand by and do nothing. I had ponies working to clear your name, the legal way. Detective Sleuth was a trustworthy pony. In time, I have no doubt he would exonerated you. I…” Luna composed herself. “I’m disappointed that you think so little of the law. The system isn’t perfect, but it has good honest ponies in it. It’s more than that. I wanted you to be different.”

“Different?” Trixie asked.

“Different from the nobles in my court. They break or skirt the law to get what they want.” Luna let out a remorseful sigh. “When I took you as my student, I wanted you to become a role model. Ponies have lost faith in the Night Court. I wanted you to show that a representative of the Night Court could be noble, honest, and just and inspire ponies to do what is right.”

“I guess I really screwed up this time.” Trixie hung her head.

Luna sat down next to Trixie and spread her wing across her student like a mother might do to her foal. “I’m not angry at you. You have become the inspiring pony and a hero and that is nothing anypony could ever take away from you. You’re my hero Trixie.”

Trixie stared at her mentor stunned. Her jaw dropped to the ground. Her brain felt like it would melt. The laws of the universe were topsy turvy at the moment.

"I'm serious," Luna said, "nopony fights as hard as you do or cares more about her friends. You fight for what is right despite all that opposes you. You remind that there is hope in this world and to never give up.”

“Well, uh, thanks.” Trixie was lost for words at the moment.

“I admit, you broke the law for the right reason," Luna said, "but, that doesn't mean you will escape punishment."

“What?!” Trixie exclaimed horrified.

“Indeed.” Luna gave a sly smile. “And I already have a good idea what it will be.”


“Trixie!” Twilight shouted waving her hoof. “I’ve found a gold mine over here.”

"Yeah, I see it," Trixie grumbled and trotted over to the side of the street Twilight was pointing to. She impaled a can of beans with her stick and put it in her trash bag. Did Ponyvillians have to be such slobs? It was hard not to find bottles or pieces of paper all across the road or in a ditch. There was even some trash scattered around a trash can for Luna’s sake! And she was the poor schmuck that had to clean it up! She eyed Twilight with envy as friend levitated some newspapers in her trash bag. What she wouldn’t give to have her horn back now. The doctor said she was coming along well, it would be a few months before she would back at full power. Trixie put a dirty diaper in her bag too dejected for it to gross her out.

Three months. Three long torturous months of community service was Luna’s punishment. She wondered if prison or banishment to the griffon lands would be preferable to this. Twilight, for some reason, took their punishment in stride. Despite Trixie’s efforts, Luna punished Twilight too for her part in Trixie’s prison escape. Twilight was humming to herself as she levitated some more papers into her trash bag. At least somepony was enjoying this, Trixie thought, this humiliating and beneath her station, she was a superhero for goodness' sake!

Twilight hummed to herself as she collected more trash. Something about her cheeriness felt forced like she was pushing down something.

“Uh, Twilight?”


“Is there something you want to discuss?” Trixie asked.

“What could I possibly need to discuss?” Twilight responded with a smile that Trixie recognized to be fake.

“About your father?” Trixie braced herself and readied herself for a messy conversation.

"There is nothing to discuss Trixie," Twilight growled, "he got what he deserved!"

The former Viceroy was now residing in an institution. The rapid aging had a terrible effect on him both psychically and mentally. He was found by the court to be too unwell for a proper trial and was instead sentenced to spend the rest of his life in an institution. That remaining life wasn’t long from what the doctors told her. She couldn’t imagine what Twilight was going through right now. She knew her friend still hadn’t visited her father. Was she really just going to leave things like this? Night Light was horrible to be sure, but he was still family.

"I know what you’re about to say," Twilight said. "That he is my father and family sticks together etc. etc. But his crimes and what he did to you were unforgivable. I can't just pretend things are all right. Just seeing him sickens me. How can I get past that? It would be for the best if we just keep our distance.”

“Alright," Trixie said after a long pause. This wasn’t something that could be fixed in a day. Even before the Night Court Ranger incident, their relationship wasn't great. This wasn’t going to be easy. Maybe Ditzy could think of something. She was good at this sort of thing.

“At least you know your father, I…” Trixie started to say, but Twilight interrupted her before she could say anything more.

“Oh hey, it’s Carrot Top!” Twilight pointed out in an obvious attempt to change the subject. Carrot Top was attending her stand in the market.

Trixie sighed. Oh well, might as well chat with Carrot Top I guess. It wasn’t like I wanted to have a heartfelt conversation about how I never knew my parents and how lucky Twilight is growing up with both of hers and how I would give anything to know my real parents. Fine, whatever! She waved at Carrot who waved back.

“How’s the rebuilding coming along?” Twilight asked.

“It’s coming along pretty well.” Carrot Top answered. “The irrigation system has already been replaced. The house will take some time though, but the contractors promise me they will finish in four months.”

"That's a relief," Trixie said as she picked up another bottle.

“Where are you staying in the meantime?” Twilight asked. She picked up cigarettes with her magic from a gutter.

“I’m staying in Cheerilee’s house.” Carrot Top replied.

“Does she serve you Pinesol champagne?” Trixie asked with a smirk. “And Pinesol soup?”

“It isn’t that bad.” Carrot Top admonished. “You ignore it after a while. At least somepony keeps her place clean.”

“That is what the hired help is for," Trixie said standing up proud.

“You don’t keep your house clean yourself?” Twilight asked baffled.

“Why?” Trixie asked. “There’s always somepony else to clean it for you.”

“But cleaning and organizing are fun!” Twilight said. Trixie just rolled her eyes. Back at the castle, she always let the maid clean any mess she made, and she wasn’t going to start now.

“Speaking of help.” Carrot Top said. “I heard you have a new assistant? How are they so far?”

“Moondancer?” Trixie replied. She shrugged. “She’s okay I guess. Good at making coffee, but she’s no Pokey.” But who could ever truly replace Pokey?

“I hope she works out for you.” Carrot Top smiled. Trixie was glad that Carrot was acting more like her old self. Things were finally working out for the mare.

Everypony jumped when somepony screamed. “There’s a mouse in the apples!” One of the flower trio cried out, Trixie didn’t know which, in abject terror. Sure enough, a mouse was peeking out of a bundle of apples in the Apple Trust’s stand.

“The horror!” Another of the flower trio cried out. “The horror!” All three of the flower trio fainted on the ground.

“Oh dear.” A soft voice said. “Mr. Squeakers, I told you to leave the food stands alone. Oh my, this is bad.”

“The horror!” One of the flower trio cried out again. Several ponies around the market broke out into a panic. One stallion actually fainted. It was mayhem.

“Now ain’t no need to panic.” The calm voice of Applejack said to reassure the over dramatic ponies around her. Nopony seemed to be listening to her. Apple Bloom, who was also in the stand with her sister, hid in fright.

“Mr. Squeakers, you are getting in this basket right now. You’ve caused enough trouble today.” Fluttershy demanded in a motherly tone. The mouse relented and jumped into the basket. She trotted away scolded the mouse in hushed tones as she left. Trixie was impressed.

“Finally.” Applejack said rolling her eyes. “Now we can get back to selling our apples.”

“That’s okay.” One of the flower trio said.

“That’s kinda gross.” Another pony said. Not that Trixie could blame them.

“Ah assure ya’ll that the rest of the apples in our carts are as clean as a whistle.” Applejack said doing her best to give a reassuring smile.

“Ahem.” Carrot Top said clearing her throat getting everypony’s attention. Trixie’s mind went back to story where Carrot Top’s grandmother undermined the Apples with a sudden sale after something similar happened. Would Carrot Top do the same thing?

Trixie grinned. Go Carrot! Show those Apples what you are made of!

“I would like to remind everypony that the mouse was just an accident.” Carrot Top said. “I’ve known the Apple Trust for years, and their products have been the cleanest and best produce in the business. Don’t let this one incident color your opinion of them.”

Trixie’s jaw dropped. Applejack also looked surprised but tilted her hat in thanks. The other ponies around the marketplace nodded their agreement and business went on as usual.

“I’m a little stunned you didn’t pull some stunt and announce some sudden sale or something," Trixie said coming up to Carrot Top, "you could have gotten some good sales.”

“Because I’m not my grandmother.” Carrot Top answered. “That would be just mean.”

“But if you’re not more aggressive…” Trixie tried to say, but Carrot Top stopped her.

“It’s not me.” Carrot Top said. “Look, I appreciate your advice, but what you're suggesting would just divide the community. I don’t want another apple and carrot feud.”

“I guess.” Trixie relented.

"And ah much appreciate ya'll help today." Applejack said walking over. She gave Trixie the stink eye but did her best to ignore the magician.

“That was mighty nice of you CT!” Apple Bloom chirped.

“My position in the Ponyville farming community hasn’t always been the happiest, but taking it out on the Apples would just be petty.” Carrot Top explained. “Sides, I don’t need a large powerful farm like the Trust. I’m fine where I am.”

“Really?” Trixie asked baffled.

“The thing is, after I lost everything, I learned…” Carrot Top froze and her face turned one of fury. “You!” She stomped out her stand startling everypony.

"Ms. Top," Flim said a bit nervous as Carrot Top came right towards him and his brother, "is there something we could help you with?"

Carrot Top thrust her face right in front of the two twins and glared at them. “I read through my insurance policy papers thoroughly and guess what?”

“What?” Flam said gulping as Carrot Top’s glare intensified.

“It turns out that my policy does cover damage caused by age and rot.” Carrot Top fumed. It specifically says any structural damage or collapse caused by advanced aging and rot is covered. In fact, the old age of my house is the reason my family got this policy in the first place in case something like this happened! You lied to me," Carrot growled.

“Well, um.” Flim stuttered. “If that is true then will just have to look through your policy again to make sure you're right.”

"We will," Carrot promised, "I've already sent the paperwork to the princess’s lawyers. I’m sure they will look over my policy with a fine tooth comb." Flim and Flam started sweating at this.

“What now is going on here?” Applejack asked. “Ya saying there two have been swindling ya?”

“Ms. Applejack.” Flim blurted out. “Fancy meeting you here!”

“You know these two?” Trixie asked.

“Sure, they handle the Trust’s insurance.” Applejack answer. “Can’t say ah have been paying much attention to it myself.”

“You should!” Carrot Top declared. “These two robbed me blind!”

“Is that so?” Applejack narrowed her eyes.

“Just a little misunderstanding," Flim said a little too quick, "nothing that can't be fixed I assure you.”

“You better.” Carrot Top seethed the venom in her voice felt like it could melt steel. “And I find out you cheated another pony. I will end you.” Both insurance ponies took a step back from the carrot farmer as did most ponies in the market including Trixie.

Flim and Flam nodded up and down so fast that looked almost painful. “We will take this right now!” They zipped away in a flash.

“That’s better.” Carrot Top said after the market went dead silent. “I felt guilty about using taxpayer money to fix my house. This should help pay the house nicely” She sat back on the chair in her stand.

"I see," Trixie said in a weak voice. She found that her legs were shaking so bad that she had trouble standing.

"As I was saying." Carrot Top said continuing from her previous point. "I learned that I should appreciate what I have and not worry so much what I don’t have. If my grandmother felt content with her little farm why can’t I?”

"That was different," Twilight said.

“That was Carrot Top, right?” Apple Bloom asked baffled still hiding behind her family’s stand.

Trixie gave a dumb nod not sure what to say. The jarring change in subject and tone threw her for a loop. She resolved to never ever get on Carrot Top’s bad side. When I said I wanted her to be more assertive, this wasn’t what I had in mind.

A large group of ponies headed towards Carrot Top’s stand, it seemed clear they were terrified what would happen if they didn’t buy some carrots from the mare. Not that Trixie could blame them.

“So much for not being like your gran.” Applejack grumbled. Her stand was empty of customers. “Just like a Carrot to always find a way to be a pain in the rear.”

Applejack motioned to Apple Bloom who answered to his sister with instant obedience. “Come on Bloom. We ain’t going to get much more sells today. Best we bring down our stand and inspect the other barrel case they’re any more varmints.”


"All rise. This court is now in session, the honorable Judge Mighty Gavel presiding. Please be seated." A bailiff said. Princess Luna watched with interest. This had been the first murder trial she had visited in awhile and was curious how it would play out. She could see Trixie and her friends watching the proceedings in the back seats with faces in a firm line. Trixie was glaring daggers at Notary and held her morpher in hoof in case something happened. Luna wasn’t worried. Notary’s morpher was in the vault deep in Tartarus, but she couldn’t blame her student.

Fisher was in the stands as well and Trixie also gave him suspicious glances. He remained dignified despite losing much of his remaining life. Luna knew her student wasn’t happy with her decision to strip him of his title and force him into retirement with no benefits or pension, but she thought losing most of his life was punishment enough for most his misdeeds. That didn’t seem enough for her student, but she was princess and could punish her nobles how she saw fit.

“Court is now in session for the trial of Notary.” The judge said.

“The defense is ready your honor,” said a jasmine coated mare with a pink mane sharply dressed in a white suit. Luna knew Strawberry Paste was one of the best in the business. Notary stood next to her. As usual, Notary’s face was composed and unemotional.

“The prosecution is ready your honor.” A sleazy looked gray stallion with a bad toupee and dark sunglasses said. He had a smug expression on his face like the trial was already done.

“Now then, Prosecutor Hard Case, your opening statement, if you would.” The Judge commanded.

“Certainly, Your Honor. The defendant is charged with the second-degree murder of Pokey Pierce and several other offenses like assault, attempted murder, and being complicent in the use of mind magic. The incident occurred on April 3 at around 5 pm. The body of the victim was discovered in a quarry two mile from the town of Ponyville. The victim died from blood loss after being stabbed with a knife. We believe that Notary is the perpetrator of this crime.”

“A truly horrible crime.” The Judge commented. “But I found myself a little confused, I read in the paper that Trixie Lulamoon had been arrested for this crime. Yet, an entirely different pony here today.”

"I understand the confusion, your honor." Hard Case said. "When the scene of the crime was searched by the police. The word ‘Trixie' was found written in the victim's blood. A knife belonging of Ms. Lulamoon covered in blood was also found at the crime scene. No doubt these planted by the real killer to throw the police of their scent.”

“Oh my!” The Judge exclaimed. “How horrible. The poor dear. It must have been the most troubling experience.”

The judge shook his head. “By why would the defendant frame the princess’s student?”

Hard Case smirked and played with his toupee twirling it in his hooves. “The suspect supposedly had a grudge against Ms. Lulamoon. She thought that pinning the murder on somepony else was the best way to escape her crime."

“I understand the defendant is pleading guilty to all charges.” The judge said furrowing his brow.

“Yes, your honor.” Strawberry Paste nodded. “My client is willing to accept full responsibility for her actions and any punishment this court gives her.”

“No doubt because she knew she was doomed from the start.” Hard Case said smirking. “Once she heard that the Great Hard Case was her opposition, what else could she do but plead guilty and admit defeat!”

Strawberry Paste scowled but smiled a moment later. “I seem to recall that a certain prosecutor was dead certain that Ms. Lulamoon was the victim’s killer. It was an open and shut case he said.”

Head Case spluttered and started sweating. “Well, it’s just that back then we didn’t have the evidence we do now. It’s possible that even the best attorney might come to the wrong conclusions!”

“We are getting off topic.” Hard Case said while getting his composure back.

“Yes, we are.” The judge confirmed his voice becoming hard. “Ms. Notary. You do you realize the severity of pleading guilty. Is there nothing you wish to say in your defense?”

“There isn’t anything else my client wishes to say.” Strawberry Paste said.

“Truly?” The judge asked. “I wish to hear this from Ms. Notary herself. She’s been oddly quiet so far. I almost forgot she was here.”

“She would rather not.” Strawberry Paste replied. “My client, well, she has a condition that makes speaking painful for her.”

“Oh my!” The judge exclaimed. “Is this true?” Notary responded with a curt nod.

“I see.” The judge said after a moment. “If there is nothing more to say in the defendant’s defense than I will pass my verdict.” He raised his gravel in the air.

“Hold on a second!” Trixie blurted out enraged. She stomped to the front of the courtroom. “That’s it? You’re just giving up?!”

"Order in the court." The judge banged his gavel, but Trixie just ignored him.

“After everything you’re just giving up?” Trixie exclaimed pointing a hoof at Notary. “You aren’t even going to say a word to defend yourself?”

“What are you saying Ms. Lulamoon?” The Judge asked bewildered. A bewilderment Luna felt as well. Even after years, her student found ways to surprise her, and she’s thousands of years old. “Are you saying that Notary is in fact innocent?”

"Yes, do tell." Strawberry Paste had an eager look in her eyes seeing this the perfect chance to get her client off the hook.

Trixie’s hoof shook in fury. “Why are you taking the fall for that crook? You expect us to believe you were the one that ordered my memory to be tampered with? That you were the one that destroyed Carrot Top’s house and farm, and that it was your idea to begin with? That you were the one that pushed Greengrass into joining Fisher’s Rangers? Why? Why defend him? He’s just using you! The coward didn’t even show up to your trial. He used you and threw you away like trash!”

Notary and Trixie stared each other in the eyes and the entire courtroom was dead silent waiting for what would happen next.

"Because," Notary said. A large gap went through the courtroom. "Because I too care about the ones I love." It struck Luna how raspy Notary's voice was. Notary hid it well, but those few words caused her great discomfort.

Notary turned towards the judge. "I await your punishment, your honor." That appeared to be the only explanation she would ever give.

It took a moment, but he composed himself. “Yes. I understand. If there are no more interruptions, I will pass my sentencing. And you Ms. Lulamoon. I will tolerate no more disturbances. Is that clear? Or I will have you thrown out of this court.”

“Yes, sure," Trixie gave a nervous laugh and shrank at the Judge's glare.

"Trixie," Notary said.

“What is it?” Trixie asked.

“I’m sorry for what happened to Pokey.” Notary’s tone was flat, but there was faint emotion underlining it. “I offer no excuse.”

Trixie thought about it for a moment and nodded. There was no true forgiveness, for how can one forgive the murder of a loved one, but it seemed Trixie understood Notary a little more. Hopefully, this would lessen the anger in Trixie’s heart.

The Judge gave a nod. “It warms my heart to see consolation between the victim and the murderer. If there is no more argument from the defense, I would like to pass my verdict.”

Strawberry Paste gritted her teeth not liking this outcome one bit but gave a shake of her head. "None your honor."

"I hereby pronounce Notary guilty as charged." The Judge banged his gavel. "Though the defendant has expressed guilt over crimes, they are considerable. It is the judgment of this court that for the murder of Pokey Pierce and your other crimes that you will be sentenced to 40 years in jail with a chance of parole after 25 years." The Judge banged his gavel, and it was over.

“Have things played out in your favor my student?” Luna asked Trixie in the lobby. Trixie and her friends were conversing to each other in quiet tones. They gave the princess and Trixie room to talk alone.

“I suppose," Trixie said after a moment. She looked reluctant to say something.

"Speak." Luna coaxed. "There seems to be something on your mind."

“Was Notary a bad pony?” Trixie asked. “She could have fought much harder to defend herself. She had a good attorney. There was a chance for her to get off, but she fessed up to her crimes and defended her friend. She was willing to take the ultimate punishment for somepony she loves. Ugh, this makes no sense.”

Luna put a wing over her student. “Most ponies don’t fit a strict definition of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Ponies just do what they think is right, and sometimes that has dire consequences.”

"I guess," Trixie said after a moment.

“Does her punishment please you?” Luna asked. “She will be in jail for a long time.”

“Maybe?” Trixie said after some thought. “I don’t know. How can somepony know for sure with something like this?”

Luna gave out a laugh. "How can anypony know for sure? Some cry for death. Others cry for imprisonment. Some even cry for the death of one of the killer's loved ones as payment for their crime."

Trixie stared at Luna shocked. “What? That’s crazy!”

“Many cultures have different views on what is justice," Luna replied.

“Well, they’re stupid. Blood for blood just ends up killing everypony.” Trixie grumbled.

"There are no easy answers I fear, my student," Luna said gently, "I'll I know is that we as a society must do our best to find a punishment that fits the crime. I am glad that Ms. Notary is willing to atone for her crime. That is enough in my eyes."

“Okay," Trixie said, "if she's willing to atone, then that will be enough for me too.”

Luna smiled down on her student. She was glad to help her student get some closure on the death of a dear friend.

"Say, princess," Trixie said in an innocent sounding tone, "I would get more closure if a statue was made of Pokey.”

Luna sighed in exasperation. “No Trixie. Pokey will not be getting a statue.” Of course, she would bring this up again and Luna knew this would not be the last time either.

“Come on!” Trixie protested. “It would look stunning in Canterlot Park! I already have several heroic poses in mind for him.”

"No means no Trixie," Luna growled, "I know what happened to him was tragic, but that doesn't mean he deserves a statue."

Trixie didn’t listen and started rattling off the finer points on why Pokey Pierce deserves to be immortalized in stone. Her student would not so easily be deterred. Luna sighed and rubbed her head fighting off a headache.


“As usual, Lulamoon must make a show.” Greengrass resisting the urge to put his face in his hooves. The mare was topping herself in sheer audacity without a care in the world how ridiculous it made her look.

“I thought it was awesome.” Vinyl chirped delighted. “That girl knows how to rock!”

They watched the trial from a balcony hidden from view, as extra protection they were also wearing disguises. Not that it would be easy to recognize them with their new aged appearance. Nearby ponies gave Vinyl some odd looks but dismissive her as senile and left it at that. Greengrass chuckled. Knowing Vinyl, she would have done something even more outrageous maybe even starting a party right here in the courtroom.

Greengrass used his cane to push himself up. His legs weren’t that great anymore and he needed support to walk. It was slow, but they made their way to way to a room Greengrass had set aside. It was well furnished, with some comfortable chairs and a table. Greengrass sat down to wait.

A few minutes later a guard appeared. “You have 15 minutes.” He said and disappeared outside. A moment later Notary walked in, her eyes dilating as she saw what happened to her boss. It was subtle and only lasted half a second, but Greengrass knew her long enough to see the signs.

“Don't worry about me," Greengrass reassured, "it isn't as bad as it looks."

“And we are totally going to reverse this!” Vinyl chimed in. “Just watch!”

Greengrass nodded. "That is our plan."

Notary sat across from Greengrass and tapped her hoof on the table. Vinyl placed a notebook and a pen on the table and pushed it towards Notary.

You're using a cane now. Notary wrote.

"Sadly, yes," Greengrass said some wistfulness, "I didn't age as graceful as some. I shouldn’t have been surprised considering my father has a cane of his own.

Any other health problems?

"Not as far as the doctors can tell," Greengrass answered, "Same for Vinyl."

Do you have any idea where you will search first?

“Zebrica.” Vinyl said. “I hear their knowledge of alchemy is the best in the world. Best place to start looking. If anyp-zebra can reverse this curse, it's them.”

I wish you luck on your journey. Notary motioned to get up.

“Is that all you wish to say?” Greengrass asked.

“Yeah come on!” Vinyl pleaded. “We just got started!”

What else is there to say?

“Are you happy with your punishment?” Greengrass asked. “Forty years is a long time.”

It’s what I deserve.

“You could have fought back.” Greengrass pointed out. “Maybe even got yourself acquitted.”

It’s what I deserve.

Greengrass sighed. “As usual, your sense of duty is implacable.” It was one of the things he most admired about his secretary, but it exasperated him at times.

It is who I am.

"I understand," Greengrass said, "you wish to atone. I respect that."

“And don’t think that we won’t visit you!” Vinyl threw in. “We totally will. We won’t let you rot all lonely and stuff!”

Greengrass nodded in agreement. "We will see you after our return trip from Zebrica. Not that we won't send correspondence in the meantime."

Thank you. I would like that.

They spent the next few minutes chatting about Greengrass’s plans and theories if the trip to the Zebra homeland failed.

“It’s time.” The guard from before said.

Vinyl gave Notary a hug. Tears fell freely from her eyes. “Don’t think we will ever forget about you! Got it?!”

Notary nodded and hugged back. Despite how much their personalities clashed, Notary was quite fond of the DJ.

Greengrass pushed himself up to leave, but Notary tapped her hooves on the table again. She wrote something down.

Listen. I am not sure I was in my right mind when I possessed the Venus morpher. Something about it bothers me. I was more aggressive than I usually am. More emotional. I think Princess Luna was right about them being dangerous. What if they were corrupting us? Or pushing us perhaps? Night Light turned from a usually calm and collected pony into a madpony. What if that was the morphers work? This thought has been running through my head for the last few days. I admit this theory has holes. The other Rangers used them to no obvious ill effect. But still, I wonder. Just promise me one thing. Find the Pluto morpher and destroy it. Its power must never be used. I fear what havoc it might cause or the effect it will have on the pony that uses it.

With that, Notary left with the guard. Vinyl read the note over Greengrass’s shoulder. She clicked her tongue.

“She might be right," Vinyl admitted, “they did seem a bit fishy."

Greengrass thought back to what Corona said about the Planetary Gems and that their original purpose was to bring creatures from outside into their universe.” Greengrass gave an involuntary shuttered again. “She might be right.”

Author's Note:

Stay tuned. There will be a short epilogue after this.