• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,359 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 29

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 29
by Rixizu

“That’s right I’m talking to you!” Trixie yelled at Notary. “What? You thought you got rid of me that easily!” The Yellow Ranger stared at her unmoving.

“What the hay are you doing Trixie?” Twilight looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Her breathing was hard and ragged.

Trixie smirked. “Making my triumphant entrance so I can kick Notary’s flank!”

Twilight put her face in her hooves. “I can’t believe this.”

Trixie summoned her sword, pointed it at her foe, and raised her head in a haughty way. “Come at me, if you dare.” Notary continued to stare at Trixie. This blatant act of apparent stupidity was too much even for the unflappable Notary to take in.

Yes, that’s right. Think I’m stupid. Trixie thought, then she tilted her head considering the situation. Ok, think I’m stupider, she amended.

After a moment, Notary made her move. She charged right at Trixie with frightening single-minded determination. Trixie tensely gripped her sword but tried her best to appear calm even cocky.

Twilight teleported in front of Notary’s charge and unleashed everything she had on the mare. Notary ignored her and batted her aside with her chakram’s edge. Now nothing was between Notary and Trixie.

Darn it Twilight. You weren’t supposed to do that. Trixie thought. Oh well, maybe I can use this to my advantage.

Trixie made a taunting gesture with her sword and Notary obliged coming in from the right, her chakram aimed for Trixie’s midsection. Trixie blocked it and the force of the blow threw her aside. She landed on her hooves but Notary gave her no time to recover coming in from under Trixie’s right flank. Trixie shifted her body in time to dodge the attack. She blocked Notary’s next swing but kept her ground this time. Trixie winced in pain for the secretary was not holding back, but she could tell Notary didn’t seem to take her as much of a threat.

Trixie knew that there was no way she could keep this up for long, for only a few more seconds at most. She felt a twinge of regret she wasn’t able to fight Notary at full strength. It would have been a fun challenge.

What the heck are you thinking Trixie? She admonished herself. She killed Pokey! Get it together!

Trixie almost didn’t block Notary’s next attack and got a scratch on her leg for her trouble. Then she did something unexpected and desperate. She blocked Notary’s next attack and found herself face to face with Notary. Their weapons scraped together and Trixie did her best to interlock them as much as possible. She pressed a button on her morpher and smirked.

“Searing Blade!” Trixie thrust forward with all the power she has left. Notary’s chakram crumbled under Trixie’s sword and broke to pieces. Notary tried to jump back in time, but Trixie’s sword struck home and hit Notary right in the chest.

The most disturbing thing was that Notary didn’t scream or cry out in pain. No, she made no sound at all when Trixie’s blade hit her. She just collapsed to the ground where she laid motionless of the moment. Trixie felt faint and almost collapsed as well from exhaustion, it was like she had just pulled three all-nighters in a row. Unmorphing seemed like a guaranteed death sentence for the moment, so the Trixie gritted her teeth and did her best to ignore it. Notary recovered faster than Trixie expected and the Yellow Ranger was not pleased. Notary tried to summon her weapon, but it didn’t appear. Trixie couldn’t help a grin.

“Ha! Looks like I’ve disarmed you for good.” Trixie jeered. “It’s it about time you give up?”

“Please, let’s end this.” Twilight pleaded moving next to Trixie and lowering her guns to seem more non-threatening.

Trixie froze in shock when Notary unleashed a devastating kick at Twilight. She didn’t stop there and followed up with several more vicious blows before Twilight teleported away. The second Twilight disappeared, Notary made a beeline straight at Trixie who could only watch in horror unable to move or do much of anything. Notary crashed to the ground mid dash from Raindrops’s thrown axe.

“Sorry Trixie, but I couldn’t just stand around anymore waiting for your signal.” Raindrops flew down next to Trixie.

"Thanks," Trixie said.

Twilight teleported behind Notary ready to strike her with a kick, but Notary just grabbed Twilight by the leg and threw her right at a surprised Raindrops and Trixie. Trixie winced in pain as Twilight crashed into her. Raindrops had the presence of mind to jump out of the way in time. Twilight did her best to untangle herself from Trixie.

Raindrops moved in front of Notary, and the two circled each other. They charged at each other and exchanged blows. Without her weapon, Notary found Raindrops to be a more difficult opponent. She kept up and avoided most attacks thrown at her, but Raindrops’s axe scored lucky hits more than once. Notary refused to give in and actually took hits so she could return them back with twice the ferocity. Raindrops reeled after a devastating headbutt stunned her.

"Stay here and out of trouble," Twilight whispered and jumped into the fray apparently deciding not to teleport Trixie away this time to save energy.

“Yeah, I know. I’ll stay put, I guess.” Trixie grumbled. She watched her two friends engage Notary. Despite being pressed by two opponents, it only made Notary fight harder. She used the two Rangers against each other. She would position herself so Twilight had difficulty shooting without hitting Raindrops as well. Twilight’s lack of fighting experience worked against her. Something Trixie would be sure to rectify if they got out of this.

And Trixie just sat there watching this almost helpless. Her power and resolve were fading, but she refused to drop her armor. She couldn’t afford it and she would be a nice fleshy target for Notary full of red stuff she’d rather have remain in her body. So, despite the tremendous mental and physical effort, Trixie remained her armor for the time being.

Trixie winced after Twilight had a painful impact with the ground. She panted and she didn’t look in a hurry to get back in the fight. Thankfully, Raindrops kept going and punished any hit inflicted on her. Trixie wondered how long she could keep this up because Notary still showed no sign of slowing down.

“How do you do it?” Twilight asked drawing Trixie’s attention away from the fight.

“Uh, what?” Trixie hadn’t heard the question and eyed Twilight with curiosity.

“How do you keep fighting despite having no chance?” Twilight clarified. “You see a hopeless situation, and yet keep fighting and even win despite that.”

It was an odd thing at ask at a time like this, but Trixie just rolled with it and thought on this. She wasn’t really sure. It was just something she did. Maybe it was something she got from her grandfather, Quartermoon the Magnificent? He was an earth pony but was one of the greatest magicians that had ever lived despite facing ridicule from his so called superior unicorn rivals for not having a horn. Oh, how he showed them what true magic was. It wasn’t real magic that made a magician great, but style and determination.

"Well, I am a stage magician," Trixie explained, "I would hardly get anywhere if I backed down at the first jeering crowd. Being a performer requires nerves of steel.”

“And?” Twilight pressed.

“And what?” Trixie asked confused.

“I hoping for something moving and uplifting that would give me the courage to fight on.” Twilight explained exasperated.

“And that wasn’t it?”

"No," Twilight said flatly.

“Well, okay… don’t give up and fight on despite adversity?” Trixie tried and hoped that would be enough to push Twilight into action and win the fight.

“I was expecting something I wouldn’t find in a fortune cookie," Twilight said dryly.

Trixie tried and failed to not be offended by that last remark. "Just get in there," Trixie growled.

Twilight stood up and fired on Notary who was trying to strike Raindrops from behind. It didn’t seem to have much effect, but it slowed her down enough to allow Raindrops to dodge away in time. Raindrops gave a small nod of thanks and pressed her attack. She grunted in pain when she received a punch to the gut, but caught Notary off guard by grabbing the Yellow Ranger’s hoof. Raindrops held on tight immobilizing her opponent. Notary was about to respond with a beating with her other hoof, but Twilight took advantage of Notary’s temporary immobilization and fired on her again and again. Though the individual shots didn't do too much damage, Notary showed signs of pain from so many hits.

Notary surprised everypony by ripping Raindrops off the ground and tossing her across the courtyard with the leg her adversary tried to restrain. Twilight looked panicked for the moment as Notary came right towards her. Trixie wondered why Twilight didn't teleport away but realized she couldn't. If she did that, Notary would be free to target Trixie herself. Twilight tried to engage Notary hoof to hoof, but only got several kicks in the ribs for her trouble. Twilight screamed as Notary knocked her to the ground and stomped on her repeatedly. Raindrops tried to rush in to help, but Notary kicked the prone Twilight into her.

Raindrops recovered quickly and, with care, set her injured friend on the ground. Twilight didn’t unmorph, but it looked like she was out of the fight. Notary and Raindrops stared each other down. Raindrops summoned her axe and readied it. Neither said a word, and the silence dragged on for what seemed to Trixie like an eternity.

Raindrops went on the offensive first pushing every advantage she had to end the fight quickly. Each swing of her axe pushed Notary back. Raindrops fought so hard that Notary had almost no chance to launch a counter attack. Notary took a blow to the side of her head that caused her to stumble around dazed for a moment. Raindrops showed no mercy and hacked at her opponent over and over again delivering another serious blow to the head. Notary stumbled to her hooves and dived at Raindrops.

Raindrops dropped her weapon as Notary pushed her to the ground. They wrestled trying to pin the other to the ground, but that wasn’t Notary’s intention. Despite Raindrops’s considerable strength, she was unable to stop Notary from pushing her front legs apart into a painful unnatural angle. Raindrops screamed as Notary twisted her legs back and forth violently in jerky motions in odd angles. Angles a pony’s legs weren’t meant to go. Notary jerked Raindrops legs down into the ground and Raindrops howled in pain. Raindrops jumped back to avoid a blow to her shoulder, but the damage was done. Notary had down some serious damage to the muscles in Raindrops’s front legs.

Raindrops summoned her axe back, but the injuries to her legs made the swings sluggish and Notary made quick work of her opponent. Raindrops fell to the ground and unmorphed. Notary kicked her aside and Trixie winced at the sound of breaking bones.

“R-rain…” Trixie stuttered in disbelief. Thankfully, Raindrops appeared to be breathing. Trixie horror turned to rage and her vision went red.

"You... how dare... I'm going you I end you!" Trixie could barely speak straight such was her fury.

Trixie pushed herself to her hooves. This was done. She would make sure of that. Twilight yelped in surprise when Trixie yanked her up by one hoof.

"Summon your weapon," Trixie ordered, "this fight is done!" She summoned her sword and planted in the ground partly to hold herself up.

“What?” Twilight asked bewildered.

“You are not going to hurt any more of my friends Notary!” Trixie snarled.

“Trixie.” Twilight seemed lost for words. Notary stared at Trixie with what looked like apparent disbelief.

"We are going to smash her," Trixie promised, "we can do it if we combine our strength.” Twilight gave a reluctant nod.

Trixie channeled her anger into rock hard determination. At this point, she didn’t care if she shattered Notary’s morpher and ruined her chances of ever clearing her name. She didn’t care if this meant years behind bars or exile. All that mattered to Trixie was saving her friends. Tartarus would freeze over before she would let Notary even touch a hair on anypony else. She was about to feel the full force of Trixie’s power.

Trixie could feel Twilight’s fear and apprehension. She gave Twilight a reassuring pat on the back. “We can do this.” She promised. “Just believe.” Trixie’s words showed how much faith she had in her friend.

Twilight seemed to consider this and nodded. She steeled her resolved and straightened. “Let’s do this!” Trixie responded with a wolfish grin.

Notary continued to stare at them and Trixie glared back refusing to show any fear or hesitation. She gripped her sword tight ready for anything. Ready to end this fight. In a blink, Notary charged surprising them by jumping into the air and leaping over them. She landed in a crouch and sprang at them from behind with a punch at Twilight’s head. Trixie moved in a blur and blocked the punch with her sword. She could tell that the speed of her block caught Notary off guard. She swung her sword up and sparks flew from Notary’s hoof. Notary grabbed her injured appendage in obvious pain. Twilight unleashed both of her guns at Notary focusing on hitting one spot and Notary recoiled in pain. Notary wasn't able to shrug off her injuries this time.

Notary smashed a hoof into the ground in front of them creating a blinding cloud of dust and debris. Trixie didn't waver, and neither did Twilight. Both Rangers pushed a button on their morphers. Seconds passed, and they waited for Notary’s next move. They stood like statues and it seemed to Trixie that they didn’t even breathe. Notary appeared through the cloud above them planning to strike them from above. Trixie and Twilight moved as one body and mind as Notary came at them.

“Justice’s Cry!” Trixie and Twilight cried out in unison. Twilight’s guns fused with Trixie’s sword. The weapons flattened out and joined together with the blade of Trixie’s weapon to create a new longer sword. The new weapon radiated rainbow colored energy. Twilight and Trixie swung their new sword right at Notary’s extended hoof. A wave of rainbow energy overcame Notary like a torrent and the blast consumed her. At a blinding speed, Notary flew through the air before crashing into the ground. She kept going her momentum keeping her moving and bounced several times before coming to not so graceful stop. The damage to Greengrass’s garden looked considerable.

Much to Trixie's shock, Notary stood up on shaky hooves and limped towards them. It appeared that pig-headed stubbornness was the only thing keeping her going. She moved at an agonizingly slow pace and Trixie tensed. Notary made it a few yards before falling to the ground and unmorphing. The morpher didn’t break as Trixie feared as it rolled on the ground. The damage to it looked considerable though and most of its body contained cracks.

Trixie fell back and unmorphed. The fight finally over. She laughed but also felt tears fall down her cheeks. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was crying for she was just so overcome with emotion. Twilight hugged her and said something, but it came out muffled to Trixie's ears. She was so tired both physically and emotionally. It didn’t take long for the paramedics to arrive and they put Raindrops on a stretcher and into an ambulance which was a cart flown by two pegasi. Trixie and Twilight joined Raindrops on the vehicle, and they flew towards the nearest hospital. Trixie felt almost dead to the world at the moment but eyed her friend as the paramedics fused her over.

Sleuth put a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. She’s in good hooves.” Trixie gave an almost imperceptible nod, but Sleuth seemed to read it just fine and smiled.

He pulled out a bag out of his trench coat and inside it was Notary’s morpher. “Notary is in custody. They arrested her soon after the ambulance arrived. You did some good work, Trixie. I wish it involved less property damage, but I'm not too broken up about what happened to Greengrass's manor.”

“Take good care of that will you.” Trixie rasped. “I’d hate to go through all this only for that to end up missing.”

“Don’t worry.” Sleuth said. “It is going right into the Princess’s hooves as soon as we get into the hospital. She’s already been informed of the situation and will meet you there.”

Trixie gave a faint smile and sat back and relaxed. Good. She wanted a meeting with the Princess, right after a ten-hour nap of course. There were so many things to discuss. One subject, in particular, was getting a statue made in Pokey’s honor. Trixie could picture it now. It could replace the destroyed statue of Luna in the Canterlot Central Park.