• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,360 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 24

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 24
by Rixizu

Cheerilee grumbled to herself. How was it they still were unable to find Trixie or the others? You would think it would be a simple process, but so far neither her nor Raindrops had found any trace of any of their friends. Right now they were downtown in a seeder and more downtrodden part of Canterlot. It shared some of the beauty that famous capital held, but it was more unkempt and dirtier. Not nearly enough effort was made to keep this part of the city clean. It was also more crowded. Ponies packed the streets going on their business. Cheerilee could see some drunken ponies stumbling out of bars without a care in the world. Cheerilee had hoped that maybe Trixie found herself tempted for a drink and stopped by one of the bars since she knew how much her friend loved alcohol particularly bourbon. Unfortunately, Trixie had been responsible for once and hadn’t visited any of the bars.

Cheerilee kept her ears open to the conversations anyway to see if she could learn anything. Many ponies were talking about the fight in the Canterlot Central Park. Most… weren’t happy about it. They complained about Trixie bring a fight to Canterlot and causing such senseless destruction. They wondered why Luna’s student couldn’t just keep her fighting to that hick town Ponyville. Nopony cared what happens to that town. Cheerilee growled under her breath. Didn’t these ponies understand the sacrifices that Trixie had made for them? Ungrateful.

Cheerilee tried to ignore the grumbling about Trixie, but it gave her an idea. Maybe she could convince the Princess to give them an award ceremony for their bravery. That might boost poor Trixie's reputation. Maybe then they could see Trixie for who she really is. It baffled Cheerilee how little the citizens of Canterlot understood Luna’s student.

“Scared the heck out of me it did.” A patron said as Cheerilee passed through one of Canterlot’s more crowded bars. “There she was covered head to hooves in blood!” Cheerilee did a start. What did he just say? She swiveled her ears in that direction to hear whatever the pony was talking about. Raindrops seemed to have heard it too and took a less subtle approach and just turned her head in that direction.

“I can’t tell you how terrified everypony was when the princess’s student walked out of her house not only covered in blood but holding the corpse of a pony! It looked like she had torn his throat out with her bare teeth! You could see the blood dripping from her maw,” said a unicorn stallion to two mares in one of the bar’s booths. They gasped in horror as he spoke. “It took 15 police ponies to finally take her down! She fought like a rabid animal! Can you believe a maniac like that is out on the loose? What were the police thinking letting a pony like that slip through their hooves?”

Cheerilee’s jaw dropped. What the hay was this pony babbling on about? She shook her head in bewilderment.

“How terrifying!” One of the mares said.

“I don’t think I will be able to sleep at night.” The other mare said shivering. “Not with a nutcase like Lulamoon out there!”

“Don’t worry.” The stallion boosted pounding his chest with a hoof. “I’ll protect you. Big bad Trixie won’t come anywhere near you with me around!” Both mares seemed relieved after he said this.

“You lie.” Raindrops said in a low voice that was almost a growl.

“What did you say?” The stallion said in surprise. His eyes widened when Raindrop made her way towards his booth with a scowl on her face.

“You lie.” Raindrops said again glaring at the stallion.

“No, I’m not.” The stallion said chuckling nervously. Raindrops wasn’t a small mare. Bigger than most other mares and with her muscular figure, she was an imposing pony especially when she was glaring daggers at you. The stallion was tiny compared to her and backed away when Raindrops loomed even closer. “I saw it myself! I was there in Ponyville when Trixie was arrested.”

“You’re lying.” Raindrops repeated. She grabbed the stallion by the throat. He yelped in surprise when she lifted him in the air by one hoof. “Why are you saying these things?”

The stallion grunted in pain. “How you would know?”

“I was there.” Raindrops said in a low dangerous voice. She tightened her grip. “That’s my friend you are talking about.”

“Hey!” The barkeep yelled. “No fighting! If you want to start trouble, take it outside.” Raindrops nodded and walked out of the bar with the stallion still hanging in the air by one hoof. The two mares he was sitting with gapped as their friend was removed from the premises.

"Don't believe everything you hear," Cheerilee said to them and hurried outside.

The stallion grunted in pain when Raindrops threw him against an alleyway wall. Raindrops loomed over him glaring at him with a cold stare.

“Raindrops, is this really necessary?” Cheerilee asked. She knew where her friend was coming from and didn’t like what he was telling ponies any more than Raindrops did, but this seemed like a bit much.

“Somepony has been spreading bad rumors about Trixie.” Raindrops explained. “I think somepony is doing it on purpose.”

That made sense. These rumors about Trixie seemed too outlandish for them to be natural. Cheerilee turned towards the stallion who was getting back on his hooves. “Is this true? Have you been spreading these false rumors on purpose?”

“I don’t have to tell you dames anything!” The stallion declared. He pulled out a knife, cracked his neck in a circular motion, and smirked. “You’ve messed with the wrong pony.”

Raindrops responded by pulling the knife out of the stallion’s hooves, bending it in half, and tossing it aside. The stallion froze in horror eyes as wide as saucers.

“Are you spreading these rumors on purpose?” Cheerilee repeated. Raindrops smacked her hooves together and looked ready to smack him around a little. The stallion eyed both of them with a nervous glance.

“I- yes!” The stallion blurted. “I was paid by somepony to smear Lulamoon name! Admittedly, I may been a little too enthusiastic with the rumor spreading but It was just a job! It wasn’t my idea! Really!”

“Who?” Cheerilee asked in a cold voice.

“G-Greengrass!” The stallion stuttered.

“What,” Cheerilee’s voice froze to sub zero temperatures.

“He uses me all the time to spread rumors about his rivals. Just a job as I said!” The stallion said. “No big deal, right? It’s Greengrass you want!”

“You’re lying.” Cheerilee retorted. “Why would he do that?”

“It’s the truth, really!” The stallion responded. “Can I go now?”

Cheerilee trotted up to the stallion and punched the wall next to the stallion. He shrieked and shrunk at her glare. Her punch left a large crack in the wall.

“You better not be lying,” Cheerilee said barely containing her fury.

“No! No! No!” The stallion pleaded. “It’s all true!”

“It better be. For your sake, I better not find you spreading any more rumors about Trixie or anypony else ever again.” Cheerilee said. “If not, I will find you and end you.” She made it clear just how serious she was by punching an even larger crack in the wall by his head again.

The stallion shrieked again and ran out of the alley. Raindrops eyed her with a shocked expression. She had never seen this side of Cheerilee before.

“Come on,” Cheerilee said as she walked past Raindrops. “We are going to pay Greengrass a visit.” For the Duke’s sake, that stallion better be wrong.


Trixie groaned. What happened to her? It felt like she had a piano dropped on her head. Worse, something was covering her head coating the world in complete blackness. She tried to move but something restrained her making movement impossible at the moment. Trixie surmised she could escape whatever was holding her with little difficulty but only after the pain in her head receded. It made thinking difficult.

“Ah, so you are awake then.” A voice said. “Good.”

The world was enveloped in light making Trixie wince. After a few moments, her eyes adjusted to the light and Trixie wasn’t surprised at who was greeting her.

"Greengrass," Trixie growled. It appeared she was in a small stone room. Looking down, it looked like she was tied to a chair. Easy enough to slip out of, but the presence of Notary made her wait on her escape plan for the moment. There was another pony in the room as well. She was a portly old unicorn mare with an orange mane and a bright azure blue coat. The mare had thick red spectacles and reminded Trixie of your typical aunt figure. Her cutie mark was an outline of a pony’s head with a question mark over it.

“Hello, Miss Lulamoon.” Greengrass did a gracious bow. “I’m sorry we had to meet in such dreadful conditions.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Right. Of course. You’ve been such a gracious host.” She noticed something. Somepony should be here. Vinyl was nowhere in sight.

“Where is Vinyl?” Trixie asked.

Greengrass smiled. “Oh her? She’s off doing some errands. Nothing for you to worry about.”

Crap. Trixie cursed. Greengrass probably had her out to do something nefarious like taking out her friends or destroying the evidence she found earlier. She needed to get to them. It was time to keep him talking while she worked on her bonds.

“So, what now?” Trixie said and flipped her mane with a turn of her head. “Is this the part where you gloat before you kill me. I know too much after all.”

“No.” Greengrass shook his head. “Enough ponies have died already.” He gave Notary a glare and much to Trixie’s amazement, despite keeping the usual expressionless face, the secretary shifted on her hooves.

“Really?” Trixie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, really," Greengrass confirmed, "I never wanted Pokey dead. Notary acted on her own when she killed him." He gave Notary another glare.

Greengrass sighed. “She thought framing you for murder might be an easier way for me to be rid of you. Dear Notary always tries too hard.” Notary’s face didn’t change, but could Trixie detect shame from her?

“So, what are you going to do to me?” Trixie asked. The fact that Notary acted on her own was surprising, but that could wait for later.

Greengrass smiled. “A simple plan really. Mind Mender over here will erase and alter your memories.”

“What?” Trixie said wide eyed.

Mind Mender gave Trixie a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry dearie. I promise it won’t hurt. It’s a simple process.” Dear Luna, she even sounded like someponies aunt.

"It's well known you hate me," Greengrass said, “It won't surprise anypony if you were found in my mansion attacking me believing I was the one behind your woes.”

“Even if I was found innocent of Pokey's murder, attacking a noble is a serious offense,” Trixie said bitterly, “Princess Luna would probably be forced to banish me.”

“I don’t think she would banish you too far away, but it would at least keep you out of way.” Greengrass smiled. “Don’t worry, I promise that I will make sure the charges and punishment against you are lenient.”

“Leaving you free to usurp Princess Luna and take over Equestria and declare yourself emperor or whatever, right?” Trixie mocked.

"No," Greengrass said flatly.

“No?” Trixie repeated.

"Believe it or not Lulamoon, but I too want what's best for Equestria," Greengrass said, "I don't always agree with the princess and we have had our arguments, but I respect her. I’ve never wanted to rule Equestria.”

“Really?” Trixie raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Yes, really," Greengrass replied annoyed.

“So, if we want the same thing, why are even fighting?” Trixie asked.

"Simple," Greengrass replied, "I just don't like you."

“So, you do hate me.” Trixie declared. “Just as I thought!”

"No, I don't hate anypony really," Greengrass said in a calm voice.

“But?” Trixie asked baffled.

"Hate blinds a pony and impedes judgment," Greengrass replied, "I'm doing this because you are an incompetent bumbler with more muscle than sense. True, you are a mighty warrior and I will never discount your accomplishments, but with my Night Court Rangers have made you unnecessary. Equestria’s safety will be in the hooves of ponies that know what they are doing.”

“Really?” Trixie said in a tight voice. “And what exactly have I done that has made me unworthy of being a Ranger? Well? I bet you can’t even answer that one!”

“On the top of my head,” Greengrass said, “about a half an hour ago against Night Light.”


“Because of your carelessness, Canterlot Central Park was devastated. The best and most tranquil park in Canterlot and a personal favorite for walking and quiet contemplation.” Greengrass explained.

"That wasn't my fault!" Trixie glared at the Duke.

“You had Twilight Sparkle with you,” Greengrass said. “Why didn't you have her teleport the three of you to a place where the least amount of damage could be done? Or, lure him away to someplace else so a priceless park wouldn’t be damaged?”

Trixie opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. Okay, maybe she could have done that. But it wasn’t like the former viceroy gave her much time to consider something like that.

"Have you seen the Ponyville damage reports?" Greengrass asked. “It's staggering. Trixie, you are too careless and you do nothing to mitigate damage. You could have saved thousands of bits if you actually thought first before doing something.”

“And I’m supposed to leave Equestria to you nutcases?” Trixie smirked. “We can’t forget about Night Light’s little rampage. Oh, and his morpher got destroyed so you’re down a pony Greengrass.”

“Indeed,” Greengrass said, “a tiny setback, but a welcome one. Letting the former Viceroy become a Ranger was a mistake. Remember, there are still other undiscovered Planetary Gems. Replacing Night Light won’t be too difficult.”

Greengrass smiled. "In fact, I plan on bringing the other Galaxy Rangers in the fold."

“What? But?”

“Not you of course, but I think I could get the others to work.” Greengrass nodded. “After Fisher awoke, he did nothing but praise your friend Carrot Top. He demanded that she should join us saying she is the type of protector Equestria needs. So, no need to worry about your friends anymore.”

"Great," Trixie said sourly.

Greengrass clapped his hooves together. “Mind Mender, please take care of our guest.”

“Yes, sir.” Mind Mender nodded and her horn lit up. Trixie instantly tensed up as the horn moved closer. Mind Mender gave Trixie a warm reassuring smile and patted Trixie’s hoof. “Don’t worry love. It isn’t going to hurt. I’ve done this a hundred times. You are going to be just fine.”

"Wonderful," Trixie said her voice constricting in her throat. The old mare's horn touched the top of Trixie's head and a sharp pain went through her head making everything go white.


There it was, Greengrass’s mansion. Cheerilee had to admit that the Duke had style. Greengrass had described it to her multiple time, but his description paled compared to the real thing. It was a large manor that reminded a pony of a castle. The manor was made of brick with a grey thatched roof. It had a tower on its right that rose high above the building that appeared to have a bell in it. The grounds were almost completely surrounded by trees and there was multitude of flowers of every color imaginable in beautifully designed patterns. There was a small lake with actually fish swimming through it. Even the usually stoic Raindrops found it impressive. Cheerilee ignored her surroundings and stomped up to the front gate.

“Excuse me, mam.” A guard at the front said. “This is private property. Do you have an appointment?” He pulled out a clipboard and looked through it.

“I'm seeing the Duke," Cheerilee said forcefully, "now."

“Now see here.” The flummoxed guard replied.

Cheerilee got into the guard’s face. “Now.” She repeated in a hard voice and made it clear just how serious she was.

“I-I see.” The guard said with tension “I’ll show you to him right away!”

"Good," Cheerilee said in a clipped tone. The guard motioned to a fellow to open the gate. The large gate creaked as it opened. Cheerilee jumped with a start when something exploded in the distance. It sounded like something was twisting and rending and there was a crash.

“What the hey?” The startled guard said.

“It’s morphing time!” Cheerilee thrust out her morpher. “Libra.”

“It’s morphing time!” Raindrops followed her lead. “Hercules.”

Cheerilee jumped over the gate in a single leap and Raindrops followed close behind leaving startled and confused guards. The two Rangers dashed through the courtyard scanning for any trouble.

What the hay is it? Cheerilee wondered. A monster perhaps?

“Greengrass!” A familiar voice yelled. “I’m coming for you!”

Cheerilee came to a stop and gaped. There was Trixie transformed in the middle of the destroyed gate. Guards watched her stunned.

“Oh hi, Cheerilee. And Raindrops too!” Trixie said happily after unmorphing. Raindrops and Cheerilee soon did the same.

“Trixie, what the hay are you doing?” Cheerilee ground out. What the heck was that mare up to now?

“I’ve come to put an end to the Duke’s evil once and for all!” Trixie declared.

“What?” Cheerilee replied baffled.

“For I know for sure he is the mastermind behind all our troubles!” Trixie explained. “But no more!”

“And how did you plan on doing that?” Cheerilee asked not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"Oh, that's easy," Trixie said, "I'll beat Greengrass and search through his house. No doubt he has some evidence declaring his guilt!"

“Like what?” Raindrops asked cocking her head.

Trixie looked like she was about to say something, but stopped. "I'm not sure. But surely he has some papers lying around explaining his evil plans!"

Cheerilee facehoofed. “Trixie, this isn’t some foal’s cartoon. Would somepony like Greengrass would just leave evidence around declaring his guilt?”

“Um, maybe?” Trixie said hesitantly.

“And smashing the gate and breaking into his house like this really the best way to find evidence?” Cheerilee asked. You would think she would have tried sneaking in first.

“I suppose in retrospect maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.” Trixie again sounded unsure of herself.

“Are you alright Trixie?” Raindrops asked sounding worried. “You aren’t sounding like yourself.”

"I'm perfectly fine," Trixie said with forced confidence.

“Trixie, where are Twilight, Lyra, and Ditzy?” Cheerilee asked.

“I left them behind to look for evidence while I took on Greengrass!” Trixie proclaimed.

“Why?” Raindrops asked. “Are you hurt from your fight with Night Light? Why didn’t you bring at least one other Ranger with you?”

Trixie opened her mouth to reply, but stopped and gave an unsure look. “I… not sure. It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

What the hay is going on? Cheerilee wondered. Trixie is acting really strange. Not like herself at all.

“Not my gate!” Duke Greengrass stepped out of his manor with Notary following behind him and he eyed the destroyed gate. Everypony turned to look at him. Trixie smirked and Raindrops glared daggers at him. Notary stared at the group impassive as ever.

“Miss Cheerilee and Raindrops.” Greengrass gave a gracious bow. “And Lulamoon too. Fancy meeting you here.”

“There you are!” Trixie said. “I’m here to put an end to your scheming and evil once and for all!”

Greengrass raised an eyebrow. “My evil? Whatever do you mean?”

“Don’t lie! I know you are the one behind my friend’s troubles. You planned everything to ruin our lives, and I bet you are the one that killed Pokey!” Trixie accused.

"Really," Greengrass said in a dry tone, "you have proof of this?"

“Not yet," Trixie admitted. “But…”

“Miss Cheerilee, could you please keep your friend under control?” Greengrass said turning towards Cheerilee. “I don’t appreciate her wild accusations or the destruction of my gate.”

Cheerilee was about to berate Trixie but stopped herself. Thoughts of what that stallion said about Greengrass hiring him to spread false rumors about Trixie went through her mind. Could she really trust Greengrass? What if everything they had together had just been a careful manipulation? Still, she would not accuse anypony with proper evidence.

"Trixie," Cheerilee asked, "what makes you think Greengrass killed Pokey?"

Trixie snorted. “Who else could it be?”

Greengrass sighed and shook his head. “Miss Cheerilee, this is the problem of being a noble. Everypony always assumes the worst about you.” Trixie gave a dismissive snort when he said that.

“Enough talk!” Trixie proclaimed. “Let’s kick this guy’s flank!”

Cheerilee looked at Trixie aghast. “What are you…”

“Even if he didn't kill Pokey, he's still evil and planning something,” Trixie said, “he's probably trying to take over the world! I will feel a lot safer with one less Psycho Ranger around.”

Greengrass looked aghast. “Miss Cheerilee, Raindrops, you will not let that mad mare do this, right?”

"Trixie," Cheerilee said in a tone she used when disciplining her students and showed the level of her disappointment. It broke most fillies and colts instantly.

“B-but.” Trixie wavered and looked down ashamed. “Okay, I’ll stop.” She mumbled to herself about not knowing why she was doing this in the first place.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Greengrass commented looking a little surprised.

“But I not going with this jerk!” Trixie declared pointing at Greengrass with defiance. “I am not stopping until I find Pokey’s killer!”

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," Greengrass said rubbing the back of his neck. Notary stepped forward expressionless, but there was a threat in her posture. "We can't have her run wild again. Right, Cheerilee?”

Cheerilee was at a loss. True, Trixie had caused a huge headache and should be put into custody, but hoofing her over felt like a betrayal. She didn’t want to choose between Trixie and her sort of coltfriend.

Raindrops seemed to have no such mental conflict and got in front of Trixie. “No.”

"Raindrops," Cheerilee said tentatively. From the look in Raindrops's eyes, the pegasus wouldn't back down.

“No.” Raindrop reaffirmed. “We can’t let them have her.”

"Cheerilee, we have to stop her," Greengrass said gently, "even if she didn't kill Pokey, she still a criminal. She broke out of jail, tried to attack me, and damaged my property. That isn't counting all the other crimes she committed to her quest for justice. She has to put into control. Let the police handle Pokey’s murder.”

Cheerilee’s mind raced. That creep from the bar words raced through her mind again. Could she really trust Greengrass? Trixie broke the law. Shouldn’t she be brought to justice? She envied Raindrops. That mare didn’t have to think about this. She just trusted Trixie. Trust. It was true that Cheerilee had only known Trixie for a few short months, but they were friends and comrades. Why couldn’t she have the blind faith that the rest of her friends seem to have? Cheerilee cursed her weakness.

Some friend I am. Cheerilee thought. She looked at Trixie and made a decision. It was the only one she could make.

"No, I can't give her over to you," Cheerilee said in a resolute voice, "she is my friend and leader and I trust her. I can't abandon her. If she falls, so do I.”

“Well said.” A loud laugh startled the group, except Notary of course. Archduke Fisher approached the group and clapped entering the courtyard. He had a wide grin on his face.

“What now Greengrass?” Fisher challenged. “Are you going to act like a real stallion and get off your flank and actually fight, or are you going to have your secretary do all your dirty work?”

Greengrass gave Fisher a sour look. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

Fisher laughed. “And miss this? Never.”

Fisher started stretching. “So, it seems this will come to blows after all. I am interested if these two and that buffoon Trixie can measure up to their friend Carrot Top.” He gave a wide smirk and looked ready for a fight.

"Join me if you want to Greengrass," Fisher said pulling out his morpher. Cheerilee noticed that it has deep crack throughout it. "I'm starting the fun without you."

“It’s morphing time! Mars!”