• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 19

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 19
by Rixizu

Twilight looked over her checklist for the eighth time. She didn’t have the luxury of making mistakes. This might be one the most important scientific discoveries in the last millennium. All her equipment seemed to be in order. After checking everything once again, Twilight was ready to begin the experiment.

Twilight picked up a knife with her magic and pricked the side of a hoof. She was careful to drop the blood into a petri dish. After filling it with a few drops, Twilight used her magic to grab a band-aid to close her wound. She used an eyedropper to suck in some of the blood and dropped a small droplet onto a slide. She closed the petri dish with a top and the slide was put into a microscope and Twilight peered into it.

Twilight gasped. Her blood differed from a pony’s normal blood. There were subtle differences, but they were there. The components of the blood were different. Zecora was right. When Corona transformed her into a star beast, it changed her.

Twilight couldn’t suppress a grin. Already she was thinking of all the different tests she could do. She couldn’t wait to start a research paper. Even better, multiple research papers! Twilight could help but bounce around a little. She was a new species now. It was a little scary sure, but the implications couldn’t be unstated. Already she was thinking about how this could improve ponykind.

Twilight tried to reign in her excitement. That had to wait for now. First, she had to help Trixie. The unicorn in question was asleep in a chair snoring. All the excitement today must have worn her out, and it was getting late. Twilight grabbed Trixie in her magic and put her on a cot Minuette lent her and covered the sleeping pony with a blanket.

Twilight wondered if there might be a way to use her condition to help. How did Corona turn her into a monster exactly? Is it possible to turn into one again? She didn’t relish turning back into Corvus, but if it helped Trixie against her father and his mad schemes, then… Twilight pulled a book from her shelf. It was about transformation magic. It was about time for her to get to the bottom of what Corona did to her.


Greengrass eyed Solitaire as she cast a spell on an unconscious Fisher. “How is he?”

"He's fine like the other doctors said." Solitaire explained. "He's just in a severe case of exhaustion."

“Then why is Carrot Top up and on her hooves and he isn’t?” Greengrass asked. Right now, the earth pony farmer was under a house arrest of sorts with the princess. She seemed tired but otherwise fine. Fisher has been a coma for the last three hours.

Solitaire scrunched her brow. “I’m not sure. Your planetary morpher must put more strain on the host.”

Wonderful. Greengrass didn’t like the cost these morphers put on them. He worried what would happen if their morphers broke after a fight.

Solitaire looked down at Fisher’s unconscious form and snorted. “So much for the God of War.”

Greengrass blinked. He was a little surprised at the flippant tone the scientist used towards her boss. Oh well, he wasn't the one that hired her and knew Fisher wasn't the best boss in Equestria.

“Here is something I don’t quite understand, at the end of Carrot Top’s fight with Fisher, her armor flickered in and out of existence after getting a brutal beating. Why is that? Why didn’t it shatter or unmorph?” This really bothered Greengrass. Somehow the carrot farmer’s stubborn refusal to accept defeat allowed her to use her powers past the point of reason.

Solitaire considered this for a moment. "I believe this is because the Galaxy Ranger's powers are directly linked to willpower."

“Willpower? Explained.” Greengrass commanded.

“Back when they first got their power, the Galaxy Rangers formed a bond through camaraderie and friendship towards a common enemy. Their determination to win gave them the power to use the Elements of Harmony. Even when it wasn’t fully activated, it gave them power that frightened even the Solar Titan herself. Simply put, their will to fight is the source of their power.” Solitaire explained.

"I see," Greengrass said. Willpower, how troublesome. That made a partially stupid pony like Trixie dangerous. She always refused to give up despite all reason and logic. Still, this might be something he could use. He smirked. This might be the key he needs to defeating them.


Twilight put her 35th book down into a nearby pile. She tapped a hoof on her mouth. She thought she had an idea how Corona’s spell worked. It was a good thing she saw the Tyrant Sun casting the spell. It seemed possible she could invent a spell that mimicked it and use it on herself. It involved mixing several spells together. It had to do with pulling out the latent star beast essence in her and transforming her body with it.

Twilight’s ears folded. It was hard not to be a little scared, what would happen to her mind if she did this? What if she lost control? No, she would count on Trixie to save her again if that happen. She would trust her. Twilight smiled when she looked at her new friend. It was odd. She’d often felt friends were a burden and a waste of time, but now she counted on Trixie and enjoyed being with her. What a strange turn of events.

Twilight felt a little thirsty, so she grabbed a glass from a cupboard and went to the sink in the bathroom. She filled it with water and took a deep drink. She froze when she heard a small thud and turned. Trixie was still asleep in the cot so Twilight kept scanning the room. Nothing seemed out of disarray. Twilight laughed to herself. She was getting jumpy and turned to get some more water.

Twilight dropped her glass to the ground when she heard Trixie’s muffled screams. She gapped. It was her father, and he had Trixie in a tight grip with a hoof over her mouth to gag her.

“Trixie!” Twilight screamed in alarm. Her father had no expression on his face. Trixie tried and failed to get herself loose and in a flash, both were gone.

Twilight ran back and forth in a panic. What is she to do? What is she to do? What is she to do? What is she to do? This was really bad. She had it! She needed to get the princess right now! They would probably put her in jail for breaking Trixie out, but that didn’t matter at the moment.

In a blink of an eye, Twilight was already out of the basement and out the front door. Minuette made a cry of surprise, but Twilight ignored her. She forced herself to calm down and readied herself for a teleport to the castle.

"Twilight!" A voice called. Twilight ignored it. Whoever it was could wait. Her eyes widened in surprise as she found herself in an aura of magic and couldn't move.

“It is her!” A voice said in surprise.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief as she set back on the ground. She yelped as a light blue face was now in hers.

“Where is she?!” The strange mare demanded. “Where is Trixie?!”

Twilight took a step back and blinked. She recognized the light blue unicorn. Wasn’t this Lyra, Trixie’s friend?

Lemon Hearts walked up next to Lyra and tilted her head. “You looked scared out of your mind. Did something happen?”

Twilight took a moment to compose herself. Time was of the essence. “My dad has Trixie. He took her and teleported somewhere.”

Both of the mares gasped. Lyra panicked. “What are we going to do?”

“Do you have any idea where he might have taken her?” Lemon asked.

Twilight folded her ears and looked down. “No.”

“Argh!” Lyra screamed. “This is horrible!”

“We need the princess!” Lemon said.

Twilight nodded. “That is where I was going. We need to start a search for them. Scour the city.”

Lyra brightened. "I got it! I think I know where we should look first.

“Really?” Lemon asked.

“Abandoned warehouses. Ditzy always said that bad guys love them. That would be the perfect place for the two of them to be alone without anypony bothering them especially at this hour.” Lyra explained.

“I guess that could work?” Twilight said unsure. She guessed that might work. Her father won’t bring Trixie home or to his office. Too many witnesses.

“Lemon, I want you to find Ditzy and tell her what is going on and get the princess. We will hunt for Twilight and that nutcase.” Lyra ordered.

“Got it!” Lemon nodded and ran off.

“Let’s go!” Lyra said started towards the north district.

“Wait!” Twilight said and Lyra stopped.

“What?” Lyra said impatient.

“One sec.” Twilight teleported back into her lab and grabbed her prototype morpher and teleported back. She figured Trixie might need it. The danger might allow Trixie to use it finally.

“Ready?” Lyra said annoyed.

“Grab my hoof. I will use several jumps to teleport us there.” Twilight extended a hoof.

“Oh… I guess we could just do that.” Lyra said a bit sheepish and grabbed Twilight’s hoof. They teleported and Twilight prayed to Luna that Trixie would be all right.


Trixie winced in pain as she was thrown to the ground by the pony that teleported with her. She shook her head and looked around. It seemed she was in the middle of a large abandoned building. It looked run down. Many of its windows were broken and there were holes in the roof. The room seemed dusty, and it didn’t look like anypony had been here in a long time. It was also very dark and Trixie tried her best to adjust to the darkness.

Trixie heard hoofsteps behind her and look and instantly regretted it. Night Light’s stone hard face was looking down at her. Oh, ponyfeathers.

“Uh, hi. Viceroy Night Light. Funny meeting you here.” Trixie tried. It sounded stupid, but she was reaching for words at the moment.

“Viceroy.” Night Light growled the word. “Not anymore thanks to you.”

Ok, this is not good. Trixie wasn’t sure how the noble had lost his title at the moment, but she would worry about that later.

“You know what they say, titles aren’t everything!” Trixie blurted out. She was desperate for words now. The glare the former noble was giving her terrified her.

“You ruin everything you touch!” Night Light grabbed Trixie by the throat and tried to throttle her. He lifted her into the air and Trixie dangled uselessly. She tried fighting back, but he was too strong and kicking did nothing. It was getting hard to breathe now. She was feeling light-headed.

No, not like this. Trixie thought. I’m sorry everypony.

Trixie winced as she fell to the ground and choked out a breath. She looked at Night Light and his smile made her blood turn cold.

“No.” Night Light said. “That would be too easy.”

Night Light pulled out his morpher. “It’s morphing time! Jupiter!”

Trixie pulled herself up from the ground. She saw a door about 10 hooves away. If she could make it… Trixie knew he wanted her to think that. Night Light seemed amused by her attempts to save herself.

Trixie scowled. She would win this. There was no way she would let this guy win. She would get out of this. The problem was this pony could pulverize her with a single punch. Her mind raced on her options.

Trixie knew Twilight would be out looking for her. All she had to do was find a way to signal her and she could escape. The question was how. Trixie looked out the window and noticed something. A sign for a fireworks warehouse. She might be able to steal some and use them to signal her friend, but how to escape this brute?

“You are such a coward.” Trixie mocked. She pointed towards his armor. “Fight me like a stallion!” She prayed this would work.

“Nice try.” In a blur, Night Light send a punch at her face. Trixie screamed in surprise and ducked out of the way in time. She ducked under another punch and kicked Night Light in the face with her back legs with everything she had. It wasn't to hurt him but disorientate him for a moment. It worked and Trixie used the distraction to run for the door.

Night Light screamed out a curse. Trixie ignored him and sprinted as fast as she could Night Light following close behind. She winced when she heard him summon his sword. She screamed in terror as his blade swept at her legs and she jumped out of the way in time.

"Oh, ponyfeathers!" Trixie screamed as she jumped just in time from a swing at her head. A few hairs from her mane dropped to the ground. She made her way to the door again. It was only a few hooves away now. Trixie came to a sudden stop as a bolt of electricity shot right past her and blew a hole into a wall. Night Light’s sword came next and Trixie found herself dodging both a sword and bolts of electricity. She would be furious at Night Light’s laughter if she wasn’t scared for her life at the moment.

In a flash, Night Light disappeared and Trixie dodged another blow to the head as her assailant appeared behind her. Trixie dodged more blows that came at her with frightening speed. She felt lucky that it was obvious that Night Light wasn't some kung fu master or something and seemed like an amateur at fighting. It didn't make his attacks any less terrifying though. With a roll, she dodged another lightning bolt. Any attempted to move towards the door was stopped by an attack that moved her further away from her goal. Trixie wasn’t sure how long she could keep this insanity up.


Twilight scowled as she ran through the warehouse district. There were at least twenty or so abandon warehouses to check out. The last three had produced no results. Lyra’s horn was alight. She was using a spell to amplify her hearing to see if she could pick up Trixie’s voice or some other odd sound in the silence.

“Nothing!” Lyra growled stopping her spell stomping a hoof. “I was so sure that would work.”

“We can’t give up!” Twilight said to calm down the agitated unicorn. “I’m sure Trixie will find a way to…” Twilight and Lyra jumped at a sudden flash of lightning in the distance.

“What the hay was that?” Lyra asked. She looked at the mostly cloudless sky. “I don’t think there’s a storm scheduled for today.”

A sudden realization hit her like a ton of bricks. She turned to her companion who’s face showed grim determination.

“Whatever happens, don’t freak out okay?” Twilight said preparing herself for what needed to be done.

Lyra blinked. “Uh, what?”

Twilight's horn lit up and everything when white. She was struck with a wave of pure pain and it felt like her body was on fire. Her body turn black and morphed. Her front hooves turned into wings that were almost as long as her body. Black tar-like feathers covered her body instead of fur. A beak-like mask appeared over her face. She stood up on two legs instead of four now. Twilight felt her mind become more feral and animalist, but she held on tight on her sudden desire to fight. She would not lose control.

“What the hay?!” Lyra cried out in alarm.

“Let’s go. Trixie needs us.” Twilight’s raspy voice said.

Lyra started for a few moments longer, but she steeled herself and nodded. “Right.”

Twilight jumped into the air and tried to flap her wings to fly. She almost fell back down to the ground, but a part of her knew what to do and she was soon in the air. She wished she had more time to practice flying and hovered in the air a little awkwardly, but that didn't matter at the moment. Protecting Trixie was all that mattered.

“It’s morphing time! Cygnus!” Lyra followed her as she flew towards the direction of the lightning.


Trixie rolled avoiding another lightning bolt and panted as she got back on her hooves. She glared in defiance at Night Light who seemed to be enjoying himself. He slowly cantered towards her.

Night Light chuckled. “Even now you refuse to accept that your situation is impossible. I wonder how long that will change when I snap a leg like a twig.”

Trixie winced as he strolled forward. If only she had her horn, she would wipe the smug grin off his face. She froze when she thought she heard a voice. Night Light seemed to hear it too and looked just as startled.

A black figure smashed through a window and screamed as it crashed into the ground. Trixie winced at whatever it was, it looked like the landing was painful.

“Ow.” The black figured muttered and stood up. “Okay, maybe trying to fly so soon was a bad idea.”

Trixie’s eyes widened to dinner plates and gaped as she recognized the voice and the black figure in front of her. It was Corvus, the raven.

“C-Corvus!” Trixie spluttered. How was this possible? Night Light froze like a statue and stared at Corvus just as stunned as she was.

Trixie screamed as the door to the warehouse was smashed to pieces and behind it, Lyra stood in her blue armor

“Trixie!” Lyra screamed. “We are here to rescue you!”

What? We? Did that mean Corvus was with her? That was insanity!

“Get back!” Corvus ordered. “We will handle this.”

Trixie did not understand what was going on. Why was Twilight Corvus again? She didn’t seem evil this time, which was a good thing and it was nice to have her on their side. But seriously though why was Twilight Corvus again?

“Go!” Corvus said stressing the importance of her words. Trixie nodded with some hesitance and ran behind the protective form of Lyra. Night Light, for his part, didn’t even seem to notice, still stunned by the appearance of his daughter.

“Wha-what happened to you Twi?” Night Light asked horrified. “They said you were normal again!”

“Give up now Da-Night Light!” Twilight commanded. “It’s over.”

“Did you do this to yourself?!” Night Light demanded.

“Yes," Twilight said simply, "it was the only way to stop this insanity."

Trixie tried not to cower in terror as Night Light turned his head towards her and stared hard. He looked furious.

“Insanity.” Night Light snorted. “I am just trying to save Equestria from this buffoon. She’s a menace. Because of her, everything I have worked my entire life has been destroyed! She has befouled our family's good name! She doesn’t deserve to be a Ranger!”

“No!” Twilight argued back. “You! You did all that! All she did was expose just how much a foul pony you really are! Lyra, Lyra told me of the things the princess uncovered about you. You are the disgrace of our family!”

“How dare you talk to your father like that!” Night Light screamed. “Everything I have done was for the betterment of our family and Equestria. I kept those corrupt mayors and officials in check using the only method that would work. I did what I had to!”

“No!” Twilight said. “You should have gotten rid of them and replaced them with decent ponies!”

“Decent ponies.” Night Light snorted. “Such ponies don’t exist in the Night Court. The system crushes such ponies. They are used, exploited, and thrown away like trash. The only way to survive to use every dirty trick you can!”

“That’s complete bull!” Twilight shot back.

Trixie felt ill. This is what one of the top members of the Night Court thought of the system? That is how you get ahead in the Night Court, by dirtying yourself until you ended up like him? Ever since she was little, Trixie wanted to become a member of the Night Court and to make a difference. But now… She didn’t know. Sure, Trixie bet not all Night Court members thought like him. Some were actually decent ponies, but if the ponies at the top were like Night Light… Things need to change. She would have to have a long talk with Luna about this.

"Come on Trixie," Lyra said noticing her expression of dismay, "don't listen to him. This guy’s obviously nuts. There is no way the system is that bad.”

“Well…” Trixie said unsure.

Lyra did her best not to retreat in fear as Night Light growled at her. “Pathetic filly. You do not understand what you are talking about.”

"Father please," Twilight said pleading, " stop this. You can turn yourself in. I'm sure the princess will…"

“Never!” Night Light snarled. “I will never submit to her. I have worked my flank off for her for years and how does she repay me? She stripped me of everything I have worked for and publicly humiliated me! Without a trial or even consulting me first to explain myself!”

“Stay back Twilight.” Night Light ordered. “I will give the princess’s precious student exactly what she deserves!”

“Never!” Twilight said. “She is my friend!”

“Fine.” Night Light said with some regret in his voice. “I will just have to punish you too.”

Lyra summoned her crossbow and aimed it at Night Light's head. "So be it." She fired several volleys of arrows at him. Night Light responded by lighting his horn and fading into the ground. Lyra cursed and trained her weapon on the shadow rapidly approaching her. Night Light screamed as a bolt from Twilight hit his shadow form and he reappeared whole, stunned. Lyra took advantage of this and pelted him with arrows. Sparks flew and Night Light squirmed on the ground after flying a few hooves distance.

Night Light snarled and summoned his sword. In a flash, he teleported behind Lyra. Trixie’s cry of warning was too late and Night Light’s sword smashed into Lyra head making her scream in pain. Night Light wailed on her with his blade only stopping when Twilight sent a fireball his way that he slashed to pieces before it could hit. Lyra groaned in agony on the ground.

“Pathetic.” Night Light kicked Lyra in the ribs away and she unmorphed not moving after skidding on the ground.

Twilight snarled and shot a lightning bolt at Night Light that he avoided by teleporting away. She sent more electricity his way, but he teleported around those too. They shot bolts of magic, fireballs, and electricity at each other in a fast and confusing sequence of teleporting and attacking,

Trixie took advantage of this distraction to run to Lyra. "Are you okay?" She asked picking up Lyra's head. Lyra was breathing, but she looked like she was in a lot of pain. Trixie let out a curse and picked up her friend’s prone form and put her on her back.

Trixie screamed as she was almost hit by a stray fireball. The heat scorching her fur a little. She ignored the pain and made her way to the door. She needed to get out of here. It was difficult. Lyra was heavier than she looked.

Lyra groaned behind Trixie. “Ugh, what happened?”

"You'll be fine," Trixie answered having to raise her voice over the surrounding fighting, "I'm getting you out of here."

“No!” Lyra said. “I need… to fight.” She pulled out her morpher.

"Not in this condition you can't," Trixie answered.

Lyra growled in frustration. “Why am I always the weakest one?” Trixie said nothing. She didn’t have an answer to that and decided to just keep moving. They were almost to the door.

Trixie almost dropped Lyra in shock as Night Light teleported in front of them. "Where do you think, you are going?" He lit his horn and shot a fireball at them.

Twilight teleported in front of the fireball and deflected it. Night Light took advantage of this and hit Twilight in the head with the blunt part of his sword. She smashed into the ground with a scream of pain.

Night Light readied his horn for another spell and Trixie had just enough time get out of the way of a lightning bolt. Lyra fell out her back and rolled away from her. Trixie struggled to her hooves. She hit the ground pretty hard. Night Light watched her dispassionately. Trixie looked at Twilight and her blood went cold when Twilight wasn’t getting up. She looked too dazed to move at the moment.

Night Light levitated his sword in front of Trixie who took an instinctive step back. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill you… yet. First, I will destroy everything you care about.” He pointed his sword at Lyra who was still on the ground.

Night Light threw his sword at Lyra’s head. Trixie moved. Trixie didn’t care about herself or anything else. She wanted to protect her friend. She ran in front of the blade and in a gold blur batted it out of the air with a hoof. It fell to the ground with a loud clang.

“W-what?” Night Light said in total shock. In Trixie’s hoof was her morpher. It gleamed in the light. She glared at Night Light with fire in her eyes.

“It’s morphing time! Ursa!”