• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 18

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 18
by Rixizu

Cheerilee panted as she ran up to Sugarcube Corner just behind Lyra who kept a hard pace with Raindrops trailing behind. She could see that the entrance had been smashed to pieces. In the building was Carrot Top in her yellow armor her shield attached to the side of a front leg, she was circling a black-clad figure. It looked like Archduke Fisher he was wielding a large black hammer in both hooves. Despite its obvious size and weight, the Black Ranger had no difficulty using the weapon. He swung it at Carrot Top who used her shield to block the vicious blows. Despite the power and weight behind the blows, Carrot Top's shield absorbed the impact like it was nothing, it wasn't even pushing Carrot back. Carrot thrust her shield forward creating a shockwave that sent Fisher flying crashing into the ground tearing the floor in the process.

“Now this is more like it!” Fisher laughed.

“Halt! Archduke Fisher!” Princess Luna teleported in front of Fisher and held up a hoof. “Cease this fight right now!”

"Stop it, or we will make you," Cheerilee ordered and pulled out her morpher as the other Rangers gathered behind her. Raindrops glared and gave out a low menacing growl.

“Stay out of this!” Carrot Top and Fisher growled.

Cheerilee gapped slack jawed and almost dropped her morpher. “What?”

“This fight is mine!” Carrot Top announced.

"She's right," Fisher said, "beside this might be fun."

Cheerilee was stunned for a moment. Her friends seemed just as confused. She thought Carrot Top hated fighting. It wasn’t like the meek earth pony at all.

“Are you sure?” Cheerilee asked, again thinking she must have misheard.

Carrot Top growled in response. “I want to do this. This jerk has it coming.”

"Please don't interfere," Fisher asked.

Princess Luna sighed. “Very well.”

“Hey! Who the hay will pay for all this damage?” Pinkie Pie asked appearing out of nowhere startling even the princess.

How the hay does she do that? Cheerilee wondered.

"I'll handle it," Fisher promised.

“Oh, okay.” Pinkie brightened. She pulled a box of popcorn out of her hair and presented it to Princess Luna. “Popcorn?” The princess nodded and grabbed a hoof full with her magic.

Greengrass put his hooves in front of his mouth and watched the combatants with an intense glare.

Cheerilee walked up to her Duke. “What do think? Who will win?”

“Fisher naturally," Greengrass replied, "he's had a lifetime experience of fighting. And that isn’t counting the power difference.”

“I thought as much. I am not sure what has gotten into her. She usually isn’t like this.” Cheerilee sighed. She prayed that Carrot Top would be okay.

Greengrass nodded. “Might as well let them have their fun and burn off some energy. Although,” Greengrass continued, “your friend has shown a few surprises. We shouldn’t count her out yet.”

“Ugh, we should be out there finding Trixie!” Lyra complained. “That’s it. I’m going to Canterlot after her!”

Princess Luna nodded. “Indeed, I have already contacted the Canterlot Police. They are putting out an intensive search to find her. I’m sure Officer Sleuth will appreciate the help.”

“I wish I could come along, but I need to take care of Dinky first.” Ditzy frowned.

“That isn’t a problem.” Bon-Bon said. “If it’s alright, I could look after for you while you’re in Canterlot.”

“Thanks.” Ditzy smiled in gratitude.

Princess Luna looked thoughtful. “We should break up in teams. Go ahead, we will be shortly behind you.” Ditzy and Lyra nodded and took off towards the train station.

“Good luck.” Raindrops said crossing her legs.

“You aren’t going with?” Cheerilee asked the princess.

“No.” Princess Luna answered. “I need to make sure this fight doesn’t get out of control.”

“I’m sure Archduke Fisher…” Greengrass started to say, but the princess lifted a hoof interrupting him.

“It is not the Archduke I am worried about.” Princess Luna answered.

Fisher laughed as he sent a jab at Carrot Top’s head. He abandoned his hammer which seemed ineffectual and stuck with his hooves instead. It was blocked by her shield, but he was anticipating this and used his back legs to sweep Carrot’s legs. She fell with a surprised gasp and cried out in pain as she was kicked across the room.

Carrot rose with a growl and back into a fighting stance. This time she kept her distance this time and just blocked his blows. Fisher was so fast that it was difficult for her to keep this up. Fisher feinted with a right jab and used his stunning speed to get around Carrot’s shield and deliver a powerful blow to her head. Sparks flew, and she screamed as she fell to the ground.

Fisher tisked. “You shield is powerful against weapons of power and beams. Able to shoot back any attack with ease. But if I put little power in my blows against your shield and use them against your face and body instead, your shield is useless. You can’t reflect weak attacks.”

If Carrot’s face was visible, Cheerilee figured she would be glaring as she got back to her hooves. In a blink of an eye, Fisher appeared in front of Carrot and kneed her in the face.

“Come on!” Fisher taunted. “Fight harder. I know you have more in you than this. Don’t disappoint me little earth pony!”

Cheerilee winced as Fisher pummeled Carrot with his hooves somehow moving even faster now. Carrot screamed and crashed into a pool table from a powerful roundhouse kick. She struggled to get up.

Fisher sighed as he walked away from Carrot sounding disappointed. “Some promise, but you just aren’t strong enough. We were right. You can’t defend Equestria.”

Fisher unmorphed and turned towards the princess. “I take it there’s an emergency?”

"Night Light has gone rogue and might be after Lulamoon's life," Greengrass said. The princess nodded that he was correct.

Fisher scowled. “I see.”

"He attacked the princess," Greengrass explained, "he is capable of anything."

Fisher’s eyes widened and scowled. “He will regret this. Let’s go. We are wasting time already.”

“No!” Carrot Top screamed surprising everypony. “We aren’t finished!” She was heaving up and down looking exhausted. Her armor was dented and scuffed up, but she looked ready to go despite her condition.

Fisher sighed. "Someponies never learn. It's morphing time! Mars!"

Fisher’s steps were heavy as he made his way to Carrot who had trouble standing. She fell to one knee. Fisher seemed to eye her coldly behind his helmet.

"Give up," Fisher said, "you can't even stand. There is…"

In a blur of motion, Carrot pushed a button on her morpher. She struck the surprised Fisher in the chest with her shield with the front end. “Nova Crasher!”

Carrot must have been pretending to be weaker than she really was. Cheerilee surmised.

Cheerilee blinked Carrot seemed to be everywhere at once now. She struck at Fisher from every angle with the sharp tip of her shield, moving so fast that Cheerilee could only see the after images of her attacks. Carrot Top roared and hit him one final time with a vertical slash that caused a destructive explosion that shattered everything around them. Fisher flew through one of Sugercube Corner's walls and crashed into the street skidding into the ground a few times leaving a gash in the pavement. This time Fisher was the one struggling to his hooves only this time it looked real. Carrot didn't waste her time and was on him. She hit him square in the chest with a side swing. Sparks flew, and he crashed to the ground a few hooves away and squirmed.

Fisher jumped straight on his hooves and went into a crouch. “Cheeky little thing.”

They circled each other now. Fisher staying more cautious. For a few moments, neither side did anything and Cheerilee took in a breath in anticipation. In an instant, they were in motion a blur of limbs and blows. This time Carrot stayed on the defensive and kept her distance. She dodged and blocked every one of Fisher's attacks and used her shield to deflect any blow that came close. It looked like she was trying to wear him down. Was that even possible? Much to Cheerilee’s surprise, it seemed to be working. The injuries she inflicted earlier must have done more damage than she thought.

"Impressive," Greengrass said breathless. He too seemed surprised by this development.

Raindrops snorted. “What do you expect? Carrot Top has always been stronger than she lets on.”

“Ha!” Fisher summoned his hammer again and held it in his magic this time. He came at her with single minded intensity using both his hammer and hooves in his attacks. He was pushing Carrot back now and used his hammer to attack her in her blind spots as he came at her with his hooves. Carrot barely avoided the attacks dodging at the last moment as the hammer swung at her. Cheerilee could see why Fisher liked using his hammer in his hooves. The hammer seemed to have more raw power while held, but it was still dangerous, regardless. She winced when it clipped Carrot in the back leg as she tried jumping out of the way of a punch.

Despite the relentless pace, Carrot held her own and avoided most of the damage sent her way. Cheerilee could tell though that she was the one getting tired now, but Fisher didn’t seem to doing much better, his relentless pace was gradually wearing him down. Thinking about it, though his attacks seemed to come in every direction, they had less precision than when he was just using his hooves. It must be difficult to precisely control his magic while in an intense hoof fight. Carrot seemed to realize this and strengthened her defenses keeping an eye out for his hammer. When he next swung it, she jumped onto Fisher’s weapon and then leaped back a few hooves. It sounded like they were both panting hard as they circled each other. This fight would end soon.

Fisher wasted no time and came at Carrot not slowing a beat. Carrot was slower than before, but still keeping pace. Fisher tried to sweep Carrot’s hooves out from under her, but she jumped just in time and blocked a blow from his hammer with her shield. She thrust her shield forward and shot the power of Fisher’s attack right at him. He tried dodging, but the attack hit him in the leg as he was jumping out of the way and he landed straight on his face. Carrot ran at Fisher and kicked him in the jaw. Sharks flew, and he landed on a bench crushing it beneath him. Fisher got to his hooves and readied his hammer.

Fisher was fighting even harder now. His attacks had an edge of desperation to them. Using his wild attacks as a distraction, he kicked a rock under one of Carrot’s hooves and she landed on it wrong and slipped to the ground. Fisher used his hammer to swat aside Carrot’s shield.

Fisher pushed a button on his morpher. “Warrior’s Pride!” He smashed his hammer straight down on Carrot. There was an explosion of dust.

Cheerilee and everypony else covered their eyes and coughed. Cheerilee couldn't see anything. After a few minutes, the dust settled enough to see what happened. Her eyes widened in horror and gasped. Fisher's attacked left a crater that was at least 10 hooves wide and 20 hooves deep.

Cheerilee looked down the hole with trepidation. At the bottom of the hole was Carrot Top’s form unmoving.

Fisher laughed. “What? You didn’t think I had an ace too?” He said calling down the hole. He was sitting on the ground panting hard.

Princess Luna eyed the Archduke with a cold glare. “I hope you had your fun. You have done considerable damage to Ponyville.

Fisher waved a hoof in dismissal. "I'll make sure it will be taken…" He still had his helmet on, but by his body language, he looked surprised.

Cheerilee looked in the direction he was looking. There was Carrot still transformed crawling out of the crater. Her armor was dirty, bent, out of proportion, and flickered in and out of existence, but she staggered towards Fisher with purpose.

Fisher tried to stand, but it was too difficult. He was standing up as Carrot got into leg’s distance. He put up a fighting stance. Carrot broke through his defenses like it was nothing and delivered a ferocious kick to the ribs. Fisher screamed and rolled down the hole and crashed into the bottom below with an audible thud.

Cheerilee watched Fisher for several moments waiting for his next action, but he just unmorphed and laid there. It was unclear if he was unconscious.

Carrot unmorphed and gave a weak laugh. “I did it!” She started falling to the ground, but the princess caught her in a magical aura.

“Is she ok?” Cheerilee asked worried.

“Yes, she is just exhausted.” Princess Luna replied. Cheerilee and Raindrops gave a sigh of relief. To Carrot Top she said, “Rest young warrior, you fought well.”

“What about the Archduke?” Raindrops asked looking down the crater. “He might drown.” Cheerilee could see that the hole was filling up with water from some broken water pipes.

Princess Luna nodded and also grabbed him with her magic. “Indeed, I will make sure these two get proper medical attention.”

The princess gave the two remaining Rangers a steadfast look. “Follow your friends. I have a feeling Trixie will need you.”

Cheerilee and Raindrops gave solemn nods. Cheerilee looked towards Greengrass. "What will you do Duke?"

Much to Cheerilee's surprise, the usually calm and confident Duke looked flabbergasted. In a blink, he got his composure back.

"I have to attend to some things, but I will be following you shortly," Greengrass said with a bow. He gave a crooked smile. "I'm afraid my duties don't give me as much free time was I wish but don't fear. I have already contacted Vinyl and my assistant Notary, they will protect Lulamoon in my stead." Cheerilee gave small smile and a thankful nod.

“What about me?!” Pinkie asked looking at Princess Luna with intense anticipation. Cheerilee blinked. She had forgotten Pinkie was even here.

The princess looked unsure for a moment, but got her compose back. “Stay here and help clean up.”

“Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie did a salute and pulled a broom from… somewhere and started brushing debris.

“Okay… Let’s get going!” Cheerilee said to Raindrops who nodded and they headed for the train station.

It was a long trip, but Trixie finally felt the grass of Canterlot Mountain beneath her hooves. They parked their balloon about a mile away from Canterlot. It felt good having Canterlot soil under her hooves. Dear Luna, it felt like ages, like another time, since she had last been here even though it was only a few months ago by Trixie’s guess. It seemed like she was a different person when she left for the Longest Night Festival. Trixie was defiantly less cool and stunningly glorious back then.

Trixie tied the balloon to a tree, and they made their way to Canterlot. It only took a half an hour for them to get there. She peered into the city through a bush. There were the usual high-class ponies walking through the street with their heads up high like the ground itself offended them making you wonder how it was they didn’t bump into things all the time. The beautiful tall white buildings with their colorful high roofs that pointed into the sky never ceased to impress Trixie.

“How far is this lab of your?” Trixie whispered.

"Not far," Twilight whispered back.

Trixie tapped a chin against her chin. Twilight disguise was still intact, but being thrown against a table ruined hers. She could see guards patrolling the city. Her eyes widened when she saw one put up a sign with her face and cutie mark on it. It offered a reward for information on her. There also seemed to be more guards than usual roaming the city. Trixie scowled and cursed. She underestimated Night Light’s and Greengrass’s influence. They most likely bribed the entire royal guard into putting everything they had into finding her.

“How the hay are we going to get past that?!” Trixie growled in frustration pointing towards the offending guards.

"That's easy," Twilight said. "I will just teleport us into it. We are in perfect range."

“Oh…” Trixie blinked and facehoofed. Why didn’t she think of that?

"Grab onto me," Twilight commanded, and they disappeared in a flash.

Trixie blinked with some pain and grogginess as she found herself in what looked like a mad scientist lab. “Stupid teleporting.” She complained. She was really starting to hate this teleporting business.

Trixie looked around. She could barely identify anything in here. It was all scientific gobbledygook to her. It was a bit embarrassing considering she was the princess's student and many thought of her as one of the best-educated ponies in all of Equestria.

“Nice…” Trixie trailed off trying to recognize at least one thing in this lab to show she wasn’t completely uneducated. “Beakers!” She spotted and pointed towards some breakers full of colorful chemicals. Trixie almost facehoofed. Real smooth Trixie.

Thankfully, Twilight wasn’t listening and using her magic to look through some notes. Trixie swung her legs waiting for Twilight to do something. Five minutes passed, and she was still looking through her notes and mumbling to herself. Trixie tapped a hoof in impatience.

“Twilight, where is this morpher you were talking about?” Trixie asked getting to the point. Twilight, in return, didn’t seem to be listening and Trixie sighed.

“Twilight!” Trixie yelled getting her attention.

“What is it?” Twilight answered.

“Where is that morpher you were talking about?” Trixie said tapping her hoof.

"Oh, that," Twilight used her magic to pull out something connected by wires. "I was just double checking my notes to make sure it was in perfect working order before I give it to you." She opened the back of it and started fiddling with it using a screwdriver. She closed it and presented it to Trixie.

Trixie smiled and grabbed it eagerly. “It’s morphing time! Ursa!” Nothing happened. She gritted her teeth and tried focusing on the new morpher thinking of her friends. “It’s morphing time! Ursa!” Still nothing. Trixie threw it to the ground in frustration and turned away from Twilight trying to hide tears.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked concerned.

“I-I just.” Trixie tried to say. Tears were flowing more freely now. “I just want to protect my friends. Why won’t my powers come back? This is so stupid! Are my powers gone forever?!”

Twilight put a comforting hoof on Trixie’s back. “We will figure this out.”

Trixie said nothing. She was so angry and frustrated she could scream.

“Is somepony down there?” A voice asked. The voice was coming from the top of the stairs. Trixie used a hoof to wipe away her tear and try to present herself in a confident air. She would not show weakness to complete strangers.

“It’s just me Minuette!” Twilight yelled back. She removed the disguise Trixie gave her with her magic.

“When did you get back?” A light blue unicorn walked down the stairs.

“A few minutes ago,” Twilight replied.

“Who is this?” Minuette asked tilting her head.

Trixie tried to think of a good fake name. “I’m…”

“Oh my gosh!” Another voice cried out in surprise. “Is that Trixie Lulamoon?” Trixie winced at the use of her last name. A yellow unicorn trotted down the stair grinning. “It is her!”

Trixie tensed. This was very bad. She mind raced on what they should. Did Twilight know a mind wiping spell? Would she have to fight her way out of here?

“Can I have your autograph?” A yellow unicorn thrust a piece of paper in front of Trixie with a quill and she signed it with some reluctance. “This is awesome. I think you and the other Rangers are the best thing ever!”

"Thanks," Trixie said already getting a little annoyed.

"Wait," Minuette said in alarm. "Isn't she a wanted murderer?"

The yellow unicorn snorted in derision. “Those are just baseless rumors. She would never do such a thing. Does she look like the type of pony that would drag ponies into her basement and chop them up?”

Of course not… Wait, what? Trixie wondered in bewilderment. Is that what ponies thought of her? Thanks, Canterlot rumor mill.

“It was in the paper!” Minuette argued.

“And I’m sure it was all a mistake.” The yellow unicorn argued back.

“Trixie is innocent!” Twilight defended. “She was framed!”

“And how do you know that?” Minuette countered. "How do you know she isn't some sick pony pretending to be a hero?"

“Trixie isn’t like that!” Twilight yelled. “She’s my friend, and she’s a defender of Equestria!”

“Trixie is a good guy!” The yellow unicorn shouted.

“So, the rumor that the police found a score of necklaces made of unicorn horns in your basement isn’t true?” Minuette asked.

Trixie made a face. Where the hay did a rumor like that come from? “No.” She growled.

“Okay, fine.” Minuette relented much to Trixie’s relief. The yellow one grinned in triumph.

Trixie soon found herself grabbed by the hoof and her leg was shaken a little too hard. “Hello, my name is Lemon Hearts. It is such a pleasure to meet you!”

"Pleasure," Trixie said wincing. She got a better look at the unicorn. With her bright yellow coat, she also had cerulean mane with a lighter cerulean streak through it. She also had pink hoofbag with a very tacky toy morpher attached to it. What is she a filly?

“So, what are you doing here?” Lemon asked tilting her head.

“We are just here to get some things.” Twilight explained.

Lemon brightened in understanding. “Of course, here to get something to clear Trixie’s name, right?”

"Something like that," Twilight said.

Lemon clapped her hooves together. “Oh, can I help?”

Trixie was about to say no, but a thought struck her. Lemon Hearts lived in Canterlot and she could get around unnoticed easily. Nopony would bat an eye at her. “Actually, there’s something you could do for us.”


Lemon Hearts grinned as she walked through Canterlot. She had been given a mission. A mission she would do everything in her power to complete. Her goal was simple. Find and trace the last known whereabouts of a pony named Pokey Pierce. Seemed simple enough.

After asked around a bit, Lemon found herself a few good leads. She just happened to stumble across a taxi driver she knew that just happened to see Pokey. It seemed he was seen going towards the north district. Which was odd. Nothing was out there. Lemon stroked her chin and decided to investigate.

The outskirts of Canterlot didn’t have anything of real interest. Just a few factory buildings, warehouses, government buildings, and used cart dealerships. Lemon guessed Pokey could have gone into one of these buildings, which one she had no clue. One of the government buildings caught her eye, the Ministry of War. Wasn't that run by Archduke Fisher? One of the bad guys Trixie was fighting?

Lemon got excited. This felt like a good lead! She wanted to go and take a look. Who knows what she might find? Lemon shook her head. No, that was a stupid idea. Shortly after Pokey came here, he disappeared and was found murdered. No, she should leave this to Trixie. She had superpowers. She was just a party planner. Best leave this to the professionals.

Lemon felt a spring in her step as she went back to Minuette’s house. Trixie would be so pleased. As she turned a corner, Lemon thought she saw a pony she recognized. It was, yes, it was Lyra, one of the Rangers! Lyra was with a gray pegasus that Lemon assumed was Ditzy. Next to them was an earth pony stallion with a trench coat. They were talking to a waiter at a restaurant.

“Lyra!” Lemon called out and waved. She was met with indifference from the mint green unicorn.

"Yes," Lyra asked curious.

“It’s me Lemon Hearts. We went to Luna’s school of magic together? I sat behind you in magical theory class?” Lemon said with a smile.

"So, we did," Lyra said.

“It’s been so long! Would you like to get some coffee?” Lemon smiled. Three Rangers in one day! Her friends are going to be so jealous.

"Sorry," Lyra applogized. "I'm far too busy, sorry. Maybe later."

Lemon leaned in close and whispered. “I’m with Trixie. I’m helping her clear her name.”

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Ditzy and the stallion who were still caught up in their conversation to notice anything. Lemon almost screamed as she was pulled into a nearby alley by Lyra's magic.

“Where is she?” Lyra demanded.

“She’s at my friend’s Minuette’s house.” Lemon explained. “I was just going there, actually.”

Lyra smirked. “Perfect. Let’s go!”

Lemon blinked. “What about your friend?”

Lyra considered this. “She probably needs to stay behind to distract that cop.”

“But, um, why?” Lemon asked confused. “Why can’t he come with?”

“I don’t think we can trust him.” Lyra said shaking her head. “It’s better if we just handle this ourselves. What if he’s on the Night Court’s payroll?”

Aren’t you trusting me? Lemon wondered. This paranoia seemed pretty silly to her, but it was obvious she couldn't talk Lyra out of it. Might as well go along with it, she guessed.

"I'll be right back, stay here!" Lyra ran to her friend. It sounded like she was coming up with some excuse so she could go off on her own. Ditzy nodded in understanding and said it was alright. The cop didn't seem to care and shrugged.

Unbeknownst to Lemon, a shadowy figure was looming in the darkness overhearing everything. It laughed to itself and disappeared.