• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 17

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 17
by Rixizu

Cheerilee glared down at the four perpetrators. Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo, and Dinky all grinned back trying to look innocent.

"Explain to me why our play area caught on fire," Cheerilee demanded. This ought to be good. She turned her back away for five minutes and she suddenly found the entire play area ablaze. Nopony was hurt thank goodness, but now she wanted answers.

"It's no big deal Ms. Cheerilee!" Tiara said. "My daddy can easily get it replaced. He could afford to get us a hundred new ones!” She straightened in pride.

"Yes, I'm sure he could," Cheerilee said in an even voice, "that doesn't explain, however, why that happened in the first place."

The four fillies squirmed at Cheerilee’s glare. It took a few moments, but Scootaloo finally came forward.

“Well, uh, you see Sweetie Belle found some matches in a bush and uh I thought it might be a fun idea to make a campfire," Scootaloo explained.

“We created a pit and everything for it.” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “But, then Diamond Tiara here came along and started bugging us!” She glared at Diamond.

“I told these blank flanks it was a horrible idea and it would get them in trouble, but they didn’t listen to me!” Diamond pointed an accusatory hoof at the two fillies.

“Um, they started fighting, and I came over to see what the commotion was, and I sort tripped on somepony’s hoof.” Dinky looked down ashamed folding her ears. “I’m not quite sure what happened, but somehow I knocked some of the sticks they were using for the campfire into the bottom of the play area. You can guess the rest.”

Cheerilee rubbed her temples. The play area was insured, but the paperwork and the hassle of ordering and building a new play area would be a major pain.

Mental note. Get one that is fireproof. Cheerilee thought.

As if she didn’t have enough to worry about. Trixie was getting into trouble as usual and nopony knew where she was. She somehow got the bright idea to break out prison. Didn't she realize that would only make things harder for herself? Now Cheerilee worried about Trixie and where she was and what she was doing. Probably dead set on trying to make it look like Greengrass was Pokey’s murderer. Carrot Top was also missing. What a mess and there was little she could do about it at the moment.

Ever since the Duke entered Ponyville, Trixie had hit a new level of crazed paranoia and thought Greengrass was behind everything bad that had happened to her. The Night Court Representative seemed to accept every bad rumor about Greengrass as gospel. Why couldn’t she see him as the kind gentle caring generous pony he really was? She also opposed Cheerilee being in a relationship with the Duke. Saying it was some elaborate scheme to break them all apart. Like it was any of her business who she dated.

“Why would a Duke of the Night Court want to court an over the hill poor teacher from a small no name town?” Trixie had asked. Cheerilee loved Trixie dearly and knew meant no offense, but sometimes she wanted to strangle the unicorn.

Suddenly there was a boom and a loud voice came from outside the school building. “Miss Cheerilee! Make haste! There’s an emergency!”

Cheerilee’s eyes widened when she saw the moon princess herself standing in front of the school house. She rushed outside.

“What is it, Princess?” Cheerilee asked.

“Trixie is in great danger.” Princess Luna answered. “I will explain when I have assembled the rest of your friends.”

Cheerilee nodded and turned towards her gaping students. “Class. I have to go, so school will be cut short for today.” The class looked happy and eager at this news, which wasn’t much of a surprise. “But for homework I want you to do the questions on pages 145-147 in your social studies textbook. All of them.” This earned her some groans and complaints.

“Oh, and you four.” Cheerilee turned towards the four troublemakers. “We will discuss this later. Expect a long long talk with your parents about this.” They gulped. Cheerilee grabbed onto the princess and they teleported away.

Cheerilee found herself in the office of Trixie’s house. Standing there to meet her were Ditzy, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Raindrops, and her Duke who gave her a warm smile. He greeted her with a kiss on her hoof and Cheerilee blushed. She appreciated his supreme gentlecolt manners. Her other friends glared at Greengrass, but Cheerilee ignored them. They were just jealous.

“What’s this about?” Cheerilee asked wanting to get to the bottom of this.

“Night Light’s gone loopy!” Lyra said. “Completely mental!”

“Err, what?” Cheerilee asked confused.

“What Ms. Heartstrings is trying to say is that the former Viceroy has lost his senses and has become a danger, particularly to my student Trixie.” Princess Luna clarified.

Former Viceroy? That bit of news stunned Cheerilee. She tried to rack her brain if that had ever happened to anypony else. But that didn’t matter at the moment. Trixie was in danger.

“Do you think he will try to hurt Trixie?” Cheerilee asked. He did destroy Trixie’s horn when trying to apprehend her, but he won’t go that far would he? He was supposed to be an upstanding member of the Night Court.

The princess gave a solemn nod. “In this state, I believe him capable of anything.”

“Then we have to stop him!” Cheerilee proclaimed.

“Unfortunately, his skill in magic will make him difficult to track.” Princess Luna frowned. “We must find Trixie before he does.”

“How will we find her?” Lyra asked. “She’s very good at hiding herself.” Cheerilee knew that her friend had spent the last few days with the help of Raindrops looking for the magician even so far as going into the Everfree but to no avail. Cheerilee was thankful that she at least knew Twilight Sparkle was there with her and Carrot Top probably wasn’t far behind.

Cheerilee sighed. “I’m sure she will reveal herself, eventually. Most likely in the loudest most over the top way possible.” The ground shook as the group heard an explosion in the distance. “That would probably be her.”

“Let’s go!” Lyra proclaimed and dashed out the door before anypony had time to do something. Cheerilee and the rest of the ponies in the room followed after her.


Trixie tapped her hooves as she examined the police report Twilight had stolen for her. She was in Cheerilee’s living room at the moment. It seemed like a safe enough place to hide out for the moment. Cheerilee was out teaching right now, so the Night Court thugs would be watching her, not her place. Trixie wrinkled her nose at the smell of the teacher’s house. It smelled too much like pine for Trixie’s liking. It seemed like no matter where you went inside the house you couldn’t escape the pine scent. Trixie wondered if she bathed everything in Pine-sol every day.

Trixie gave another look through of Pokey’s autopsy report. It seemed he died early afternoon. That would give her a nice timeframe to search from. Trixie winced when it said his body was brutalized at his puncture wound. It wasn’t just one or two times. His killer was cold, ruthless, and efficient just like Not… No, it couldn’t be. Greengrass won’t have somepony killed. It would be too messy, but Trixie couldn’t get the thought out of her head. How would she even prove it?

Trixie walked up to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of orange juice and started drinking from it. This gave her a lot of think about. Trixie heard Twilight’s voice and put the carton back into the fridge as quick as she could and tried to act innocent as Twilight entered.

“Find anything?” Twilight asked.

"Maybe," Trixie said. "Well, how does the train station look?"

"Not good," Twilight admitted, "they are demanding ID for everypony leaving town. They are really after you now."

Trixie cursed. Now what? She stomped a hoof in frustration. Should they try teleporting into the train? No, they couldn't do that. Trixie didn't like the risks that would involve. She would rather not be teleported into a wall by accident and the train would have guards on high alert. Walking would take far too long. Trixie supposed they could walk to a nearby town and just use their train station, but she didn’t feel up to spending an entire day walking. How about a hot air balloon? That could work. Doesn’t Pinkie Pie have one? But would she aid a known criminal? She would have to risk it.

Twilight and Carrot agreed to her plan, and they left for Sugarcube Corner. Trixie borrowed some of Cheerilee’s clothes and made a simple disguise for her and Twilight. Carrot Top preferred to stay in her camouflage and Trixie gave up trying to convince her to get into a more suitable disguise.

Sugarcube Corner was not busy by the time they got there since it was early afternoon. Though the window, Trixie could see Pinkie sweeping the floor with a broom and she was alone. Perfect. She instructed her companions to stay put and hide for now.

"Let me handle this," Trixie said. Hundreds of different ways flew through her mind as she thought of a way to convince Pinkie to help their cause.

“Ahem.” Trixie cleared her throat. She spoke in a high-pitched voice. “May I speak to you alone? I have a business proposition you might like.”

“Sure thing, Trixie!” Pinkie bounced towards the back room.

That was easy…wait what? Trixie’s disguise of a steel blue coat mane with a purple mane was perfect. How did Pinkie see through it?

“How did you see through my disguise?” Trixie demanded when they were alone.

“That’s easy silly.” Pinkie said. “When I look at you I see Trixie. Everything about you screams, “I’m Trixie Lulamoon! The great and powerful magician! That and my Pinkie Sense warned me that somepony was in disguise!”

Pinkie Sense? Not that garbage again. She didn’t believe for a second that Pinkie really had the power to see in the future. Ponyvillians are so superstitious. Pinkie just happened to predict a few things correctly, and that suddenly means she can see the future? Please. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.

“Pinkie I need your help!” Trixie exclaimed. She put her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth when the party pony was about to speak. “And no, it isn’t about a party!”

“Well, duh!” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Ponies that are wanted for murder aren’t really in the mood for parties!”

Trixie blinked. “Good that’s cleared up then…”

“Besides, you don’t even like parties unless they end with you passed out drunk after dancing on a table while shaking your thing like there’s no tomorrow!” Pinkie explained.

Trixie blushed. “That was only a onetime thing!”

“And what the point of a party you can’t even remember in the morning! Boring!” Pinkie said with a scoff.

“Never mind about that!” Trixie said. “I need to borrow your hot air balloon!”

“Sure.” Pinkie said simply.

Trixie blinked. “That’s it? No questions?”

“Silly, why would I ask questions? Obviously, you want to use it to battle evil!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Ooo! Are you going to make it into a battle station…Oh! Or make it transform and become part of your Megazord?!”

“No…I just want to use it to get to Canterlot.” Trixie said.

“Oh.” Pinkie said in disappointment. She brightened. “That’s okay, maybe another time!”

“Sure.” Trixie wasn’t sure how you could even do that.

“I’ll go get it!” Pinkie hopped outside. Trixie waited in the back for now.

Fifteen minutes later Pinkie returned with a grin on her face. “Alllll done! I filled it with air and everything!”

"Good," Trixie said in relief. She followed Pinkie out to the back of Sugarcube Cube and found the balloon ready for use. Now all she had to do was find Twilight and Carrot Top and get going.

“Stay here. I need to get somepony first.” Trixie ordered.

“Okey dokey lokey!” Pinkie chanted.

“Right…” Trixie said and started towards the front of Sugarcube Corner. She thought about perhaps getting several cupcakes for the road before leaving. Trixie froze and gaped when she entered the front door. There, sitting on one of the front tables, was Archduke Fisher eating a cupcake. It seemed he was too preoccupied to notice her entering. Trixie wondered if she should just go back out now. No, that might be suspicious. Better to play it cool and pretend not to notice him.

Trixie walked up to the counter and Mrs. Cake greeted her. Trixie decided to not order her usual and just get a bag of ordinary cupcakes. She knew her unusual tastes were legendary and Fisher would recognize it right away. That and her companions would complain if she ordered what she wanted. Someponies have no taste.

“Could I get 12 chocolate cupcakes with frosting to go?” Trixie asked.

“Sure, thing dearie.” Mrs. Cake replied. “That will be 20 bits.”

Trixie handed over the amount owed and grabbed the bag of cupcakes with her mouth. She started for the door with a confident canter.

"You should have gone with the strawberry cupcakes Lulamoon," Fisher said as Trixie was about to leave the door. "The strawberry sweetness with the frosting is divine."

Trixie dropped her bag in shock and turned towards Fisher in horror.

Fisher looked amused. “You really didn’t think I would recognize you?” He pointed toward his eyes. “The eyes always give it away.”

Oh, ponyfeathers! Trixie cursed. She was about to run out the door when four ponies blocked the way. Trixie took a step back as they approached her with unpleasant grins. This was not good.

Fisher finished his cupcake and grinned. “Don’t tell me you are going to give up now? Fight!”

Trixie considered her options. She hoped Twilight and Carrot would see all of this and come to her rescue. She decided to stall.

“Your frame job for your half-baked embezzlement scheme was awful!” Trixie mocked. “It took almost no time at all to uncover Mayor Ivory Scrolls was the real one behind the embezzlement. Now everypony knows everything!”

Fisher seemed surprised by that news but snorted. “I played no part in that. Night Light is getting sloppy if he trusted that idiot mayor of yours.”

“I’ll uncover who really killed Pokey next.” Trixie narrowed her eyes at Fisher. “Was it you?”

Fisher gave out a laugh. “Hardy. Cold blooded murder isn’t my style. It’s cowardly.”

Trixie looked Fisher in the eyes. It didn’t seem like he was lying. No, it seemed unlikely it was him. If Fisher killed somepony, it would be in a fight. He was a soldier, not a murderer.

Fisher tapped his hooves on the table. “Well, aren’t you going to do something? I want to see your legendary escaping skills in action. Your previous escapades have been very amusing.”

Trixie scowled. Was all this just a game to him? She back up as Fisher’s goons got closer. Their bodies blocked the front door making escape difficult. She wondered if she should charge them. No, they would expect that. Maybe she should try the back or one of the emergency exits. Fisher’s presence complicated things. He could easily transform and end this in a moment.

Trixie put herself in a fighting stance ready for anything. She glanced at Fisher who seemed more interested in what she was planning to do than interfering. A large earth pony mare approached her. Her coat was an aquamarine and her mane has a dark green and her body bulged with well-defined muscle. Trixie gulped. This mare was about almost twice Trixie's size. With a surprising burst of speed, the mare rushed towards Trixie who avoided the incoming punch. Trixie returned her own attack to the face, but it didn’t even phase the large mare who grinned down on Trixie.

Trixie flailed her legs as she was picked up and thrown into a table making her see stars. A broken chain dug painfully into her back. She groaned and struggled to get up.

Fisher sighed and shook his head in disappointment. “If you can even beat her, what makes you think you ever stood a chance against me.”

"Screw you, Fisher," Trixie said with pained breaths. "I don't even have my horn. How is this even remotely fair?"

“In battle, fair and unfair are useless concepts.” Fisher shrugged. “You win or lose. That’s it.”

Trixie scowled as she struggled to her hooves and glared at Fisher. He looked so relaxed on his chair. She tried to ignore the aching pains all over her body.

The door of Sugarcube Corner exploded with shards of wood and Fisher's goons went flying to her ground. Carrot Top enter the building transformed and holding her shield ready for a fight. The remaining goons tried jumping her, but even the huge mare was tossed aside like she was nothing.

“Carrot Top!” Trixie yelled in alarm. “Be careful! You can’t beat him by yourself!”

"Don’t worry I got this.” Carrot replied. Trixie looked around and found that Twilight was nowhere in sight. That’s odd.

Fisher stood up and grinned a wide smile. “Finally, this is what I wanted!”

“Ugh, and we just remodeled and cleaned this place up too!” Pinkie complained behind Trixie who gave an undignified scream of alarm.

“How the hay did you get back there?” Trixie whispered in a harsh voice.

“We need to get you out of here!” Pinkie proclaimed.

“No, I need to help…” Trixie was about to say when she was suddenly lifted into the air by Pinkie with a single hoof with surprising strength.

“Hey! I need to help Carrot Top!” Trixie protested.

“Not in your condition silly!” Pinkie replied who started towards the back. Trixie felt a little battered, but she was still ready to fight. What was Pinkie talking about?

“It’s morphing time! Mars!” Fisher yelled. He transformed into his strange black armor that made him look like a centurion.

Pinkie hurried into the back kitchen. Trixie’s eyes widened when she heard Fisher’s faint voice order his ponies after them. Pinkie in response kicked the back door open and hastened her pace to the hot air balloon. Trixie screamed as she was thrown painfully into the balloon.

“All set!” Pinkie cheered. “Time to get going!”

Trixie struggled up to her hooves and peered down. “Wait!” Pinkie stopped untying the balloon. “We still need to get Twilight!”

“Oh, no problem!” Pinkie disappeared in a pink blur making Trixie blink in confusion. What in the hay does that girl eat?

A moment later Pinkie reappeared with a confused and frightened Twilight on her back. “Here she is!” Pinkie then unceremoniously threw Twilight into the basket of the balloon as well who crashed headfirst into Trixie.

“Where the hay were you?” Trixie demanded after righting herself.

Twilight blushed. “Um, I may have been distracted by a pile of free books at a yard sale.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

Trixie heard fighting inside Sugarcube Corner and winced. No, she couldn’t abandon Carrot Top.

“Wait!” Trixie yelled stopping Pinkie from untying the rope holding the balloon.

Pinkie groaned. "What now?"

“I can’t abandon her!” Trixie yelled trying to lift herself over the balloon side.

“Yes, you have to!” Pinkie replied using her head to stop Trixie. “She’s buying time to get you on your way!”

“I don’t care!” Trixie bit back.

“Stop being stubborn!” Pinkie shouted.

“Make me!”

"Cut it out you two!" Twilight yelled at them. Trixie and Pinkie stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

Twilight cleared her throat. “I know you are worried about your friend, but she can take care of herself.”

"But!" Trixie interjected but stopped when Twilight raised a hoof.

"I know you want to protect her, but you would only get in the way," Twilight said, "she will be fine, I don't think Fisher will seriously hurt her."

"I would rather not take my chances with a crazed murder on the loose," Trixie grumbled.

"Think about it, Trixie." Twilight pleaded. "Remember why we are going to Canterlot in the first place, to clear your name and get the morpher in my lab to get your powers back. Don't you think you would be more use to your friends as the Red Ranger."

“Fine.” Trixie relented. “But if anything happens to Carrot Top I am holding you responsible Pinkie!”

Pinkie nodded. “I’ll make sure she’s a’ok! Time to take off!” She untied the balloon, and it started to ascend into the air. Not a moment too soon as goons started flooding into the back alley. They yelled to go after them and pegasi thugs took to the air.

"Oh! No, you don't!" Pinkie jumped into the air and drove one of the pegasi into the dirt. Twilight shot the other two coming at them with her horn and they dropped to ground stunned.

Trixie reached up to the burner to increase their speed into the air. She watched with worry as the thugs surrounded Pinkie who took up a strange fighting stance. The thugs came at her from all sides, but she slipped around their attacks with ease like she was made of elastic giggling at the same time. She jumped over their heads like they were a pommel horse and dived under them when they jumped her. Pinkie was using their numbers against them and they were having trouble coordinating their attacks against her.

Soon Trixie wasn’t able to see much as they were getting too high into the air and she lost sight of the fight. She prayed to Luna that Pinkie would be alright and felt bad leaving her that. Twilight put a comforting hoof on Trixie’s back and Trixie gave back a small thankful smile in return. She hoped this trip to Canterlot would be worth Pinkie’s and Carrot’s sacrifice.