• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Chapter 15

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 15
by Rixizu

Trixie growled in frustration. Can’t she have some peace for five seconds? She glared at the four thugs staring down at her and considered her options. She was tired and on the ground surrounded by four brutish stallions and had nowhere to run. No way she could take them all on in a fight.

Trixie threw up her hooves. “Fine! I give up!” She was in no shape to do much of anything right at the moment.

“Smart filly,” said one of the stallions, “grab her.”

Trixie panicked as one the burly unicorns grabbed her by the legs and threw her onto his back. She felt her hooves being tied together by rope. A stallion shoved an apple into Trixie’s mouth to gag her.

Trixie felt humiliated as she was carried off like a sack of potatoes and felt her dignity being smashed to pieces. She definitely considered this one of her lowest moments. Her captures watched her carefully as they walked towards the road. No doubt soon she would join Twilight in a jail cell.

Trixie carefully surveyed her surroundings. She would bide her time until she could find a good place to escape. Ridding herself of her bonds would foalsplay for a skilled magician like her. The might as well not tied her up at all. Trixie winced in pain when one of her captures kicked her in the ribs.

“Stop moving.” A pony next to her said.

Trixie glared at him but did as she as instructed. They walk on in silence. They all froze when they heard some trees rattling.

“What the hay was that?” One of the goons asked.

“Probably noth...” The pony carrying Trixie was about to say when a figure jumped out of the trees in front of them.

Trixie stared wide-eyed at the strange new pony. This mare had green paint all over her body and branches and leaves were entangled throughout her mane. The thing that struck Trixie the most was the wild look in the mare’s eyes that put a pit of fear in her stomach.

“Put her down and leave now.” The mare growled. “This is your one and only warning.”

Trixie recognized the voice. Carrot Top? No, it can’t be!

The thugs exchanged nervous looks unnerved by Carrot Top’s glare. They soon got their confidence back and smirked.

“You don’t scare us!” One the lackey’s boosted. “It’s four against…”

“It’s morphing time!” Carrot Top thrust her morpher forward. “Scorpio!”

In a flash, Carrot transformed into her yellow armor. She pressed a button on her morpher and her yellow round chromatic shield appeared on her right hoof. Her body language was menacing, and she looked ready to strike at any moment. A wave of uneasiness came over Trixie’s captors. It was apparent that Carrot Top wasn’t messing around.

“It’s still four against one?” One the goons threw out. Carrot Top responded to this by throwing her shield into the chest of the pony carrying Trixie.

Trixie screamed as she was thrown off the thug’s back and winced in pain as she fell on the ground. After she recovered from the pain and shock of her fall, Trixie looked up towards the fight. It only took about a minute for Carrot Top to demolish any attack the goons tried to put against her.

Carrot Top unmorphed and stepped over the groaning thugs. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, just fine," Trixie confirmed. Just her pride was injured. Trixie’s eyes widened as she suddenly found herself thrown on Carrot Top’s back.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Trixie protested. She scrunched her nose at her friend's overpowering earthy smell.

“Getting you to safety!” Carrot Top explained and started towards the Everfree.

“Carrot Top. Why are you going towards the Everfree?” Trixie asked. “I just got away from that deathtrap!”

Much to Trixie’s horror, Carrot Top was not stopping her path towards the forest. “Don’t worry. I have a place we can rest in safety.”

“No! This is a terrible idea!” Trixie shouted. “Turn back now!” Her protests went on deaf ears and Carrot entered the canopy of the Everfree.

“At least let me untie myself first!”


Trixie winced and she fell off of Carrot’s back onto the hard ground in an unceremonious fashion. She made quick work of the rope around her hooves and stood up. Somehow Carrot Top could navigate the Everfree without running into anything dangerous which astonished Trixie. She knew Carrot knew the Everfree well, but not this well.

“And where the hay are we now?” Trixie growled. She was in a foul mood after being treated like luggage.

“This is Zecora’s hut!” Carrot Top pointed towards an ugly gnarled tree with a door in it. For some reason, it had multicolored gourds on its branches.

So, this where she lives? No wonder I didn’t find it. Trixie thought. She considered Zecora a friend, but Trixie had a rocky start with the zebra. She instinctively didn’t trust mysterious all-knowing mystics that liked giving cryptic advice, but made an effort to try and become friends with her despite her misgivings. Trixie followed Carrot Top in as she opened the door and entered.

Zecora’s hut was a strange sight. It had shelves with jugs filled with who know what. More gourds hung from the ceiling. There was a large pot in the middle sitting above a cooking fire. Bizarre and creepy masks hung on the walls.

Zecora was stirring something in the pot and waved as they entered. “Greetings Carrot Top and Trixie my dear friends. Carrot Top told me about the problems you need mend.”

Trixie looked around the hut in fascination. “Nice place you have here.”

Trixie froze and gapped when she saw a familiar lavender unicorn sitting on a bench reading a book in the corner of the room. She had a large pile of books next to her.

“What the hay are you doing here Twilight?!” Trixie exclaimed. “I thought Puissance’s thugs captured you.”

“I rescued her.” Carrot Top thumped her chest in pride.

“Trixie!” Twilight put her book down and gave Trixie a painful hug. “I was so worried!”

“Yes.” Trixie wheezed. “Me too.”

“So, you’ve been here the whole time?” Trixie asked.

Twilight nodded emphatically. “Yes, to pass the time Zecora lent me some books. Trixie, Zebra culture is fascinating! You have to read these books sometime!”

“You’ve been here reading books all this time?” Trixie asked a little peeved. Twilight nodded happily. Great, while I have been running for my life for hours barely escaping death you have been here reading books completely safe! Trixie did her best not to grind her teeth in frustration.

“Good!” Carrot Top said. “Now that everypony is here we can make a plan for our attack!”

Trixie was startled at her friend’s aggressive tone. Usually the carrot farmer stayed in the background and usually just followed orders and usually she kept quiet and to herself. Now it looked like she was eager the bring the fight to the enemy. She was raring for a fight. Trixie wondered what caused such a drastic change in both her appearance and attitude.

"Patience my friend there is no need for hurry," Zecora said, “for Trixie’s well being I must worry.”

Carrot Top sighed. “Alright. We have all-night.” She said down and tapped her hoof on the ground.

"Carrot Top," Trixie asked, "what's with the…whatever this is anyway?"

“This is for camouflage.” Carrot Top explained. “It makes it easier to hide in the forest.”

“Why are you doing this exactly?” Trixie asked. She was still reeling from Carrot’s new appearance. What stuck Trixie the most was Carrot’s wild and unstyled mane. It was odd to see the usually pristine mane so unkempt. It seemed unnatural somehow. It unnerved Trixie that Carrot Top didn’t seem to care. She seemed happy like this.

Carrot Top scowled. “I live here now. I have little choice.” She explained what happened at Cheerilee’s house. Trixie had difficulty control her anger at Night Light. How could they do this to Carrot when she already lost so much? Twilight didn’t seem to take the news any better.

“Quite a predicament you have fallen under," Zecora said finally, “how anyone can be so cruel and selfish I must wonder.”

"Father," Twilight said with scorn.

"I'll get it all back," Trixie promised, "somehow."

Carrot Top gave an appreciative smile. “You bet we will. They will pay that’s for sure!” She turned around and scowled. “They will. That I promise you.”

Trixie was taken aback that the raw anger Carrot Top was projecting. She was getting worried. “Are you okay?”

Carrot Top looked away. “I’m fine.” She said in a tight voice and walked to the other side of the room.

Okay. I think she’s been taking the last few days harder than I thought. Trixie thought.

Carrot Top walked towards the door. “Get some rest. I’ll scout around.” She left without saying another word.

Trixie sighed and sat down on a bench. It felt good. Her legs were aching from all the running from near death. She rubbed her face and felt dead tired. She had slept little last night and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on her.

"Zecora, my morpher got destroyed," Trixie said, "do you have any idea how I might get it back?" Trixie explained how Night Light smashed it during their fight.

"It is not gone, my dear Red Ranger," Zecora said, "the power is still within you never lost or become estranger. "

"Yes, obviously," Trixie said with impatience, "I kind of already figured that. How do I get my morpher back specify?” She thought back to the time Corona tried smashing the Elements to stop her and her friends from using them and how much that idea failed. If they broke once only to be fixed why not again?

Zecora didn't seem to like Trixie's tone and narrowed her eyes in annoyance for a split second before returning her face to her usual calm demeanor. She thought for a moment before she spoke. “I’m afraid what you seek is beyond my knowledge. This being beyond me is something I must acknowledge.”

Great. Trixie thought and sighed. For once Zecora’s mysterious knowledge about the Element wasn’t helpful.

“Have you tried to recreate it like you did the Elements so long ago in castle against the evil queen?” Zecora asked. Twilight perked her ears up at this and watch Trixie with interest. “It might provide a clue you might be able to glean.”

Trixie never thought of that and racked her brain how that even happened in the first place. She couldn’t remember the exact specifics. What she did remember is the warm feeling of having her friends by her side and what they meant to her. Maybe just concentrating on her friendship with the other Rangers would bring her morpher back. She put herself in a cross-legged pose and put a hoof out. Trixie closed her eyes and thought of her friends, all the happy moments they had together, their connection as friends, and the hard-fought moments they had together. She gritted her teeth and created a perfect picture of it in her mind. He pushed in her mind for her morpher to form.

“So, is it working?” Twilight asked hopefully.

Trixie growled and opened her eyes. “Nothing.” She couldn’t believe it didn’t work. Maybe she needed her friends nearby?

Zecora seemed lost in thought. “Perhaps it will appear when it is most needed? Maybe then your trial will be succeeded.”

"Wonderful," Trixie said in a dry tone, "that's helpful." She wondered how being chased by zombies or Timberwolves wasn’t the time she needed her morpher the most.

“I got it!” Twilight clapped her hooves together. “Maybe a replacement will work! I have one you could use!”

Trixie blinked. “A replacement?”

"I've been trying to create my own morpher," Twilight explained, "It… hasn’t been going well. But I do have one that could work if it had a suitable power supply. Maybe your friendship power could do it!”

What is it with everypony wanting to become a Ranger all of a sudden? Trixie wondered, but this idea seemed like it might work. “Do you have it with you?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. “It’s still in my lab in Canterlot.”

Figures. It couldn’t be easy for once could it. “So why do you want to become a Ranger?”

Twilight looked down. “I thought maybe I could help you fight Corona. I need to make up for what a did…”

Trixie looked Twilight dead in the eyes. “Twilight, you don’t have to make up for anything.” She wasn’t surprised that the mare blamed herself for destroying half of Ponyville as the monster Corvus. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know... but it’s tough you know. Having to live with the fact I caused so much destruction.” Twilight winced. “The fact I couldn’t control myself makes it so much worse.”

Trixie didn't know what to say to that. Instead, she put a comforting hoof on Twilight's back who gave an appreciative smile.

Zecora seemed to mull this over. "The sins of the past weigh heavily and are hard not to be dwelled, but such self-loathing must be expelled.The monster Corvus you are no longer," Zecora said, "push forward you must and your doubts you must conquer."

“If you even become a Ranger, we will be glad to have you.” Trixie smiled with sincerity.

“Thanks.” Twilight nodded. “I almost have it. Almost. It’s just hard to find enough energy to transform.”

Trixie brightened. “I got it! We should steal a gem from one of the Night Court’s morpher.” She liked this plan. Using their own power against them would be a so sweet and satisfying.

“What even are they anyway?” Twilight asked.

"I know little." Trixie shook her head. "According to the princess, they were created by cultists to make a super death weapon or something."

"Vast evil those gems hold," Zecora said seriously, "ponies lost their lives to create them a terrible sight to behold.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “Are you saying that ponies were sacrificed to create them?”

"Their sacrifice was needed to create a gem strong enough to contain a god's power." Zecora explained. “So their enemies would cower.”

"No wonder the princess freaked out," Trixie said wide eyed, "what else?"

"Only that nine of the Planetary Gems exist is all I know," Zecora said, "the rest were lost long ago.”

Wait a second, aren’t there only eight planets? Trixie thought. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.

Trixie beamed. “Do you know where we might get one?”

"Um, actually Trixie," Twilight said rubbing her back again against the floor, "these things sound like bad news. I don't want to use one."

"But!" Trixie tried to say but was interrupted by Twilight.

"I'll find my own way to power my morpher," Twilight said with resolution.

“Well, ok…” Trixie said. Maybe using an artifact created from evil isn’t a good idea anyway.

“Besides.” Twilight brighten. “I want to use science to create this morpher. I’ve been mulling over in my head about trying nuclear fusion to power it.”

Nuclear fusion? What the hay is that? Some stupid science mumbo jumbo no doubt. Trixie thought. “Go for it. I might work.”

Twilight grunted in annoyance. “But making it practical is difficult. We aren’t advanced enough yet!”

Trixie was about to say something when Carrot Top burst in the hut. “We have trouble!”

Oh no! Fisher found us no doubt and has us surrounded by an army! Trixie panicked.

“Outside quick!” Carrot Top left Zecora’s home, and the rest followed.

“You won’t get us alive Fisher! You hear me!” Trixie screamed as she jumped out of the hut and did a battle pose. She looked around and saw no sign of Fisher, Night Light, or any of the other Night Court Rangers.

Carrot Top eyed Trixie in bemusement. “What are you doing?”

“Where’s Fisher?” Trixie asked confused.

“That wasn’t what I was talking about.” Carrot Top said with impatience.

“So, what then?” Trixie asked.

Carrot Top pointed up and Trixie’s gaze followed the hoof. All she saw was a field of stars.

"I see nothing Carrot," Trixie said not getting what Carrot Top was talking about.

“Dear Luna Almighty!” Twilight exclaimed. “No way!” Zecora also seemed in shock and let out a curse in a language Trixie didn’t recognize.

“What is it?” Trixie asked in an annoyed voice. Twilight turned to her and much to Trixie’s surprise had tears in her eyes.

“Trixie. Twenty stars are missing.” Twilight said in a small voice.

“Corona!” Trixie spat the word.

"Dark days are ahead that is for sure," Zecora said in a solemn tone, “why the alicorn princess needs that much power is obscure.”

Carrot Top rushed inside Zecora’s hut and came back with a star map a few moments later. She pointed towards a section of stars. Sure enough, Trixie could see what they were talking about now. It impressed her how all her friends could somehow identify the missing stars on sight. It’s a good thing she has so many friends that are astrology nerds.

“Oh, that’s just wonderful.” Trixie threw up her hooves. She knew this meant that Corona stole them from the sky to harness their power for something terrible.

Carrot Top scowled. “That’s 79 stars gone now. You have to wonder if there will even be anything left by the time we stop her.”

Great. Who know what she’s planning. Trixie thought. This is not good.

Trixie heard Twilight sniffling. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” She said in concern.

Twilight looked down and tried to wipe away her tears. “How could she do that? They’re innocent creatures. All they want to do is light up the universe and provide warmth to everything. Only a monster would do something like that!”

Trixie was surprised at the sudden outburst of emotion. She put a conforming hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. Carrot eyed Twilight with concern.

Twilight gave a weak laugh. “Sorry. I’m not sure what came over me.”

Zecora put a hoof to her chin. “Don’t be ashamed Twilight. It is only natural for you to grieve for your brethren that have been lost this night.”

Twilight took a step back in surprise. “My what?”

“Corona wanted to create a perfect monster I expect.” Zecora said. “For that she infused you with the power of several star beasts correct?”

“Umm… yes.” Twilight said with some hesitation.

“Perhaps the magic left a trace," Zecora said, “and made you one of the star beast’s race?"

Twilight looked horrified. “A-are you saying I’m still Corvus?!” She began to hyperventilate.

“Relax and do not fret Twilight for you are no monster.” Zecora soothed. “The idea that the star beasts might have left a fragment of themselves in you is something you must ponder.”

“Do not view it as something that must be feared,” Zecora said, “instead see it as a gift that must be revered.”

Twilight tried to get control of herself. It was difficult, but she eventually calmed herself down. “I’m a truly free though? What if I lose control again?”

“Don’t sell yourself short Twilight a slave to Corona you are no longer.” Zecora smiled. “You are a strong filly of great will and honor.”

“You must not let the star beasts lost be in vain.” Zecora said in seriousness. “Instead use it as a way to get into Corona’s mane.”

Trixie scratched her head. I guess Zecora is trying to say even though she isn’t a raven of death anymore, she still has star beast power in her?

Twilight turned towards the hut. “Thanks. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” She entered the hut.

Zecora signed.” The poor mare seems to believe that carrying the world on her back is a burden she needs to carry. If only she was more like you Trixie and be too stupid to be so wary.”

"Thanks," Trixie said dryly and gave a small laugh. Zecora laughed with her and retreated into her hut leaving Carrot Top and Trixie alone.

“Get some sleep Trixie.” Carrot Top said. “I’ll wake you in a few hours so you can have watch next.

“Um, you think we need to do a watch?” Trixie asked confused. “And you need more rest than I do! You’ve barely slept the last few days.”

Carrot waved a dismissive hoof. “I’m fine. I’m not going to take any chances.” She scowled. “I won’t allow them to get even 30 hooves from you!”

“I can’t lose you too.” Carrot Top said in a small voice. “They can take everything I own, but I will never let them get you. Ever.” Trixie took a step back at the furiously angry look on Carrot Top’s face.

Carrot Top was serious. Her look promised retribution if anypony tried to touch even a hair on Trixie’s head.

“Sure thing Carrot Top!” Trixie said nervously. Was Carrot always this angry? She wondered if this was years of repressed anger finally bubbling to the surface.

"I'll warn you if anything comes near us." In a flash, Carrot Top jumped into a nearby tree and vanished. Trixie looked around, but no matter how hard she looked, there was no sign of the carrot farmer.

Trixie rubbed her face. What a day. Some sleep sounded a good idea about now. She would have to talk to the rest of her friends about how to handle Carrot’s new disposition. Ditzy could handle it, right? She was good at talking to ponies. She would know what to do about this.

Trixie froze in terror as she heard howling in the distance. Not again. Trixie panicked. She needed to warn everypony! They were in terrible danger!

“Guys! We…” Trixie was about to say when she heard yelping followed by crashing and sound of fighting. A few seconds later she heard several creatures whine then run away.

“You better run!” Carrot Top roared. “I better not see you around here again!”

Trixie gapped. Eventually, she put her jaw back in place. She threw up her hooves and decided to go to bed. Her problems could be worried about in the morning.