• Published 6th Mar 2016
  • 266 Views, 1 Comments

Enough - MuddyHikoku

It's Fashion Week and Rarity is beyond excited. At least, at the start. How will she feel by the end?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Rarity trotted towards the Sugarcube Corner, quickly sowing the fabrics together to create some basic patterns on the way. Pinkie Pie, already wide awake, saw her through the window and squealed in excitement. She ran out the door to meet Rarity at a speed that could challenge Rainbow Dash.

“RARITY, I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE COMING! Oh oh, you don’t come around here often, it’s like a special event! gasp We should throw a party for you coming here!” Pinkie squealed, jumping around a now startled Rarity.

“Oh no no, you-you really don’t have to do that darling!” Rarity stammered, putting her needle and fabrics back in her sewing bag. “I’m simply here because I completely forgot to stock up my pantry! Oh it was such a foolish mistake, I was being simply silly! So, I need somewhere to eat breakfast and I can’t think of anyone more qualified for a lovely breakfast cake than you darling”

Pinkie stopped bouncing and stared straight into Rarity’s eyes. “You..You think my cakes are that good?” Pinkie stammered.

“Why of course darling!” Rarity reassured. “Everyone in Ponyville knows that Sugarcube Corner creates the most lovely of pastry delights!”

Pinkie stood still for a few seconds, before beginning to violently shake on the spot and a huge smile beginning to form on her face. Suddenly, she jumped in the air and started jumping around Rarity even faster than before.

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Shrieked a rather joyful Pinkie. “It’s so nice to hear that from you Rarity, why it makes my heart melt! You’re one of the best friends a pony could ever have!”

Rarity blushed at the rather abrupt compliment “Why thank you Pinkie, a fine pastry chef such as yourself deserves only the finest of compliments”

Pinkie kept jumping around, high on the excitement Rarity had brought to her already lovely morning “Ooh ooh, you came here for breakfast though right? I gotta make you a cake! A huge, sweet, icing filled cake! Maybe a chocolate cake? Or a strawberry cake? gasp How about a chocolate strawberry cake? Ooh ohh, maybe a banana cake! No, obviously I should make an apple cake! I can get the apples from Applejack! Or maybe…”

Rarity, taken aback from the the sudden selection offered to her, cut into Pinkie’s cake rant.

“Actually Pinkie dear, I think a simple chocolate icing cupcake will suffice. I’m in a bit of a rush with Fashion Week so I’m eating light” Rarity interjected.

“Oh right, right. It’s Fashion Week for you! Gosh, it must be so exciting!” Pinkie exclaimed, her rapid jumping beginning to slow down.

“Oh most definitely darling, just a bit stressful is all. Do you mind if we go in?”

Pinkie nodded her head in agreement and quickly pranced back inside, a still-blushing Rarity following suit. The bakery appeared to be in full swing despite it being so early in the morning, the smell of fresh bread and sugary toppings intoxicating Rarity in its simple delights.

“A chocolate icing cupcake right? Coming riiiiiiiiiight up Rarity!” squealed a rather excited Pinkie.

“Thank you darling, how much do I owe you?”

“Owe me? Oh no no no no no no no no no Rarity! This is a super special cupcake just for you! You don’t have to pay me anything! Although…”

Pinkie stopped her manic searching and stared straight at Rarity.

“... is it ok if you can fix the dress you made for me?” Pinkie asked.

Rarity, who was idly staring at the walls in search of a new design, snapped back into focus when Pinkie made her request.

“Fix it darling?” Rarity questioned. “What happened to the dress?”

“Weeeeeeeell….” a suddenly very nervous Pinkie ushered Rarity to follow her. “You may want to have a look”

Rarity, now rather concerned, began to follow.

“I had a teeny weensy little accident with my dress” said Pinkie

“Well, I’m sure it’s just a few tears here and there, nothing that I can’t fi- OH MY STARS WHAT IS THAT ABOMINATION”

The “dress”, if Rarity could even call it that” hung at the back of the shop in almost complete tatters. It was almost completely covered in hardened chocolate fudge and parts of the dress were completely torn off, the tatters that remained simply flapping from the breeze from the open door. Rarity felt like she was going to faint.

Pinkie, noticing Rarity has suddenly turned a much whiter shade than her usual self, spoke up. “Weellll, see, I wanted to wash it to make sure it was nice and clean for this fancy smancy party I have tomorrow right? Well, I went to go wash it, but there was this really exciting thing that came by my window! I can’t really remember what it was, but it was really exciting! Anyways, I wasn’t really paying attention and I maaaaaaaay have put your dress in our chocolate fudge machine instead. I tried to take it out, but then it kinda ripped into pieces when I pulled a liiiiittle too hard and….well…. that kinda happened. Is it possible that you could fix it?”

Rarity, entering a state of shock upon seeing the dress, once again snapped out of it after hearing Pinkie’s story. “Fix it? But Pinkie darling, I have to attend to fashion week as well as requests from almost everyone in Ponyville! I don’t think I would have the time to fix something like this, it would take a day at least!”

Pinkie looked down trodden, her smile fading. “But I really wanted to look nice for this party tomorrow… oh well. Guess I’ll just have to miss it. Thanks anyways!”

Rarity saw her friends downtrodden look and began to panic. “She just praised me as being one of the best friends a friend could have, I can’t deny her request, what sort of horrific pony would that make me?”

“A-actually, I’ll be able to fix your dress for tomorrow!” Rarity stuttered out. “Can you come by in around 10 hours?”

Pinkie started shaking again upon hearing this, a giant smile beginning to form across her face. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! RARITY!” she squealed. “Ooooohhh you’re so generous Rarity, I can’t thank you enough!”

Rarity blushed. “Oh it’s really no big deal darling, I just like helping a friend in need.”

Pinkie hugged Rarity “Thank you Rarity, I don’t know what to sa- THE CUPCAKES ARE IN THE SECOND FRIDGE, THAT’S RIGHT” She quickly dashed back into the kitchen, a worrisome Rarity following suit.

“Annnnd...there! Those should be the final touches”

Rarity sighed, finally letting herself relax after a day of stitches and weaves. Pinkie’s dress was by far the hardest to complete, but she managed to complete within the time frame she gave herself. It was just as beautiful as the day she first created it, sparkles and all.

“Perhaps I should showcase this for fashion week." Rarity pondered. "Would be quite daring, but I think the frills here could be quite-”

“Excuse me?”

Rarity focused back to the present and turned around to see a young mare standing in her doorway.

“Hello there darling, what can I do for you?” Rarity asked.

“I’m here to pickup my order, I requested a dress yesterday and you said it would be done today?”

“Oh of course darling, let me see if I can go find it”

Rarity began looking in her wardrobe, trying to find this customers dress.

“What does this dress look like darling?” Rarity asked

“It should be a blue dress with purple ribbons, I’m wearing it to my cousins wedding! It’ll be so exciting and I’m sure the dress you made for me will look wonderful!”

Rarity kept searching, but couldn’t find any custom made blue dresses.

“I uh, can’t seem to find it darling”

“Huh? What do you mean? I need to have that dress today, the wedding is in two days!”

“Of course darling, I just need to a bit more searching!”

Rarity began to panic. Where was this dress? She would never lose something as important as a dress, especially if it was to be worn to a wedding. Maybe she never started it? No, that wouldn’t make sense. She planned everything out so that she would have enough time to complete every dress. The only thing that would prevent her from completing a dress is if something was added to her schedu-

Pinkie’s dress.

Rarity started panicking even harder. She hadn’t accounted for the time it would take to complete Pinkie’s dress. She was so focused on helping her friend she completely forgot to re-allocate her time.

This mares dress simply did not exist.

Rarity’s customer began to tap her hoof in impatience. “Rarity, where is my dress?” She demanded.

“Well, uh, darling, you see, I may, um, have, uh, forgotten to start it?” Rarity stuttered out, her face bright red.

The mare did not take this well. “What do you mean it’s not finished! I need that dress for tomorrow!”

“I know, I know darling! It just completely slipped my mind, I am ever so busy! I’ll start right away, I can get it to you by tomorrow morning!” Rarity pleaded.

“I can’t do that Rarity. The wedding is in Manehattan, it’s gonna take me at least a day to get there and the train leaves in the morning.”

“Well, I’m sure I can get it to you in at least 2 hours then! Just give me some time-”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got some dresses you made for my last year anyways, I’ll use one of those.” The mare sighed. “Just a shame I can’t bring a new dress this year is all”

Before Rarity could even say anything, her customer walked out, disappointment plastered all over her face. Rarity watched her go through her window, her feelings of panic turning into feelings of guilt.

“I haven’t missed an order like that in months, how could I have missed an order like that? Oh I’m being so stupid, I can’t even do my work properly!” Rarity yelled to herself.

Rarity continued to scold herself, fueling her self-punishment with her ever growing feelings of guilt. She trotted around her shop, a confused Opalescense looking on as Rarity kept her self-hatred going.

“Oh I’m being so stupid, how could you let something like this happen Rarity? This is how it starts, how your work gets sloppy! This is how your entire life falls apart, all because you messed up one simple order! How could you be so foolish!”

“Uh, Rarity? Are you ok?”

Pinkie had walked through the door with the intent of picking her dress up, only to be met with what appeared to be Rarity talking to herself.

“Oh, hello darling!” Rarity quickly composed herself and faced Pinkie. “Sorry darling, I was just having a bit of a moment. You know how I am with the dramatics and all that! Your dress is just over here.”

Rarity trotted to her wardrobe, pulling out Pinkie’s dress.

“Rarity, are you sure you’re ok? It doesn’t seem like you were ok, and I would know this because I see you a lot when you’re ok” Pinkie questioned.

“Really, it’s alright darling. I just missed an order and am a little bit annoyed. I’ll get over myself eventually. Here is your dress, just as good as the day you first got it”

Pinkie still looked concerned but took the dress from Rarity.

“Thank you Rarity, I really appreciate you doing this. If you need help or anything please ask, I’ll be more than happy to!”

Rarity was taken rather aback. Pinkie was rarely ever this serious, for her to be serious means she thought something was wrong.

“I’ll be sure to let you know Pinkie” Rarity remarked. “I’ll see you tomorrow darling”

Pinkie’s smile returned to her face, her more serious tone fading away. “Alrighty then! Ooooh, did you add extra glitter to the dress? It seems to look extra shiny. Oh oh, these frills! They look so...frilly! And what about…”

As Pinkie’s voice faded away as she left the Boutique, Rarity closed her door and let go a hefty sigh.

“Now you got Pinkie worried for you as well, you fool” Rarity sighed to herself. “What kind of friend are you?”

She started walking to her bedroom, it was late and she needed to be up early to start her next set of orders. As she turned to the corner of her room, she noticed the bottle of cider standing alone on her dresser, the moonlight reflecting off the glass and giving the drink a shine of sorts. Rarity stared at it for a while, contemplating drinking it to help her relax.

“No Rarity” She eventually remarked. “Now is not a time to be weak. You have to keep your focus up.”

She shook her head and went to go take a bath, wanting to be clean before she entered her bed. The cider continued to stand on her dresser, it’s shine fading as a cloud moved in front of the watchful moon