• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 1,105 Views, 18 Comments

How old is Ponyville? - Mightyfinemorning

Twilight Sparkle knows Ponyville is hundreds of years old...or at least that's what she thought.

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Chapter 2

Twilight gulped, standing before the gate that led to Princess Celestia’s Private Chamber. She tried to catch her breath, not just because she ran all the way from the train station to the Canterlot Palace. She recalled how, the guards at the Palace gate upon seeing their arrival promptly moved aside, as if knowing their arrival at that exact moment in advance, and then one pony named Sharpeye, introducing himself as a guard on duty for Princess Celestia, escorted Twilight and Pinkie through the hallway and eventually leaving them at the gate, saying ‘Her highness is expecting you two’ as he left the two.

All she had to do now was just to knock few times and then enter. Inside the room would be Princess Celestia, and she was going to tell why she called her. Problem solved. There could be no room for any kind of trouble.

Just knock. How hard was that? The Princess was waiting for them. Perhaps she was going to tell Twilight and Pinkie why the book was not available any longer. It might have been out of print by now. Ponyville could well be 76 years old instead of hundreds; it was just that Twilight happened to find a book of very poor quality, so poor that all the copies were subsequently retrieved and destroyed, except the one which she had the chance to take a look. Perhaps the librarian might have gotten rid of it seeing how the book contained incorrect information after Twilight left Canterlot. That seemed most likely what Princess Celestia was going tosay. Then she would reassure her that there was nothing wrong with her knowledge.

Twilight could not find much fault with her logic. Not only it sounded plausible, it was also good hypothesis, a one that fit perfectly within her way of thinking. It was proper and reasonable enough.

Except that all the process could be done with the Princess merely sending a reply letter saying that the book was wrong. But she did not, for whatever reason Twilight was yet to find out. She could have called later if sending letter seemed inappropriate. Ponyville was hit by a storm, but instead of organizing the whole Ponyville ponies to clean up the damage the storm had caused, Twilight was now in Canterlot, not Ponyville. The answer this perplexing situation only Princess Celestia knew.

There was also the possibility of the Princess’ call entirely unrelated to Ponyville history problem-then what could it be so important that she had to come to Canterlot so urgently? What about Ponyville history then?

The long dreaded hours of the train ride to Canterlot did not provide enough time for Twilight attempting to explain the course of events. What was the Princess going to say? It’s okay, nothing to worry about, she said to herself, reminding again and again the Princess was not calling because of Spirit of Disharmony set loose once again or another Changeling invasion, gathering herself from sudden paranoia that was seizing her. If it were, she would have stated that in her letter. Twilight knew her problem very well: she worried too much. She had to relax. She was glad that Pinkie was with her, lest she would have become more deranged than the last time.

“Well, I’m finally here…” Twilight slowly raised her front hoof, fidgeting around the doorknob. Just knock already! Her own voice shouted to her. What’s taking you so long?

I don’t know, Twilight thought. Ponyville history. Was it supposed to be that important so that she had to come all the way here?

Pinkie put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, her extreme friendliness sensing a distraught pony within the vicinity. “Now Twilight, don’t panic! I’m here as well. We’re all here! Geez, I think you ran faster than Dash when you rushed through the streets after getting off the train! I’m sure Princess Celestia will answer your question about Ponyville history. As far as I know, it is 76 years old. But who knows? Perhaps Princess Celestia knows better than I am.”

Twilight looked at Pinkie. Could she understand? To her it seemed she was only one having the problem. To Pinkie and everypony else-and probably Princess Celestia as well-Ponyville was 76 years old. Only Twilight herself thought it different. By common sense, she knew it was she who was likely to be wrong. But why was she thinking the other way?

What seemed as a simple issue was becoming too much for her. Ponyville. How old was it? The question was becoming increasingly-and dangerously-bothersome to Twilight in a very successful way. She could be wrong, she could be right. But either way, it was her versus the world, and that seemed to be the bitter truth. It did not matter that much even if she was right-still then, it would be just like the time when Discord set loose again. She was the only unaffected pony by Discord’s magic-what good came out of it? She might have gave up and just well fallen under the spell, for she knew she could not bear the situation of being left alone.

“Now Twilight, don’t have that look as if you’re all alone and nopony could understand you. I’m here with you. Oh, and Dash and AJ and Rarity and Fluttershy as well. They couldn’t come, but you do realize they care about you, right? What are friends for?” Pinkie smiled, her expression taking a sympathetic tone, a warm smile among many other smiles she had in her store. “I have to admit, I don’t know how you happened to ‘know’ that Ponyville is hundreds of years old, but you know what they say. Two heads are better than one, and I say the many the merrier and better! You should just have told us, Twilight. But hey, writing a letter to Princess Celestia was great! She’s the one ruling over Equestria, and I’m sure she knows so much about Equestrian history.”

“Thank you for saying that, Pinkie.” Twilight managed to grin a little. “But it just doesn’t make sense, no matter how hard I try to think. I really appreciate your effort-I mean, I’m really glad you were able to come with me, because I just don’t know what’s going to happen now. I don’t know what to do. I cannot think of a reason the Princess is calling me. I don’t think I can move this hoof of mine, because I don’t know what awaits me behind this gate. If only I could know."

“Twilight, of course we’ll never know what will happen in the future. And I think that is a rare bliss. Remember what happened when future-you visited? It would have been better if you never knew what actually happened 'next Tuesday!' Besides, I’m sure beyond this door Princess Celestia will be waiting for us.”

“I guess…you’re right. Oh well, here goes nothing.” Twilight took a deep breath, knocking in the door for few times. After waiting for a few second, she opened the door and entered the room.

Twilight saw Princess Celestia in the middle of the room, sitting in a cushion with a book in front of her. Whether the book she was holding was the one she once desperately searched, Twilight could not discern. The book which started it all; but to her dismay and subsequent relief it looked different, being much bigger in size. In its cover Twilight caught glimpse of an image of a pony having both a horn and a pair of wings.

It was clearly a book she never saw before. Perhaps it was the book of proper Equestrian history. Twilight had never seen a book with an alicorn image in its cover, but assumed that it was a very important book which the Princess rarely took it out from her own library. Starswirl Wing had a scroll containing time-travelling spell, and to Twilight it seemed natural that particular section of the library held much more secrets that were better left undisturbed, unless in case of dire situations.

She hoped the situation wasn’t as dire as she thought. Who knows, Twilight said to herself. Perhaps I’m thinking too much, and she was just reading the book to pass the time until she and Pinkie came to her. But what about the cover? The image of an alicorn had to signify a great degree of importance.

Putting aside the voice of the reason, Twilight walked closer to the Princess. “Princess Celestia! Good to see you again.”

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.” Princess Celestia levitated the book down, saying the word in a serene tone. Her soft soothing voice was perhaps what Twilight needed, as she immediately felt very relieved upon hearing her mentor’s word.

Twilight bowed, while managing to continue her inspection upon the book. Whatever it was, she surmised it had to be in some way related to her current meeting with the Princess. There had to be a reason for the book being here right now. Everything had to make sense, and if, as Pinkie said, many things didn’t, Twilight figured it was a pony’s job to fill the gaps, identifying cause for all the things happening.

“Hello Princess! Long time no see! Oh, maybe short time, I should say. It’s only been few weeks after the Royal Wedding, right? That was super fun!” Pinkie now fully returned to her usual overly delighted self quickly secured one cushion and immediately sat down.

Princess Celestia laughed. “Yes, Pinkie. Thank you again for your excellent DJ skills.” She turned to look at Twilight. “And Twilight, my faithful student. I express my humble apology once again for my thoughtless remark on that day. I was…a bit overloaded with myself, thinking you were accusing wrongly of my niece. I was the one who had lot to think about.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal. Who would have expected a Changeling Queen feigning herself as Cadence?” And nopony would have ever thought that Ponyville was hundreds of years old, except for her, Twilight thought. “I’m glad at least that’s over.” Twilight said, hiding her anxious state as best as possible.

Soon she would get the answer. The letter. Ponyville history. Whether the two were related at all she could ask Princess Celestia both subjects. The former was the reason she came to Canterlot in the first place, and the latter, the Princess was bound to know, being the ruler of Equestria for countless centuries. At least she would have the right source to tell her. Or it could be about the winter storm. All things considered, Twilight reminded her to ask the questions later.

Luckily for her, Pinkie was quick to get to the point, being able to bypass formal conventions if she considered (which happened fairly often) unncessary. “You know, Twilight here wanted to know why you called her to come. Oh, and me as well. I was the only one whocould come with her.”

“Yes. From what I gather, Ponyville was hit by a storm of an unusual size, isn’t it? The Weather Control Team in Cloudsdale had sent me a report about it. About the letter, I am sorry for not writing why I called you. But as you know, Twilight, sometimes…a certain degree of discretion is absolutely necessary.”

“Discretion? For what reason?” Twilight asked, definitely noticing how the Princess’ voice trailed little off in the end. “Is something wrong?” She hoped the cold sweat running down her face was the result of her charging through the Canterlot streets. Princess Celestia usually spoke with her gentle voice, not faltering, grace itself manifested in her words and action, though in dire circumstances-whatever the case might be-her manner of speech would change. Of course, everypony tended to fumble and mumble at her words in a troubling situation. But what, Twilight had to wonder, could be a situation so out of control for an Alicorn princesss who controlled the Sun every day since the beginning of Equestrian history, forcing her to stray from her natural placid voice?

“Frankly, I do not know how to explain the issue. Not by letter, and not by short words, I am afraid.” Princess Celestia sighed. “But I know not telling you would do no good. I am well aware of your intellectual capacity and outstanding curiosity, Twilight. You were always adamant when it came to learning about something that caught your interest. You wanted to know why things were as it appeared to be. You wanted to know answer to every question you had.”

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight did not like where this was going. The Princess' tone was placid, a reassuring tone indeed. But it was too much, and to her it was exactly the calmness right before the storm.

“This book, for example.” Princess Celestia levitated the book to bring it closer to Twilight. “Don’t you think there is a reason I have it right here while meeting you? Twilight Sparkle I know would be curious about it. ‘Why would Princess Celestia have that right now?’-you would ask.”

“Wait. What has that to do with you calling me?”

“It was because of your letter I brought this book, Twilight. When I got your letter and read it, I was very surprised and worried.”

Twilight felt a heavy stone suddenly inside of her stomach. Princess Celestia surprised. And worse, worried. A sign ensuring great trouble, like a ominous sound of a bell tolling for a pony's ultimate doom. “But why?” Twilight asked, desperate-and at the same time fearing-for what the Princess was going to say.

No, I am better than this. Twilight tried to breathe more slowly, allowing the pleasant aroma of the room enter her nose and make her settle down a bit.

Pinkie shrugged. “Oh. Is something wrong with Twilight's letter?”

After being still for a minute or two, Princess Celestia began to speak. “No. It is not about that. I am sorry if I made you feel really worried. But know this. Whatever I am about to tell you, you must not be surprised. I will now explain. You must first listen, I implore you.You will have questions, I am very sure. But please, let me finish my word first."

Twilight and Pinkie nodded.

“Good. Where to start…yes. I know you Twilight think of all things having their own reasons. Some are more difficult to understand than others. Ponyville history, yes. That is one of the reasons I called you here.”

“There are other reasons?” What started out as a simple intellectual curiosity has led her to this; the chain of events that happened so far seemed so overwhelming for Twilight, as if there was an external force governing her life to come to at this certain point.

“Many reasons, ultimately leading to one grand one, I suppose.” Speaking in uncertain terms; Twilight involuntarily cringed upon hearing the voice of the Princess becoming less and less certain. “It is rather simple, actually. Let us think; it is not always easy to know the reason behind a certain phenomenon, don’t you think so?”

“Yes.” Twilight quickly answered.

“But we do know the fact that there is a cause for a happening. That I believe is one of the simple rules that govern this world. How old is Ponyville you ask? There is a reason for your questioning. There is also an explanation for Ponyville being certain years old. And yes, there is a reason for you finding out that your knowledge about Ponyville history does not accord with others’. The origin of an unusual storm must be explained as well, right?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight, the reason is, well, I believe it would be better if you actually see it for yourself.“ Princess Celestia brought the book close to her. Twilight quickly used her horn to grab it with her magical energy, taking a good look. It was not different from her first scan, the cover having the image of an alicorn. Everything else was as same as a regular hardcover book published.

“The book you see before your eyes, Twilight, is the reason why you think Ponyville is 76 years old. And yes, you are right. Ponyville is hundreds of years old-I still remember its founder Wagon Trail coming to Canterlot to ask for guidance for settlement. At least that was how it was, until the book said something else. To make long stories short, what’s written on the book determines what happens in real life. If it says Ponyville is 76 years old and founded by Granny Smith, then so it happens. The reason behind everything you have experienced and will experience happens because of this book.”

Twilight wondered if she had finally stressed out and was hearing things that the Princess never spoke in the first place.

"What is written on this book is how this world functions. Equestria and the world itself is the product of this book." Princess Celestia said, her voice little bit shaky. "I know this is a hard fact to take, but you must believe me. Ponyville, before the book said it was 76 years old, had a long history. Now it does not. The fact is, now it is 76 years old. Because the book says so."

Twilight turned to look at Pinkie, who in turn looked at her, wide-eyed, not sure what to say. Sure, she was definitely there, but could she be any help now? What good was it anyway if there was any?