• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

A Pain in the Metric - JusSonic

A new villain comes and the Mane Six needs help of a new pony named Dust to fight him!

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Chapter 04: Battle against Metric!

Chapter 04: Battle against Metric!

The scene slowly changes towards a new area where it was more moveable of different rooms station around. There appeared to be vault doors leading to what look like classified rooms, but the heroes that arrive from an elevator ride were just wondering where they are & where to go next…

“We finally have reach this spot.” Spike sighs to say in seeing where they have managed to reach here.

“Yah, but where are we?” Phobos asked off in not knowing where they are currently at.

“Didn’t you hear what I said before, this is where Flutterbat is being kept.” Pinkie Pie spoke off to remind the gang of what she read before.

“Yah, we know that much Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in commenting how they know that much already.

“But where, she could be anywhere?” Fluttershy asked off in not knowing where the enemy has kept their captured friend.

“Wait, ssh, something’s coming.” Pinkamena hushed the group in hearing something; steps like someone’s coming.

“Take caution friends, I too sense the main foe moving about.” Ahrah spoke wisely to alert those here to be on the guard, the real threat of who they are after…is near.

Everyone then quickly his themselves to be out of sight now. Soon something was seen, there were some Dark Troopers moving with a strange character being like the head-honcho around here. He looked like Earth stallion, with black color fur, white color mane & tail in a short buzz military style, and gray emerald eyes. He appears like someone in his 40s, appears strong, athletic build & somewhat sharp facial features. But he had a very sadistic grin on his face, even to creep a fella out in thinking he is also very snobby & has a charismatic voice. He is seen wearing a very decorative, cuirass, a fine silver armor plate on his left shoulder, & dark-red cape. He looks to usually possess a pistol & knife, but if that was all he was packing, no one knows. From the appearance & high rank look of the foe, it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together here.

“Is that Metric?” Adult Nyx asked off quietly in who they are seeing.

“I think so.” Twilight whispered back to Nyx in thinking that pony was the foe they have to stop; Metric.

“Can you guys feel that?” Ben asked the group in having felt what Metric’s magic aura level was like.

“Right, it’s completely different from Cobar’s level.” Dust nods off in having to know what sorta presence this enemy was giving off.

“Where are they going?” Rarity asked in not knowing where the enemy was going towards.

“Fellas, over yonder!” Applejack spoke off in noticing where the enemy was currently going towards.

Then from a big metal mechanical door vault, it was slowly opening up to reveal what was inside…A strap bed that seem to be holding in a prisoner, & by the looks of it, it was none other than the certain Vampire Pony hostage herself…Flutterbat.

“Flutterbat!” The Mane Six & Goldie’s group silently responded, that is where their Vampire Pony friend is kept.

“Your comrades are preparing to attack, Vampire. It seems those of Royalty put little value on the lives of their allies.” Metric remarked off in stating this off to the hostage about what they know is going on.

“Even so, when push comes to shoved, my friends won’t be pushed around for long.” Flutterbat responded off to her offense against her oppressor.

“How frank. Your friends may just prepare to sacrifice all of Equestria in stopping us, once you tell us how to disable the shield.” Metric coldly explained how things were going to go down in his version of this event. “War brings out the worst in all of us. But together we could end all this suffering…” He stated off to mention this as what the results will be.

“I’ve already told you things I know and things I don’t know, and the Mystic Shield location…I…Don’t…Know…It!” Flutterbat responded off in stating that she doesn’t know anything beyond that stuff.

“Then you will continue to be tortured…until your undead spirit…is more dead than your flesh. Continue the treatment.” Metric spoke off in giving the order to continue to torture this hostage until she talks.

“Yes sir.” Dark Mystic Trooper saluted in having been given the order.

“Aaaaughhhh!” Flutterbat was getting an electric torment while Metric was seen leaving to enter a nearby elevator to go up within Dark Gallon.

When the enemy was out of sight, the heroes watch the torture continue on. But then Pinkamena approach two of the torturers, tap their shoulders, and then delivered a smash of her hooves to their faces. The other torturers turn to notice, only for the rest of the heroes to have come in & knock them out. So now the good news was stopping this inhuman action, the second was freeing a captive friend & checking to see if Flutterbat was okay.

“Hey, Flutterbat, you okay? It’s us, Pinkamena and the gang.” Pinkamena spoke off in approaching to help free the captive Vampire Pony.

“Uuhhh…” Flutterbat moans a bit in feeling woozy from everything she has been through.

“Don’t worry, we’re here to get you out.” Goldie responded that they are here to get this friend of theirs out; as Sombra & Autumn Gem help lift Flutterbat off the strap chair.

“Can you walk?” Autumn Gem asked if their friend can at least walk on her own.

“I think so…” Flutterbat responded in stating that she believes she can perform that much on her own.

“We have to hurry.” Sombra issued that they need to get going, staying here any longer is just inviting trouble to come.

“Flutterbat, do you know where the generator for this place is? If we destroy it, it might undo its invisibility & stop its attack?” Jack Zen asked off if the Vampire Pony knows where the source of this base’s power is located.

“I think I heard….those Dark Troopers say it was at the very top of Dark Gallon.” Flutterbat responded off to say in getting herself together to explain what she knows from before.

“Okay, then we’ll have to get there & put a stop to this mobile tower.” Fidget spoke off in seeing what they gotta do here, get up to the top of this tower.

“Sombra, Autumn Gem, Jack Zen, you guys escape with Flutterbat, me, Goldie & Omega will tag along to help out.” Pinkamena turn to her group in wanting them to take Flutterbat out while the handle the rest.

The members of Goldie’s group had to split off from the Mane Six party, but they all knew what they had to do & they all play a part. Now the gang quickly go towards an elevator that showed a ’Tower Rooftop’ on it, which Pinkie Pie pressed for them to get going. Soon that’s when everyone rode on for the next ride to take them up in hoping to stop this mobile tower base from trying to level their town’s shield. Everything goes dark around this time before we await what happens next…


The scene changes to where it’s the very top of Dark Gallon as we find an open elevator crate door open to reveal that it was a large massive size platform. Those coming out of the elevator were most of the heroes that have arrived at this location to find nothing but station equipment & the usual stuff. But there was what look like the heart of this tower’s basic core to give it power to move & fire its terrible weapons.

“So that’s the thing powering this tower?” Rarity asked off in seeing what was likely what they were seeking to find.

“Probably need something powerful to even move something this big.” Rainbow Dash pointed out in seeing that to move a tower like mobile base takes a lot of energy to do.

“So if we take it out, it’ll stop this thing from attacking?” Fluttershy asked off in slowly following along what the plan of attack is.

“Dat about sums it up, Fluttershy.” Applejack nodded off in how her friend managed to get the idea down there.

“Then let’s go up and…” Phobos was about to move in, until…

“Wait, company…!” Adult Nyx grabbed her pet pal from going anywhere here.

“The bad kind!” Spike pointed out in seeing there were Dark Mystic Troopers patrolling the area in question.

“Hug…What was that?” Some nearby Dark Mystic Troopers responded in having heard something nearby.

“Who’s there?” The second Dark Mystic Trooper asked off in where they begin to inspect if anyone was hiding from them.

“Bangbangbnagvhmm…/Gaaaughh!” Many of the Dark Troopers were being blasted by Omega’s Gatling guns without ever being aware.

“So much for the sneaking around.” Ben shrug off to say before he and everyone soon went off to attack their targets.

After taking care of some minor Dark Trooper issue, the group then begin to approach the spot in where they found what was label ‘The Heart Of Gallon Tower’ before their eyes. The thing looked like a glowing dark gem admitting a glowing pulse in transferring large amounts of power for the mobile tower base to be active. The group even saw some energy leak through tubes to help fire the cannons against the Mystic Shield.

“Over here guys!” Pinkie Pie waved out for those to approach the spot that was by the heart of this mobile tower base as it was a computer terminal giving out data input.

“Is this thing what’s powering the place & the invisibility function?” Goldie asked off in trying to understand what it is that they are looking at here, but he’s not a tech wiser.

“Amazing, right? Maybe with a bit of code cracking, we can shut it down & cause the whole place to blow. Omega, you’re up!” Pinkamena stated to say in having to study this stuff to see that with a bit of work, they can make this place crumble apart; and looked to Omega.

“Understood.” Omega reached up and began to hook up to the main terminal of the Dark Gallon. “It will take time to cause an overload, giving us time to vacate the area.” Omega explained intruding to set this thing to blow up in which gives everyone time to escape.

“Then we don’t have to blast the thing & go BOOM with it?” Phobos asked off in knowing what was their safest bet here.

“Right, don’t want that.” Spike nods off in thinking that was a smart thing to do than to blow themselves sky high.

“Hey, maybe we can let this place blow up & take out the rest of the Dark Mystics for us.” Fidget smiled off to suggest in how to kill two birds with one stone in this action.

“As tempting as that sounds, I doubt it be easy.” Dust stated off in finding such a plan a little out of the way of being THAT easy.

“Dust! Everyone! Be cautious, the enemy’s near!” Ahrah spoke off in alerting the gang that something was near them.

“Well, well. The famous group I’ve been hearing is here.” Spoke a dark & cruel voce from out of the blue now.

That when the gang got defensive to turn around to see who was over pass an area where…someone was watching them. It was shown to be Metric as he held a heavy machine gun/grenade launcher type weapon specially design by Dark Mystic weaponizing technology.

“General Metric!” Goldie spoke off in getting his sword ready for what’s coming next here.

“Omega, can you continue this by linking with the system?” Pinkamena asked her bot pal while she held her Chain Blades.

“Affirmative.” Omega nods off in leaving the control terminal to have a separate link program run it down to prepare it to self-destruct.

“Metric, as princess of the Rainbow Kingdom, I order you stop your attack on our town at once.” Twilight sternly was demanding this enemy leave their kingdom or else.

“Are you all still trying to win your war against the Three Lords with only single-minded action,” Metric remotely asked off in seeing that from past history, this bunch of fools have been fighting with nothing but beliefs & determination against the harsh matters of fighting. “A shame, it will be the death of you all.” Metric harshly excluded that if the heroes continue under such false measures of hope, they will surely fall.

“Gulp…our deaths?” Fluttershy swallowed hard in being a bit scared in having heard such a threat.

“Don’t listen Fluttershy, he’s trying to psych us out…I think.” Pinkie Pie stated to calm her friend in what she could make out was a lie.

“We won’t give up in stopping you and the Dark Mystics from hurting our kind.” Adult Nyx stated off to say this in what they are gonna do to not lose against such an evil cruel fiend.

“Then I will deal with you myself!” Metric declared forth in seeing that he must settle things by his own means. “Don’t worry your little heads, we have big plans for your kingdom, along with the rest of Equestria.” Metric remarked off in stating that those here can be at ease, those that they hold dear will be lifted off their shoulders.

“Sorry, but that’s not gonna happen.” Ben snapped off to say this in refusing to give in.

“He’s right, we’ll finish you before you can takeover anymore lives!” Dust declared forth in holding the Sword of Ahrah in being ready here.

“You all hate me…that’s good. A soldier needs hatred.” Metric issued forth in seeing how much he’s seeing those that seem to hate his guts out. “You will die for the glory of the Dark Mystics!” He declared froth his reasonings of those here to be dead, just before firing off his weapon which caused many of the group to scatter & find cover. “Stand & fight, cringing dogs!” Metric snapped off in wanting those to stand forth and fight him, while firing away his magical shots from his weapon that were blasting away much of the area.

“Gee, he must be one of those SHOT first, ask questions later kinda guy.” Phobos remarked off in seeing how this Metric guy even works in the field.

“Well at least he’s not like Cobar.” Spike stated to say in recalling the last opponent they fought off.

“Cobar was nothing compared to what this guy is at. But if he wants to shoot, then I’ll shoot back!” Rainbow Dash stated that this enemy was tougher than the other one, but she’s gearing up to attack.

“Be careful not ta shot off more than ye can chew, Rainbow.” Applejack remarked off to lecture her friend about such a thing.

“Eat this, Metric!” Rainbow Dash shouted off in firing her Magical Nun-chuck Guns off that seem to impact the target.

“Pitiful.” Metric remarked off from appearing unharmed and fired his machine gun.

“Waaaugh!” Rainbow Dash ducks down to avoid the shots to take some cover.

“Oh my, he didn’t flinch at all!” Fluttershy yelps in seeing that didn’t work out quite right.

“Well it might be his outfit darlings, it’s made of custom materials to give some protection.” Rarity spoke forth in explaining the case to her friends.

“How can you tell?” Phobos asked off in how an outfit has such defense.

“I design outfits & know what materials are used to make them.” Rarity stated that she can tell because she’s a fashion design and can tell clothing material even among military-wear.

“Then we need to hit him with other attacks.” Ben stated to say in seeing what they gotta do here.

“I’ll try something…Twilight Star Shower!” Twilight stated to say before announcing her attack before using her horn to fire off her spell.

But at the same time, Metric fired his grenade launcher upwards, and in a surprise twist, Twilight’s attack was blocked by powerful explosions. When it was over, nothing even made it through, Metric was completely unharmed.

“Okay….now I’m starting to think this guy is not only creepy…but creepy smart too!” Fidget spoke off in finding what Metric is capable of doing is pretty scary in a way of looking at this.

“Then I shall assist, by approaching the target & blasting him. My armor can handle more hits than the rest of you can.” Omega stated off in what he can do to provide some aid to the group, by withstanding more shots from the enemy.

“Are you sure about that Omega?” Goldie asked from which the bot nodded his head in giving that answer.

“Alright Omega, show him who’s the tougher weapon here!” Pinkamena stated off in wanting her bot to show that Dark Mystic who’s boss.

Soon Omega activated his Omega Boosters to soar up into the air. Metric was firing off more of his charged grenades with his own magic, the impacts done on Omega seem to cause him to get knocked back quite a bit, as expected from a Dark Mystic’s magical force. But soon both targets were firing their machine guns off which ended up with neither ducking away while taking what damage was done. But when Metric felt a bit annoyed by the tin-plate forcing his position, he had to move & duck away while launching more grenades to blow up any of the other heroes.

“Will such a useless machine not just get scrapped?” Metric stated off in complaining to seeing Omega was not falling.

“No, and you will reframe from calling me scrapped!” Omega stated off while also feeling a bit offended now.

Omega was then firing his Omega Flamethrowers to catch Metric off guard, especially when he had some grenades launched out; which exploded to cause the Dark Mystic harm. That gave the others a chance to fire their range attacks when the enemy was stun for a moment.

“I’ll need to back myself up & find a different altitude advantage.” Metric stated to himself before turning to leave the gang to find a different part of the area to fight better in.

“He’s running!” Pinkie Pie stated in seeing the enemy flee from them.

“No, he’s only changing location!” Ben stated in seeing that the guy was trying to find a better position to attack them from afar.

The gang had to quickly go after where Metric went, only to dodge & duck away from some metal barrels & metal crates when the enemy’s machine gun was firing at them. Metric was on a higher railing climb, as he wouldn’t be approachable while firing his weapon with his magic power to give some extra price damage. The proof was seen in how damaging it could punch through the metal barrels some of the gang hid behind, the guy was getting a little more serious here.

“Anyone wanna take him next?” Rainbow Dash asked off in wondering who wants a piece of this action now.

“Sure, like ye tried earlier.” Applejack rolled her eyes in seeing her friend already tried, but didn’t succeed the first time.

“Hey, I got him when we all join!” Rainbow Dash protest to say this about what she did later on that counted.

“Oh my, what should we do?” Fluttershy asked off in what they should do while taking cover.

“Don’t worry, the plan is NOT to panic.” Pinkie Pie was stating this as the easiest thing to do, but… “YIKES!” She yelped when a shot chop off a bit of her fluffy mane to duck down.

“You fools shall fall, this shall become your demise.” Metric stated off in preparing to execute the group that were right in his sight.

Now Metric was firing his machine gun & firing his grenade launcher to destroy the targets, but many either took cover or hid behind some cover. Golden Heart hid behind a crate before throwing a Golden Fireball to impact against Metric, and Pinkamena had her Chain Blades slither to attack from below which only did little damage. Metric got up and was continuing to attack be machine guns & grenade launchers that exploded near the metal barrels that were breaking apart that those hidden won’t be able to be safe for much longer.

“This won’t hold long, Twilight, any ideas?” Rarity stated that at this rate, they’ll lose another cover, maybe their genius friend can save them.

“We have to inflict more damage to him.” Twilight stated of what they will most likely need to help survive against Metric’s attack patterns.

“How, he’ll try to stop it.” Adult Nyx stated in recalling what Metric will do, using his own magic to boost his weapon’s attack power will cancel some of theirs.

“Maybe with something he won’t expect.” Ben stated in summoning a weapon that he prepares to take aim. “Typhoon Boomerang!” As he shouted this, he throws his boomerang off that Metric only duck down to dodge it.

“Your feeble attempts will not save you….hugh!” Metric was suddenly cut off as a cyclone was forming around him, the boomerang had swung around and was blinding him while causing some damage.

“NOW!” Ben yelled out for the rest to attack when the enemy wasn’t paying attention on them.

Soon when Metric was distracted again, that gave more of the other members to attack with more of their range base attacks. Metric was trying to fire any machine gun rounds or launch more grenades, but the cyclone he was trapped in made the shots miss & the grenades blew up inside which started to give him damage instead. While the smoke was clearing & Ben reclaim his boomerang, the enemy looked a bit more ruffled up, but still not down yet.

“Grrr….more resistance than expected, then in that case…I shall show no mercy.” Metric snarls off to say in deciding to try a different tactic here.

Now Metric once again was moving away in order to get further & be in a different location to get the better advantage. The others saw him go and had to chase after Metric & put a stop to him. But at this time, Metric used his magic that seem to summon forth something to appear before him when he reach a higher field; it was a metallic plate booth which he took cover to protect himself while firing his weapon. This caused the gang to take cover behind some metallic crates to be out of the line of fire.

“Great, saw this one coming!” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing this was another bad situation to come across.

“Right, he’s shooting at us.” Spike nods off to say in seeing that Metric is just not quitting here.

“Sword Beam!” Ben fired off his Sword Beam from his sword, but when it hit that metal defense, it didn’t react much. “What the…that didn’t destroy it?” He questioned off in seeing that the enemy has summoned forth that which seem hard to destroy.

“It’s acting like a shield, we can’t destroy it so easily.” Dust stated to say in seeing what the enemy was using as better defense.

“Then while we’re trying to find a way to get to him, he’s safe to fire endless rounds at us & weaken what we’re using as cover.” Fidget was remarking the fact that while they are hiding, Metric is firing endless rounds to destroy what’s keeping them safe; so what can they do now?

“Calm yourself Fidget, there may still be a way to get through this if we act wisely.” Ahrah spoke forth in giving some wise advice even when things look bad.

“But still, if we poke our heads out, we’re easy targets.” Adult Nyx stated in knowing that they can’t go out, they do and the enemy will shot from a nice defense.

“Then I’ll go and deal enough damage on that thing.” Dust stated to say that he’ll handle things.

“Are you sure Dust, this guy isn’t Cobar?” Twilight asked off in knowing Metric is not like Cobar when they fought & stop him.

“Heh, trust me….I know, and that’s why I’ll help land the extra blows to destroy that thing.” Dust let off a little chuckle to say that he’ll be fine, he can slip through easily.

Then Dust had his body turn into his dust form, as he was performing an attack against the metal structure where Metric was while he was firing his machine gun. Dust’s body in the form of dust was taking the hits, but was not feeling any damage.

“From Whence It Came!” Dust announced as he performed a four-combo attack, consisting of a downward slash, a sideways slash, an uppercut & finally a powerful downward slash. The damages were seen actually cracking much of the metal defense.

“Drat! How could something like dust cause this much damage? Wait….the Sword of Ahrah!” Metric cursed off to say this before noticing...a recognizable sword in Dust's possession.

“Ash Bound!” Dust announced the next move which was a powerful throw combo, consisting of a downward slash, a sideways slash, two uppercuts & a final grab of a light crate box he throws at the ground of Metric’s defense. “Finally…The Fallen!” Now Dust was slashing down with Ahrah horizontally with extended high speed, the attack was going so fast, some couldn’t see where Dust went, but it was clearing out more of the metal defense until….“”

“Kaboomfruvhmmm…” Then without warning, the metallic plate shield that Metric was using blew up as he duck away from it. Course the enemy was mostly on fire from the explosion, so he was putting it out.

“Darn you! Why don’t you all die,” Metric curse before he fired his grenade launcher off that caused explosions to wreck most of the metal crates the heroes were hiding behind.

“Wow, he sure is mad now!” Pinkamena stated in seeing what was happening here.

Now Metric was firing off grenade shots from his launcher that was exploding and taking out the metal crates. Causing most of the heroes to lose their only cover, which meant if they don’t act soon, they’ll get inflicted with some bad damage results. Dust was seen being perfectly fine in remaining in his dust form, but the others were concern, especially since now the explosions are more powerful, Metric is pulling off all the stops in charging his weapons to give it everything he’s got.

“Dust! Anytime you wanna strike, now’s a good time!” Fidget issued off that if her pal can do something, anytime between now is good.

“I will assist!” Omega stated in about to move out here, but…

“Die!” Metric yelled out in firing his machine gun that was now even piercing Omega’s armor defense then before.

“Error…error…attack is stronger than last time!” Omega was yelping from the attacks he was being dealt with, as he was being pushed against the crates.

“Night Blast!” Adult Nyx was soon blasting against the enemy’s attacks & hitting him.

“Dragon Flame/Moon Flame!” Then Spike & Phobos tried to fire off their flames at the attacker which seem to work, but….

“Wraaarrughhhh!” Metric was just firing off between machine gun rounds & grenade launcher in just attacking anything & anyone around. This was causing everyone to duck back for cover, the guy was clearly not gonna give them much a choice.

“Great, he’s gone BONKERS!” Applejack stated off in seeing what their foe was trying to do with them.

“I think now we’re seeing he’s trouble!” Rarity stated to say in how things were looking for them.

“Yikes….can’t get up, he’ll shoot us off!” Pinkie Pie ducks down from almost getting shot off by the enemy here.

“Eek! And we’re losing cover, what do we do?” Fluttershy yelps from lowering down, their only covers are being torn to spread, they’ll be out in the open at this rate.

“Twilight, if you can think up a plan of attack, think fast, we’re running out of stuff to find cover!” Rainbow Dash was issuing off that if their brainiac friend can think faster, they really appreciate it.

“I am, but it’s hard with all this distraction!” Twilight stated in having some difficulty as it stands from all the matters happening around.

As the enemy was truly suppressing the gang down, no one seem to notice a metal cable nearby Metric that was….strangely moving. The metal rope soon was moving on its own to shackle around Metric’s legs & around his wielding of weapons.

“What the…?” Metric yelps off in seeing what was going on without warning.

“Look! He’s distracted!” Fidget pointed in seeing what was happening with the enemy.

“This might be our only chance, pour everything into this, every pony!” Ben issued off that this was their chance to finally stop the enemy right where they stand.

Now everyone was charging up their little bits of magical auras, and then really, really poured it out in attacking Metric when he was distracted. Metric was trying to fire off his machine gun & grenade launcher, but his gun was busted & even his grenades blew up.

“This….won’t….stop…” Metric was trying to withstand much of the damage the heroes were pouring on against him until the dust clouds from the explosive attacks cover around.

Finally, Metric had fallen on his knees before those that have managed to land enough damage on the Dark Mystic; he held his chest from where he seem to have lost a bit of blood. The gang quickly surround Metric with any of their weapons or battle stances in making certain if any suspicious moves are seen, they strike the target.

“Go ahead, Equestrian. Give me a warrior’s death.” Metric issued forth in wanting those to give him the final blow.

“Forget it, you’re not getting off that easy!” Rainbow Dash pointed out that the villain isn’t getting off that easy if they kill him.

“Right! You’ll take responsibility for your crimes.” Twilight responded off to say in what they tend to do here with Metric as a prisoner.

“It’s over, Metric. Have your forces stop the attack now.” Ben declared in wanting this Dark Mystic to surrender himself.

“You really think, your softhearted means will stop this attack.” Metric stated off to slowly push himself up to stand back up on his own hooves. “You don’t even understand the meaning behind all of this.” He stated this in having known what was truly going on from attacking Ponyville & the Mystic Shield.

“KABOOM-KABOOM-KABOOM!” Suddenly without warning, the areas around the top of the tower were suddenly exploding without warning. This in turn was causing many of the tower’s structure to vibrate & shake, making this event catch everybody’s attention.

“What’s happening?” Adult Nyx Asked off in seeing the whole place was exploding around them.

“Omega, don’t tell me the countdown to self-destruct this place is starting already?” Pinkamena asked off in seeing that something has happened, the explosion event is happening TOO soon.

“Uncertain, I was mostly distracted in attacking than paying attention.” Omega responded off in seeing that the event to destroy this place is occurring, with THEM on it.

“Then we gotta get out before this whole place goes with US with it!” Goldie stated off that they need to evacuate to a safe distant.

Everything was going up in smoke, the group felt much of the ground shaking that caused them to be mildly distracted.

“Wraaaaa!!” Then Metric was seen coming to kill the group while they are distracted.

But then without warning, a strange noise was heard that was causing much of the outer structure to tear itself apart of all the metal & was spiraling around above the gang. The action of the explosions were still occurring, but something else was going on. Even weirder was when the metal plating stretched out from the ground to grasp Metric to stop his movement.

“What is…going on?” Metric struggled to get out, what was going on here.

“That is as far as you will go.” Spoke a voice that was seen appearing above, appearing in a magnetic electronic sphere, was none other than…

“Magnus?” The gang responded in seeing who was helping them out; another ally they know who is the Master of Magnetism; Magnus.

“I have watch you from afar, to see how far you would go to stop an enemy commencing war.” Magnus stated in having watch those fight against those trying to commence a war here.

“Then…were you helping us from a distance?” Rarity asked off the other question on the mind.

“Only against the opponent that did not surrender after his defeat.” Magnus stated off in bringing up a subject.

“Ye mean dat creep, Cobar?” Applejack stated in recalling what happened to Cobar in the end.

“Well that explains how that walking tank landed on Cobar.” Pinkie Pie stated off to say in seeing how this fills in the details of that tank that was busted up was moving on its own.

“Um, I hate to interrupt….but…maybe we should be leaving?” Fluttershy pointed out in thinking they need to get going here.

“Fluttershy’s right, this place is gonna blow up soon.” Spike stated in seeing they can’t stay a moment longer.

“Abandon enemy base!” Phobos screamed out in what they need to be doing right now.

“You fools will not escape here alive…Die!” Metric roared off to say as if sounding battle crazy to come after those to kill. Then he broke free of his metal binds to go forth to attack.

“Foolish being, fall before the Master…Of Magnetism!” Magnus responded forth in stepping in to stop this foe where he stands.

Then suddenly without warning, Magnus’ powers suddenly caused every metal to rip apart in causing where Metric stood to lose his balance. The Dark Mystic was about to try to retaliate, but…Magnus was a step ahead…

“Boltic Volt!” Magnus holds out his hooves & unleashed a magical magnetic spark pressure like a lightning figure to deliver a shocking buildup on his target; Metric.

“Aaaahhh!” Metric let off a scream from being impacted against such last minute attacks; that it shot him off of his tower. Many that watch saw Metric falling from the height & vanished with the black smoke of more explosions occurring at this time, but many could feel…the guy was finished.

“Okay….now it’s official that the guy is defeated.” Fidget stated off blankly in seeing what has befallen Metric.

“But we’re not sure if he’s dead or not.” Goldie stated that they are unsure if the enemy is really gone for good or not.

“No time! This place is gonna blow in less than one minute!” Pinkamena stated to say in seeing that they need to get out.

“Then I shall assist, in getting you all to safety. The others I came across are already safe.” Magnus responded to say in what he shall do in order to give assistance.

“Jack Zen and the others.” Twilight stated in having heard their other friends made it out okay.

“Correct, now stand by me, everyone…Magnetic Barrier.” Magnus responded forth to state before preparing things.

Soon without warning, Magnus recast a spell to make a force-field of a magnetic barrier that will keep anything from harming them & gives protection. Soon he levitates them up to leave the area while much of the tower was starting to crumble a bit and more explosions are seen. Everything goes dark from around this time…


Within the Dark Gallon control room, everything was going bonkers at the time of Metric’s absence to take on the heroes. From what Omega has done in causing an overload with the generator that powers this mobile tower, the red siren lights were going crazy here. Everything was either catching on fire from being hated up or blown off the panel, the crew operating this can’t keep up; everything was out of control at this rate.

“The system is overloading!” Dark Trooper One stated from seeing that the systems were going haywire.

“Shut it down then!” Dark Trooper Two gave the order to shut it down, however…

“I can’t shut it down!” Dark Trooper Three replied back that they can’t shut this stuff down.

“Systems are not responding from the override?” Dark Trooper One issued off that they lost control due to someone tampering with things; probably Omega’s work.

“Where’s General Metric?” Dark Trooper Two asked off in where their general is at this time.

“I don’t know, he left for the rooftop.” Dark Trooper Three responded to say in where any last saw Metric.

“Cobar has been found decease. The general isn’t responding. What do we do?” Dark Trooper One reported in what has already happened that they have no one to give them orders.

“I can’t stop it….she’s about to blow!” Dark Trooper Two yelps off to say in what was happening with the sparks coursing the controls and…

“BAM-BAM-BOOM/Waaaughhh!” Many of the Dark Mystic Troopers yelp from being covered off in a big explosion that took out them and the control room at this time. Everything went into a blur state with no one knowing what was happening next here…


Meanwhile, the attack on the Mystic Shield was soon starting to fade as the citizens look off in the direction to stare in surprise. A tower object was appearing from its magical invisibility function ceasing, and now the Dark Gallon was showing off signs of explosions. But there was still more, Magnus was safely hovering those he had away from the exploding tower before safely arriving on the group where Jack Zen & those with him saw what was going on.

“You made it out, that’s good.” Jack Zen sighs with relief in seeing their friends are safely out of danger.

“Yah, now how’s about we start fleeing before we get caught in the blast?” Phobos stated off to say in what they should be doing right now.

“Alert, new info states the next explosion of the tower itself will destroy everything in a 900 yard meter!” Omega alerted the group of picking up a powerful explosion about to occur.

“That’s too close to us!” Autumn Gem yelps in having heard that message, they won’t be able to escape in time.

“We won’t be able to cast a big enough barrier or shield spell in time.” Sombra stated in what this situation would spell for them.

“Then leave this to me, I shall put an end to this war, once and for all…” Magnus stated off in preparing to stop this senseless action of war once and for all…

Then the gang watch as Magnus then did something that was truly more astonishing than anyone could have imagined. The entire metallic tower was being lifted off the ground to be carried off into the skies. Then Magnus was pressing his hooves together in which was causing a loud crunching sound, as metal was being bent. Then those that ended up having gaping eyes and mouths saw Magnus was….CRUSHING Dark Gallon’s structure into that of a metallic sphere. “Frusvhmmm…Boomfruvhmm….” Soon Dark Gallon lit up like a flashing light show from within & then unleashed a monstrous explosion. The force shook most of the 900 yards of where the Rainbow Kingdom is located along with Cloudsdale & Canterlot, but at least no one was hurt for worse.

“Whoa….” The baby Dragons responded in being awestruck by what they saw happen.

“That was…AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash replied off to say in having seen something so cool like that.

“I hate ta admit, but it sure was.” Applejack nodded off in what they saw was pretty cool in a way of speaking.

“You could actual lift up something that massive and crush it, it seem almost too easy.” Rarity stated that what Magnus did was no short matter, he actual did something without breaking a sweat; amazing.

“Oh my, were you always that strong, Mister Magnus?” Fluttershy stated in feeling like they really have a strong ally on their side who could do that.

“Well the guy is based on a very, very, VERY popular Marvel character, so of course he have to be powerful to perform feats like that & take down a Dark Mystic like Metric in one shot!” Pinkie Pie was randomly saying things while also breaking the fourth wall, much to anyone’s confusion of the case.

“And as usual Pinkie Pie, you are so random.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in stating this fact about their pink friend.

“I’m just glad it’s over. And Ponyville is safe.” Spike stated to say this in seeing that things at least went well.

“We all are Spike, and I like to thank all of you that helped.” Twilight nodded off to say this with a smile and look to those that have helped them out.

“Well you know we’re always ready to help you guys out.” Goldie replied off to say this about what they do when their pals need them.

“Right, just say the word & we can be there. Most times at least.” Pinkamena stated to say this while lightly stating the subject just a bit here.

“And Dust, you were a big help to us too.” Ben stated to say this in thanking their new friend for having helped them out.

“I just…wanted to make sure, there would not be another war to take away any innocent lives.” Dust stated to say this in feeling like the thanks wasn’t much a big deal, he did what he had to do after all.

“And I think we did it, we stop the enemy.” Nyx smiled off to say this in how things turn out in the end.

“Yeah Dust, come on; smile for a change.” Fidget smiled off in being cheery over the issue that they won and such else.

“While we may have won today, the battle against the forces of evil are still never ending.” Ahrah spoke off to mention this to those here in what to expect further ahead of them.

“I guess so. But, I guess we can have a little downtime for now.” Dust stated to say in showing a little smile off his face.

“Then let’s head back to Ponyville, would you like to come with us Magnus?” Twilight stated in where they shall go next while turning to see if Magnus wants to come with them.

“Very well…” Magnus nodded off to reply to the question itself, that he will tag along.

While the others were returning to the Rainbow Kingdom, further from the sight of where Dark Gallon stood, under some rumble was the body of Metric. The guy was not moving, but two shadows were overlapping him and they were turn out to be none other than Houndkiller of the Dark Mystics and Chase The Warrior, the disguise form of Shadow Dragon for his undercover assignment. Right now, they were checking the only survivor that didn't perish with the self-destruction of the Dark Gallon.

“You think he’s even alive?” Houndkiller asked off if Metric was alive or not.

“Indeed…It would seem you underestimated Ben Mare & his allies, Metric.” Chase responded off to the question while stating that Metric has fail to stop the heroes. “But do not worry, there may yet still be some use from you even after such defeat.” He lectures off to the body of the fallen foe that lost the battle.

“Shall I take him back?” Houndkiller asked off in taking Metric back now.

“Do so, Houndkiller.” Chase issued off in letting the Dark Mystic do the task.

“And what about them Equestrians?” Houndkiller asked off in seeing that Ben & Twilight’s party were ahead of them, do they engage or not?

“Leave them be, they won this battle. But the next one shall be different.” Chase stated off coldly that they shall leave the heroes be for now.

“Right, I’ve heard that one before, but alright.” Houndkiller rolled his eyes to state this while deciding to follow along.

“Then let us go, before we are seen.” Chase issued off that they go before anyone catches him hanging with a Dark Mystic to question the matter.

Houndkiller takes Metric’s body to go through a Corridor of Darkness, following his orders to vacate the area without attracting attention. Once those two were gone, Chase also disappears from the spot so no one will have seen or question him of having been near a Dark Mystic. The scene begin to slowly darken now, as while the battle was won, the war itself seems far from being over here…

Author's Note:

And another chapter is made. In the final chapter, things are looking pretty smooth after handling what Metric thrown at the gang, but it wasn't easy. What sorta lesson can be learn to be wary of war, perhaps Magnus can explain. And what was it the Dark Mystics were trying to achieve when they couldn't get through the Mystic Shield? Stay tune to find out more...