• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 483 Views, 0 Comments

A Pain in the Metric - JusSonic

A new villain comes and the Mane Six needs help of a new pony named Dust to fight him!

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Chapter 03: The MAD Dog, Cobar

Chapter 03: The MAD Dog, Cobar

The scene opens up towards apart of where Ponyville’s Mystic Shield was still holding against that which was attacking it from afar. Right now, we find that the gang have arrived near the location of what has been causing some trouble. But it was clearly in an invisible coating that none could see it. So when they approach, they couldn’t locate anything or where it was until Omega managed to help out at that moment.

“Enemy structure located.” Omega spoke off in having found the target they were searching for.

“Well with us here, how do we even enter?” Jack Zen asked off the bigger question of entering that which they cannot see that’s invisible?

“There must be a hidden door somewhere, which we can get access to.” Sombra stated in thinking what they need to do here that can help them out.

“Question is, where would they keep it?” Autumn Gem spoke off in trying to figure out how to get inside this invisible place.

“Right, not like we tap a spot & cause something to happen, right?” Phobos shrug off to say this before just tapping his right paw against something.

But then without warning, something ended up moving to reveal a blacken spot of where there was nothing. And once that happened, Phobos fell in, the others came around, only to see what was inside of it…it was part of a door that Phobos push open by chance. And from looking inside, there seem to be a magical line box surrounding the areas in which conceal anything and anyone from seeing what is kept out of sight.

“Or maybe that ended up working after all.” Spike stated off in blank surprise that Phobos had some dumb luck in having helped them out.

“Once we pass through, the structure will be made clear from within.” Ahrah stated off that if they go through, they can see things better of the place that remains invisible on the outside.

That’s when the group enter to go in while shutting the invisible door behind them; & wanted to observe what it was that was being kept so secretly hidden. From looking around, this place was what look like a tall black tower made of metal & had cannons off the sides. More so was that the gang found they were on top of giant trend tracks used by tank types, so that makes this place a mobile base of command center to move unseen & coordinate attacks.

“Holy…..this is supposed to be their base? It’s like being’ in a tower!” Applejack yelps in seeing what it was that they are now standing it, it’s too big to even be compared from what they expected.

“Wow, it’s a mobile base & it’s a pretty tall structure…no wonder we couldn’t see it unless it was invisible.” Pinkie Pie stated off in finding this to be a total surprise, they never saw it coming.

“You’re telling me those Dark Mystics had something this bad up their sleeves?” Rainbow Dash asked off in never having guess that their enemy would pull out something this wicked until now.

“This might be the work of the MechaArms that MechaStahl controls….they work in developing weapons & weaponize vehicles…but never during the last 500 years did they make something like this.” Goldie stated off in figuring out who was likely the culprit in having developed something this outrageous to be used, but it was something not seen the last time the Mystics & Dark Mystics fought in long ago.

“Bet it must have taken at least that long, considering what with the battle against the Mystics & what sorta war base weapons they get out of it.” Pinkamena stated off in figuring that having built something this big took a lot of time, since the enemy needed a base of operation which the Mystics have been taking out in recent past.

“So then, where do we go in order to stop this crazy thing from trying to destroy our home?” Rarity asked off in where they need to go in order to stop whatever madness this might bring.

“Usually we have to go to the top, that’s where all the major bad guys are always station.” Nyx spoke off to say this in a Breaking of the Fourth Wall about what to do, much to everyone’s surprise.

“Well, I guess that’s about a good place as any to go.” Fluttershy responded to say in thinking Nyx’s idea did make a solid proof of sense.

“Be cautious, there will be other enemies to stand in one’s way.” Ahrah spoke with wise caution in what the others must do if they wish to avoid trouble when it finds them.

“Believe me Ahrah, we’ll have to be careful.” Dust stated to say in feeling that they will have to face such problems while being careful along the way.

“Right, careful is just a specialty for ‘some’ of us that aren’t in such a rush to perish.” Fidget pointed out in stating that only the most sensible of the bunch know about being careful if the rest are just wanting to fight.

“Well we best be getting started now.” Ben stated in feeling that they need to get moving here.

“Right, the sooner we stop this madness, the better.” Twilight nods in agreeing what Ben was suggesting here, they must quicken their pace.

“But can we really take down something this huge?” Phobos asked off if just them can bring down this whole place.

“Phobos is right, we’ll have to figure out what keeps it hidden or what’s powering it.” Spike stated to think that whatever keeps a place this big hidden to be stopped so their own forces can counterattack.

“I got it, these places must have a power source, so find like a generator room, & blow it up!” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling that was the perfect plan to be used for such a situation.

“Then we’ll have to search for both the main enemy & take this thing down.” Goldie stated in knowing that they got a pretty tall order to fill.

“Who’s there?” Spoke a voice out as the gang spot some Dark Mystic Troops coming from around the corner.

“Intruders!” The second Dark Mystic Trooper issued off that they have intruders here.

“So much for being stealthy.” Sombra remotely stated in seeing they can’t be as stealthy as before.

“What do we do now?” Autumn Gem asked off in what they do instead here.

“We’ll have to push our way through them!” Jack Zen declared forth in seeing what their only opinion is now.

“I shall assist! Omega Gatling Guns/Bangbangbangbangfruhvmm…” Omega issued forth to say this before he brought out his machine guns to start firing them off.

“Gwaaaughhh!” Many of the Dark Mystic Troops were suddenly getting shot down to be taken down now. It was a quick displaying action to rid the gang of what was gonna be trouble for them.

“Well, so much for being quiet.” Dust slowly responded in seeing their chance to be stealthy is now out the door.

“Quickly everyone, we have to go up before more show up!” Twilight issued off in knowing that the noise will have attracted some attention.

“Right!” The others responded in agreement as they gotta get going here.

With much set in mind, the gang quickly were going forth in heading up into more of the tower while they try to take out more of the enemy forces. The scene begins to fad out around here as what’s gonna be happening will be occurring off screen for a while…


The scene changes to what looks like the top control room of the mobile tower base. And while under the shadowy cover, Metric could be seen in his commander chair while a few of the MechaArms troopers were station around some mechanical controls. They were piloting this tower base while they were continuing to launch attacks at Ponyville while the Mystic Shield was protecting the town from getting attacked.

“General Metric, we’re detecting some unidentified subjects have breach the bottom of the mobile base Dark Gallon.” A Dark Mystic Trooper operating some controls alerted the general in the command chair of what they are picking up.

“So, they have already made their move.” Metric spoke off to say this in knowing the heroes have come to him it seems.

“The situation of our attacks on the Mystic Shield are coming in now.” Another Dark Mystic Trooper reported the state of what they are currently getting from attacking Ponyville while the Mystic Shield is trying to protect it.

“Keep continuing with the attack, resort to using our main cannons if you must.” Metric issued the order to hit the town with their little magic shield with their heavier artillery.

“Sir!” The Dark Mystic Troopers responded in continuing to do their work under their general’s command.

“Now, how will I deal with these pesky fools?” Metric responded off in being curious in what move he shall make against those that have given MechaStahl such trouble.

“Leave the intruders to me.” Then entering the room from a sliding door came a new figure that caught our eyes. It looked like a Unicorn stallion who maybe bald, frail in his appearance & pale looking fur; but it is unseen because he wears a white/grey outfit as some soldier uniform, with black armor paddings. His helmet is more round, with a slight different visor & breathing apparatus than most soldiers wear. A small tube goes from the back of his helmet to the armor on his back, something that could also be noted with the apparent tubes running from the back of his head, or the back of the helmet. He’s seen carrying a weapon on his side, a StA18 Pistol, clearly something magically made by Dark Mystic member MechaStahl. But while the description was done, he saluted in being present which Metric noted.

“I see, very well then Cobar….I leave this for you to finish.” Metric responded off without looking in recognizing who was here, as he gave the order to the one named Cobar.

“Believe me sir, I shall bring their beaten bodies for you personally to enjoy.” Cobar responded forth in what he’ll be doing for the general.

“Excellent. Give them this message to them if you see they foolishly trying to oppose us.” Metric responded forth in making a mention statement here in what he wants done with a message delivered.

“I await your message.” Cobar responded off in awaiting to receive his orders from Metric.

Now Cobar was seen leaving the area out the sliding door after being given both his task & a message to give. Metric stood within his commander chair while the other soldiers stare off puzzled.

“Should we send in more troops to help, sir?” A Dark Mystic Trooper asked if they should give some support to Cobar.

“No need, if those heroes I’ve heard about even get lucky to pass by Cobar, then I will personally deal with them.” Metric explained forth the contents of what he was doing & if the intruding heroes make it pass, he’ll handle things. “Of course, that term is ‘lucky’, which from what we also have in this base, shall be their downfall.” He issued off to say this in knowing that with Cobar going off and of what else lies in wait, the heroes may not survive.

The scene begins to darken here in what little scheme is being cooked up. It seems that Metric will unleash a foe on the heroes in which to see if they survive or not, what outcome comes is to be decided.


Within the Dark Gallon’s lower structure, we find the Mane Six & Goldie’s double team plowing through some of the Dark Troopers station around some areas. With the right team work & some surprise attacks, curtsy from Pinkie Pie & Pinkamena, the gang were making good progress. There were times in where it look like some of the enemy soldiers almost got the heroes, but…Pinkamena used her Blades of Pinkie Pie to whack them off, Goldie’s Golden Flames burn most of the enemies footing down, and Ben used his Megaton Hammer to unleash a shockwave that knock many foes down a hole. The heroes reach a part of the tower structure area in where they felt like they climbed a lot, but didn’t know how far they went up.

“So where are we now?” Rainbow Dash asked off in where they even are in this place.

“Silly, we’re near the below compartment of where they have their storage area.” Pinkie Pie smiled off to simply state of where they are.

“An’ ye know this how Pinkie?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in having heard her friend say such a thing.

“I read this sign posted here.” Pinkie Pie pointed to a sign board that read ‘Dark Gallon below Sector: Storage Supplies’ on it lit up in neon light. Most of the others had awkward faces in seeing the random pony struck again.

“Um, excuse me…” Fluttershy shyly was speaking to get attention, but was cut off.

“So how many more are left?” Autumn Gem asked off in how many more soldiers are there left to face.

“If I could…” Fluttershy was trying to speak up again, but was cut off from her quiet tone.

“Probably a lot more the size of this tower.” Sombra shrug off his shoulders in thinking this place must have more in stock.

“But you need to hear…” Fluttershy was trying to get everyone’s attention, but her quiet whispers weren’t getting through.

“Well we can’t let this stop us now.” Goldie stated to say in knowing they aren’t backing down yet.

“Right, so let’s be cool, and…” Pinkamena was about to finish her sentence until she was cut off…

“Freeze!” Then without warning, more Dark Mystic Troopers held their weapons in preparing to attack the gang from having entered the area to catch them. Fluttershy was trying to warn the group about this, but it appeared too late.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I tried to warn you, but…you all were busy.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in feeling that she should have acted faster, but everyone seem too busy to be bothered.

“In a situation of being surrounded Fluttershy, I think we make an acceptation.” Ben stated off that this was something to be qualified as an emergency.

“Let us take care of this. Fidget?” Dust issued off to the rest that he’ll handle this, and look to Fidget for a minute.

“Right Dust, one combo Dust Storm coming up!” Fidget responded off in being serious in knowing what this calls for.

Then without warning, Dust was spinning his Sword of Ahrah to create a vacuum that was damaging enemies that were being sucked in. But at the same time, Fidget perform something as she unleash projectiles of flame to unleash powerful attacks upon all enemies. When it was over, there was nobody left standing and the gang were amazed, Dust & Fidget took out those soldiers easily, the guy didn’t even activity his element ability; must not have been worth the use perhaps.

“Wow, you could do something like that?” Spike asked off in being surprised in that combo Dust & Fidget performed.

“And here I thought Nimbats weren’t useful.” Phobos rub the back of his head in being surprised by such an action.

“Hugh! There is more to me than meets the eye!” Fidget proclaimed forth in feeling like she’ll get some better respect from now on.

“Seeing that this place is so big, but run by only with machines, that must require fewer soldiers.” Twilight stated from seeing that there probably isn’t much of soldiers working with the machines doing most of the task.

“Well, at this rate, we might be able to stop whoever is in charge around here.” Jack Zen replied off cocky in thinking that they can do this after all, no sweat.

“Save your breath, Equestrians.” Spoke a cold, dark voice with a modify voice speaker that sounded concealing.

That’s when something came into the picture from above a rail that was far away from the group and on a solid floor of this level of the tower base. The one seen was looking like a scary enemy, it was the one known as Cobar, but they won’t know that until he is introduce.

“Who’s that guy?” Nyx asked off in not knowing who was before them.

“Caution my friends, the enemy before you is known as Cobar.” Ahrah spoke wisely over what it is they are seeing here.

“Colonel Cobar, High Commander of the MechaArms Guard.” Cobar self-introduce himself as being who he is to those that don’t know him. “I have a message from General Metric. He’ll make a deal with your kind.” He spoke off in giving this very brief message to those that have intruded in their base. “Rulers of the Rainbow Kingdom, surrender now & go no further. And we won’t kill any hostages we take from your home.” He was giving this message as an act of wanting those to surrender or else.

“What! You’re threatening us to surrender? Not a chance!” Pinkamena shouted off in protesting against such a matter.

“She’s right, we’re here to stop you guys, not give in to your demands!” Ben responded off in also agreeing of what they are here to do.

“The choice is yours, give up your futile chance to win against us. This is your one & final warning.” Cobar responded to say this in a cold tone of not caring what the group does, it’ll be their fate to decide.

“You expect us to surrender to the likes of you who can take away lives so easily?” Dust snapped off in refusing to give up to foes like these guys that don’t share a shred of respect of innocent lives.

Then something was seen stomping across as some giant walking on legs dog-like tank. It looked pretty strong, with a thick armor hide & had weapons in which it look automatic to respond to attack any NONE Dark Mystic targets. The gang had to put up their defense in seeing the enemy had something like this inside the mobile tower.

“Go ahead, give me an excuse to kill you all right here.” Cobar responded off to say in having a means to just quickly kill those here without a second thought. “The General doesn’t like making matters. I’m not so fussy.” Cobar issued off that he & Metric share different views in how they work. “But for now, I have to attend some matters.” As he spoke this, he begins to climb aboard his mechanical mecha-vehicle in preparing to mount-off. “Next time you all die. See you at the mid-quarter of our mobile base, Equestrians.” As Cobar spoke this off, he soon got inside the strange machine which started to leave the scene by going into a large elevator hanger that took it up to the higher points of this enemy tower base.

“You can count of it, buster…” Ben silently issued off that they won’t back down, they’ll fight this Cobar to reach their true target.

“Ahrah, what can you tell us about this Cobar character?” Dust asked his talking sword who seem to knew a bit about Cobar.

“Only that he has slowly risen in rank, but that doesn’t mean he’s change from what he used to be.” Ahrah responded off to mention this of what he knows about such a Dark Mystic. “A vicious & terrifying Dark Mystic, many describe him as sadistic, cruel & ruthless sociopath. His loyalty to the Dark Mystics cause was only matched by his loyalty to General Metric & his love of destruction & death.” He explained much about Cobar of who and what he is, & that he is not someone to be thought any less than what they get.

“Great, anything else we should know about mister CRAZY-pants?” Fidget remarked off in thinking they can’t get any more bad stuff to know about a dangerous enemy.

“Only that he is an extremely skilled soldier who inspires fear not only in his enemies, but more so in his own troops, who refer to him as the ‘White Death’. His radical characteristics surprise even the most ruthless Dark Mystic, even the most experienced troops quiver when he comes around.” Ahrah concluded his explanation in what there was to know about Cobar by how he operates from working with & opposing against.

“Oh boy; me and my big mouth had to go and learn something scary about this guy. And he’s not even the REAL threat we have to deal with.” Fidget gasped her paws over her mouth in feeling spooked out by what they learn about Cobar.

“That machine of his, it looks like one of the Machines of War.” Rainbow Dash stated to say in what they saw go down in what Cobar climbed into.

“Only a bit different. Must be made from them Dark Mystic fellas.” Applejack pointed out that whatever Cobar rode, was made by Dark Mystic know-how.

“So then if we proceed, he’ll attack us with such a thing.” Rarity stated in feeling worried about facing such a dangerous machine.

“Oh my, will we be okay if we come across him?” Fluttershy yelps in wondering with worry if they will be okay.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes!” Pinkie Pie smile doff to say this in trying to be positive of their situation.

“She’s surprisingly easy going.” Spike stated off in seeing how well Pinkie Pie’s taking this.

“That’s her thinking alright.” Phobos shrug off to say in seeing how the pink pony deals with such things.

“Let’s keep going, if we come across him, then that’s fine. We won’t let them terrorize our home.” Ben issued off to say this in what they can do to help stop the madness & stop Cobar from doing anything else to their hometown.

“Well spoken, Ben, we’ll help out.” Goldie nodded off in agreement of what was spoken here.

“Then let’s not waste another moment.” Twilight stated to say in seeing what they need to be doing right now.

With this in their minds, the gang continue to push themselves ever more forward in going further up the mobile tower base. The scene grows dark here while the gang are gonna push themselves to keep going upwards until they can stop what’s going to their dear town.


Now the scene opens towards MechaStahl’s hidden facility cavern from where he was still station. He was watching from his view monitor of the progress happening to the Rainbow Kingdom with the Mystic Shield defending against attacks from an invisible force. He smiled in sitting in his chair to admire this sheer display of his weaponize vehicle of destruction. Tech was also there in seeing how things were working out for their side it seems.

“General Metric’s Dark Gallon is working as I expected.” MechaStahl responded off in being admired of his planning to be observing the marvel of what shall be the end of some meddlesome heroes.

“Wow uncle, you managed to build that? How many more are there?” Tech replied off in liking what he sees, if they have many more of those Dark Gallon things.

“Not many, and this is the first one where even those Mystics can’t detect it.” MechaStahl remarked off to say this with both annoyance, but pride that while the Mystics may have stop such construction, they did finish one of these.

“Oh right, cause they been stopping your task of building stuff, I totally get it.” Tech replied off in recalling how things have been rough to get inventions out on the field, but are destroyed before testing.

“For now, all we will do is watch to see how long the Mystic Shield can withstand against my mighty tower base.” MechaStahl stated in seeing what they’ll do and see how well things turn out from their end.

“Sir, we detected something approaching us.” A Dark Trooper reported the matter in entering the office to state there was a problem.

“What is it now? This better be important!” MechaStahl stated off in feeling like he is being interrupted with nonsense.

“Its reading shows to be a Dragon.” The Dark Trooper reported what it was that they are detecting that was coming at them.

“Then take care of it, I don’t have time to waste with some mere Dragons.” MechaStahl stated off in not caring what it was, as long as it’s taken care of.

“Sir, this isn’t your usual Dragon, it’s ah…” The Dark Trooper was about to state off what it was that this foe isn’t what they think it is.

Then some shaking was happening as something was seen on the magic monitor…there was a large creature attacking, smashing, breathing fire in destroying everything MechaStahl built. And it was soon identified as Azure, the Kirin Dragon, as he was going wild in wrecking everything in sight while many Dark Mystics were running away.

“A Kirin Dragon…” MechaStahl gasped off in seeing what was attacking them, a very dangerous type of foe it seems.

“What! What’s it doing here?” Tech gasped off in seeing what was coming at them, not good; not good at all.

“No…No…NOOOO! It’s destroying all of my inventions!” MechaStahl responded off in seeing what was happening to all of his weapons & weaponize vehicles that were lying in wait for the Dragon to destroy.

“Groouuuuaaagghhh!” Azure the Kirin roared off in having wreck much of the area and was moving on to continue attacking without any delay.

“Uncle MechaStahl….normally, you don’t like me because of my own weak cowardice, but….” Tech spoke up on thinking that maybe this was the time cowards comes in handy. “I think we better run.” He stated in what they best be doing here, leave before they are Kirin chow.

“No! All units, attack that Dragon…Destroy it!” MechaStahl shouted off in protesting to the idea, he won’t let a Kirin ruin him as gave the order.

“Yes sir!” The Dark Mystic Troopers responded off in having heard the order.

“We’ll see who has the last laugh, be it you…or me. I won’t let mere Equestrians keep making fools of us!” MechaStahl spoke off in not about to let himself be beaten so easily here.

“Roouuarrughhhh!” Azure let off a mighty dragon roar that shook the place before getting himself ready with an army coming at him.

Everything goes dark here with an unseen battle about to occur, but from who stands taller, it won’t be hard to tell who ends up winning in the end…


Meanwhile after some passing of time, within the Dark Gallon, we find out how the heroes that infiltrated the mobile tower base are doing. They were getting through with anymore of the security, but there wasn’t anything this band of heroes couldn’t do if they used their smarts & plan things out. And at this moment, they reach what would be the weapon’s depository as there were many weaponize-vehicles all station. But before anyone could move, a large metal door was opening up that something appeared to be moving from there from four lights. And soon it stomps out to make itself-presented as it was the walking dog-tank that Cobar was seen going off in, as it appeared to those below.

“We have one of your friends, Equestrians.” Cobar’s voce was heard off inside the mechanical tank in stating something that was heard.

“One of our friends?” Sombra responded off in having heard that.

“What does he mean, which one?” Autumn Gem asked off in not sure who Cobar was referring to.

“A little BAT came too close in detecting us & so we caught her.” Cobar’s voce was heard in having stated this off about who it was that they caught.

“Her? He couldn’t mean…Flutterbat!” Pinkamena stated off in realizing who Cobar was referring to, when and how did Flutterbat decided to get involved.

“But you all, I won’t take alive!” Cobar issued off coldly & cruel that they don’t need the rest, so he’ll just finish them off. “Prepare to die from MechaStahl’s KIT-AN1, design to transfer my magic to improve all of its defense & offense. Your chances are…” But then without warning, Pinkamena swung her Blades of the Pinkie Pie that whacked against the shell of the dog-like tank to end up stopping Cobar’s remark to bikeway a bit.

“YOU EVIL FRIEND-NAPPING BLACKHEART!” Pinkamena yelled out in sounding furious in having heard that Flutterbat is held hostage, this guy won’t be getting off easy with her.

“Commencing with full Barrage Assault!” Omega stated in getting himself ready to attack with any of his arsenal weaponry.

Now Omega jet himself upwards to begin firing while Cobar was firing back…until the ally’s heavy fire-power mechanical pony fired his Omega Cannon. That attack caused the giant walking tank object to yelp before it fell onto the ground.

“Quickly, find some cover!” Goldie yelled out an order in what they needed to do right now.

“Why, they took it down?” Phobos asked off in thinking they won already.

“You think taking down some major baddy be THAT easy?” Jack Zen pointed out that if Cobar was dangerous, one blow seems hardly enough to take down that giant metal contraption.

“Fair point.” Spike nodded off in seeing that there was truth to that subject.

Soon the gang quickly scatter to get behind some tall metal crate objects. And good thing too, cause Cobar was seen getting his walking tank thing to stand up again. It fired off a rocket launcher that surprisingly impacted on Omega that caused him to get knocked backwards & hit the ground hard. Now it was just the gang here that was gonna fight off against this tank foe, which the enemy fires off grenades from the top of the tank to aim & imploded around the surroundings.

“What kinda fire-power is that from something so small?” Rarity asked off shock in having seen what they are seeing here.

“He’s infusing his magic in the weapons to make them extra deadly! So if we get hit, then it’ll be an instant KO’d for us.” Adult Nyx spoke off in having guess what the enemy was doing while Breaking the Fourth Wall here.

“I state you’re as random as Pinkie Pie, but we’ll believe you Nyx.” Rainbow Dash replied off to say this off in how Nyx explained that logic to them.

“Then we gotta take out his weapons, right?” Applejack stated in knowing what they gotta do next here.

“Easier said than done, it’s gunning us down!” Phobos remarked off in seeing the enemy has them pin.

“You cannot defeat me!” Cobar issued off that the gang can’t defeat him as he continued to fire off his attacks here without backing down.

“I’ll distract him while you try to attack him.” Dust stated this to the gang in what he’ll do, divert the enemy’s attention.

“Um, Dust, quick question. How you gonna get through with trigger-happy aiming to shot first?” Fidget asked off in knowing the moment Dust goes out, Cobar will blast him.

“You forget what my element is, so here goes.” Dust responded off with a little smile for assurance that he’ll be fine.

Then Dust literally had his body turn to dust to start flying off across Cobar’s view as he was using his Gatling gun to shot off the target.

“I’ll tear you to pieces.” Cobar issued off what he’ll do when he hits his target here.

“Can’t hit what is too small to be hit by.” Dust’s voce spoke off to taunt the enemy about being unable to hurt what isn’t solid.

“Keep it up Dust, you got him distracted!” Fidget cheered off in seeing that her pal is doing great.

“Everyone, keep hammering it on!” Ben issued forth that they gotta keep hitting this thing to take it down.

Now Cobar had his walking tank fire off some rocket launchers to hit any of the heroes that were either expose or hiding behind some large crates for cover. Everyone was trying to attack from different angles & points for attacks. Cobar made his machine get up with a glow of magic powering it, as it was firing another Gatling gun round. It was even using its legs to turn itself to target anyone that was trying to hide.

“Let’s see if you can dodge THIS!” Cobar remarked off in wanting to see if the heroes can dodge this next attack, which was more rocket launchers firing missiles at the targets.

“Incoming projectiles!” Phobos yelled out in seeing what’s coming at them.

“Take cover!” Spike yelled out in what they gotta do here.

Everyone took some cover to not be hit by those powerful dark magic explosive missiles, but their cover spots managed to burden the impacts. Pretty much, many of the little cover spots that the gang used, but from all the poundings from Cobar, they were getting beat down pretty badly to the point they wouldn’t keep the gang safe for long.

“At this rate, we won’t have anything to provide us with cover.” Autumn Gem stated with worry in seeing their cover won’t last for more than a few more rounds.

“We need to damage those weapons of his, if we can only get one.” Sombra stated off that if they take out one of Cobar’s weapons from his tank, they stand a better cache.

Everyone was trying to fire back whatever attacks that were mostly range type techniques. Much landed on the walking tank, but Cobar wasn’t shown going down yet. And while some were dodging against more popping grenade barrages, the Gatling gun was brought up to blast more around the gang, but used any shield or barrier spells to protect them.

“You won’t be able to defeat me, you Equestrian dogs!” Cobar remarked off to snap this statement, that he won’t lose to those being like attack dogs.

“Rude much, isn’t he?” Rarity stated in having been called a ‘dog’ by the enemy.

“Oh my, I feel sorry for the poor doggies.” Fluttershy stated in feeling sorry for the poor animals that were used in battles.

“Focus you guys. We have to take out his weaponize-vehicle.” Goldie stated to remind the group of what they are trying to do.

“Slashvhmm…Kaboom!” Then suddenly, Dust reassembled himself from his dust form to slash Ahrah against the Gatling gun, destroying it in the process when the enemy wasn’t noticing.

“No! It Can’t Be!” Cobar shouted off in great shock to see his Gatling machine gun was terminated & rendered useless.

“But it is, now you can’t just shoot as much as you like.” Dust remarked off to say in appearing beside the others in having taken one part of their foe’s weapons.

“Good job Dust!” Twilight yelled out to comment what their ally did.

Then without warning, from the sides of Cobar’s machine, popped out mechanical spider bots that were approaching to attack the gang.

“Evil spiders, that’s a new thing. But still, better be careful.” Pinkamena stated in having seen this while thinking they best be careful.

“What can these things even do?” Phobos asked off in not being scared by such things.

The group managed to land blows that stop the metal spider’s function…however, they started to glow weirdly. And then many had reactions to duck away before without warning…they exploded.

“WATCH OUT! They Explode!” Goldie warn the gang that those mechanical spiders are rig to blow when they reach them and there are more coming.

“NOW YOU TELL US!” Phobos yelled off in seeing that the enemy had such things.

“We gotta not get near them!” Spike shouted that they can’t get close or those spiders will blow up.

Then as the gang were taking care of the metal spiders, Cobar’s walking tank was firing off more grenades from its top hatch. Cobar wasn’t even caring if he destroyed and set off the spider bombs to create bigger explosions, the only ones that suffer be the gang from Ponyville. This enemy was insane, but they had to get behind cover…but some yelped from the spots already taking too much a beating to break down to expose some of them.

“You can run, but you can’t hide.” Cobar remarked off to state that no matter where the group runs, hiding is useless when he destroys all the cover spots.

“Waaaahhh! He’s right, at this rate, we’ll shot or blown apart!” Fidget yelps in seeing they are losing more cover to hide behind.

“I won’t let that happen, everyone, I’ll provide more cover!” Dust stated to say while turning to dust to provide more blind effort to the enemy’s vision.

“Rainbow, aim for his Rocket Launchers!” Twilight called to her friend in what she can do to help.

“You got it!” Rainbow Dash responded to fly up & use her Magical Nun-Chuck Guns to fire away with everything she had until finally she destroyed one. “Yes!” She cheered in having scored a big one there.

“You will pay for that!” Cobar snarled off to say in about to give vengeance in having lost his right rocket launcher to the heroes.

“Question, cash or credit?” Pinkie Pie asked off an odd and random question.

“I doubt he meant money, Pinkie.” Applejack shook her head from having heard such a statement.

“Watch out!” Rarity yelled out from seeing Cobar preparing his remaining rocket launched now.

“Eep!” Fluttershy yelps from more rockets being fired off at them.

Cobar was about to move his tank’s legs, but Dust managed to slip through as his dust form to use Ahrah, a sword that’s much stronger than normal swords, to cause the machine to fall on the ground to keep it pin from much movement. But Cobar wasn’t giving his enemy any chance to win, he was pulling more stunts. The gang had to be active again, as more machines spider bombs came out from the backside of the walking tank to come near the heroes. But while they got rid of some of the metal spiders, from the sides of the walking tank, Cobar pop open compartments to let out more bomb rig spiders.

“DIE! You Equestrian Dogs!” Cobar snapped off in wanting to kill these Equestrians as he was unleashing another grenade assault from the top of the tank, destroying anything around.

“I’m really not starting to like this guy much.” Jack Zen spoke off from hiding behind the only covers left.

“You and me both.” Sombra nodded off to agree on such terms.

“I never liked him from the beginning.” Autumn Gem stated that from how Cobar acts, he’s very much unfriendly to be with.

Soon it was getting kinda hard to fight & dodge the mad-bombing attacks by the target. Dust seem to be the only one evading such assaulting measures while trying to slash at the other rocket launcher. But the walking tank moved in trying to become active in having to unleash more of its arsenal.

“Die! You Equestrian Scum!” Cobar cursed off in wanting to kill this bunch right here before him.

“Goldie, when this is over…remind me to SLAP that guy into NEXT WEEK!” Pinkamena stated to say in what she’ll do to this foe.

“Because he called us scum?” Goldie asked off in what reason Pinkamena go so far.

“That, and for harming Omega!” Pinkamena pointed out her two reasons to slap the guy.

“Note to self, be careful in not getting you mad.” Goldie self-replied to himself in what he’ll remember not to do in the future.

“Hey mister Crowbar! SURPRISE/Powfruvhmm…Bamfruvhmm…” Then Pinkie Pie pops out into the open, then fires her party cannon right at the other rocket launcher….which took enough damage to be destroyed.

“What the…(beep) You!” Cobar yelped from noticing that he has lost his second rocket launcher, thanks to the heroes.

“Ah-ah-aaaahhh…we mustn’t swear! This here’s a family-friendly series!” Pinkie Pie broke the fourth wall to lecture & cod the enemy for using such harsh words.

“Somehow Aunt Pinkie Pie, he might not really care.” Adult Nyx pointed out that the enemy might not care for such things.

Now Cobar’s resorting to unleashing more rigged spider bombs to go off and deal with his enemies. Course as the group had already experienced, they just need to cut the enemies down from afar and getaway before the bombs explode.

“Well now, looks like mister TOUGH Guy is out of firing guns & rockets at us.” Fidget smiled off in feeling cocky in how far the enemy is losing one advantage by the next.

“I be careful Fidget, we’re not safe yet. He still has that hatch with the grenades.” Dust spoke to remind his friend of the last weapon Cobar can use to get them all.

“Waaaahhh! Why didn’t you say so, hurry up and take it out!” Fidget yelps with worry in having been told of such a scary thought.

“Anyone with range attacks, aim for the hatch where these things are coming out to lower their numbers while those on ground take out the spiders.” Twilight issued the order of what they need to do in order to provide them with their best chances.

The gang are focusing on taking out the hatch that’s letting out more of these mechanical spider bombs out. It was definitely a little more easier but Cobar was pouring much magic to strengthen his machine to withstand things. And the gang had to yelp for cover when the grenade hatch was being launched from the top hatch to explode around the gang. But while the enemy was so busy on destroying his targets, Dust managed to slip through as his dust form & land two major blows on the two spider hatches.

“GWAAAHHHHOOO….” Cobar was yelling out ‘no’ when his final hatch for deploying his spider bombs was destroyed.

“His defenses are down, aim for the last thing to be taken care of.” Dust yelled out in seeing that there was only one thing left to be taken care of.

“Alright, let’s hit it with our fullest of strength, you guys!” Ben stated to say in knowing what they gotta do here.

“Um…Right, I’ll try!” Fluttershy meekly but with some courage in her words responded to.

Everyone was gearing up to attack the last thing to put a stop to their foe, but some remaining metal spiders were coming out to greet those in trying to aim careful on the last weapon Cobar could use. But Dust was using some fast move motions to strike a lot of the metal spiders; that gave the gang a chance to launch all their attacks on the last spot on Cobar’s weaponize-vehicle. And they had to move fast, cause the grenades were tossing around to explode with the sounds of a roaring beast unleashing it’s fury.

“NOW! Sword Beam!” Ben yelled off to say while having charged up his Master Sword.

And soon everyone fired off their best charged attacks that was either destroying the thrown grenades or made it through to impact against the top hatch. But in the end, an explosion was seen at the top of the hatch, which caused the walking tank to yelp in response.

“Noooo….This Can’t Be!” Cobar protest out in having had his last weapon of defense taken out by this bunch of Equestrians. “You’ll pay for that!” Cobar remarked off to say that the heroes will pay for what they have done.

“No….you will pay!” Omega responded in having walk up from recovering from the heavy damage to begin his last attack in pounding Cobar’s machine.

“GROOURRGHH….” Cobar’s machine let off a final monstrous growl with its magic barrier on high, but many of the heroes were attacking to bring it down before….it drop dead.

As the scene shows off, Cobar’s little powerful walking tank…has been stopped & busted down for the scrap heat. The gang finished off any of the remaining rig spider bombs that were roaming around freely, but this fight was over. The enemy’s weaponize-vehicle was already burning, there was no way it’s gonna move, they broken much of any moveable parts.

“Bwuuagh…This…isn’t over…” Cobar gasped out to get out of his tank, as he seem beaten & weaken to struggle to push himself up.

“Enemy unit’s magic has been dropped to sever low levels.” Omega stated from having determine that Cobar’s magic level has dropped to a mere 0.1 percent.

“Then he must have used up all of his Dark Mystic Magic to power that thing, only to backfire in the end.” Jack Zen stated in seeing that if someone powers up a machine to keep attacking, then from so much beatings, it’ll wear the operator out.

“Give it up Cobar. Where is the hostage?” Pinkamena snapped off in wanting this guy to spill the beans here.

“Gweuughn..huugh. Metric knows your plans.” Cobar finally got on the ground, but was limping a bit & panting from exhaustion while stating these little facts. “Your little defense won’t be around for much longer…” He struggled to state out some last minute remarks towards the heroes that stood ready for another fight.

“This guy’s not quitting.” Rainbow Dash stated in seeing this guy isn’t giving up.

“Don’t make us hurt ye more than ye are, mister!” Applejack threaten Cobar to not have them beat up a guy that can hardly move much at all.

“We have…greater fighters on our side. You….can’t win!” Cobar remarked off in stating the heroes cannot win against the Dark Mystics with their stronger warriors. “Death to…” Then the guy pulled out his pistol & pointed it at Twilight’s direction which shock everyone, he was gonna shoot her…

Until something happened, metal sounds were heard from Cobar’s machine as it look like it was starting to stand up on its own. But something was off, a weird noise was heard in the distance as if…moving the thing on its own.

“Wha…how can that thing be moving if it’s busted?” Ben questioned in seeing this happen without warning.

“The auto-pilot should be scraped if Cobar set it, so then how…?” Twilight stated this out while also not understanding what was going on here.

“No….wait…Stop…” Cobar held up his hooves in seeing his own weaponize-vehicle come too close to him, as he couldn’t run away fast enough until…

“RUUVHMM…Clompowwfruvhmm…” Then in a cruel event, Cobar’s own machine couldn’t stand as it toppled down & crushed the guy. The others saw Cobar’s body as there was also something…red, leaking out, the older ones moved the younger members eyes to not see this.

“I guess in the end, the only way to handle a mad dog…was for it to end.” Golden Heart slowly surmised in seeing how Cobar meant his end while still being delusion of reality of not admitting a lost.

“My word, in a way…it seem like a gruesome demise!” Rarity gasped lightly in seeing this end to a vile foe.

“I kinda feel sad for him, you know.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in seeing such a foe perish in a way.

“Your kind hearts are rare to be bless even among the death of enemies, but you all must remember….to save lives, you need to stop the evil actions of your foes.” Ahrah spoke his wise words to tell the group that even from their kind hearts, they must be tough as steel to stop those that cannot stop spreading their cruel & evil actions that are unforgivable.

“Ahrah’s right, right now…the only one left is Metric.” Dust nodded off in seeing that with the enemy here beaten, they have one foe left to find.

“Looks like this elevator can lead us straight up to almost be near the guy & also where he may have Flutterbat kept.” Pinkie Pie pointed to find a nearby elevator to help take them up more, what are the chances.

“Then let’s get going. We’re already halfway through now.” Ben stated to say in what they gotta do here.

“Right, I almost lost friends from guys like Cobar, if Metric is even worse, then we have to stop him here & now.” Twilight nodded off in seeing that to lose her friends to evil fiends like Cobar & Metric, then they have to be stopped.

“We’ll back you up mother.” Adult Nyx stated that they’ll help out anyway they can.

“Alright then troops! Let’s go…up!” Fidget issued forth to say in what they should be doing now.

The gang quickly were boarding the elevator that was soon taking them up more of Dark Gallon. But as they left the spoke, no one say that someone was approaching from behind the shadows in a magnetic electronic sphere…It was Magnus as it seem that he had something to do with having eliminated Cobar on the scene with his own metal weapon. Magnus soon was hovering upwards by his own power, but his voice was heard even while leaving the scene too.

“That was a small aid from my part, the next one…will be for the final enemy.” Magnus’s voice was heard in what will happen to the enemy general leading this operation of war.

That’s when everything begins to fad out around now, as many things begin not question. How will the gang face off against Metric, what will be the outcome, & will the Mane Six & their allies save the day? We best stay tune to find out when that time arrives…

Author's Note:

Another chapter down. Next chapter, the gang manage to find just who this Metric character is. find the captive hostage, before finally having a showdown against the cruel General Metric. How will the heroes fight him, how will they stop his evil attack on Ponyville, & what change in the flow of battle will be brought when Magnus comes into the frame? Stay tune to find out...