• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

A Pain in the Metric - JusSonic

A new villain comes and the Mane Six needs help of a new pony named Dust to fight him!

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Chapter 02: The Rise of Liberation

Chapter 02: The Rise of Liberation

The scene opens towards what was supposed to be a village, but it was set in flames, being burned down to the ground. Many village residents took arms with farming tools & anything to fight back with. But a shadow assassin was coming through, easily killing them. He moved so swiftly, wielded killing skills with a blade un-match, he could be one of the best swordsman around that taking out a large group was nothing but a walk in the park for him. Soon many of the resistant villagers were dropping one by one across the ground…

“Why…why do you attack us? We’ve done no wrong.” A lone stallion whimpered in seeing he was about to be finished off, why was it that this was happening to them…

“We were order to exterminate Dragons & assassinate any pony who assisted Dragons in any form, so say your prayers, Dragon Sympathizer.” The evil mercenary responded off in mentioning this while preparing to deliver the killer blow.

“Waaaughhhh!” The poor soul was slaughtered off camera screen during the moment his body fell with the rest of the crowd.

“Cassius, sir…” A soldier approach in addressing the name of the one that has perform this task.

“What news of the rest of the village?” The revealed character named Cassius asked off in wanting a report of the situation.

“We are wiping them out as per the general’s orders.” The soldier explained forth in what they are currently doing at this time.

“Good, show them no mercy.” Cassius responded off to say this in what they are to do, slaughter all targets around. “Hmm…” He saw something move in the bushes nearby, something that didn’t seem like an animal.

“Something wrong, sir?” The soldier asked off in seeing Cassius seem distracted.

“Just one last threat to cut is all…” Cassius exclaimed before leaving the scene to follow after what was waiting for him…to kill.

Time pass by after that, and soon sounds of clashes & slashes are heard before it grew silent. Soon Cassius stood within a forest that was having a heavy pouring of rain. Before him was what looked like yellow fur Earth stallion with orange mane & blue eyes with a Cutie Mark of a heart inside a halo. The opposer was on his knees from having survived against someone as skilled as Cassius while not dying like the rest of the villagers.

“You murderer! My parents did nothing wrong!” The youthful stallion shouted off in sounding mad at this evil fiend.

“You have been deceived, little one. Your parents turned against those that rule…an act of pure treason.” Cassius responded off in a cold & uncaring tone that lack emotion or compassion. “What resistance there was, was led by your family alone.” He simply explained how things went down that this youth’s family fell with their resistance against them.

“You destroyed my village…murdered my friends & family! You will not survive this day! I, Jin, will make sure of that!” The youth issued forth in about to put an end to this killer for what he has done.

“I take no joy in slaughtering one as young as you, child, but you have forced my hand.” Cassius responded off in stating this fact that he’ll do what needs to be done & doesn’t find this pleasing.

“Aaaaah!!” Jin yells off his battle cry before wielding a knife to fight with against the enemy.

“Hrawwww!!!” Cassius yelled out his own battle cry in wielding his sword off to deliver the final blow.

Then a bright thunder & lightning blinded all sights before seeing the results, which was of two killings. The injustice of a young stallion killed, but from the blind pride & arrogance of Cassius, he too fell along with Jin. Simultaneously, the result show their souls intertwine in death. The scene shifts towards where the soldiers awaited the arrival of a certain evil general. While the high ranking officer was seen off screen as a shadowy foe, he did notice something missing from those that were awaiting his command to take charge.

“Commander? Where is Cassius?” The Evil General asked off in seeing that his top assassin is not here.

“Sir, Cassius…is dead.” The called Commander spoke off to regretfully inform this grief moment. “He was killed…by a youthful stallion.” He stated in what happened that claim the best swords wielder they had.

“I see.” The Evil General responded in looking a bit displease to hear this tragic lost. “Then continue to take the soldiers & pillage the homes of all Dragon Sympathizers across Equestria, along with any Dragons that are nearby.” He gave the order to continue to do their eradication of many Dragons and those that side with them.

“But, what about Cassius?” The Commander asked off in what they do about the decease member of their group.

“His death will be moan for, but we are task in ridding ourselves of these dragons & those that co-exist with them. Leave him be now, we have much left undone.” The Evil General spoke off in stating this factor that they have their task to do, they’ll be concern with Cassius’s body later.

While much of the evil general was at work & his soldiers proceeding to continue slaughter Dragons & Dragon sympathizers, by the spot where Cassius & Jin fell, someone was seen approaching the area. It was an old mage stallion, hidden under a cloak & hood to conceal himself.

“I see…These two are the ones to change everything.” The old mage spoke in learning of what befallen those here. “A soul of innocence that is noble, but without skill, without power, it can still be easily struck down.” He spoke from looking at Jin, he who is good, but lacks power like Cassius that was so skilled.

Something was seen blowing across from his open sleeve of his cloak, a form of glowing dust. This dust began to swirl around as strange magical glows were happening around the bodies of Jin & Cassius. The old mage held up his front arms in preparing something.

“With this Element of Dust, I shall forge these two souls: One of nobility, innocence & incorruptibility. With that of skill, power & strength.” The old mage enchanted forth in announcing what he was going to do, & shall use an element to two souls…become one!

Then something began to happen that made the two bodies glow before fading away like dust to the wind. But at the same time, they began to come around together in a cocoon form and began to form itself. When light escape from it that it crack open, a glowing body levitated downwards as it stood still before the old mage; it was the one body of the being known as…Dust.

“It is done, a sacred being of two souls, but is anew; Sen-Mithrarin.” The old mage issued forth in stating the name of this new being that was lying before him. “You shall be called….Dust, like your element, you are of which pass on & new life with the power of the element at your command.” He explained forth in what Dust now has, that which shall be as his namesake says. “When you awaken, Ahrah will come & guide you, good luck, Mithrarin.” He whispered this out in stating some sorta pray at this time.

Now things swirl around before Dust’s body fades into dust particles in the wind. The old mage watch with eyes of observing what is to happen as the winds of change help in guiding a lost soul start anew. It wasn’t long before the dust particles had travel so far, they ended up in a meadow field far from anything and they magically were reassembling themselves to form the pony being known as Dust.

“Dust….Dust…Arise!” Spoke a voce from out of nowhere and soon floating off from in front of Dust was none other than the Sword of Ahrah.

“Wh…A talking sword? What are you?” Dust held his head in feeling an aching headache, but why was there a talking sword before him?

“Only that which you have summoned.” Ahrah responded off in stating calmly of this response to the question.

“Summoned? How? For what purpose?” Dust asked off to look at his left hoof while being lost in thought of what this sword was telling him out of the blue.

“That…I do not know. But we shall learn in time.” Ahrah responded off humbly in calmly stating this fact for Dust to understand. “Now rise and claim the Sword of Ahrah.” The sword issued both in stating his name for Dust to know & total claim.

At that moment, Dust reach out and soon grabbed the Sword of Ahrah, with it, he stood up as if feeling stronger now than feeling tired & exhausted. But at the same time, a familiar orange Nimbat was seen entering the scene, it was Fidget at the time. Fidget flew up to Dust’s face from the same path the sword came from, but appeared exhausted from having rushed forth without taking a time of break.

“Huff, huff…Stop…stop right there!” Fidget was panting from being out of breath, but was speaking to the one with the sword.

“And who is she?” Dust asked off in not knowing who was it that was here before him after first encountering a talking sword.

“Me? I’m Fidget! Guardian of this sword!” Fidget declared forth in standing up straight to announce her presence.

“I’m sorry, I think I misheard before. You said your name was Fidget?” Dust asked of in not believing this, this creature who made it sound like she’s important has a simple & plain name.

“Hey, this isn’t about me! You’re the one who’s got my sword! How about you tell me YOUR name?” Fidget asked off in not wanting to go into detail about her background while wanting to know who Dust was.

“I’m…uh…” Dust held his head in trying to recall his own name, but…seem to be having trouble.

“Calm yourself, Fidget. His name is Dust, and he is the one who woke me from my slumber.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining the situation that Dust was not at fault, he called the sword to him is all.

“So…Fidget then?” Dust slowly responded in trying to make small chat here…

“That’s me! And you’re Dust!” Fidget declared off proudly in knowing who she is and who this guy was to her.

“It would seem that way, though I can’t recall that name.” Dust looked to himself in being unable to recall that name very well if that was who he truly was or not.

“Well, I guess you’re some kinda Unknown Warrior who out of anyone else called the sword. Hugh, makes sense for one to meet a Guardian of the Sword of Ahrah, perhaps.” Fidget proclaimed forth in feeling like Dust & her were supposed to meet if he’s carrying the sword.

“No offense, but aren’t you a bit…well, small?” Dust asked off in questioning this Fidget creature of being some guardian when she’s very small. “For a guardian, I mean.” Dust quickly stated this off in trying to make a save of what his words were meaning.

“Hey, I just look after that thing! After 200 years, nobody expects a sword to just fly off and start, you know, talking.” Fidget issued off her protested excuse over the matter of what happened that she was not aware of that would happen all of a sudden while guarding. “I’m kind of wishing somebody told me this was part of the job description. Or maybe they did…and I just wasn’t paying attention. That happens sometimes.” Fidget was complaining a bit while feeling a bit uncertain if she miss such important details.

“So…what is this sword?” Dust asked off in wanting to know about this Sword of Ahrah.

“I am the Sword of Ahrah, and you, Dust, are my fated sword-bearer.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining to Dust about himself & that this guy shall carry the sword.

“Yes, well, that’s all great and everything, but I think it’s about time I got this sword back to the clan.” Fidget slowly issued off to say this in needing to take Ahrah back with her.

“I can’t let you just leave with this sword, Fidget. Right now, it’s the only thing that knows who I am. I don’t even know how I got here…” Dust explained off that he needs Ahrah, for the sword seems to know about Dust where even he has little knowledge of his background.

“Hmph! Well, then you leave me no choice! I…I challenge you! The winner gets the sword!” Fidget responded off in about to get serious from her fussy mood and tries to act tough in about to fight Dust to take back the sword.

“Well, I…” Dust was feeling uncomfortable about this, from Fidget’s size & lack of physical strength, she stand no chance.

“Alright, Alright! You win! But don’t think I’m leaving empty-handed! I’m coming with you!” Fidget cross her arms to look away with shut eyes in stating she’ll let Dust off the hook this time, under a certain condition. “But, um…I really need the sword back when you’re done doing…you know, whatever it is you’re doing.” Fidget looks back with a bit of a concerning & puzzled expression that she’ll need the sword back when Dust is finished with it, so she can keep guarding it

“What exactly AM I doing, Ahrah?” Dust asked the sword in not having a clue at this point.

“The answers you seek lie to the east. There is a path through the glade that leads down the mountainside, and from there you will find a village. That is your first step.” Ahrah explained forth in where it was that Dust must first go to begin things.

“THEN will you give me the sword? I reeeeeally need to get it back home before anyone notices it’s gone!” Fidget asked in being a bit worried that if her clan learns of the missing sword, she’ll be in trouble.

“When I find out just what it is I’m supposed to do with it, it’s all yours, Fidget. C’mon, let;s go.” Dust smiled off in feeling a bit cheerful in promising what he’ll do once he’s done using Ahrah, he’ll return the sword to Fidget.

Thus the group begins to move along in leaving the calm meadow scene. But while making their way through, strange monsters show up to attack, but Dust…he suddenly reacted with fast reflexes & swift actions to wield the sword to slice, dice, & chop the monsters to bits. Even when one monster slice him from behind, something strange happened that made Fidget yelp in seeing Dust was….turning to dust, and flew around to splice the foe into defeat & reassemble himself.

“Whao! Nobody said anything about monsters around here!” Fidget cringed from what they just saw & fought, that was crazy.

“Strange…Where did I learn these skills?” Dust asked off in being puzzled by what it was he even did; as the skills he did were alien to his very sense of awareness.

“You wield the Sword of Ahrah, and with it, all the skills imbued therein.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining things to Dust about how it was that he perform such skilled swordsmanship.

“Uh, hello? Monsters?!” Fidget cringe a bit with worry about them standing around in a place where monsters may attack again.

“But what about when I was hurt, I didn’t bleed, I turn…to dust…and move like…I could control & reform myself?” Dust asked off another question of an ability different from the sword skill he could do.

“It is because you were chosen to wield the Element of Dust.” Ahrah explained forth in what it was, that Dust has inside of his very body, a power that suits him even with his name.

“Wait, hang on. You mean he not only has you, but an Element too?” Fidget replied off shock in disbelief in having heard this.

“An element…and it is…dust?” Dust questioned off such a thing as if not understanding further.

“With it, your body can turn to dust & become solid again. You can even attack in forms so small, none may see it coming, and slip away unseen. It is a very unique element, and as its wielder, you must tend to take care in how it’s use.” Ahrah explained forth in what the Element of Dust can do, and that with Dust as the wielder, he is all but invincible, & must use his special gift wisely.

“Is that why I summoned you? To control this power?” Dust asked if the reason he called for Ahrah, was to control these powers & abilities he was never aware he had until recently learning about them in the field of combat.

“It is unlikely, Dust that I would awaken from my slumber for such selfish reasons.” Ahrah humbly issued that such a reason seem hardly a reason at all that he came to Dust in the first place. “There is a village beyond these woods. Perhaps finding it will aid in restoring your memories.” Ahrah spoke off in stating what lies ahead for them to see & can help Dust out.

“And then we’ll be in the clear, right? No more monsters?” Fidget cringed a bit worried that maybe if they reach the village, they’ll be safe from meeting more monsters then.

“Fidget, I think things are about to get a whole lot worse.” Dust regrettably decline that from here out, things may get harder than easier.

“Hugh….And to think, this morning started off so well!” Fidget sighs in regret in seeing how things were starting to look positive, only for them to fall apart later on.

“Dust….Dust…” Then Fidget’s voice was heard off that was not from her own body.

“Fidget?” Dust responded puzzled, why was he hearing her voice out of her body?

Then everything was starting to fad out & become all blurry without any notice. Soon the scene goes dark & then Dust soon felt like he was falling into a bottomless pit before…it all went quiet.


Then at that moment, we find Dust groaning to sit himself up from being woken from where he slept. From the surroundings, Dust was still within the Rainbow Castle and he appeared to have dreamt up something…from the past no doubt. Looking to his side, Fidget flapped her wings in having been alert of Dust’s little action.

“Hey Dust, you okay?” Fidget asked off in feeling worried at the moment.

“I’m…fine…” Dust slowly responded innate wanting to make Fidget worry about him.

“Oh really, doesn’t sound too much of fine.” Fidget raised an eyebrow to remark off this as the opposite of fine.

“Just…that old images of the past. Of when I met you all, and how my journey began.” Dust issued off to say what he saw from his sleep, what was his past, somewhat it seems.

“We have come far since we began, and you Dust have managed much progress since then.” Ahrah spoke from levitating from nearby to speak to his sword wielder about what has occurred that lead to their present development.

“I know, but still…I can’t seem to forget what I was…who I use to be before…” Dust slowly spoke off to say this in feeling remorse over what he went through.

“Aw, cheer up, at least we’ve gotten over all of that, and here we are. On a brand new journey.” Fidget smiled off to try to bring up the encouraging stuff to help Dust out of his gloomy mood. “And besides, when was the last time we slept in a cozy little castle than sleeping outside in the cold? I’ll tell you, NEVER, and the first night, you can’t sleep like a rock even when your pillow was a rock.” Fidget was starting to sarcastically make some statements about the first time they can sleep in someplace nice, and Dust has a hard time sleeping.

“Okay, okay Fidget, I understand….even though most of that was a little off of the main subject.” Dust spoke worried in his defense in upsetting Fidget while slowly reminding her about how off the subject was from what they were speaking about.

“Well, I’m glad my point still made it across!” Fidget crosses her arms to huff in stating that she made herself quite clear.

“Oh it did, it most certainly did.” Dust lightly responded in how he got the message, since Fidget never would drop it unless he gets it.

“Tell us Dust, what view of those around you have help determine their view of wielding elements, similar of your own?” Ahrah asked forth in bringing in a new subject to which they can discuss those that they have come to know.

“I could sense it, Ben Mare’s element…Pinkamena’s element…but…the others, Twilight & her friends felt…not whole.” Dust spoke off in feeling strange& uncertain about those like Ben’s Triforce, Pinkamena’s Aging elements, but the Mane Six felt like….they didn’t have the complete package, why?

“It was because they return their elements to the Tree of Harmony, but even so, I sense their connection is not…entirely lost.” Ahrah wisely spoke in explaining the contents of the matter of what occurred & what there still remains to be seen.

“Is such a thing possible?” Dust asked off stump in having heard something like that just now.

“That is for them to discover.” Ahrah slowly stated to humbly point out the answer to the question itself.

“Well if you wanna talk to them, let’s try taking this up in the morning. I still need some sleep without hearing you moan.” Fidget stated off that while this was a nice chat, they need to get some sleep, and Dust’s moans kept her awake.

“Oh really Fidget, this coming from a Nimbat who either snores or talks about food in their sleep.” Dust smiled off to make a wise-crack about how even Fidget has some faults she never admits.

“I’m not listening, I’m sleeping…Lalalalaaaaa!” Fidget responded off to say in going to bed & turn her head away to pretend she didn’t hear such things.

“Heh…good night Fidget…” Dust let off a little chuckle with a smile as he said goodnight to the Nimbat.

Soon the group begins to go back to sleep at this time now. And with that, the scene begins to fad out with who knows what may come the next time they are awake….


The next morning final came around as the Sparkle Family was getting themselves ready to have their daily breakfast. Then entering into the kitchen was Dust, as he carried Ahrah & Fidget flapped her wings to follow along. Wasn’t long before their presence was soon noticed.

“Good morning Dust, did you all sleep well?” Twilight smiled to greet the one who has woken up now.

“Well, it was…an intriguing new experience.” Dust slowly stated in how it felt to rest within a castle.

“In short, it was nice to sleep on something that wasn’t dirt or rocks or a log for a change.” Fidget spoke off with a smile in having speak out the terms of how glad they could enjoy a good rest.

“Man, what are you, the guy’s interpreter?” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing that Fidget says other stuff that doesn’t sound much like what Dust himself even admits.

“I like to see myself as the one that makes the certain senses of what Dust lacks to say.” Fidget cross her arms to huff in pointing out to the Moon Dragon about what she does for certain things Dust himself lacks.

“So we’ve seen.” Ben replied off in feeling that those two have a strange bond in looking out for another.

“While Fidget may have some things to be….questionable, of her actions…she isn’t all so bad once you get to know her.” Dust smiled a bit in stating what his companion here does for him, is because she feels concern.

“Sounds like something those that are good friends would say.” Nyx smiled off happily in seeing how good these two are.

“It’s strange, since the only friends I have…is just Fidget & Ahrah.” Dust held his head to ponder the question of those he has come to know so much as his close friends.

“Oh really, what, you need more than a Nimbat & a talking sword to get around.” Fidget narrow her eyes in feeling like Dust needs others than just those he’s got cause they aren’t pony friends.

“Heh, heh, I mean no disrespect, Fidget.” Dust let off a little chuckle in seeing he hit a nerve, but he meant no harm.

“Well, why not sit down…I’ve just got everything setup.” Spike spoke off in having just brought out the thing they can enjoy eating on the first morning.

“Wait a moment…something isn’t right here.” Ahrah spoke suddenly in having…sense a disturbance.

“Whah, since when can a talking sword state things if it has no mouth?” Phobos asked off in finding the sudden action to be puzzling that a sword is telling them to not eat.

“That’s…a fairly good question.” Fidget replied off puzzled, Ahrah would never say something like that, it’s not in him to joke around.

“Dust, I’m sensing a dark presence far away….they are making a move.” Ahrah wisely spoke words of concern & caution of something faraway is about to attack.

“What?” Dust asked off in hearing this to be very surprise to hear.

“Dust, what’s going on? What did Ahrah mean by….” Twilight was about to ask what was even going on by such claims until…

Just then without warning, some unknown noises are heard from a distance, and when they got louder….explosions were heard next. This caused everyone to become active before looking outside of Ponyville, where something was attacking them while the Mystic Shield seem to withstand it. Orbs of light fell from a direction within the clouds to impact the magical shield, but while this went on, it also caught the attention of the Sparkle Family & many other heroes at this time.

“Oh man, just when things were looking like an okay morning!” Phobos groans to complain in seeing their peaceful morning leave them now.

“We need to get out there and see what’s happening!” Ben issued off in knowing they must see what is happening outside.

The Sparkle Family left the room while Spike & Phobos quickly took big bites of some gems to keep up their strength & Nyx also ate some things too. Dust was also trailing behind the others, before they made it around the outer corner border of Ponyville. Joining up with the rest of the Mane Six gang along with Goldie’s crew, were watching the display of something attacking the shields.

“Some pony wanna tell me wha de hay’s going’ on?” Applejack asked off in not knowing what was going on, who was attacking them.

“Oh, I know…we’re under attack!” Pinkie Pie raised her hoof to point out an answer that was easy to follow.

“This ain’t really the time to be smiling now & being random, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash lecture her friend in having the weirdest of moments to make such claims now.

“But what’s attacking us?” Rarity asked off in not knowing who or what was trying to attack their town.

“I can’t tell…all we see are burning orbs before they hit the shields.” Fluttershy stated to say in seeing what was hitting against the Mystic Shield at this time as it was taking a pounding.

“The direction seems to be originating between Unicorn Range & Cloudsdale.” Golden Heart stated from studying where the attacks almost seem to be coming from.

“Well it’s not Cloudsdale, so where is the attacker?” Jack Zen stated that if what is attacking ain’t from the place in the clouds, was it a ground assault.

“It is an invisible area where the enemy hides himself.” Ahrah spoke forth in stating this answer for all to hear this surprising news.

“What do you mean Ahrah?” Dust asked off his sword in how Ahrah even knew that.

“The dark presence I spoke that was near is no doubt belonging to a Dark Mystic, one by the name of General Metric.” Ahrah spoke off in stating that he recall the dark magic presence of an enemy that was attacking them out of sight.

“A Dark Mystic!” Autumn Gem gasped in having heard who the attack was.

“General Metric!” Sombra spoke off the name of the enemy that is performing the attack on them.

“We must approach this with caution, for this opponent is in ways, inhuman, from his cruel & sadistic patterns.” Ahrah spoke wisely with caution, for the enemy is a very unlikeable foe that has a strange habit of performing his work.

“Ohhh, boy; sound like some scary guy we have to face now!” Fidget exclaimed to sigh in regretting to have been told of such things.

“If you are saying the enemy is attacking with something invisible, then perhaps I can detect it.” Omega spoke forth in offering to assist at this time to find the hidden enemy.

“That’s right, I built in a heat seeker program in Omega’s programming to find targets if they thought they give him the slip by turning invisible.” Pinkamena responded off in remembering what she did that Omega can help them find the enemy’s invisible base of operation.

“Then let’s get moving, since the enemy believes we can’t see the target, we won’t know where it is. So we’ll have to approach this in a stealth performance.” Twilight explained the careful plan of how to attack, not drag in attention so they can sneak by, find the invisible enemy base, and put a stop to the attack on their kingdom.

“Like being spies?” Spike stated off in knowing what Twilight was suggesting they do.

“Cool, like secret agents.” Phobos smiled off in liking that plan a lot.

“Oh Phobos.” Nyx shook her head in seeing her pet pal was being silly with such ideas.

“Alright, then let’s go find this Metric & stop his attack. Dust, you coming too?” Ben stated off in seeing what they can do, & runs to the guy here if he wants to help.

“Of course, I won’t stand by and watch innocents be hurt.” Dust responded off that he’ll help out, he won’t like some war seeking general like this Metric bring harm to the innocent.

“Wherever Dust goes, I go! But…I’ll keep my distance when I can.” Fidget proudly declared that she’ll come too, but be keeping a safe distance at best.

“We must hurry, the enemy plans to continue attacking the shield, whatever it is they are achieving to gain must be stop.” Ahrah spoke with caution that the enemy is up to something, and attacking the Mystic Shield must be for something that they are not seeing the whole truth of the attack.

“Alright then, let’s do this.” Dust stated off to say in seeing that it’s time they get going, and stop this action before it spreads.

Soon the band of heroes quickly race off while watching out for any falling orbs of light attacks around the borders outside the shield zone. Their destination, towards whatever sorta stronghold is attacking Ponyville under some invisible tech magic stuff. The scene begins to fad out now, as for what is going to happen soon, will be those about to bring liberation from whoever is trying to bring harm to the Rainbow Kingdom & its citizens.


From a distance within Canterlot, outside the castle, the Royal Sisters: Princess Celestia & Princess Luna, saw what was happening. An invisible enemy was attacking Ponyville, the Mystic Shield was holding, but the attacks were not dropping. If nothing is done, the citizens inside will feel it is unsafe to stay, this trouble the Royal Sister’s minds very much indeed. Celestia & Luna stood on the outside balcony in pondering what was happening before their eyes and how to handle it.

“Sister, what is attacking Ponyville?” Luna asked over in pondering what could be attacking Ponyville at this time.

“I do not know, but it is an enemy we cannot see.” Celestia shook her head in being uncertain of an answer, but knew this was an enemy.

“It would seem the enemy is resorting to warfare now.” Spoke a voice that was coming down from above as both Alicorns moved away to see a magnetic field come down, the sphere disburse to reveal…someone within.

“Magnus!” The Royal Sisters responded in seeing it was none other than Magnus, Master of Magnetism, and keeper to the Element of Magnetism.

“If nothing is done, lives will be lost.” Magnus spoke forth in getting straight to the point of what is currently underway.

“What you say is true. I doubt that Twilight, my son & their friends would standby & watch this happen.” Celestia nods off slowly in seeing that such a scene cannot be ignored, Twilight & company have surely gone off by now.

“But we can barely notify where the enemy is, only from a distance. How can they find them?” Luna stated to say that they cannot locate where the enemy is, how will Twilight’s group even find the enemy unseen.

“Leave them be, as for myself…I shall join them.” Magnus simply stated in letting those going off to tend to such things while he too, shall assist.

“You’re going to partake in the battle, Magnus?” Luna spoke forth in being surprise, this pony is known for having to be one to overcome battles & wars.

“I can sense them, the magnetic waves their technology produces, such things will hold metal as their structure.” Magnus explained forth this statement about how the enemy clearly has things that he too, can sense…and contend to stop them.

“Then we shall leave this in your capability. Just please, help the others.” Celestia asked that Magnus help out, and also help keep their friends & family safe.

“I shall, and I will observe how Twilight wishes to keep her kingdom safe…so that a war will not bring her ruin.” Magnus responded off to say this while he shall do what he can.

“Twilight shall understand.” Celestia nodded her head in having a good belief in Twilight.

“Of that, we are certain.” Luna replied off to say in having good trust as well.

“Then it is time I make preparations…and help make sure what I experience will not be what haunts them.” Magnus responded off to say in knowing what he must do, he won’t let what war did to him, be happened again with those like Twilight & the gang…he won’t let it happen.

“Be safe Magnus. Trend carefully now.” Celestia spoke in wishing Magnus the best of luck in what he’s about to get into.

“May the Mag’ne watch over you,” Luna replied forth in wishing that this pony be safe & be under protection.

“Thank you….and goodbye…” Magnus responded off to the kindness he received from those that understand him and turns to leave.

Then without warning, a magnetic field covered around Magnus, as he soon was flatting off into the sides to head directly for the battle about to commence. The Royal Sisters watch & pray that all things will be well for those they trust; be it with Twilight’s group and with those aiding them against this enemy foe. The scene grows darker now as new events are sure to unfold within due time of a new battle to be commenced…

Author's Note:

The memory dream scene is a unique reference from 'Dust: An Elysian Tail' that tells the story of how the character came to be, especially the OC made by VISION-KING.

And there we go, another chapter is done. The next chapter, the gang locate the invisible base, which turns out to be a mobile base. And as everyone goes through in overcoming what lies in wait, an enemy named Cobar gets in the way. And this foe can be treated like a Mad Dog, just like the real enemy, Metric. What will happen from here, stay tune to find out...